HomeMy WebLinkAbout04-25-2022 Planning Board Agenda PacketPlanning Board Members: Chair Mark Baranello, Carole Lathrup, Dale Taylor, Sara Hollenbeck, Sylvia Cook, Alternate: Karen Cushman Agenda 1. Public Hearing Subdivision of 1646 Daisy Hollow Road- Jarid Piorer 2. Old Business NONE 3. New Business a. Application Applicant: Jarid Poirier Propety Owner: Jarid Poirier Property Location: 1646 Daisy Hollow Road Tax Map No.: 135.00-03-14.200 Zoned: ARC Description of Project: Jarid Poirier of 1646 Daisy Hollow Road Tax Map # 135.00- 03-14.200 is looking to subdivide off a house with 2.5 acres, He is also seeking a variance from the Virgil ZBA at a meeting held at 6:00 PM because 2.5 acres is less than the required 3-acre lot according to the Virgil zoning law. Attachments: Subdivision Application: Jarid Poirier (Jarid_Poirier_Area_Variance_and_S ubdivision.pdf) General Municipal Form: Jarid Poirier (Poirier_GML_Forms_Variance_Sub division_2022-04-04_105717.pdf) Resolution #22-15 Cortlland County Planning (RESOLUTION_Virgil_Subdi v___AV_Poirier_April_22.pdf) General Municipal Law Report (Virgil_Subdiv___AV_Poirier.pdf) 4. Approve Minutes Attachments: Draft Planning Board meeting Minutes from 03-28-2022 Planning Board Agenda Monday, April 25, 2022 at 7:00 pm (2022_PB_Minutes__Draft_1___03-28-2022__1_.pdf) 5. Adjornment | Agenda published on 04/20/2022 at 12:57 PM To the Zoning Board of Appeals, Town of Virgil, New York: TOWN OF VIRGTL APPLICATION TO ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS Appeal No. Date I (We) ,6 of A,r-" o f ( Srcet and (Municipality) I (Phone Nunbcr)(Tax Map Nunber) A USE VARTANCE* because (you must show why your cas€ should wiurant ao exception to the law. Be sure to describe any peculiar topography or shape of your parcel, your inability to usc it as the law now would require, why your proposd use would not be harmful to your neighborhood, why the present hardship is not of your own making, and all other reasons you may have) l, Ahl AREA VARIANCE* (you must show why your cas€ should warrant an exception to the law: be sure to describe fully whatever practical difficulties there are which prevent your compliance with existing area regulations. ar" (ee olzlerleJ -fi1, SUBMIT SITE PLAN (TO SCALE) SHOWING DISTAI\ICES TO PROPERTY LINES OTTIER BUILDINGS. ?,quN'Y*'+ '' 3oaaS fi azf 'o Icx-tn 4 Vf"1\ kk*u Sigred Mrcueel R. CARDTNALE, ESe JoHN A. DELVEccHro, ESe. 4030 Wrsr Roao, Rr. 281 ConrleNo, Nrw Yonr 13045 PH. (607)2994796 Fx. (607)2994893 S"DnNALE-Dn *.*o L^tw Fmrd, PLLC a.db. !y f.crtm[. !lq! A...prd CrcERo OFFTCE: 8432 BREWERTON RoAD CICERo, NEw YoRK 13039 3 I s-698-9630 ENDIcoTT OFFICE: 423 MATN STREET ENDICoTT, NEw YoRK 13760 April 1,2022 *Via Email Only: ZoningOffi cer@VirgilNy.org* Mr. Adam Brown, Town of Virgil ZoningOfficer Town of Virgil Zonrng Board of Appeals RE: 1646 Daisy Hollow Road, Virgit, Ny - Jarid poirier Area Yariance Application Dear ZBA Members: Please be advised that my office represents Jarid Poirier in regard to the above referenced matter' My clients own real property located at 1646 Daisy Hollow Road in the Town of Virgil, NY. I am providing this letter on behalf of my client in support of the area variance application in question. My client's owns 2 parcels of land. The parcel with the house and barn on it is approximately 4 acres. The vacant parcel is approximately 1.7 acres. Mr. Poirier's intention is to create two (2) separate parcels with the new boundary line between the parcels being the east walk line of Daisy Hollow Road. So essentially Daisy Hollow Road would separatJthe newly created parcels if the Board were to grant the Subdivision Approval/ Lot Line