HomeMy WebLinkAbout08-28-2023 Planning Board Approved MinutesVirgil Planning Board Meeting August 28, 2023 TOWN OF VIRGIL PLANNING BOARD MEETING AND PUBLIC HEARING August 28, 2023, 7:00 PM BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Planning Board Chair Mark Baranello, Board Members, Karen Cushman, Dale Taylor, Carole Lathrop and Mike Carboine Excused: Sara Hollenbeck OTHERS PRESENT: Alane Van Donsel Secretary, Attorney Dan Ellis APPLICANTS PRESENT: Applicant Erin Farley PUBLIC PRESENT: Jimmy Wise, Chris Pecone 7:00 PM THE PLANNING BOARD CHAIR MARK BARANELLO OPENED THE PUBLIC HEARING: Virgil Town Clerk and Planning Board secretary Alane Van Donsel read the legal notice. Posted in the Cortland Standard on August 18, 2023, and at the Virgil Town Hall on August 14, 2023: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a meeting and a public hearing will be held before the Town of Virgil’s Zoning Board of Appeals and the Virgil Planning Board on August 28, 2023, at the Virgil Town Hall 1176 Church Street, Virgil NY 13045. The Zoning Board of Appeals meeting starts at 6:00 PM- followed by the Virgil Planning Board at 7:00PM. The meetings and public hearings are being held to consider the following application: The Applicant and owner Erin Farley will appear before the Virgil Planning board for an application for a minor subdivision site plan review to split tax Map# 126.00-09-03.000 into two lots, if she is granted a variance from the Virgil Zoning Board of Appeals. The applicant wishes to divide an 11.12-acre parcel into two separate parcels. One parcel will be approximately a 5.52-acre parcel with 264' of road frontage and the other will be approximately a 5.6 acres parcel with 265' of road frontage. The above application was available at www.virgilny.org or contact the office of the Town Clerk at (607) 835-6174, Ext. 2. Persons wishing to speak may do so in person, by attorney, or by another representative. Communications in writing in relation thereto may be filed ahead of time with the Board or at such hearings. APPLICANT ERIN FARLEY stated that the variance was approved by the Zoning Board of Appeals. The zoning law was changed to allow an average road frontage of 250’, but the average minimum width size was not changed from 350’ when the Zoning Law was updated. CHRIS PECONE- 2301 RTE 215, a neighbor to the applicant, feels that the application shouldn’t have been approved until the law is changed. He feels this would have completed that process. He is also concerned about potentially having two houses built next to him. He is disappointed that the board didn’t wait for the zoning law to change. Mark Baranello asked three times if there were any other comments on this project, as there were none, Chairmen Baranello closed the Public Hearing at 7:03PM. Planning board chair mark Baranello opened the regular portion of the Planning Board meeting. OLD BUSINESS: DISCUSSION: Member Dale Tayor felt that the discrepancy of the road frontage size and the lot width size was an oversite of the Town Board. He said it doesn’t have anything to do with a nefarious reason why the area variance was approved. Mark Baranello stated that the lot width sizes were discussed years ago when the Comprehensive Plan was created. RESOLUTION #23- 21 APPROVAL OF A NEGATIVE DECLARATION ON PART II OF THE SHORT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT FORM FOR THE MINOR SUBDIVISION OF TAX MAP #126.00-09-03.000: Member Dale Taylor made a motion to approve that the proposed action will not result in any significant adverse environmental impacts based on the information and analysis of the short Environmental Assessment Form and the supporting documentations. Mike Carboine seconded the motion. Vote: Ayes Baranello, Cushman, Taylor, Carboine and Lathrop. Nays: None Motion Carried RESOLUTION #23-22 APPROVAL OF THE MINOR SUBDIVISION/LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT FOR TAX MAP#126.00-09-03.000 FOR THE PROPERTY CURRENTLY OWNED BY ERIN FARLEY: Member Dale Taylor made a motion to approve the subdivision/ lot line adjustment for tax map # 126.00-09-03.000. Member Mark Baranello seconded the motion. Vote: Ayes Baranello, Cushman, Taylor, Carboine and Lathrop, Taylor. Nays: None Motion Carried NEW BUSINESS: None RESOLUTION #23-23 PLANNING BOARD MINUTES FROM JULY 24, 2023: Member Dale Taylor made a motion to approve the Planning Board minutes from 07-24-2023, with corrections. Member Carole Lathrop seconded the motion. Vote: Ayes Baranello, Cushman, Taylor, and Lathrop. Abstain-Carboine Nays: None Motion Carried With no further business to discuss, Chairman Baranello asked for a motion adjourn the meeting at 7:20 PM. Member Dale Tayor motioned to adjourn. Member Mark Baranello seconded the motion. Vote: Ayes Baranello, Cushman, Taylor, Carboine and Lathrop. Nays: None Motion Carried Respectfully Submitted by, Alane Van Donsel For Alane Van Donsel Planning Board Secretary • Draft of these minutes were attached to the upcoming planning board meetings agenda for 09-25-23 and sent to the Planning Board Members, Town Attorney and CEO on 09-19-23.