HomeMy WebLinkAbout2009-01-08Dryden Recreation Commission
• (DRC) Monthly Meeting Minutes
Thursday, January 8, 20097 6:30 pm; Dryden Town Hall
Members of Commission:
Present: Don Scutt (vice - chair), exp 10. Dan Schmohe exp. 10 (tardy — 6 :44), Eric Hicks, exp 09,
Elsie Gutchess, exp 09, Tammy Shenvood, exp 11, Vacancy 1, exp 11, Community Association
Member, exp 09
Absent: Sharon Todd (chair), exp 10 (excused)
Town Board Representative: Steve Stelick, Jr., & Jason Leifer (absent)
Town Rec, Director: Melissa Bianconi .
Dryden CSD Liaison: Larry Hinkle
Business Meeting called to order at 6:33 pm by Don, seconded by Tammy
1. Meeting Minutes:
- A motion to approve the minutes.was made by Don, seconded by Tammy and
Don noted that we will strive to have the minutes and agenda distributed within 2
2. Recognition of guests and community communications:
No guests were present
3. Membership Applications:
Don will contact Vicky Wilkins regarding availability to attend. If able to attend
regular meetings, we would like to extend a personal invitation to Vicky to attend
- February 2009 meeting.
Melissa has sent e-mail to community associations looking for volunteers and a letter
is to be sent with the grant applications.
All nominees have accepted — Melissa will let Bambi know that this needs to go on
the agenda for the Town Board Meeting. (This was not done — Tammy sent email to
Bambi to put on next month's agenda)
4. Monthly Report of the Recreation Director:
Seasonal Report was given
Gym use being blocked but not used at District was discussed — Larry Hinkle will
look into this.
Music in the Park band suggestions were discussed.
o New Orleans Jazz — Dan Schmohe — they are submitting app
o Small Kings — Lary Hinkle & Don Scutt — contact Frank Raponi
o Teacher's Lounge?
o Beyond Measure — Don Scutt
o Steve Southworth — Dan Schmohe
o Scuttlebutt — Dan Schmohe
o The Rods — Don Scutt
Team formats of grade vs. age was discussed to help differentiate between school
sponsored sports and Dryden Rec, Dept. sports programs. Other opposing teams
are mostly formatted by grade.
Melissa requested ideas for. use of the remaining budget for review.
July Agenda will have Rec Dept budget added to it as a permanent agenda item.
When Rec Partnership Participation #s are received, Melissa will let us know:
Don would like to see a pie chart of individual programs to show % of individual
program budget.
Formula for participant fee was discussed.
o There is not a set formula and it is up to the discretion of the Rec Director to
establish fees.
o Melissa feels keeping as affordable as possible is important.
Town of Dryden Community Center Program Grant application reviewed.
A motion was made by Eric for Melissa to get her photo on the Dryden Recreation
Department website by next meeting. Don seconded and all approved.
5. Old Business: a
DRC Goals
o Short Term
• Don Scutt made motion for Dryden Recreation Commission to
recommend to Rec Director that there be establishment of a youth
golf program. This motion was seconded by Elsie Gutchess. All
voted in favor
• Discussion was held of perhaps getting kids from golf team to
help out.
• DRC Bylaws — DS to obtain and tweak Conservation Board By -laws
• Dan wants to go to Town Board (must be approved by us) regarding a
Capital Reserve Fund to be proposed to support facilities in the
• $ from fund raisers can go into Capital Reserve Fund
• Tammy made a motion to have Dan draft a request, for our
review at the next meeting, to be presented by the Liasion to
the Town Board to request Capital Reserve Fund for
recreation facilities. Elsie seconded. All voted in favor.
o Intermediate
• Fair ! Festival was discussed.
• Saturday, August 16', Elsie has reserved the Dryden Lake
Pavilion for James St School Gass reunions.
• Elsie will do advertising and planning.
• Wondering if we could bring together some other events at
the same time.
• Perhaps get a band for that evening?
• Don has a reunion website and their Gass has decided to get •
together 1 weekend per year as well.
• Alumni website page is available (Tammy & Don to locate)
• Elsie is expecting anywhere from 50-100 people.
• Generational school reunion was discussed_
• Elsie will get us details of August 1$ event.
o Long Term
■ Postponed until next meeting.-
- Meeting dates and times were discussed.
o The next meeting will be held on February 5, 2009 @ 7:00 PM
Draft code of ethics
o A code of ethics already exists — item to be removed.
6. New Business:
No new business
Next DRC Meeting: TO BE DECIDED — Thursday, February 5, 2009 ?; 7:00 pm; Dryden
Town Hall
Next Town Meeting: Wednesday, January 14, 2009; 7:00 PM; Dryden Town Hall
Next Rec Partnership meeting:
PLEASE MARK YOUR CALENDAR'S: 2009 DRC Meeting Schedule (subject to change): TO
BE DETERMINED 1st Wednesday /mon 7:00 pm ?- Dryden Town Hall unless otherwise
noted; 02105/09:
Motion to Adjourn: by Don Second: by Tammy Approved ✓Time: 8:47 p.m
Respectfully Submitted by Tammy L. Sherwood, appointed Commission Secretary •
EC: Comm Members 01/15008