Adjustment. As you likely know, there is a3 acre minimum restriction for residential properties in the district which my client's property sits. It is this potentially newly createi 2.5 aqeparcel to the east of Daisy Hollow Road which this area variance aims at. As you know, New York State law sets forth the standard upon which a zoningboard of appeals may review an application for an area variance. In general, the standard of review is that "the benefit to the applicant if the variance is granted, as weighed against the detriment to the health, safety and welfare of the neighborhood or community by such grant." Moreover, to make that determination, azoningboard of appeals must consider five factors which are set forth below. I have provided comments for each factor for your consideration. l. An undesirable change will be produced in the character of the neighborhood or a detriment to nearby properties witl be created by the granting of the area variance Cuoor*^tuXr ]Doroooo LewFnu,pr,r,c Plcr 2 or 3 The property is located in a residential neighborhood. Allowing my client to have a parcel which is 2.5 acres instead 3 acres will not alter the character of the neighborhood or create a detriment to any surrounding properties. 2. The benefit sought by the applicant can be achieved by some method, feasible for the applicant to pursue, other than an area variance One could argue that my client could retain some acreage on the west side of Daisy Hollow Road; however if he did that, the remaining parcel with the barn on it would lose road frontage. This would greatly devalue the property. So is there another method to achieve what he is attempting to do here - yes. However, that alternative is not "feasible." 3. The requested area variance is substantial I respectfully argue that a half an acre in this scenario is de minimus. 4. The proposed variance will have an adverse effect or impact on the physical or environmental conditions in the neighborhood or district There will be no effect at all on the physical or environmental conditions in the neighborhood or district if this areavariance were granted. 5. The alleged difficulty was self-created, which consideration shall be relevant to the decision of the board of appeals, but shall not necessarily preclude the granting of the area variance I will concede that this is self-created. My client had knowledge of the 3 acre minimum restriction. Nevertheless, this does not preclude the granting of the area variance. As such, I respectfully request that the ZBA grant the area variance as requested by my client. Attached as part of the application are survey maps of the entire subdivision as well as an isolated depiction of the parcel in question. A formal signed application for area variance is enclosed. I note that I will be attending the Planning Board meeting which is scheduled on Monday, April 25,2022 @ 6:30 PM. When I appear at the meeting, I will provide Mr. Brown with a check in the amount of $275.00 for the application fee. Co*or*ort brrur.ooo LAw FRIYI, PLtc PlcB 3 or 3 Thank you for your time and attention to this matter. Very truly yours, CARDINALE & DELVECCHIO LAW FIRM, PLLC John A. DelVecchio, Esq. Enclosure(s) CC: Jarid Poirier TOWN OF VIRGIL 11-76 CHURCH STREET CoRTLAND, nry taoas (607) 835-6174 FAX (607) 835€668 Application for Approvat of Mr. (to Ptanning ilffi'"o'$trbdvlelon Date of rnine .iy't/z- MinorSubdivision / _ MajorSufidivision Narne of Applicant Property Owner(s) Address Telephone Number Name of Subdivision Location of Subdivision Po r rLl EL Tax Map Number(s) Total Number of Acres 5, Of Zone Distriet NOTE: the applicant should make certaln lhat this aDrequirements ol thesuo,ip,L#H,'r_ilffi ixtdriinxarf; isti"::?