HomeMy WebLinkAbout2002-12-19Dryden Recreation Commission Meeting Minutes Thursday, 12/19/2002 7:30am— Dryden Town Hall Members Present: Robert Slocum, Jeff Bushnell, Jim Wood Town Board Rep. Present: Steve Stelick, Jr. Members Absent: Alice Green, Vickie Wilkins, Matty Harnil, Stewart Gray, Ralph Boettger, Bill Finnerty Guests: Lisa Stelick Meeting began at approx. 7:40am. There was not a quorum in attendance. Lisa Stelick took notes for this meeting. 1. Bob Slocum announced he will not be rerunning for another term. He would be willing to be a liaison or serve on sub committees. This results in two three -year terms vacant in January. Steve thanked Bob for his years of service and input to the growth and development of the Dryden Recreation Commission. 2. Steve announced that Matty & Vickie are both formally members by Town Board action. 3. DES Renovation Committee: Bob asked for the status of the DCS Renovation Committee meeting. Steve attended this meeting with Matty & Ralph. Steve felt there is some opposition but also some strong support for the new gym space being proposed at the Dryden Elementary School. The opposition suggested the gym be brought up to voters as a separate proposition, or that the School and Town partner to help raise the local share. The community needs this space, however, there is not enough time to raise the local share prior to a referendum vote if the Dryden School Board insists on a spring vote. Steve has contacted Senator Seward's office to see if there are any grants available at the State level. He was informed to write a letter explaining the circumstances and the requested funding. Needless to say, this delicate process is still in the works. 41 Soccer Field Lights: Steve also mentioned that he has another contact for wooden poles for the Dryden School soccer field. Hopefully this will become a reality for the 2003 44 season. 5. Manager of Facilities & Planning: Bob inquired to Lisa about this position at the school in relation to building use coordination. Lisa explained that these are two separate positions. The Mgr. Of F &P is responsible for all buildurg & grounds duties & referendum projects. The school board just created a new temporary position to coordinate the district -wide building use. Tina Hollenbeck was the only applicant and was just appointed to this position at the last school board meeting. Lisa also explained that the Athletic Director is still a huge part of the building use process as the scheduling has to start with the school's athletic game & practice schedules. The school board will be reevaluating this position to determine need and location for the 2003 -04 school year and beyond. 6. Recreation Brochure: Bob said he requested Matty make another 100 copies for distribution to the Freeville/Etna area. Matty will be taking care of this request within the next couple of weeks. 7. Town of Dryden Recreation Coordinator: Bob asked why the Town Board changed the title, Steve explained it was for a couple of reasons: 1) The Town currently has a Director of Parks (maintenance position run out of the highway department); 2) By changing the title from Director to Coordinator will allow for future growth of this department in regard to staffing needs (i.e., clerical & Director). Steve also mentioned that about a week ago he reviewed the applications that have been received so far. There were over 20 and they were from all over, local and other states such as Ohio, Florida, Connecticut, etc. S. Interview Committee: Please RSVP Lisa by 12130102 if you are NOT Interested in servi►rg in the interview process (application review & interview). We are anticipating a couple Saturday's commitment (one to review applications and one day for interviews). Steve Colt from Lansing, Dr. Archambault from Dryden School, and Lisa Stelick have also agreed to be a pant of this process. Anticipated January interview review /interview. February start date. 9. Wall Street Baseball Field: Bob mentioned that this field is still being worked on. NY.SEG is now doing their part. Dryden Recreation Conunission Meeting Minutes of 12/19/02 continued. 10. Attendance Policy: Just a reminder that there is a Town of Dryden Local Law regarding committee attendance. It basically states if there are 3 consecutive absences or 5 absences within the year the membership of the absent member will be reviewed for dismissal. 11. Drvden Recreation Commission Current Terms & Vacancies: Member Term Expires Dryden School Ath. Dir. Permanent Member Jeff Bushnell 2003 Vickie Wilkins 2003 Alice Green 2003 James Wood 2004 William Finnerty 2004 Matty Hamel 2004 Vacant 2005 (Slocum slot) Vacant 2005 (Gray slot) If you know of folks that are interested and would be a good and well- rounded open - minded addition to die Dryden Recreation Commission, please ask them to send in their letter of interest to the attention of Steve Stelick via email (SST> L1CKPAOL.COM ) or, send to Steve's attention c/o Town of Dryden, 65 E. Main St., Dryden, NY 13053, Application Deadline: Nlon., 116103. (in hopes that Steve can submit names to the Town Board at the 1/8/03 meeting so there is a full membership for the DRC's re-organizational meeting) 12. Membership Contact Info: Please remit your personal contact information to Lisa ASAP: 1) mailing address 2) day phone 3) evening phone 4) email address you check regularly. 13. Next Meeting: VERY LMPORTANT! It is the New Year Re- organizational Meeting to select 2003 officers. Thursday, January 23, 2003; 7:30am; Dryden Town Hall. 14, A•leetinp, Adjourned: 8:35am, Respectfully Submitted, Lisa H. Stelick