HomeMy WebLinkAbout2002-11-275 Mc'mj��ers Prtsentl To }vrx- Beard Rep - Prc. c=: err}bers Absent: owc� C5: Dryden Etecreation COMrni23ion Meetuig Minutes Wednesday) 1112712002 7:30am — Dryden `own Hall Vicki Wilkins, Matty Harrill, Stewart Gray, Robert Slocum, Jeff Bushnell, dim Wood, Ralph Boetttger, SilI Finne,ty Steve Sretick, Jr- Alice Girton Dr. Patricia Archainbatrlt, Lisa Srelick eeCii.-jig began at 7 =35am. Lisa Stelick [ook note =s for this nieeti 1"g, Usa ren -6nded the cUrnmissipn to submit a feW iutervicw questions to her for die Director of Parks & recreation ilitel -Views which the Tow-rn Board created in Lhe 2003 budget, Lisa will consolidate the in tcrview packets. She also reminded the Commission iF there were any members interested in applying fur th is position that [hey are no to be privy to this information and process. Questions can be submitted io Lisa via cm ail by 121" 13102; LS-TPILICI @d ryden,k12.ny -us Dr- Archanibault, Dryden School Stiperinrendcnt spoke to the Commission ro enlist their lielp in being a pari of the Solution to help solve the recreation space issues at the Dryden Schools as the Dryden Schools are the corninunity ccnter for the area recreational programs, The school building renovation referenduni vote is CXpccted in the Spring, 2003. 'lac Dee. 16 or Jan. 6 Scharal Board meetings, are anticipated to be devoted Lo this topic., Stewart Cray spoke on the status of the School Renovation Committee- The full renovation enrnmitMe is made up of40 i Lid ividuaIs. They broke out utto three sub -cornmittees each charged to studying the needs ofeither Lie Freeville, C21SS8vd0C, or Dryden Elementary Scbool Buildings, Stewart is Chair of the DES ). ,riovation Committee. laic shared information about the small PE station gym space upgairs at DES and the multi -uses of this Space, information on the existing tower DES PR Station gyrn space, and the proposed new PE Smiiun ,gyrrtlbathroorn facility space. Ivittch discussion ensued, The building aid is anticipated to be arotiad 81.% and is dependent on the space aid use forrnulas- The stew PL ,Stabowbatliroom space is anticipated to come in at aroutld S 1.5 million. SLcwart asked for a representation of the C'omrniwion to attend the next renovadon cumrnitme meeting sclisduled for Monday, 12/02i02 at 7pm in the M 1HS Roam C -11 Stewart will not be present at this Meeting- Steve Stelick & ?? }will attend to speak on tht community recreation programs, history, and the ne,w Town position ofJDirecfor of Park and Recreadon, etc.- Ralph Boettgcr will attend to speak on the school Sidc h e- PE station Spacc needs, building usc, safety, sect rily, etc -), (jV,g to as of 1213102.- Steve Srelick, Malfv Ham il, and Rall.?h Baetlger attended the renovauora meeting or 1212. }t v'n l 1,0e11, 1015 of info. ci!r[ gorrrf questio+rllrrasxvi r s .r.siprr. The Renovation Commiueu- eskedfor° possible help in raising lhc� local share to help sell this plece of the rennvalionplon. Steve askedfor-een rrpprorimve cost of rVhrtt the local Share hilt be So there is v larger govt, Lay Cleland from the renovation comm Wee thoughd the local share wouId be somewhere err the vicir:ity of 5300r If lire Recr•ea dorr Comm i.ssiorr wanu' to help ikrs effort, voit weer! rr? act Smftly du sry to come tap wish fundirr# sow-ces (i.e -, corrrrnunUy revidents, grants, 2u)wn, etc.). J, Lfsa. caller! _Senator Se"rd rs office today to see rf'tker•e are any moneyprospecas tit the .State level- He was out of the Dace today. iowever she secretaryso0 that Steve or would receive a callback williln tl :e mriork). 3. The Corrirnissioit Term for Stcwart Cray and Bob 51ocum are up December, 2002- Stewart announced lye %vi11 be re5ian ing, Bob had Icft die meeting early before his comment could be received, 4, Ralpll 2oettger briefly spoke about the newly fomied Dryden Central Schoot District Hail -of -fame, The firsr inductee ceremony is scheduled during half -time oftbe 218103 Boys Basketball g4unc. Tlie plans for refreshments arc being worked on via Ralph &. Stcve Stelick- 5- Ralph a Iso mentioned the dudicatioii ceremony for the new scoreboards installed #h is past weekend in the mart high school gyrlt- 'These scoreboards were donated in part by the lY Lady Lakcrs (Dr'yden girls bag ketba11 AALt learns) and 1, This dedication ceremony is scheduled for ha if =time of the 1216102 Girls 14"lcc #ball Game. 6iVfA:Cvlo,. 6- Matry Harnil mentioned that if more Recreation brochures need to be printed to let her know - Ncxt Meeting: Thur -s day, 12/19/02; 7:3Oam; Dryden To win mull. Ageiida Iccros1 review app iGatioiis received; ncc anticipated interview [cam and process; funding oprions, if arly, for TEES PL gym Recreation space; other Respecrf'ull }' Submitted, Visa tl, Stelick