HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-05-22Dryden Recreation Commission (DRC) Meeting Minutes
Thursday, 5/2212003 -7:30 am— Recreation Dept. Office (REVISED 61512003)
(at Dryden School District Office downstairs conf. Room)
*embers Present: Bill Finnerty- Chair, Jim Wood -Vice Chair; Ralph Boettger, Ron Space 1I; Vicki Wilkins
embers Absent: Jeff Bushnell; Ann Grant; Matty Hamel; Marty Wilson
Town Board Rep. Present: Steve Stelick
Town Rec. Coord: Jennifer Glaab
Guests: Lisa Stelick (note taker)
Meeting began at approx. 7:40am. Lisa Stelick took notes for this meeting.
April 24, 2003 Minutes— motion to approve minutes with correction to #8.c. 2`1 line. change the words`lake ovet'to "work with).
Moved by Vicki; Seconded by Jim. Approved Unanimous
No fornial agenda was prepared.
On -going Business & Updates
Dairy Day
Ron will call Betty Cook to secure the booth location in the park
Bill will contact and work with Russ K. (Dryden Athletic Club President), Brian June, and Ralph Boettger to
coordinate the booth work schedule and also to get on the same page with where were at in regard to the MS/11S
gym spruce -up (i.e., volunteers, donations, etc.) as well as a forthcoming community meeting to generate interest.
Jim Wood will work on confirming the price for the mat covering for the gym
Lisa reported (via communication from Brian June) that Crown Construction has donated 25 gallons of white
paint. (5129103 Note: Lisa also confirmed with Alan Tallman, DCS Manager of Facilities & Planning that the
school can provide approx. 10 gallons of white primer paint, brushes, and roller extensions (I didn't get firm ifs of
brushes, roller extensions)).
Jen & Matty are working on the airplane toss for the Dairy Day parade —Jen will check with Staffords on a car to
use — (5/29/03 vote: per Jen, Matty told her she has secured the car). The winner will be awarded $50.
Bill will ask his wife Patti if she would be willing to make up the media ad regarding our events at Dairy Day.
Jen offered to submit the ads if Patti sends it to Jen.
Lisa is working on a tri -fold brochure regarding the gym project - to be handed out during the Dairy Day parade
& at the booth.
Steve mentioned air -time on`�Call Casey'on Thursday, 6/12103. Invite Jen, Bill, Russ, Callan Space (Ron's
daughter who is the Alt. Dairy princess) and ?? to promote Dairy Day, Dryden Lake Festival, Gym Sprucc -Up,
Outdoor Concession Stand fundraising. Steve will make the contact with the radio station or Casey to schedule.
Ralph will contact Russ K. to work with Steve regarding a BBQ fundraiser for Gym & concession stand projects.
Dryden Lake
Annual "Festival" — scheduled for Sat., 8/9/2003
Jen is working on the details with Leva the Town Secretary
Steve mentioned having a booth for a chicken BBQ as a fundraiser for Dryden Youth Sports or ?' ?'? (to help offset
the costs of these programs, supplies, etc.)
Wall Street
[fall Field (Bill Reported)
Bill called Gary Tingley with the phone company —the pole is now moved and out of the ball field.
Bill mentioned that some teams have used the field for practices and the kids just loved it.
A couple of low spots on the field will need to be addressed.
The bases are staked out. Bill said he would ask Dave Hicks to set -up volunteers to cut out the bases so the
ground can start being broken down.
No money from the Village in the current 2003 budget —the Village will need to be asked (by ? ?) to build money
into the 2004 budget.
Parking is still a question —Bill will contact Mr. Bradley at the Village.
Need backstop. Ralph mentioned that the school has two that aren`t being used. Ralph said were welcome to use
them. Fred Whitmore from Whitmore Fence is another possibility to approach.
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- —Town of Dryden Recreation Commission 5/22/03 meeting minutes continued
Recreation Coordinator Report (Jen Reported)
1. Boat rentals are a go at Dryden Lake. Fri., Sat., Sun. for now starting ASAP through August.
2. She has an advertisement out seeking a part-time person to man the boat rentals
3• Cayuga Board Rentals will supply us the boats and run the operation •
4. They will provide a floating dock.
5. Lacrosse is over –it went well.
6. Summer baseball leagues are starting – softball is going slow need participants –adult leagues also
7. Music -In -The -Park: June - August in Montgomery Park on 3`d & 4d' Wednesdays for 2 hours beginning at 6 or
6:30pm (swing, blues, big band, light -n -easy. )
8. Shared information about an Aviation Program for children ages 8-17. Free flights on Fathers Day –June 15d' to
help promote aviation –Goal: 1 million youngsters in the air by December 17, 2003.
9. Working on updating web page for the Town of Dryden
I. Vicki volunteered to work as a subgroup with Malty to tweek these. She'll email the drafts to the DRC.
2. Jell will place the completed version on the Town's web page
i4lonthly DRC Meetings
1. After some discussion it was agreed to meeting twice monthly for the next month or two since we have so much
on our plate right now. Continue with 7:30am on I" & 3rd "Thursdays.
Meeting Adjourned around 8:45am
Next Meetings:
Thursday, 6/5/2003
Thursday, 6/19/2003
7:30am at DCS Downstairs Conference Room (Town Recreation Office Bldg.) (approx. l -hour meetings)
Respectfully Submitted,
Lisa W. Stelick, notetaker
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