HomeMy WebLinkAbout2009-06-25Dryden l e re ti.on Commission {DR} Monthly Meeting Minutes Thursday,,June 25, 2009, 7:00 pm; Dryden Town Hall Members of Commission,• . 1 . 1. 1 1 r ;. Present: baron- ,76001(chaiO, exp 10, Dorn Scutt, exp 10, i=rk Nicks, exp 09, Elsie Grrtchess, exp 09, Tammy Sherwood, exp, I ?, Vicki Wilkins, exp ? f, . ommunify Association M6?mber, exp 09 Absent: Darr Schmohe, exp 1.0 Town Board Representative: Sieve Steir`ck, Jr. {absent) .& Jason Lamer Town Rec- Director: Meirssa.Bianconi Dryden C,SO Liaison: Larry Hinkle Business Meeting called to order.at 7-02 pm by Sharon Todd 1, Meeting Minutes: . A motion to approve the minutes from January, 2005 and June 4; 2009 was made by Sharon Todd arid seconded by Vicki Wilkins. Discussion held Mth corrections noted, The rxlotion to approve minutes as corrected was approved unanimously. The meeting minutes are to appear on the DRC website for the start of 2009 on, 2. Recognition of guests and community communication•. - Alita Howard from -the Etna Community Center cam to discuss the playground at the Etna Community Park, o They have hired Parkitects to assist o They are building 2 new section forthe younger children and making some improvements on the existing structure for the older children, o They have come up with a 5 —15 year pian- o The ballpark figure for the new structure, a see saw, a spinner, the timbers and mulch, as well as a replacement slide for the existing structure, would be approximately $15,700,00 (which includes the supervision fee of 5600 for Parkitects). o There is a 2 weep lead time to get the equipment in, ': o : They may purchase,equipment through the Town as they are a non - profit organizatiorw- o They are shooting for an August Community Build Date. o There will be 20 post holes and very little site preparatiori involved. o. The structure will he built up with soft surfacing for drainage and:has 2 ground level activities with a ramp over the mulch.' o They are working on a plan for a pathway at the parking lot, o Vicki Wilkins is going to touch base with Alita regarding the ADA accessibility and the retrofitting and improvements to the existing structure - o A lot of the existing equipmert was from the old Etna School in the 60's. o They intend to replace the tires arnd the metal slide. o There is a meeting on the playground on July 2"o. 3. Membership Applications: Alita has mentioned to. the Etna Community Association that there is a position open on this board. There does not seem to be anyone interested at this time, d, Monthly Report of the Recreation Director: - The quarterly report will be give out at next month's meeting - Melissa handed out copies of Tompkins Weekly that contained an article on the Water Wizards program that the Recreation Departrnent ivas involved in, Melissa has made an addition to the registration form regarding disability act compliance and ability to' participate even in unable to pay - - There are 7 new staff members hired for temporary help over the Summer. o Three stsff.members are college students Q Four staff members are youth workers, ages 13 - -15, who are being paid through Tompkins County Workforce and Cornell Cooperative Extension. 5. o These additional staff will assist in painting, helping out at community events 8, summer drop in programs and working at the skateboard park and at WalI Street, o The younger staff are limited t4 20 hours per week and must be supervised a# all times - o Don Scutt mer6oned that the Freeaiile Village Council is looking for help with youth projects, o Staff orientation will be held on Monday and Melissa is working on a guide- - Melissa has been working on health permits and water sources for vending - o Melissa's request to purchase a 4 bay concession sink from a -bey has been approved. o Health permits are only needed for prepared food and are not required for candy or soda concessions, Melissa mentioned that the Reorea #ion Partnership is keeping her busy until the end of July. o The Recreation Partnership is looking at a 7% budget cut across the board. o They still need to maintain the 4% salary increase. o Programs will most likely be cut. o Melissa will keep us posted. o The budget meetings will be held on July 14'" at 4:30 and July 28` ". o Don Scutt requested a copy of the 2008 participant #s and costs, Melissa will bring with her to the next meeting. Music in the Park starts next week with 3 little Birds- - Softball Update was requested by Eric Hicks. o The program has calmed down a lot. o There is a tremendous amount of work associated with this. o There Is a io# of time in maintenance and material and they are taking a closer look at what they will charge the participants in the future, o The condition of the High School fields was mentioned, Standing water bas caused ducks and geese to start hanging out- Field one has sinking first base- Lining and mowing are an issue. ■ 10% improvement over last year- No weed eating was done all season long until it we time to "spruce up" for graduation. ■ The benches were removed, but have since been retumed, ■ Field five will be destroyed by grass if they do not drag it this Summer, Larry will address the Issues with Al. o The Town needs their own ball fields- - The f=ence at Montgomery Park Wilk be discussed at the Village meeting on ,July 16' at 7:00 pm in the Village Hall. Old Business: DRC Goals o Short Term * Recreation Inventory was discussed - Melissa will get to us at July meeting ■ Capital Reserve Fund was discussed. - Draft of recommendation from DRC was reviewed and modified. - Eric Hicks made a motion to approve the resolution as modified with motion seconded by Don Scutt, There was a unanimous vote in favor. Tammy w3l type up rec ommehdation for Sharon to take to Mary Ann to be added to July's agenda for the Town Board Meeting o Intermediate ■ Dryden Qld Home Days was discussed. - Fireworks for Old Homa Days have been approved with the contract sent out last week for the same company that has done them In the p8s#. - The root beer kegs have been secured, - Ribbons (undated) and brochures will be handed out with the agenda, - Admission will be $2 for adults and $1 for children at the admission booth, with a kazoo given to the first 250 children. • - Elsie reviewed the budget so far o Projected income if 500 guests attend the first day and 2000 guests attend the 2nd day the projected revenue is $3,750. o $1750 from grants o $5000 from public o $1500 from donations o $2500 for fireworks from Town of Dryden o The big ticket items (music and rental) are covered by grants. o Elsie is working on donations to cover other expenses (wagon rides, etc_) o Market basket fee for vendors (ca. $10 or so) o Elsie is sending letters out to politicians for a prepared box of items representing their community to be auctioned off. o Possibility for $10,000 revenue overall. o A lot depends on the weather and the turn out. - Don Scutt held discussion with the Dryden Boyscouts and they will be assisting at Old Home Days as part of a community service day. - It was mentioned that perhaps the Girlscouts could help out with the children's games. - It will be "all hands on" as we will need a lot of volunteers to assure things run smoothly. S. New Business: Dryden Central School District Special Committee on Youth Development and Extracurricular Activities was approved at the DCSD Board Meeting with a task force being formed. Next DRC Meeting: Thursday, July 23,2009; 7:00 pm; Dryden Town Hall Next Town Meeting: Wednesday, July 8,2009; 7:00 PM; Dryden Town Hall Next Rec Partnership meeting: PLEASE MARK YOUR CALENDAR'S: 2009 DRC Meeting Schedule (subject to change): 4th Thursday /month — 7:00 pm - Dryden Town Hall unless otherwise noted 064&89; 07123109; 08/27/09; 09/24109; 10122109; Nov & Dec — To Be Determined Motion to Adjourn: by Don Second: by Sharon Approved ✓ Time: 8:58 p.m Respectfully Submitted by Tammy L. Sherwood, appointed Commission Secretary EC: Comm Membors 06126/09