*: ,IT""fim|il,ililx,ii#,S;,T,tileffX.. Appricetio, rjonns for *oo.,y-*i:n apprsver may be "?i-:il+ either fronr rh6 toun cJerr( of tliefi:*-"#y":ttne plenrlins uoaro'' d;;;ffi;jfiffi.li'on, in dupricate nr"y o" *ro*i*ecrto either c,r See d/rc/- / /rk,, 03- lq, D4 V . 0r tttr"Lo 2 €t/- ./**-Lfi,*,t \ Dns - 42,' ^ plan end accampenying d;ita as described Fee mr*st trIe reanitted at.tinrte of applteetlo.n ,*r ll zs* Pot<te.z- MICHAEL R. CARDTNALE, ESQ. JOHN A. DELVECCHIO, ESQ. 4030 Wesr Roen, Rr. 281 ConrL,q.ND, Nsw Yonr I 3045 PH. (607)299-4796 Fx. (607)299-4893 C^oDnNALE-Yr-"Drrvucc*uo Lew FRld, PLLC a.Mc. By r.c.lmll. U Acc.pld Ctceno Onnrce: 8432 BRIWERToN RoAD CICERo, NEw YORK I3039 3 r s-698-9630 Eworcorr Opprcp: 423 MAIN STREET ENDrcorr, NEw YoRK 13760 Aprill,2022 *ViaEmailOnly:ZoningOfficer@VirgilNY.org* Mr. Adam Brown, Town of Virgil Zoning Officer Town of Virgil Zoning Planning Board RE: 1646 Daisy Hollow Road, Virgil, NY - Jarid Poirier Subdivision ApprovaU Lot Line Adjustment Application Dear Planning Board Members: Please be advised that my office represents Jarid Poirier in regard to the above referenced matter. My client owns real property located at 1646 Daisy Hollow Road in the Town of Virgil, NY. I am providing this letter on behalf of my client in support of the Subdivision ApprovallLot Line Adjustment application in question. My client's owns 2 parcels of land. The parcel with the house and barn on it is approximately 4 acres. The vacant parcel is approximately 1.7 acres. Mr. Poirier's intention is to create two (2) separate parcels with the new boundary line between the parcels being the east walk line of Daisy Hollow Road. So essentially Daisy Hollow Road would separate the newly created parcels if the Board were to grant the Subdivision Approval/ Lot Line Adjustment. The newly created parcel with the existing house on it to the east of Daisy Hollow Road would be approximately 2.5 acres. The newly created parcel of land with the barn on it to the west of Daisy Hollow Road would be approximately 3.2 acres. I note that the creation of the 2.5 acre parcel is contingent upon an area variance being granted by the ZoningBoard of Appeals. That application is being filed simultaneously with this one. Attached as part of the application are survey maps of the entire subdivision as well as an isolated depiction of the parcel in question. A formal signed application for the Subdivision Approval/ Lot Line Adjustment is enclosed. Co*or*oruXr"]D"tno*oo Lew Fnupt lc Pacr 2 or 2 I note that I will be attending the Planning Board meeting which is scheduled on Monday, April 25,2022 @7 PM'. When I appear at the meeting, I will provide Mr. Brown with a check in the amount of $75.00 for the application fee. As such, I respectfully request that the Planning Board grant the Subdivision Approval/ Lot Line Adjustment as requested by my client. Thank you for your time and attention to this matter. Very truly yours, CARDINALE & DELVECCHIO LAW FIRM, PLLC John A. DelVecchio, Esq. Enclosure(s) CC: Jarid Poirier r. t--t - - r-----------r .-:!::EiE+.X5"--6'to ' Y-.t'lii/'. 7co"'t/"q'{- \\ ,"{,1,',{7f*,i"* lFi!,.{fr/*,f"0.{n ---uir , ue.ll;i ,-:\. -i';- .-:!%rE+W:Xi":ir' I \r -',,tl,tt"l*,.i,li,,7:.//:Zl ,/ar.7-9 4-1: .fl ,:1,1; {:" ")\,, i : $ I lto 7'vttt* uetntt,';t;/// ?ilrLilr i :* ''I } ro}l\'*lli;41;;1;gtro \r 'r ,,,,, t$ ili "I}ii}ii$i fi $t$$N#1ffi-l uyg;!!'',rr s'rrii"--,llil$i$:: \. --J:fr--_-rr,r": \\, li, ..,"r i .,bi 0." ,,,;,ffi::;,r:,* J\,^,. li, i I S rVti il: ISlss T'"7,f:,i;::"*' r- '.[':'i; . ,,,:,!.{ ^'t]l - $ : {ll$N 'i.i!.:-;-.;.;;:::.):/i;:,ir':i.. 