HomeMy WebLinkAboutSubcommittee resumesName Addre 11`OWjq OF DRYDEN RECREA110N CORIMfSS f11rAST NLIAM STREK DRYDLr t NY 13053 RESUME ',43k b UMPC rim 145 Ca�Gadllk t Pflrk F2oaCi Ithaca' MY 14654 800-40'1 -JUf p, 607- 272'x553 CjRnd*QtunJUMPcom Please type or Petit in bIsick ammm %, Telephone: Trays �- l Tc1ep1jorle:.ZWnings s f f t s Unde Carroll cirector of Ma(k"* Address� l � ? �' 'a _ [I; ar long In c r7 ]ivcd at t�'us addr ss'? �..0 QccL,paiian i -_+ _ ,,f7 0(4 i i'L mil. lUducalion ReJQVzfsll cxl)eriCnCe 'Ek[ld c0rolnuni[y sff liZl[iun5; 40. awin tL toax L vx C Ct e, c3 } V l t f rte v r v 4r OF 11 a4 sc+1001 .� e o ` ^} it aN� Wcn k � 1 r Vfft R I Y) ra, i°,s �� L rA 1 i til ax +s11 lab le for meetings of to Rot rc :a6ujl coin inivice 6n the following days and #irrles, please be spe olic, ~ 'J -+ os 511'� r., ` k toe co ran /. ck' t CL + L j�z 01licr ctisnsncuts you xruuld like Lo nLi7ke regarding your desire, ability astd ar thaughts about goals objecriv4s Ibul. 0 14 Rccr lion coimniItee shUuld consider, Add ndditiomI Pages if yofs need snore space -return to Town Clerk by Mamh -3, 2000. TRANK YOU FOR YOUR INTEREST oLZ i r., ` k toe co ran /. ck' t CL + L j�z 01licr ctisnsncuts you xruuld like Lo nLi7ke regarding your desire, ability astd ar thaughts about goals objecriv4s Ibul. 0 14 Rccr lion coimniItee shUuld consider, Add ndditiomI Pages if yofs need snore space -return to Town Clerk by Mamh -3, 2000. TRANK YOU FOR YOUR INTEREST oLZ i } fj j0moC Address I y q Ch mp&15 Address Occupation Education 1 d-1 TOWN OF DRYll)N.J. RECREATION COMMISSION CS EXIST EMAIN STREE`r DRYDEN, NY 13053 RESUME Ple:xse Type or plinl in bl;tck ink. Telephone= Evenings Tyr `.,., „ Ho3v it mg JjZjVe yoll iivecl {t1 dds address? Rdcr,uil cxpericncc mid caiiiunuuay ;lJf li "tioirs - . � Fr i L95 0 Vh � or I `n� t�wrMi�,tb[C for 11WCIi11 gs of IJiC RCcreaIjon cornriii flee otr 1110 lollo1virig dtlys arld limes, please be SpCCific- AA 0 p r D11'ell wmincaIts you 111ould Iikc Co make rcprdirig }roar desire, ijbility andlor thoughts about goals obiWives 0104V ilic Rocrealion commiltec sliollld Consider- 'Add ildiIio,.gI pits i1yon ,ecd ,lore space - reltirn tv TOMI Clerk by MArch 3, 2000. THANK YOU FOR YOUR INTEREST i k %I Name Address C(. w 'r e vA ( Z 2� sic TOWN OF DRYDEN RECREATION COMMISSION 65 EAST MAN STREET DRYDEN, NY 13053 A RESUME Please type or print in black ink. toel _t Telephone: Days (rn i ?7 b�L/ L/� Address Occupation Educ adon ,rem or 0 f ecreC4.j 10 �, Telephone: Evenings 00 -)) );C' ro q How long have you Lived at this address? I 'gCWV +S ONp410As CZ)V"MeL�Xt cc .S Re.veC -�+L3 --\ t* fS.S -Azrcd A vr t") h Relevant experience and community aliliations: f6 ed a. 3 C ,,;9 CSC"-Cj\ Y �i cti tit Vg t v 04 /U k S n r , cz 4, kN or (.a k-K Cl, 61 ta -ritK, tY� il'le� l�t?Cvt�:�t�►� - Sn6ClS� SC,Il'h�r) RZCY'j +I k) JS c�Al.( — I?tQVCkhLILa Sj'D0r1- -) I'm available for meelings of tltc Recreation committee on the following days and times, please be specific: ck, vV9 s C D C.i (Xj a v� +1 tie, ) Other continents you would like to nktkc regarding your desire, ability and/or thoughts about goals objectives that the Recreation committee should consider: be I�eJ� "�' "hcYt Sho��� iii Gl 1�n� ,tJe�►� Add additional pages ifyou need more spaoc — return to Town Clerk by March 3, 2000. "THANK. YOU FOR YOUR INTEREST Naive � I � Addi-ess Address occupatiorl Evduct[U011 TOWN OF DRYDEN RECREATION COMMISSION 65 RASrr ATAIN SrrREE'I' DRYDEN, NY 13053 RESUME. Please type Dr print in bl:[ek ink, y� F Telephone; Jays + Telephonc, Evenings . 