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DRC 10128109:
Dryden Recreation Commission
Minutes of the October 28, 2009,lMeeting
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Present: Melissa 6iancor+r, Andrew Pierx,`e, Elsie Gutchass, Larry !,'time, Eric Hicks, Dorn Scutt, Steve Stelick, Jr,,
Sharon Todd, Vicki Wilkens, Waice.Knighl (,uesr), Wendy Martin, Dan SchM' ohe, Jason Leifer, Aafty
MXard-(Rewrdjhg Secretary)
1. The meeting was called to order at 7:02 p,m,
2. Recognition of Guests. Wendy Martin and Patty Millard were welcomed as guests to the meeting.
3, Membership AVplication- Wendy Martin, Village resident, submitWd an application for DR membership. After
a brief question and answer session, The commission excused W. Martin to discuss her application and potential
membership., The DRC -voted in favor, with one abstention, of recommending the Town Board appoint W. Marlin
to fill the current vacancy,
4- Discussion of protocol involved with selecting new members. Motion was made by ID Schmohe to establish a
commhttee to prescribe protocoh'for appointments. Discussion ensued. The, motion was amended to prescribe the
protocol as being: the applicant will be dismissed after O &A with a recorrnmendatipn and discussion made after
they leave. Protocol to go into affect January 2010. E Gulch ED 2�d the motion- Moti o n carried unanimously -
5. Dan Kwasnowski will becoming tD the next meeting to discuss the timeline of.lhe. approval of the Open Space
Plan and Maser Recreation Plan. He end Melissa have been working cn MErgi'ng the two doduments- These are
really two pieces of the same thing, With a ll of the help from the DRG, ma. ny pieces have been cleaned up. Some
new, standards; have been added-- The concept of neighborhood park vs, community park. Proposed standards
include a playground, bathroom. fadlities, etc, This information will be given the 1) RC and feedback requested,
B. Minutes,'A motion was made by L- K nkre, seconded by V Wilkins, to accept the minutes from the 0911612009
meeting as written, The motion carried (unanimous).
7. Recreatlon Department's Quarterly Update. M. Bianconi presented the following updates:
Preliminary 20 ?0 �3trc et ' M. Bianconi handed out informatiDn on.the proposed Recreation Budget for.2410-
Tite Town Board asked the R�ecrearhon Npt keep a 0% growth in their request. M Bianconi was able to do
this- Would like to sae the DRC oorne up with a fee structure in the fului=e, For 2009, the Recreation Dept wlll
meet the projected revenue for the year, Revenue has increased each year for the past 3 years since
Melissa took over, Owes that to a broader scope of program offerings. Highlighted somr~ information on the
handout. Ttiyo new sines, Special Events and Community Fireworks. This is just the program poriioa of the
Recreation Budget.
There was some discussion regarding changes and potential changes in the future. Summar golf program isn't
listed- Thai was funded by thebryden Youth Opportunity Fund, not the Town- Is there more The DRC could
do to herp support same of the programs that are run by others? Fultrre agenda item.
• E�00rpmfi6n numbers: M Bianconi will email these tomorrow to everyone.
up fall and wp vab6,
rate' rwns'.A Pi erne gave an update.cn the programs that are wrapping
upright new- The kids were ab16 to play flag foolball under the lights, which was a trig hit for the kids. 1
annual fall.harvest MotherlSpn dance is coming up November 7 at 7, pro at the Village Hall, The wrestling
toumamenF is corning up in December. A basketball tournament coming up in February. In collaboration with
TC3, will be holding in -house basketball program In January and Family Fun Nighis on Fridays during the
winter. A Pierce out some information for coaches that comes from the Youth Sports Institute program thal
all youth coaches are now required to attend prior to coaching.
A mid - season evaluation was sent out last week —A Pierce went over sorne responses he race ived from parents,
E Hicks and L Hinkle were invited to a meeting with the youth football coaches, M Bianconi and A Pierce. E
Hicks gave an overview of the m"ling and stated that he felt M Bianconi did a great job working with these
coaches and addressing some issues that came up this past season- As a commission, we should come up
with a policy regarding haw to file complaints abort Coaches, how those complaints are fohlowed up on, etc.
Right now, there is no avenue for parents if they have a complaint with a coach other than to complain to the
Recreation Staff. There needs To be a procedure in place to investigate complaints and what steps should
be taken under vehat circumstances. Need To Include steps involved whether the complaint Involves a ❑each
or a parent. The Commission agr"d that there should be a policy in place to dear with complaints and a
procedure to follow, regardless of where the complaints comes from Dr who it Is directed to,
5 Todd suggested we convene a subcommittee for 2010 to work on this policy, A Pierce will be the staff rep to
this subcommittee.
DRC 10128109
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S StelA recommended an interview process be included for all coaches every year prior to them coming on
board for the season. The mid season and end of season evaluiations can be used as well to help coach our
8, Town Board Monthly Update, J. Lei Fer and S, Stelick presented the following update-
The preliminary budget has been finalized- No dacision has been made on continued funding, but this year's
transfer has been made.
M Knight was appointed as the Community Center representative.
9. CCSD update — L. Hinkle
aj Task force has teen formed, First meatiag will be November V at 7 pm.
b) Met with Sandy Sherwood regarding field issues from earlier in the year. Handed out a buildinglFacilities
Usage Bequest Form. Requested that any expectations be listed on the usage form when it is filled in each
year to help ensure issues can be headed off before they become an issue next year.
10, Conlmufllty Center Update — M Knight
a) Received reports from the centers, Ellis Hollow has some upcoming events, Hoping to spend funds
received on a pavilion and signage. Pool repair project In progresa - $7500, Etna has new playground
equipment installed. Varna nearing completing on installation of generator— big enough to power center,
Paid for by NYS Member ltem Grant (Be rbara Liftonj, W11 hold unveiling 1 thank you ceremony — scheduling
with B. Lifting_ UVOrking on getting Emergency Center status_ Wakding future events. Polling place, Cats — 3
annual chiri and apple pie cook off corning up- Open for Village Tree lighting — it wall be on a Saturday this
year Dn December 5'". No report from Bethel Grove, M Knight to conlacl Gary fm We to make that
11. Old lausiness,
a) Recreaticn Master Plan. M, Biariconi asked lhat the DRC submit recommendaGons of standards to include
for every park that we have and I or will create in the Town of Dryden. Initial ideas are. a sign, a bathroom, a
playground, OW,
b) Dryden Old Home Days 2009, E Gutchess reported that even with the storm, had 70 people sign in. Day 21
had 573 people sign in al the lake Dark. Had folks from 6 different states as well as Egypt, Germany and
Japan, Had the TC grant of Si 400, a private donation of $1000, and $776 in donations at the gate, $540 at
the auction. Several merchants gave us breaks n purchases for the event, All in a 11 it was a success. A
thank you letler was published in the Tribune. About 200 people donated their titre.
12. Pierre Busineos,
aj Next month we will discuss those whose terms are ending this year and we will accept nominations for the
chair position. Also need to see if Secretary position, according to the Local Law, can be filled by staff.
b) Update from M Bianooni on races — 26 participanls —went really well, Learn ed a lot for next trme-
cj Thanked Mornika for opening up the Community Caf6 for our meeting tonight_ Would like t0 do this again,
13. The meeting was adjourned at 6;50 p, m, {E, Hicks motion, L. Hinkle second, unanimously carried.} The next
meeting will be held Wed nesday, November 18, 2049, 7'00 p.m, at the Community Cafe_