HomeMy WebLinkAbout2000-11-27L r I�g Dryden Recreation Commission November 27, 2000 -m Meeting Minutes Present: The meeting was held at 8:00 am, November 27, 20001 #A at Viking Lanes. SOM A� Mike All men dinger, Stewart Gray, Bob Slocum, Alice Green, Steve Ste lJick, Torn Hatfield and ande Carroll. Mike called the meeting to order. The minutes from the meeting of November 13 were distributed, discussed and amended. They were accepted as amended, OLD BUSINESS It was suggested that d ue to the fact that the Viking Lanes meeting room isn't heated that we might want to consider moving our meeting space, The pillage Hall was suggested as an alternative. Dike said he would call the Village Clerk to see if we can rneet there, Cornell Faculty Fellows. Mike asked if there was any more information on the Faculty Fellows. He mentioned he was still trying to nail down Dave Hall. Bob said that the would be at the next Recreation Commission meeting on Dec. 11. NEW BUSINESS Tour of Dam Site, Bob, Alice and Ilan Varig toured the site. They reported that it is very impressive. In terms of practice usage, though, they saw difficulties, primarily standing water on areas that would otherwise be suitable for playing fields_ They reported that the type of soil in the area is not permeable, not compacted and would likely Involve an investment of money — therefore recreational development of the site appears impractical. Dan suggested ATV use, but they discussed that the Town might not appreciate the idea. Bob was thinking of it for playing fields. They reported that there is lots of flat area. Tom reported that the town has had very general discussions about the area. Again, there's lots of space_ It can't officially be used for anything but general recreational use. He suggested that maybe an engineer could be hired, expending a smali amount of money to see if there is a practical use other than flood control. As recreational space in the community is critical, he suggested that if we can identify what's wrong with the area then maybe we can find what's right. He said he believed a permanent structure would not be passible. Alice said that the visit to the site was really good to have done, and that a geologist with them couldn't see road access (though others said there is one that winds around the spillway). Stewart pointed out that there's an excellent gravel road at the site. Bob pointed out that the site exhibits natural spectator areas and space for an unbelievable number of fields. 41 i Stewart pointed out that it's a wonderful place for walking, jogging, bike riiding, sledding and that it's posted so there's no hunting. However it is wet. Most of the water sits along the sides, that it's naturally drawn to the sides. It was mentioned that the County, Town and Village have taken on the responsibility of mowing it and that it's pretty well covered now with grass. Mike commented that though the area is posted at present, what's the plan for the future. Bob asked for a definition of "Permanent Structure." Alice suggested that we list the questions that we have. Tom suggested approaching the Town —can they sit down with the facilities Committee (Bob mentioned that he is scheduling a Facilities Meeting for the 18tfi) and cone up with some questions, then go to the Town E=ngineer, T.G. Miller. Tom said the first step would be to bring it up at Wednesday night's meeting of the Town Board, 7:00 (Dec. ). Could have the discussion on the 6ti`, and maybe take action at the Town Meeting on the 1 rn, Mike said he was available to go, as did Stewart and Steve. Torn suggested it might be a good time to make an informal presentation. Mike suggested that at the meeting we would present that we were looking at the Dam Site and want to meet with the Town Engineer. Recreation Commission Seats. Tern mentioned that there are two spots on the Recreation COMM ISsion that expire December 31 _ And that they could discuss a three - year re- appointment. Also stated that there would be two appointees each January. Gins Basketball Trip to London. Mike asked Tarr} to report on the Girls Basketball Trip to London, Torn reported that it was phenomenal, "life a really phenomenal AA1 trip." They explored museums, the DO exhibit, an English School- Said that there is no comparison between what we have her to what is in England, Though they have a great deal of respect for basketball, our girls only had a couple of playing opportunities. They played the Richmond Jaguars, and the London Towers. Basketbail in the UK is a third tier sport, but they're trying to elevate the game there. Three games were cancelled due to venue canceilations. They have a very different approach to the game from what a do and their facilities are second rate. But as a cultural exchange it was excellent. Logo and 1 ebsite. Sorne changes were suggested to the logo and also the website that Dande had emailed to the members. Adding the "Town of Dryden" designation and "Recreation COMMiSS ion_" Also it was suggested that a page be added for "Committee Members, Community Recreation Center. Bambi sent copies of the report on the.Dornmunity Recreation Center. It was mentioned that "Ice" is missing from the plan. It was produced by The Thomas Gray group_ There has been talk of the Rochester Rhinos using the facility in the off - season. It was mentioned that Carl Haines suggested that f ;1 50% funding is realistic, while another 25% depends on the Yankee and Shea Stadiums in question. TD3 intends to share the facility with the community - ' H U. Tom mentioned he would be appearing on 1 HCU, Casey Stevens morning show on Tuesday, November 28, Town Board Meeting. It was mentioned that at the Town Board Meeting we want to hit on the following: ■ Dam Site and our Facility Sub- committee visit ■ T 8 Recreation Center proposal and report Facilities Sub- comrnittee meeting on December 18 at 5:88 at the Dryden Tillage Hall, Recreation Croup Presentations. Alice suggested that we save them until we start meeting after the beginning of the gear, with the exception that Dave Hall will be attending our next meeting December 11, Dryden Sports Programs Report, Steve and Lisa did a report of Dryden Sports Programs. And they should have copies of that for the Board, Next Meeting. The next meeting is scheduled for December 11 still at Viking Lane- The meeting was adjourned. ande DarroJI 12!10100