1 How long have you ]ivexi KBE (ltis K[ddress'? Rcic °t[n[ cxperlell�Q mid [:QCIILICUnIty LLMiiiations: lYi UN VI bra rt' V n � +TIt- I I'm av�7i1.[bJe Ior one eiiiigs of 11rc E ecr Ilion comi iii ilee on t][e lralloti,�inl; clays and tirncs, plertse be specliic: 011ier conrnnrnis YOU W01il0 1ikc to otuakc rcgu rding your desire, ability and/or t}[ougbis aboul goals objectives i2iat tic Etccmition co ill 11iUce should consider_ J �- J q Add aNddii i o na l pages if } oqi i keed 1130rC spac£ — rC[urn to Town Clcrk by March 3, 2000. � 7'RA NK YOU FOR YGUR INTEREST W TUWN OF DRYDE N - RE REA'I,]()N ()MM1S ION 65 EAST MAIN T -, DRMEN) NY 13053 RESUME Please type or print in black ink. Name: Lisa H, Stcliok Telephooc: Days 844 =5361 x228 Telephnnew Evcnings 844-96 II0 Address: 259 6nlfHiII Rd3 FreeviI le, _NY 13068 How long have you lived at this addre&%? 6 years, however I've lived in tho V i I 1p�M of FreeviIkh and Dryden for 32 years Occupation: T�ersonnel Clerk for the Dryden Central School District Education: Hi eh School Graduate and some college courses Relevant experience and community affiliations These are all vol- unteerpositions Co- Coordinate arid run 'Town of Dryden youth sports programs consisting of. tackle frotball, flag Football, chmr lead ing, bays and girls basketball, and wrestling- Also co- coordinated and hired staff for a om,year trial 'fawn summer program when the Dryden School and other local pools were unavailable, l spent a lot of time work] ng with the Villages of Dryden and FreeviIle and the Town of Dryden to consolidate the summer programs into one program to save on expenses of staff transportation, field trips, building use, eto. The coo rdinanon of the youth sport programs invo[ves advertising (i.e., putting flyers up in local businesses, schools, radios, and paid ads), program registrations, coordinating coaches, making teams even, establishing game and participation rules, ordering and inventoryint; equipment uniforms, bookkeeper, communication with parents, work with local school and neighboring programs and schools, and coordinate the ead of season(s) awards party Member and car- founder of Dryden Youth Sporis and the Frtends of Dryden restling Committee Dryden Yuuih Sports rs a sepuraxe entity from the Tows. This program does fundraising which strcngthens and compliments the football, cheerleading, basketball, and wrestling programs, • Member of the Dryden Track/Football Renovation Committee Member of the Tompkins County Youth Football League Board • C o- Coordinate and run youth tournaments for wrestling and basketball • o� aordivate and run fundraisers to support all of the above I'm available for meetings of the Recreation Committee on the fallowing days and times, please be specific: generally 6:30 om - Tues. Wed. or Thursdays Mher comments you would like to make rpqarding your desire., ability and or thoughts about goak and objectives that the recreation Committee Should consider: work and relate well with people ofaII ages and I tun a team motivator- (brie of my goals is to snake the community and school proud of the overall Dryden sport programs. it is also important to maintain our already established philosophy that the youth progams be offered and available to all interested youth - ft is also my belief and goal that these youth be taught in addition to the game, team work and respect. Another goal is to collectively work with the municipalities, clubs, businesses, and community members within the Town of Dryden to build a sportslrec read an complex- 'f his complex would include Folds far football, soccer and baseball and have a facility for indoor winter sports with a concession area and bathrooms. If our neighbors, (i -e -, Groton, Lansing, f.V ,Graw, etc.), can do this, the Town of Dryden should be able to do this. We have to real,174 that we can not continue to rely on the school facilities and fie] ds for our ever growing needs, (i.c., youth and adult recreation), as there isn't enough space for everything now and the schools Mall' and budgets are being squeexcd b&Aster and tighter. Yn testing the waters of our community, i have received much interest in the community for this goal and that we have many volunteers willing to donate or get donated materials, Nndraise, and donate their labor and expertise to make this happen in Dryden, F4!tro 1$ C1 C. -0 '7: &4e Nam Address -AA&ew Occupation Eduemou William F. Riberr. T WIN OF DRY DIEN RECRF.kTJ0Nr C0A?2%f S5f0N vJ ST N14XN STREET DRY -DECi, NY 13053 RE U-NX Nye type rr Ont 6 b1mk ink MffiamF, Albs Sarkuyslope Tarram. Ithaca, NY 14850 Sean - retired engineering ccrosult=t SE O ME OT 307- 272 "QiR?S Telephcme, Eyemnp 272 -5077, F -kK1 272"6979, eaml wfa2Cu rnell. How tong hve you b ed 2i this address? 25 yem pa Re1CVW1t expMenfie anal DIUMM nity 0MtMd0Bs Cubra-"tef, S watzmw, Little Le2gue Coach. Little i4agm Preadm' Ells Hollow Crp Im mty Center President fbr Mo terms, Rotary, Alpbn il=a (drug r hab;litarion) Bawd ofI*wtors, o Ch mnu m 23th Reunion Clarkson : ty C'IS$ af:5l , ChU L;�n}�ers+ ra,.-in EU& Hollaw, C===cy C=NT A=ual C'ouniTy Fair_ Treuurw Ccelimimty Cettw Pool, Newslener Eftz :Nacre Photo Qub Vey actve in ffip i atx S06My Of Heidul& R.k'*rig :ing and L, iL -m �nditiomivg Engmaus, a 50441 member te� society. Cuna fly, C'nmrmw of the Soon vHomors and Aix mrds CGU=teie. I 1114PLI r ' i Y x��m = +il 1 a • a - i i r i� i t cw ■ most guy duie imcept when traveling ont of town- We do travel qui to a bit. �Vfll be cat of town hfmcb 3rd through 27 ", bar vjU b e monitoring ;r� ; i md t0ephom anwelinz rnachinc ri ■n� ar ■ i r -i �� a - -i .1 k� Yi ■ f i i ■ k � - aw a Y k i t `I . Re►araat on cpportumties should exist far all mmbem cf the Towm_ espenally The youngsters add aA&E=at pAges if ycu iteed nwn spact - r era to 1t3P' 9n Qe& by Minch 3, 0D). THAi\FK YOU FOR YOUR INTEREST Recreation Commission TOWN OF DRYDEN 65 EAST MAIN STREET DRYDEN, NY 13053 RESUME Please type or print in black ink. Name /ri Telephone: Day��� Address Occupatioi Education How long have you lived at this address? Relevant experience and community affiliations: 41h-4A 1�° a 4400 , %i ow � T. �pe� 6 Itz) I'm available for meetings of a Re /.S/igi�i��lO� a,//iY 6 /�•vi�ii� N: /! �.�r Awr4 • 40i7A0z"),O+e. creation committee on the following clays and rimes, piease be specific: Other comments you would like to make regarding your desire, ability and/or thoughts about goals objectives that the .Recreation committee should consider: Add additional pages if you need more space — return to Town Cleric TRAMC YOU FOR YOUR INTEREST • 1 a strongly of the opinion tbaE physical activity €s an i m ncreasing neglected but very important aspect of public health. 3 ac activity can take many forms bur organized alhiesic active ty is especially at crive to youth and hop fully will Iead to continued activity later in life. Although l participated in [earn sports duri.ng high school and college, ray physical activities since then have reveived around individual, outdoor sports such as running, crv, country skiing, eyefing, and canoeing, l did or do most of these carnpetidvely but realize that these sports also of excelient non - competitive ac:tivilies for individuals of all ages, as well,as for groups of ail types, As a long time resident of the. Town of Dryden T recognize tile, many