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Pd/A/fZ. daeoa! (. Pd/,<;€z ffi 'f?-.,_ 7J){7* r,"",,€o u ;.$.i/\-'<< .Pa,on-,y-" ?e.csz e"tr i, i)ii,7r"." hq I'$-/ ,...*s:".; A' t l$ ; !j;';{:- z*::2,u ----: ) *.:7::;,".7::.T zzaaa . i/92 Edfrar,ucr uc,o. ,>u?/a/ MrP JUou/26 , paczNaa 7/1 Zrpoj ea fztasa,? lzzosru..<r'iDa 8y .P€/rZ4,t/ ltuD :U/e/€2.//6.>/r./€2 /2k2/ Zao& ,l/o. t5.a-7-a/ 40) 'F{PurtD oa///€R* /Ua 65.@.3 -/i/ EfD //t/tz//r. Za?A_ j/97 Xiiiflill]ll]llilllfllililllil tii*i": *'r * EtaabAh Lafr o. Counry Ct.,t fdn oa Yhdl - ,(8a15elao ,4aut! ,tzre.q / rd,.lri:Js,rtr.lo6r-g.?s, -''td) //O/t/S f//.4 (?.o.) /tst t/o Zaag _ g3 5, /;0 /u, A /o$ /cL $ Sh ort Environntental Assessnt ent Farnt Part I - Project Information Instructions for Comoletins Part I - Project Information. The applicant or proJect sponsor is responsilrle for the eompletlon of Part l. Responses become part of tlre application for approval or funding. are subject to public reviel. and rnay be subject to fuither verification. Complete Part I based on information curently available. lf additional research or investigation would be needed to fully resgurd to any ilern, please ansu'er as thoroughly as possible based on current information. Cornplete all items in Pan l. You may also provide any additional infonnation which you believe will be needed by or useful to tlrc lead agencyi attach additional pages as necessary to supplemenl auy itenr Part I - Project and Sponsor Information Name of Action or Project: tcrbJrV,lt:,,-- Project Location (describe. and attach a location map): /6/( /.o v H-ltru PaqJ . l/,.o,/. /vY Brief Description of ft-oposd Action: 7]e e/7/b*/ 1t SqllrViJ,'rg q t2,{ ac/€ lmrce / zf /e"/ *a fAe eery'o{ fuiy H.7t.u toq! n€.-. 2A e7e*) t q a eft i?arc' / Narne of Applicant or Sponsor: TcrrJ ?.)rio. rerephone: 6A+ _ ?S) - ,gF q E-Ir{ail: Address: /( 76 ,lai y ,4-//"- ,?.aJ , t1,.). /vrCity,'PO; 'fivr; /Stale:.vf Zip Code: /3a?f l. Does the proposed action only involve the legislative adoption ofa plan. local larv, ordinance, administratir,e rule, or regulation? lfYes, attach a narative description ofthe intett ofthe proposed action aud the environmenlal resources that may be affecled in the nrunicipaliS' and proceed to Parl 2. lf no, contiuue ro question 2. NO YES EI tr 2. Does the propoxd action requile a permit. approval or fi.urding fi-om any other gor-ernmental Agency? If Yes. list agency(s, narne and pemrit or approval: NO YES V tr 3.a. Total acreage of the site of the proposed action? b. Total acreage to be physically disrur'bed'l c. Total acreage (project site aud any contiguous propelties) ou,ned or controlled by dre applicant or proiect sponsof) q acl'es---9- acr.es acres 4. Check all land uses that oc.cur on, adjoining and neal the proposed action. !Ll'ban !Rural (non-agricuhrre) [ Indrrstrial f]Conrmercial h(..iaential (snburban) EForest EAgriculture !-Aquatic f]Other (speci[ ): EParkland Page I of3 _5.Is tlre pr<,posed action. a. A permitted use under the zouing regulations? b. Consistent with the adopted contpreheirsive plan? NO YES N/A w tr trtrtrY 6. Is the p'oposed action consistent rvith the predominant character of rhe existing built or natural landscape? NO YES tr EI 7. Is the site of the proposed action located in, or does it adjoin, a state listed Critical Environmenlal Area? If Yes, identifl: NO YES E tr 8. a. Witl the proposed action result in a substarrtial increase in raffrc above present levels? b. Are public transportation service(s) available at or Dear tlle site of the ploposed action? c. .fue any pedestrian accommcxiations or bicycle routes availabte on or near site of the proposed action? NO