HomeMy WebLinkAbout06-26-2023 Planning Board Agenda PacketPlanning Board Members: Chair Mark Baranello, Carole Lathrup, Dale Taylor, Sara Hollenbeck, Karen Cushman Alternate: Mike Carboine Agenda 1. Public Hearings Attachments: Legal Notice for June 26, 2023 Public Hearings (LEGAL_NOTICE-_Public_Heairng_of_PB _06-26-2023.pdf) a. Public Hearing on Site Plan Review: Lot Line Adjustment Greek Peak and National Grid An application for a preliminary Subdivision Plan Site for a lot line adjustment between two adjacent properties. The parent parcel is owned by Ski Greek Peak LLC tax Map # 127.00- 09-16.000 and is being acquired by National Grid. The parent parcel is 23.90 acres in size and the receiving parcel is 79.20 acres in size. The lot will be approximately .823 acres and the road frontage comply with the zoning law. b . Public Hearing on a Site Plan Review: Lot Line Adjustment Shirley Glezen An application for a preliminary Subdivision Plan Site for a lot line adjustment between two adjacent properties located at 2796 and 2740 S. Cortland-Virgil Road tax map #’s 116.00-01- 60.000 and 116.00-01-61.000. The applicant and owner Shirley Glezen would like to return the 17 .11 acres parcel back to the prior owner at 2740 S. Cortland Virgil Rd. The property was subdivided back in 2020. The 17.11 parcel would be returned to tax map ID 116.00-01- 59.100 c. Public Hearing on a Site Plan Review: Lot Line Adjustment Wayne & Katherine Eastman An application for a preliminary Subdivision Plan Site for a lot line adjustment between two adjacent properties located at 2769 Clute Road Tax Map # 117.00-07-24.000. The applicant and owners Wayne and Katherine Eastman are wishing to subdivide off a 5.36 acres parcel from the larger parcel of 43.16 +/-. Leaving enough road frontage for both parcels to comply with zoning as well as rear and side setback. The single existing home will remain with no Planning Board Agenda Monday, June 26, 2023 at 7:00 pm change. The land will continue to be used as is currently including active farming operations. 2. Old Business NONE 3. New Business a. Application Applicant Greek Peak LLC Propety Owner: Greek Peak LLC Property Location: 2350 Clute Road Tax Map No.: 127.00-09-16.000 Zoned: C Description of Project: The parent parcel is owned by Ski Greek Peak LLC tax Map # 127.00- 09-16.000 and is being acquired by National Grid. The parent parcel is 23.90 acres in size and the receiving parcel is 79.20 acres in size. The lot will be approximately .823 acres and the road frontage comply with the zoning law. Attachments: Application for a Lot Line Adjustment (Scan_1_.pdf) County Determination-GML National Mohawk (Virgil.NiagraraMohawk.2350Clute.RE TURNL.pdf) Subdivision Referral Form -GML Greek Peak (Scan.pdf) Map of the Project from GIS (gis_view_of_national_grid_lot_line_on_clute_rd.PNG) Lot Line adjustment Map (Lot_Line_Adj_Map.pdf) b . Application Applicant: Shirley Glezen Property Owner: Shirley Glezen Property Location: 2796 and 2740 S. Cortland-Virgil Road Tax Map No.: 116.00-01-60.000 and 116.00-01-61.000 Zoned: ARC Describtion of Project: The applicant and owner Shirley Glezen would like to return the 17 .11 acres parcel back to the prior owner at 2740 S. Cortland Virgil Rd. The property was subdivided back in 2020. The 17.11 parcel would be returned to tax map ID 116.00-01-59.100 Attachments: Application Packet for a Lot Line Adjustment-Glezen (2796_S_Cortland_Virgil_Rd_- _Glezen_Subdivison_.pdf) c. Application Applicant: Wayne and Katherine Eastman Property Owner:Wayne and Katherine Eastman Property Location: 2769 Clute Road Tax Map No.: 117.00-07-24.000 Zoned: ARC Describtion of Project: The applicant and owners Wayne and Katherine Eastman are wishing to subdivide off a 5.36 acres parcel from the larger parcel of 43.16 +/-. Leaving enough road frontage for both parcels to comply with zoning as well as rear and side setback. The single existing home will remain with no change. The land will continue to be used as is currently including active farming operations. Attachments: Application Packet for a Lot Line Adjustment: Eastman (2769_Clute-_Minor_Subdiv ison.pdf) County Determination-GML Eastman (Virgil.Eastman.2679Clute.ReturnL.pdf) 4. Approve Minutes Attachments: Draft Planning Board Meeting Minutes from 04-27-2023 (04-27-2023_PB_Minutes__1st_Dr aft____1_.pdf) 5. Adjornment | Agenda published on 06/15/2023 at 3:23 PM MEETING AND PUBLIC HEARINGS OF THE VIRGIL PLANNING BOARD NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a meeting and three public hearings will be held before the Town of Virgil Planning Board on June 26, 2023, 7 p.m. at the Virgil Town Hall 1176 Church Street, Virgil NY 13045. The meeting and public hearings are being held to consider the following applications applications. 