opportunit es for most of these activities within the Town boundaries, which could be viewed as an untapped cornmunity resource. iri }articular, the area in and around Hammond Hill Mate Forest offm some of thin best areas for cress country siding, hiking and mountain biking iii tlxe region. Several years ago 1 was ari organizer of a eltimn's group (Friends of Hammond Hilt) that thed to rationalize the rein realional u s of the area among the legal user groups and with the DEC. We were actually reasonabi y suc cessfui, although the DEC seems to have ignored much of what we had suggested concerning trail networks. Nevertheless, cooperation among user groups, DEC, l'he Cayuga Nature Center, and the Town of Dryden resulted in a public parking lot, a major gullywe"sing trail project, and construction ok' a small "ski but" and reap kiosk. Even if there is current diss.adsfaction with sorne of the new UuiIs that the DEC had constivcted, the entire scheme has created a tremendous opportunity for the Town as an area in which sponsored Outdoor activities could be held. One of m major interests in the recreation Conuri ssion is to help wi th ou bdoor recreation, especially as it might use these new opportunities on Hammond f-Till_ .lit addition [ also feel that l could represent a wide range of outdoor individual ,sports because of m participation in a number of these. •T TOWN OF DRYDEN RECREATION COMMISSION 65 EAST MAIN STREET DRYDEN, NY 23053 RF,SUMIE Please tvl)e or print in black ink. Telephone: Days J p� �K Address � �%itelc/m 7'elcpllone: Evenings Z / 7Lf ✓I'1 Address � �.0 /eow long have you lived at this address? (?uvpation l r�G7DY �l2Zr�f�C 4' +^ �t'i�L /"2i EdnCa ae,11 Rclevaw cs p er icn e and c om munity filiations: a , �� �L t Gu / -6 q / ht O M �k - Cv ONV I'm available for meetings of tl►c Recreation committee on Ilhc 11ollowing days and limes, please be specific: Olhcr comments you lvould li Q,y objectives that the �Recreation j ke to make regarding your desire, ability and/or thoughts about goals committee �should consider; .1 eL., ti ® Acid additional pages if you need more space — rclum to Town Clerk by March 3, 2000. 1'HANK YOU FOR YOUR INTEREST Jkn ior� TOWN OF DRYDEN RECREATION COMMISSION 6i EAST MAIN STREET DRYDEN, IN Y 13053 RES ► Please type or print in black ink. Name_ Dl:Ltq Iq S Hoyt Address 'Z j l L l y e .n o d e O (3 4 Telephone: Days (&a7) 7 5 / � 3 -L)&& Telephone: Evenings &67 S"'y ' y ?7 y Address ` y `^ ! f L '� How long have you lived at this address'? (P, ! Fcll s Occupation ;AF Education n9.nce� 9 5 rV 5b�ATn 1 c Relevant experience and coin munity aftiIiabons: C C eltt P (A 4me. r / � Ccj �Tr 80c-ycleel 5�?rcct- a-,6 ° is ;Vre vvnem!0Nr- j'��?d00% cec Ceti +;GrxUt je<i5c,e 4ea.ns -j,r last yet rS: f r4 J e c ; d. r,Q' 010 Tq9c 1 tliyk Sckov j travel coacA lost Cooche �:f1rGi- yeti re C L/ ye� r 15: AtKnded o? cec4ches cl �f,;cs• :h y yrc;, -s Ccac ed 10 4L4e?d4- L� ctve( fbm �vi.%;oN r, t-_ V otCvi To rh tDaS Ice TIgn I l CL)4Ch .;L yeac5r t�kyed f''Ca�gTi , baskefbgil, baseball eYecy yec.., %r 14(A , sc h.::l ..l I'm available for ineetings of the Recreation committee on the following days and times, please be specific: n fe Y� f Iky tor, l l , Coached �(q9 Other comments you would like to make regarding your desire, ability and/or thoughts about goals objectives that the Recreation committee should consider: 1 hQvr q sovN afk 9 fact e LI nCk a CL (.L3 ;n wd�,Id 14elrjCnStAt'e 4iial J -Iiiey kay2 t�itc�lrlf�/ fec 'j7rbq%r4% -n5 tb �C.ti �rCrncl� 1 r1 Add additional pages if yon need more space — rcturn to Town Clerk by March 3, 2000. THANK YOU FOR YOUR INTEREST