YES Z trlnltr 9. Does the proposed action meet or exceed the state energy code requirement.s? If the proposed action will exceed requirements, describe design feailres and technologies: NO YES E tr t0.tfiIill the proposed action connect to an exisring public/private waler supply? If No. describe method for providing potable water: NO \.ES .E u I l. Will the prcposed action connect to existing wastewater utilities? lf No. describe nrethod for ploviding lvastewatet h.eahuent: NO YES ET tr 12.a. Does the site contain a suucrure drat is listed on either the State or National Register of Historic Places? b. Is Oe proposed action located in an arclreological sensitive area'l NO YES E ntrtr 13. a. Does any poltion of the site of the proposed action. or lands arljoining tt e propose,,t actiorr. contaio wetlands or other watelbodies re_eulated by a federal, state or local agencp b. Would the proposed action physically alter. or encroach into, any existing u,etland or water.bocly? If Yes, identiff the wetland or n'aterbody and extent of alterations in square feet or acres: NO lrs XI trtrtr 14.Identify the rypical habitat types tlrar occur on, or are likely to Lre found onf]Shoreliue EForest' trAgricultural/grasslands the project site. Check all d:ar apply: E Early mid-successional I Wetland EU.ban EI Suburban 15. Does the site of the proposed action contain any species of anirlal. or associated habitats. listerl hy tbe State or Federal govenlt)retrt as threatened or endangered? NO YESEtr 16. Is the p'oject site located in the I 00 year flood plain'?No YES ,Y 17. \Uill the prolrcsed action create stornr u-aler discharge, eitlrer lf Yes, a. Will storm rvater dischalges flotl to adjacent pr.opetries'l fi'om poirrt or rron-1rcint sources? n no flvrs h. \\till stonn water discharges be directed to established conveyance s)'stems (rruroffand s(orm dr.aius)'l It'Yes, bt'ielly describe:ENo [r,es NO YES E tr Page 2 of3 I l8.Doestheproposedactionincludeconstntctionortrthcru.ti,itie'@ water o,'other liquids (e.g. retention Jrond, u-aste lagoon, clam)? IfYes, explain purpose and size: I9.Hasthesiteoftlreproposedactionorana-djoiningproper$,beentheroffi solid rvaste rnanagement facility? If Yes, desqibe: IfYes, describe: 20. Has tbe sire of rhe proposed u"tio completed) for hazardous rvasre? I AFFIRM TH,{T THE INFORJI{AMKNou'LEDGE eb A , De lVg*L6< ApplicanUsponsorname: Zfuq fi. TRUE AND ACCURATE TO THE BEST OF MY PRINT FORM Page 3 of3 ON THE MOTION OF Laurie Comfort RESOLUTION NO. 22-15 Emma Hans GML# 135.00-03-14.200 & 135.00-03-14.120 Town of Virgil Subdivision & Area Variance Jared M Poirier WHEREAS, on April 1, 2022 the Zoning Officer, Town of Virgil, pursuant to General Municipal Law 239 M & N submitted an application for Subdivision & Area Variance because the property is located within 500 feet of Daisy Hollow Road (County Route 128A), AND WHEREAS, the Cortland County Planning Department has reviewed this request and submitted a written report dated April 15, 2022, which is on file, AND WHEREAS, the Cortland County Planning Board on April 20, 2022, held a regular meeting with a quorum and did consider this request, AND WHEREAS, the Cortland County Planning Board did thoroughly consider the material submitted by the petitioner, Department comments, and all other relevant reports on file, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that only upon adherence to the following contingencies does the Board recommend approval of this application for subdivision & area variance for the purpose of subdividing an existing 4± acre parcel on two sides of the road into a 2.5± acre parcel on the east side of the road and a 1.5± acre parcel on the west side, then combining the 1.5± acre parcel with an existing adjacent 1.7± acre parcel: 1. that the Town balance the benefit to be realized by the applicant against any potential detriment to the health, safety, and general welfare of the neighborhood or community. 