HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-01-29•Members Present:
Town Board Rep. Present:
ittlembers Absent:
Recreation Commission
01. +29/2003 - 7:30am
— Dryden
Town Hall
Ralph Boettger, Jeff Bushnell, Bill Finnerty, Matty Hamel, Vicki Wilkins, Jun Wood
Steve Stelick, Jr.
Vacant 2003 Slot, Vacant 2005 Slot, Vacant 2005 Slot
Lisa Stelick, Jetvwifer Glaab, Marty Wilson, Mark Varvayanis
?vleeting began at approx. 7:40am. Lisa Stelick took notes for this meeting.
1. December 19, 2002 Minutes — approved
2. Welcomed Guests: Marty Nilson is an anticipated Board appointment to the DRC; Jennifer Claab is an
anticipated appointment to TOD Recreation Coordinator Position at 215103 Town Board Meeting; Lisa Stelick
volunteer note taker; Mark Varvayanis, Dryden Town Supervisor. Ron Space 11 was also invited but had a prior
commitment. Ron is also an anticipated Board appointment to the DRC.
3. Current DRC Vacancies: 1) Term Expires 2043 (Alice Green slot); 2) Term Expires 2005 (Stewart Gray slot);
and 3)'17enn Expires 2005 (Robert Slocum slot). Names were mentioned as possible DRC members. (Note: as of
1111/03 Atrn Grant has agreed to .submit her letter of interest to serve on the DRC)
On -Going Business:
1, Wall Street Ball Field: Bill Finnerty will take over this project and the contacts with NYSHG, etc. The pole will be
moved prior to little league starting. Bill will be working on getting the fields fined— the field will be marked as a "A
League" field — the bases will be moved in for the younger divisions. The pitching mound will be a modified raised
mound. Bill will also check with Fred Whitmore of Whitmore Fence regarding the status of the backstop fencing.
2. Varsity Soccer Field Lights: Steve will check on the status of obtaining these poles and report back at the February
3. Recreation Brochure: The second batch of brochures have been distributed by Bob Slocum. The original pages
were turned over to Jennifer in the event more copies need to be made. '!hanks to Matty for getting the printing done
at TC3.
4. School Hall- of-Famc: Ralph reported that the first induction has been put off to the Fall — lots of input coming in.
This program may go through the Dryden Lions Athletic Club to ensure a strong annual event.
5. School Adaptive PE Station /Weight Room Project: Ralph reported that this project is still at the State Education
Dept. Ralph mentioned the possibility of keeping the current weight room available in addition to the new room.
Both rooms would have different types of exercise equipment. There was also talk of the school weight rooms being
made available for community use. Marty cautioned of avoiding competition with local businesses (i.e., Curves, TC3,
Groton Health Center, etc,),
New Business:
I. Welcome Reception for New Recreation Coordinator. Commission felt this is a great way to introduce this
positions and Jennifer to the community, local business owners, media, etc. Notatty asked if it should be billed as a
"reception" or as an "open - house ". Jennifer preferred reception. Talk ensued of a possible date, location for this
event. Suggestion was made of having it on a Friday and perhaps usin ; one of the DES gynutasiums. Lisa will
contact the School Superintendent for input of school involvement and will report that status at the February
meeting. Steve handed out a "draft" beginning list of possible invitees (less Jen's personal guests) to this
reception. DRC members were asked to review this list and discuss further at the February meeting.
2. TO Field Partnership with Town of Dr1 deli: .Steve reported that this project may produce 2 -3 fields for use by
soccer, lacrosse, football, etc. Hopefully the fields will be ready for late summer. Discussions ensued about the
possibility of concessions, electricity, and bathroom access at these fields. These are future discussion items.
3. Re- Organizational Appointments: Bill Finnerty, Chair (nominated by Malty; approved unanunous); Jitri Wood,
Vice Chair (nominated by Bill; approved unanimous)
2003 Monthly Meetings: 4`' Thursday /month unless conflicts; 7:30- 8:30am; Dryden Town Hall
DRC Goalsfklission: Alice Green and /or Mike Allmendinger have the documents. Lisa will obtain for next
2003 Membership Contact info: see attached document.
Attendance Police: Just a reminder that there is a Town of Drvdcn Local haw regarding committee attendance.
It basically states if there arc 3 consecutive absences or 5 absences within the year the membership of the absent
® member will be reviewed for dismissal.
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Dryden Recreation Commission Mecting Minutes of 01/29/03 continued
DrXden Recreation Commission Current'rerms & Vacancies:
• Member Term Expires
Dryden School Ath. Dir. Permanent Member
Jeff Bushnell 2003
Vickie Wilkins 2003
James Wood 2004
William Fimterty 2004
Matty Hamel 2004
vacant 2003 (Green slot)
Vacant 2005 (Slocum slot)
Vacant 2005 (Gray slot)
4. rti7S/EIS Main Gym Conununity Spruce. -Up: Lisa reported that a community member (Brian June) had
approached her at a home basketball game and asked who to contact regarding sprucing up the main gym at the
MS/HS so it is more visually pleasing and represents the school and promotes schoollcommunity spirit. The
school colors are purple and white so why are the walls & wall mats blue. Brian also asked if the banners could
be straightened and the display redesigned.