1. An application for a preliminary Subdivision Plan Site for a lot line adjustment between two adjacent properties. The parent parcel is owned by Ski Greek Peak LLC tax Map # 127.00-09-16.000 and is being acquired by National Grid. The parent parcel is 23.90 acres in size and the receiving parcel is 79.20 acres in size. The lot will be approximately .823 acres and the road frontage comply with the zoning law. 2. An application for a preliminary Subdivision Plan Site for a lot line adjustment between two adjacent properties located at 2796 and 2740 S. Cortland-Virgil Road tax map #’s 116.00-01-60.000 and 116.00-01-61.000. The applicant and owner Shirley Glezen would like to return the 17 .11 acres parcel back to the prior owner at 2740 S. Cortland Virgil Rd. The property was subdivided back in 2020. The 17.11 parcel would be returned to tax map ID 116.00-01-59.100 3. An application for a preliminary Subdivision Plan Site for a lot line adjustment between two adjacent properties located at 2769 Clute Road Tax Map # 117.00-07-24.000. The applicant and owners Wayne and Katherine Eastman are wishing to subdivide off a 5.36 acres parcel from the larger parcel of 43.16 +/-. Leaving enough road frontage for both parcels to comply with zoning as well as rear and side setback. The single existing home will remain with no change. The land will continue to be used as is currently including active farming operations. The above applications are available at www.virgilny.org or contact the office of the Town Clerk at (607) 835-6174, Ext. 2. Persons wishing to speak may do so in person, by attorney, or by another representative. Communications in writing in relation thereto may be filed ahead of time with the Board or at such hearings. Dated: 06-17-2023 Alane Van Donsel Virgil Town Clerk on Behalf of The Virgil Planning Board Virgil Planning Board Meeting April 27, 2023 1 | Page TOWN OF VIRGIL PLANNING BOARD MEETING AND PUBLIC HEARING April 27, 2023, 7:00 PM BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Planning Board Chair Mark Baranello, Board Members, Sara Hollenbeck, Carole Lathrup, Karen Cushman, and Dale Taylor OTHERS PRESENT: Alane Van Donsel Secretary, Attorney Dan Ellis, Jereme Stiles Deputy Town Supervisor APPLICANTS PRESENT: Applicant’s Steve Terwilliger PUBLIC PRESENT: Bessie and Gene King Jr., Gary Pelton, , James Murphy Amy Tinker, Carole Kehkugler, Sylvia Cook, Gary Pelton, Bessie King, Al & Gayle Kryger, Lori Megivern, Matthew Tuning, Tom & Linda Quinlan, William Turner, Gary Wood, Linda Marsh, Dick Warner 7:00 PM PUBLIC HEARING OF THE VIRGIL PLANNING BOARD: The Virgil Town Clerk and Planning Board Secretary Alane Van Donsel read the legal notice: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a Public Hearing will be held before the Town of Virgil Planning Board on Thursday April 27, 2023, 7:00 PM at the Virgil Town Hall, 1176 Church Street, Virgil, NY 13045. The public hearing is being held to consider an application for a Site Plan Review and solicit public comment to start the process to gain approval for a senior housing floating zone at the former Virgil Elementary School, Tax Map# 126.14-02-21.000 and 126.14-02-20.110. The applicant, Kajen LLC, is proposing to convert the former Virgil Elementary School property into senior housing and a community center. NOTICE IS ALSO HEREBY GIVEN that a special meeting will be held by the Virgil Planning Board on Thursday April 27, 2023, at 7:01 PM or immediately following the public hearing. Please note there is a change to the night of the regular board meeting and the board will be meeting on Thursday instead of Monday due to a lack of a quorum on Monday. The above-referenced application is available at www.virgilny.org or contact the office of the Town Clerk at (607) 835-6174, Ext. 2. Persons wishing to speak may do so in person, by attorney, or by another representative. Communications in writing in relation thereto may be filed ahead of time with the Board or at such a hearing. Published in the Cortland Standard on April 12, 2023. The legal notice was posted at the Virgil Town Hall and on the Town of Virgil’ website. Sixty-two letters were mails to neighbors bordering the Former Virgil Elementary School Building. OPENING OF THE PUBLIC HEARING: Chairman Mark Baranello opened the public hearing at 7:02PM: Richard Warner used to live in Virgil, but now a resident of a senior housing in Harford, but he wouldn’t be opposed to moving back to Virgil. He stated that he attended Virgil school and that he had known the applicant Steve Terwilliger for 40 years. He is in favor of the school turning into senior housing. Gary Wood addressed the board. He is a Virgil resident. He feels that the Zoning amendment was well crafted, and he hopes the board will approve the project. Linda Marsh is a town resident who has lived on Holler Road for the past 30 years. She doesn’t like seeing the building sit vacant, she would like to see the building developed and used for any type of pf apartments. James Murphy, a Virgil resident, served on the Virgil Town Board for 24 years and he has lived in Virgil for 50 years. The Town Board has helped to build the community and they have done a good job in lowering the taxes. When he first came on the board the taxes were $6.00 per thousand and now, they are under $3.00. He stated that the Cortland School District is looking to increase taxes by 9.4%. The Virgil Town Board has tried to be fiscally responsible by trying to keep taxes low. Murphy felt that Terwilliger had a great idea, and he thought the town should give him a chance. Gene King Jr. who attended the meeting with his mom said that they attended the walk through of the school building. He said it was very