HomeMy WebLinkAbout2009-06-04Dryden Recreation Commission v '(DR ) Monthly Meieting Minutes ,• Thursday, June 4,.2009, T:00 prn; Dryden Town Hall Members of Commission: Present:. Sharon Todd (chain, exp f 0, Dare Scutt, exp I O,.,Dan Schmohe exp 10, Eric Hicks, e)(n 09, Elsie utchess, exp 09, Tammy Sherwow, expo I I ,Vicki WiiWOS, exp 111 .Community Association ernber, -exp 09 Absent: AU in Attendance Town Board Representative: Steve Ste, ick, -Jr, .(absent] Jason Leifer Town Rec- Director. :,ft+ issa ITCOM Dryden CSO Liaison: Larry Hinkl Business Meeting called to order at 7;09 pm by Sharon Todd 1, Meeting Minutes: A motion to approve the minutes was made by Sharon Todd, Clarification was requested. Motion to approve minutes as written was approved with Sharon Todd, Dan Schmohe, Eric Flicks, EIsie.Cutchess -and. VIC4 Wilkins -voting to approve and Don Scutt & Tammy he -wood abstaining, 2. Recognition of guests and cornmunity communications: No guests were present 3, Monthly Report of the Recreation Director;. 2009 Bummer Program Guide was distributed. These guide9 will be distributed three times per year• 4, OJd Business; DRC Goals o Short Term ■ Recreation Inventory was discussed - Should George Jr be added to list? Flo, as It is not "avail able ° Larry suggested adding High School track and open field spaces - 13 8m restoration will provide storage space. Will have wood floor and electric — possible location for dance? - Mill Dam - SEQ locations - Locations with kitchens - Horse traits - Snowmobile trails Fingerl$kes Trail - Beam Hill - Skateboard - Potential — Old Bowling Alley? For sale for' million $s, i Mason's Land? — not prime land. - Melissa is working on a programs inventory. L) RC was in agreement that they would Jike to see this first, ■ DISC Bylaws were discussed- - Larry made moticri to rename as "Membership Guidelines /Bylaws ", Elsie seconded motion, Vote held with Sharon Todd, Dan Schmohe, Eric Hicks, Elsie Gutchess, Tammy Sherwood and Vicki Wilkins in favor and Don Scutt abstaining- - Eric made motion to adopt and approve the current By -Laws with change to the title. Elsie seconded motion, Vote held with Sharon Todd, Dan Schmohe, Eric Hicks, Elsie Gutchess, Tammy Sherwood and Vicki Wilkins in favor and Don Scutt opposed, ■ Capital Reserve Fund was disc ussed• - Jason, Dan and Sharon are working on o Intermediate ■ Dryden Old Home Days was discussed. - The meeting held prigir to the DRC meeting was well attended. - Don made a motion 0 make a recommendation to the Town Board for $2500 for fireworks for Old Home Days. This will give a 15 -18 minute show. Vicky seconded motion. Vote held unanimously in favor. Meeting dates and times were discussed. o Don made suggestion to move meetings to fourth Thursday of the month to allow for any items that may need to go on Board agenda. This seemed well accepted with the next meeting being scheduled for June 25, 2009 at 7:00, 6. New Business: Brief discussion held on service organizations utilizing the rec. dept. What is their role with service organizations? Mission statement is pretty clear — reflect on this. Should minutes contain mission statement? Next DRC Meeting: Thursday, June 25, 2009; 7:00 pm; Dryden Town Hall Next Town Meeting: Wednesday, June 10, 2009,17:00 PM; Dryden Town Hall Next Rec Partnership meeting: PLEASE MARK YOUR CALENDAR'S: 2009 DRC Meeting Schedule (subject to change): 4th Thursday /month — 7:00 pm - Dryden Town Hall unless otherwise noted; 06125/09; 07/23109; 08127109; 09124109; 10122109: Nov & Dec —To Be Determined Motion to Adjourn: by Vicki Second: by Dan Approved ✓ Time: 8:35 p.m Respectfully Submitted by Tammy L. Sherwood, appointed Commission Secretary EC: Comm Mombers 06122109