Brian is artistic and would donate his time and skill to paint a purple lion face on two walls (one on each wall
behind die main basketball hoops). The vision is for the walls to be painted white, have a purple lion face on two
walls, possibly add some language painted on the walls such as "Welcome to the Home of the Lions ", resurface
the wall mats in purple, and redesign the display of banners. It would be a conununitY project so no funds would
come from the school budget.. We would obtain donated products or a cut -in- price, borrow equipment; and use
volunteers to keep this project low cost.
Lisa suggested to Brian that Dr. Pat Arc.hantbault, Superintendent and/or Ralph Boettger, Athletic Director
would likely be the first contacts. Dr. Pat happened to be at this game so this idea was discussed with her and she
thought it was a good idea and to go forward with information gathering.
So far the following has occurred: 1) Per Brian, Crown Construction has agreed to donate the use of ladders,
scaffolding, drop cloths. Paint & brushes are other possibilities although not confirmed; 2) The Dryden Lions
Athletic Club has been contacted as a source to run any ftutding/invoices through them, not through the school; 3)
Jim Wood is checking on pricing or donations for purple plastic for the resurfacing of the wall mats.
Feedback from the DRC: l) Ralph suggested the PL teachers be informed prior to any work being done; 2)
Matty volunteered to check with the owner (or manager?) of Bishops regarding donation of Purple and White
Paint ( ?and brushes ?); 3) Jim will continue his quest regarding the purple plastic for the wall mats; Lisa asked for
folks who are creative regarding a redesign display for the banners (we're told there are a lot more banners in
storage); 4) Lisa asked Ralph if he would ask the PL staff to straighten the banners when they become crimped.
Still yet to do: 1) A concern was expressed about liability of non - school employees painting. Lisa will check
with the insurance company for a possible rider to cover this community event and the school would contract out
to this group (or through a business) for the work to be done; 2) Brian June suggested presenting the students/staff
with a couple of lion faces to vote on for the lion face to be painted on the walls. it is his thought that this would
help stir up excitement and involvement in this community project; 3) prepare a timeline for this project to occur;
4) promote for and acquire volunteers, supplies & equipment and possible business donations to help cover costs.
Volunteers would consist of experienced painters and other volunteers to run errands, run concessions; and clean-
up; 5) Lisa will contact ivfarianne Christofferson, local interior designer, community member, and parent of three
Dryden Students, regarding suggestions,/lrelp on the redesign of the display of banners; 6) Lisa will continue talks
with Brian June, 7) other thoughts...
The DRC is to give status report at February meeting.
5. FYI - Upcomina Tournaments: 1) Boys Youth Basketball Dryden Tournament, Sat., 3/l/03. Nfarty Wilson to
discuss concession share with Russ Kowalski from the Dryden Lions Athletic Club; 2) Youth Wrestling Dryden
Tournament, Sat., 318/03; 3) School Power Lifting Contest at Dryden School, Sun., 312103
Next Nleetink: Thursday, February 27, 2003; 7:30am; Dryden Torun Hall.
Niteeting Adjourned: 8:35am.
Respectfully Submitted, Lisa H. Stclick
\c: Dr. Archambault; Town Clerk; File
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2003 DRC; Membership Contact Info. — as of 01/29/2003
Email ( this is checked often)
Toi.+m of Dryden Board Rep.
Steve Stelick, Jr.
259 Gulf Hill Rd.
Day: 753 -3029 (8 *) (Steve)
sstelick ol.com
]=reeville, NY 13069
Day: 844 -5361 (x228) (Lisa)
lstelicl drydcn.k12.ny.us
Evening: 844 -9610
Town Recreation Coordinator
Jennifer Glaab
9656 Route 79
Lisle, \rY 13797
Day: cell: 423 -2398
Evening: 849 -4056
lenniferglaab cr,hotmail.com
Permanent Member
(DCS Athletic Director)
Ralph Boetigrr
Dryden Central School
Day: 844 -8694 (x243)
Evening: 539 -6241
Rboe[t .4l(�r).drydcn.kl2.ny.us
Expires 2003 (vacant)
Expires 2003
Jeff Bushnell
445 Lake Rd.
Day: 758 -9582
Dryden, NY 13053
Evening: 844 -3686
Expires 2003
Vicki Wilkins
611.5 Fall Creek Rd_
Day: 753 -4972 (SUCC)
Freeville, NY 13068
Evening: 838 -9984
Expires 2004
Bill Finnerty
2 Kimberly Cr.
Dryden, VY 13053
Day: 272 -3245 (hrs. vary)
Evening: 844 -3616
Fitmerty83 emrrsn.com
Expires 2004
Matty I•lamel
16 Greystone Dr.
Dryden, NY 13053
Day: 844 -8211 (x4490) (TC3)
Evening: 844 -4561
hametninq sunytccc.edu
Expires 2004
Jim Wood
10 Pratt St.
Dryden, NY 13053
Day: 844 -4900 (cell: 327 -3342)
Evening: 844 4082
JwoodyAS gt.hotm d.com
Expires 2005 (vacant)
Expires 2005 (vacant)