2. that a Final Plat be submitted to the Town in compliance with section 520 of the Town of Virgil Subdivision Regulations. 3. compliance with SEQR requirements., AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Board reminds the Town of Virgil the requirements of General Municipal Law Section 239 M & N that a supermajority vote is to be attained by the Town in order to approve this application unless every contingency documented in this resolution is followed, AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Planning Department is hereby authorized to convey this action to the Zoning Officer, Town of Virgil. _______________________________ Ann Swisher, Chair Cortland County Planning Board April 20, 2022 Ayes: 8 Nays: 0 Virgil Planning Board Meeting March 28, 2022 1 | Page TOWN OF VIRGIL PLANNING BOARD MEETING March 28, 2022, 7:00 PM BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Planning Board Chair Mark Baranello, Board Members Dale Taylor, Sylvia Cook, Sara Hollenbeck and Carole Lathrop and Karen Cushman OTHERS PRESENT: Alane Van Donsel Secretary, Daniel Ellis II Town Attorney, Adam Brown Zoning Officer APPLICANTS & PUBLIC PRESENT: Wes Kryger, Greek Peak 7:00 PM THE PLANNING BOARD CHAIR MARK BARANELLO CALLED THE MEETING TO ORDER DISCUSSION ON PHASE I AND II OF A CAMPGROUND AT GREEK PEAK: Wes Kryger and the Planning Board had an in-depth discussion on Phase I and proposed phase II of the Greek Peak Campground. Potential concerns with the capacity of the sewage treatment plant were discussed. There was discussion on the storm water runoff. Kryger stated that they hired Engineer Tim Buhl to design the site plan. A audio recording of the meeting is available on Laserfiche, which is available to the public on the Virgil website at www.virgilny.org. RESOLUTION #22-014 PLANNING BOARD MINUTES FROM JANUARY 24, 2022: Member Carole Lathrop made a motion to approve the Planning Board minutes from 01-24-2022. Chairman Mark Baranello seconded the motion. Vote: Ayes Lathrop, Baranello & Cushman. Nays: None. Abstain: Hollenbeck, Taylor and Cook Motion Carried RESOLUTION #22-015 PLANNING BOARD MINUTES FROM February 28, 2022: Member Dale Taylor made a motion to approve the Planning Board minutes from 02-28-2022. Member Sylvia Cook seconded the motion. Vote: Ayes Baranello, Taylor, Hollenbeck, Cook Nays: None. Abstain: Lathrop Motion Carried DISSCUSSION: Alternate Member Karen Cushman attended a workshop on solar farms. She stated that once 25 megawatt fields are erected in a town, the SEQR process is overridden, and the municipalities have no say. She was wondering if the town needed to look at their solar law to make sure it is adequate. It was discussed that the town invites Trisha Jesset from the county to discuss this matter further. Town Clerk Van Donsel will investigate having this arranged. With no further business to discuss, Chairman Baranello asked for a motion adjourn the meeting at 8:07 PM. Member Dale Taylor motioned to adjourn. Chairman Baranello seconded the motion. Vote: Ayes Chairman Baranello, Members Hollenbeck, Cook, Lathrop and Taylor. Nays: None Motion Carried Respectfully Submitted by, Alane Van Donsel For Alane Van Donsel Planning Board Secretary • Draft of these minutes were attached to the upcoming planning board meetings agenda for 04/25/2022 and sent to the Planning Board Members, Town Attorney and CEO on April 20, 2022