HomeMy WebLinkAbout2009-05-07Dryden Recreation Commission
Minutes of the May 71 2009, Meeting
Present' Melissa Bfancoru, Elsie GU OeSSr Er'c Hicks, tarry Hinkle, Jason Leifer, Steve Stefickr Jr:,
Sharon Todd, Vfuki Wilkins, Lisa Stelick (guest) .
Absent: Darr schmotle ( +'f ness), Dori Scud, Tammy Sherwood
1. The meeting was called to order at 7:02 p.m,
2, Minutes. f inu #es frorn the 3105!2009 meeting were still not available; approval was therefore
postponed until the next meeting, A motion was made by E, Gutchess, seconded by V, Wilkins, to
accept the minutes from the 411612009 meeting as submitted, The motion carried (unanimous),
3. Recognition of Guests, Lisa - #elick waswelcomed as a guest to the rheeting. `
3- Spec laI Business.1 Due to the important and urgent need of special business (DR expectations
and 'dommunications), diSCOSS ion ensued despite the absence of three members. The following
points highlighted the discussion:
Recent axarrmles inuicatiye of corrrrr unicat+on PXbleMS7 L. Hinkle reminded us that inrJuly 2008
problems with abuse, alcohol, smoking, and misconduct were reported with the duke Erikson
League- The recommendation to pull sponsorship from the league was unanimously supported,
itKa new league being created ih -its place Due to the temporary loss of safe, convenient
playing fields, that league needed to be suspended-for one season until high'school renovations
were completed, L. Hinkle remarked that he was disappoiinted'and surprised at the actions of a
couple ornmission members who went to the Town Board meeting with 50+ softball players;
their actions gave theimp re's sion that we were not united, and the Recrea#foin Department was
not put in' a good light. 'Sfmilar steps were taken with a proposal for a triathalon.
• ' LOrr9 rarr er s rrdrorrre,• Discussion ensued regarding our roles as citizens vs. board members. 11
waS pointed out that Commission members Can change their minds or - issues or disagree on
issues, but can't be lone rangers operating on their own agendas. Personal beliefs need to be
set aside as we strNe to do what is best for the town as a who sp
le, II a passion for a'ecifc cause
makes "it hard for a member to be neutral, then the appropriate action should be for that member
to step down from the Commission and be an- advocate for hisl'her personal faction, °Work with
us or leave' was the basic sentiment. This pert of the discussion culminated withi the recognition
that a need to support the Recreation Department try toting the same line, sharing our
confidence in the Department, being dedicated to the town's needs, and not damaging the
credibiIi #y of the Department, As the DRC Membership Guidelines (created March 2004, revised
December 11, 2007) state, "Deep in mind that; 1) Members have ho individual'authority
separate of the Commission, and 2) Members are Iexpected to support decisions of-the
DR, regardless of personal desires andlor opinions."
qh ME?chanism for addressin tiblic cohcerrrs: B. Todd noted thatI as an advisory board, we are not
necessarily a board of action but a board of irrflaerrce; a aren't the Recreadon Department but a
Commission that can help promote quality of life and find ways'to solicit and share ideas to make
things happen, If'2 citizen comes to a commission member with a'conGern, wt;'at should helshe
do? What steps should be followed? It was agreed that the member should bring that concern
directly to the Recreation Director and inform the Commission at the next meeting, In other
words, we should art as a funnel to guide concerns through the proper channels. The Recreation
Director needs to be able to trust and count on us for our support-
+ u astions to tho Town Boar& Commission members suggested that the Town Board should
respond in a likewise manner to citizens with recrea #ion - re late d concerns; i -e., a citizen should be
guided to go directly to the Recreation Department with a ques tion or concern, If a citizen comes
to a Town Board meeting, the board can solicit public input but fs there to fr'ste rn to the voice, not
necessarily respond on the spat. An appropriate response could be, "Thank you, We will take
that under advisement." Another suggestion was to make sure that recreation items remain on
the Town Board's agenda as they appear, not get pushed bark to a later time on the agenda -
This sends a message that recreation is not a priority in the town,
• 3_ UQ.Gestlorrs o the Recreation "epartmenf: Commission members suggested that the Recreation
director share as much appropriate information with the Commission as possible so infonlled
recornmenda #ions can be made- Likewise, Commission members need to reach back and
respond to the Directors requests for advice or help. All folks should do more ICCing" an emails
to cover their tracks and actions,
■ Ugg19Sti its to fhe Recreadon omrni ion: If
the Recreatioh Director is unable to attend a
Board meeting, the Commission needs to tn2ke sure a representative
is there in her place,
Chair should also attend as many Town Board
meetings as possible.
It was also suggested
the Commission be more Forceful with motions
2nd recommendations
so the Town Board is
on the Commission's posikions.
4. Recreation DIrectoris MonthV Update, M. Bi2ncnn1 presented the following updates:
The Department was awarded a Si,350 United Way Focus grant (the largest award given) to
implement upgrades to the skateboard park and Montgomery Park (e.g., a retractable fence at
the skateboard park),
The Department is also working with the Village on putting money towards Montgomery Park
Tompkins County Mr'kforce will fund a worker for a summer droprin program at Montgomery
Park (free to participants },
The high school fields will now be available for summer softball league use- M. Bianconi
commended Superintendant Sandy Sherwood's and School Board President Anderson Young's
willingness to 'go out on a limb" to snake this happen. Ce sin conditions and stipulations need to
be followed. including staffing by the Recreation Department, signed codes of conduct, etc, L.
Hinkle recommended that the Recreation Department provide ports -johns or help with the
expense of moving the ones by the football field.
The Department received a $2,5D0 grant for equipment through Pitching for Baseball.
5, Old Business,
a- Itecreatlon Inventory. M. Bianroni requested that Commission members examine the
Recreation inventory for accuracy and omissions and bring it to the next meeting -
b, Bylaws. Instead of drafting new 0 R Bylaws, members were asked to look at the existing
Membership Guidelines as a document we might be able to adopt as our bylaws,
c. Capital Reserve Fund. J. Leifer reported that the fund is still in the talking stage. The
Commission hoped a policy regarding surplus funds would be developed, If nothing happens at
the May 27'h Finance am�tittee meeting, J. Leifer was planning to go to Mal on to discuss it.
d. Dryden Old Home Days 2009, E. Cutchess reported on updated plans. She met with 5 of 6
citizens at the Community C W who were interested in taking part. Music is lined up; a group
such as Kiwanis or an athletic team is needed to host a chicken berbeque; s pig roast is planned,
a park clean -up is in the works; L. Hinkle volunteered to help figure oilt fireworks issues; a press
release is planned for the Cortland summer papef; Gadabout will be contacted to get seniors out;
a generator is needed {perhaps from the fire department ?); 2nd DRC is asked to help with the
Soda Spot Tent.
&, New Business,
L. Hinkle brought to the table a motion that the position of vice -chair be eliminated, with the chair
being able to appoint any fellow member to run the meeting in hisiher absence- Short discussion
followed, noting that this position was not part of the Local Lary and is thus not mandated- The
motion way seconded (V- Wilkins) and Carried (un2nlmous vote).
7- The meeting was adjourned at 9:00 p.m. (E. Hicks motion, V. Wilkins second, unanimously carried.)
The next meeting will be held Thursday. June 4, 2009, 7:00 p,m. in the Dryden Town Hall,
Respectfully submitted,
Sharon Todd