encouraging. His mom has lived in her Virgil home for 68 years and he wonders how much longer will she be able to stay? He feels the projects may be another option so that she can stay in the community. Al and Gayle Kryger from Greek Peak feels that the intended programs coupled with senior housing will be good for residents. He feels is a great concept. Chairman Mark Baranello asked three times if there are anymore comments as there were none, Chairman Baranello closed the public hearing portion of the meeting at 7:14 PM OLD BUSINESS CHAIRMAN BARANELLO OPENED THE REGULAR PLANNING BOARD MEETING AT 7:15 PM: Chairman Baranello stated that the Planning board has the task of advising the Town Board on this project. They need to form a recommendation that will be given to the Town Board to have the final authority. Baranello stated that a portion of the new zoning ordinance states that new owners will be bound by the same restrictions. He said that the legal framework is decided by the Town board. The Planning Board as well as the county are making Recommendations. Baranello read through the list of recommendations from the county. 1. Is regarding the onsite food preparation. This would need to be coordinated with the county health department and all health laws would need to be followed. 2. The landscaping needs to be cleaned up. 3. Additional accessible parking spaces will need to be added. Discussion progressed about parking, drainage, and green space. 4. Item number four is regarding the sign on the school grounds. It is a non- conforming sign. The board recommends waiving the school sign requirement. 5. Item number five goes through a few items, basically the applicant needs to obtain a building permit. 6.Applicant needs to finalize a determination on the type of housing. - Will it be independent or congregate housing? The housing will be independent with each unit having a bathroom and a kitchen. 7. Recommendation seven stated that the applicant ensures public transportation. The applicant would like to do that if it’s within the county’s budget. 8. Town determines the designated use that will be allowed. There was a discussion on disabled people being able to live there, but the zoning law does not include disabled people. The applicant is going to go with what the law states, market rate seniors housing, 55 and older. 9. Applicant needs to comply with all the Cortland County health dept rules on the wells and sewer system. 10. Compliance with SEQR. The Planning Board Chair Barnello went through items in the new Floating Zone Law. A full audio recording of the discussion can be listened to on the Virgil website at www.Virgilny.org. RESOLUTION #23-11 SEQR FOR THE VIRGIL ELEMENTRAY SCHOOL BUILDING PLAN: The Planning board secretary Alen Van Donsel read through the questions on the Short Environmental Assessment for Part 2- Impact statement. With aa answers to the questions being no or small impact on the environment, Sara Hollenbeck made a motion to determine that the proposed action will not result in any significant adverse environmental impacts. Member Dale Taylor seconded the motion. Vote: Ayes: Chair Mark Baranello, Board Members, Sara Hollenbeck, Carole Lathrup, Karen Cushman, and Dale Taylor. Nays: None Motion Carried. Virgil Planning Board Meeting April 27, 2023 2 | Page RESOLUTION #23-12 APPROVAL OF THE SITE PLAN REVIEW: Sara Hollenbeck made a motion that the Planning Board makes a recommendation of approval to the Virgil Town Board on the proposed Floating Overlay Zone designation and the proposed site plan for the purpose of redeveloping the Virgil Elementary School into a senior housing complex and community center with the following conditions: that all relevant recommendations from the Cortland County Planning Board be followed, that special emphasis be placed on encouraging the applicant to pursue community services and activities as outlined in the plan, potentially including an individual or organization employed in the administration of those efforts, as the community services and activities outlined in the plan are an important component of our recommendation and finally, that the record developed this evening be incorporated into the resolution. Member Dale Taylor seconded the motion. Vote: Ayes: Chair Mark Baranello, Board Members, Sara Hollenbeck, Carole Lathrup, Karen Cushman, and Dale Taylor. Nays: None Motion Carried NEW BUSINESS: NONE RESOLUTION 23-13 PLANNING BOARD MINUTES FROM MARCH 27, 2023: Member Dale Taylor made a motion to approve the Planning Board minutes from 03-27-2023 with one correction. Member Sara Hollenbeck seconded the motion. Vote: Ayes Baranello, Hollenbeck, Cushman, Taylor. Nays: None Motion Carried With no further business to discuss, Chairman Baranello asked for a motion adjourn the meeting at 8:46 PM. Member Dale Taylor motioned to adjourn. Member Karen Cushman seconded the motion. Vote: Ayes Baranello, Hollenbeck, Cushman, Lathrop and Taylor. Nays: None Motion Carried Respectfully Submitted by, Alane Van Donsel For Alane Van Donsel Planning Board Secretary • Draft of these minutes were attached to the upcoming planning board meetings agenda for 06-26-2023 and sent to the Planning Board Members, Town Attorney and CEO on 06-19-2023