HomeMy WebLinkAbout03-27-2023 Planning Board Meeting Approved MinutesVirgil Planning Board Meeting March 27, 2023 1 | Page TOWN OF VIRGIL PLANNING BOARD MEETING AND SPECIAL SCHOOL TOUR March 27, 2023, 5:00 PM BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Planning Board Chair Mark Baranello, Board Members, Sara Hollenbeck, Carole Lathrup, Karen Cushman, and Dale Taylor Alternate Mike Carboine OTHERS PRESENT: Alane Van Donsel Secretary, Attorney Dan Ellis, Zoning Officer Adam Brown, Town Supervisor John Kaminski, County Legislator Sandy Price, Neil Helms Cortland Enlarged City School District APPLICANTS PRESENT: Applicant’s Steve and Yvonne Terwilliger PUBLIC PRESENT: Cynthia Bush, Al & Bev Munson, Al & Gayle Kryger, Sylvia Cook, Bessie and Gene King Jr., Jan Stisser, Gary Wood, Lee McDuffee, Gayland Darling, Scott & Lisa Snyder, Carol Congdon, James & Sharon Sanford, Johnny and Alex Sanford, Charles & Jessica House, Blaire Forshee, Clayton & Susan Moore, Anne Culp 5:00 PM THE PLANNING BOARD CHAIR MARK BARANELLO MADE AN ANNOUNCEMENT REGARDING THE SCHOOL TOUR: Mark Baranello stated that the developer Steve Terwilliger will be leading us around the school explaining the general plans for the building. He said that he is sure that everybody will have a million questions, but to keep the party moving he would appreciate it if people wait to ask questions until the tour is completed. Mr. Baranello stated that the board will be going back to the town hall after the tour to continue the regular meeting. He said that Mr. Terwilliger will be happy to answer all of their questions at that time. He also said that the board will have questions as well. He thanked everyone for coming and he said that It's great to have community with interest. An audio recording of the tour was taken, and a copy of such recording is available to listen to on the Virgil website through a link through Laserfiche. OLD BUSINESS: None NEW BUSINESS: PUBLIC NOTICE OF SPECIAL MEETING TOUR OF THE VIRGIL SCHOOL BUILDING AND THE REGULAR PLANNING BOARD MEETING THAT FOLLOWED: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a special meeting will be held on March 27, 2023, with the Town of Virgil Planning Board for the purpose of touring the former Virgil Elementary School Building. The board will meet at the Virgil Town Hall 1176 Church Street, Virgil NY 13045 at 5:00PM on Monday 3-27-23. This meeting will include a tour of the former Virgil Elementary School located at 1208 Church Street in the Town of Virgil with prospective property owner Kajen LLC. Following the tour, the meeting will return to the Virgil Town Hall to complete any remaining agenda items. Kajen LLC wishes to acquire the former Virgil Elementary School Building to convert into senior housing and a community center. Information on this proposed project is available at www.virgilny.org or contact the office of the Town Clerk at (607) 835-6174, Ext. 2. Any persons wishing to attend the tour may do so and may attend the planning board meeting. Individuals are invited to attend and may speak in person, by attorney, or by another representative. Communications in writing in relation thereto may be filed ahead of time with the Board or at such meeting. The location of the meeting is accessible to persons with disabilities. If special accommodations are needed for persons with disabilities, those with hearing impairments, or those in need of translation from English, those individuals should contact the Town of Virgil PLANNING BOARD CHAIR MARK BARANELLO OPENED THE REGULAR PORTION OF THE PLANNING BOARD MEETING: Discussion ensued regarding the future for the Virgil Elementary School Building with Developer Steve Terwilliger. Virgil Resident Dale Taylor voiced concern regarding the security for the residents. Terwilliger stated that the residents would be secure. Taylor was concerned on concert nights. Anne Culp who is on the board for the Center for the Arts stated that they have trained staff who are ushers. And they always have a certain ratio of ushers to people. Zoning Officer Adam Brown stated that there are regulations in the fire code regarding large crowds. Karen Cushman wanted to know how loiterers would be stopped. Terwilliger stated that the building would be secure as there will be a locked door between the public and the residents. Mark Baranello asked if there will be a bus service. Terwilliger stated that he working with the county this matter, but they are on a tight budget. He said once there is activity in the building, they may be able to get buses. Sara Hollenbeck asked if they could get the drawings electronically. Baranello asked how much further Terwilliger is willing to before he buys the building. Terwilliger feels he's already there. there. Discussion continued. Terwilliger made it clear that he is talking about senior housing and not incorporating handicapped housing. The entire conversation is available to listen to on the Virgil website www.virgilny.org. Virgil Planning Board Meeting March 27, 2023 2 | Page RESOLUTION #23- 09 SET A PUBLIC HEARING DATE OF THE VIRGIL PLANNING BOARD: Member Taylor made to set a public hearing date for the next Planning Board Meeting scheduled for April 24th at 7:00PM. This will give an opportunity for the public to give input on the site plan for the Virgil Elementary School Project. Member Lathrop seconded the motion. Vote: Ayes Baranello, Hollenbeck, Cushman, Lathrop, Taylor. Nays: None Motion Carried RESOLUTION 23-10 PLANNING BOARD MINUTES FROM February 27, 2023: Member Dale Taylor made a motion to approve the Planning Board minutes from 02-27-2023. Member Sara Hollenbeck seconded the motion. Vote: Ayes Baranello, Hollenbeck, Cushman, Taylor. Abstain: Lathrop. Nays: None Motion Carried With no further business to discuss, Chairman Baranello asked for a motion adjourn the meeting at 7:10 PM. Member Carole Lathrop motioned to adjourn. Member Dale Taylor seconded the motion. Vote: Ayes Baranello, Hollenbeck, Cushman, Lathrop and Taylor. Nays: None Motion Carried Respectfully Submitted by, Alane Van Donsel For Alane Van Donsel Planning Board Secretary • Draft of these minutes were attached to the upcoming planning board meetings agenda for 04-27-2023 and sent to the Planning Board Members, Town Attorney and CEO on 04-17-2023