HomeMy WebLinkAbout01-24-2022 Planning Board PacketPlanning Board Members: Chair Mark Baranello, Carole Lathrop, Sara Hollenbeck, Sylvia Cook, Dale Taylor, Alternate Member: Karen Cushman Agenda 1. Public Hearing Attachments: Legal Notice for the Public Hearings (Legal_Notice_01-24-2022.pdf) a. Subdivison fro Sherman- 276 Simms Hill Road Dryden, NY b. Subdivision for Rowland 2824 Page Green Rd and Davidson 2714 Jenkins Rd c. Subdivision 1724 and 1716 Tower Rd tax map 107.00-03-05.00 Sheila Morse d. Home Occupation Permit 1193 Church St . Joshua Rood applicant / Owner Courtney Snover 2. Old Business a. Old business Dan Haynes Ice Cream Store revised site plan for his conditional permit application. 1764 Route 392. Attachments: Response from the County & Mr. Haynes Response Back (scan1004.pd f) Map of the Haynes Project (scan1003.pdf) 3. New Business a. Application Applicant: Vaugh & Susan Sherman Property Owner: Vaugh & Susan Sherman Property Location: 276 Simms Hill Rd. Tax Map No.: 125.00-03-04.000 Zoned: ARC Description of Project: The Shermans wish to Subdivide off a house and one acre from the main farm located on Gee Hill. This project is subject to an area variance tat went before the Zoning Board of Appeals 01-24-2022 at 6PM. Planning Board Agenda Monday, January 24, 2022 at 7:00 pm Attachments: Agricultural Data Sheet-Sherman (scan0970.pdf) Application for a Subdivision-Sherman (scan0969.pdf) Development Standards Schedule (scan0971.pdf) Map of Sherman Project (scan0972.pdf) Short Environmental Assessment Form Part 1-Sherman (scan0968.pdf) b. Application Applicant: Joseph Davidson Property Owner: Seth Rowland Property Location: @824 Page Green Road Tax Map No.: 117.00-06-04.000 Zoned: ARC Description of Project: Rowland owns 2824 Page Green Rd 117.00-06-04.000 and wishes to subdivide a 2.239 acre parcel off the parent parcel of 8.10 acres. The new 2.239 parcel will be conveyed to Davidson and it will become part of tax map ID 117.00-06-03.000. All set back requirements by town zoning will be meet. Attachments: Agricultural Data Statement- Rowland/Davidson (scan0963.pdf) Application for a Subdivision- Rowland/Davidson (scan0962.pdf) County's Response to the Rowland/Davidson Subdivison (Virgil_Subdiv _Davidson_RETURNL.pdf) Map of the Subdivison-Rowland/Davidson (scan0965.pdf) Short Environmental Form-Rowland/Davidson (scan0964.pdf) c. Application Applicant: Shelia Morse Property Owner: Sheila Morse Property Location: 1724 and 1716 Tower Rd Tax Map No.: 107.00-03-05.00 Zoned: ARC Description of Project: Morse wants to subdivide a 15.3 acre parcel with existing structures into two parcels. Parcel A will consist of 6.0 Acres with 558’ of road frontage and only 28’ between the barn and the property line. (There was a variance that was approved back in 6/27/16 that allowed for the side set back distance to be reduced.) Property A will have a house and a barn on it along with an existing well and septic. Parcel B will be 9.3 acres with 335’ of road frontage and a 28 foot set back off of parcel A. Again this set-back variance was already approved back 6/27/16 by the ZBA, but the subdivision was never completed. Parcel B contains a house and barn as well. Attachments: Morse Subdivision Documents (MorseSubdivisonTowerRd2022-01-06_103 101.pdf) d. Application Applicant: Joshua Rood Property Owner:Courtney Snover Property Location: 1193 Church Street Tax Map No.: 126.14-02-13.000 Zoned: NR Description of Project: Applicant is looking for a Home Occupation Permit to run a home occupation business out of his home with an attached garage to detail vehicles. Attachments: Home Occupation Application-Snover/Rood (HomeoccupationRoodChurc hSt.pdf) 4. Approve Minutes Attachments: Draft of the Planning Board Minutes from 11-22-2021 (2021_PB_Minutes__Dr aft_2__11-22-_2021__1_.pdf) 5. Adjornment | Agenda published on 01/19/2022 at 2:08 AM Cortland Standard Printing Co. Cortland Standard Invoice #: f3fcd35b Date: 01/12/2022 Bill To TOWN OF VIRGIL Customer Email townclerk@virgilny.org Description Publish Date Amount PUBLIC 01/18/2022 $46.89 Affidavit(eMail)1 $25.00 Affidavit(Mail)0 $0.00 Please remit checks payable to: Cortland Standard Printing Co. PO Box 5548 Cortland, NY 13045 Total: $71.89 Balance: $71.89 MEETING & PUBLIC HEARING OF THE PLANNING BOARD                 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a meeting and public hearing will be held before the Town of Virgil Planning Board on January 24, 2022, at 7 p.m. at the Virgil Town Hall 1176 Church Street, Virgil NY 13045. This meeting and public hearings is being held to consider the following applications:   Vaughn and Susan Sherman owners of 125.00-03-04.000, located at 2219 Gee Hill Rd, Dryden NY 13053. Filed an application for a subdivision, subject to an area variance approval from the ZBA held on 01-24-2022 at 6PM. The owners wish to subdivide off a house with one acre  1. Sheila Morse owner of 107.00-03-05.000, located at 1724 & 1716 Tower Road, Virgil NY 13045 is looking to subdivide a 15.3-acre parcel that contains two dwellings and 2 barns. An area variance was approved by the Virgil ZBA on 06-27-2016, however the subdivision was never completed at that time.   2. Joseph Davidson Petitioner and Seth Rowland owner wishes to subdivide 117.00- 06-04.000 (Rowland) and add 2.29 acres to 117.00-06- 03.000 (Davidson) the property located at 2714 Page Green Road, Virgil NY, 13045.    3. Joshua Rood and Courtney Snover owner of 126.14-02- 13.000 located at 1193 Church St. Virgil, NY 13045, wishes to obtain a home occupation permit to be able to continue a part-time vehicle detailing business.    4. Daniel A. Haynes Jr. is seeking a site plan review of a proposed Ice cream store with indoor seating. The parcel is located at 1764 RTE. 392 tax map#127.00-04- 01.000. A Public Hearing has already taken place on this matter.   5.   The above applications are available at www.virgilny.org or contact the office of the Town Clerk at (607) 835-6174, Ext. 2.  Persons wishing to speak may do so in person, by attorney, or by another representative.  Communications in writing in relation thereto may be filed ahead of time with the Board or at such hearing.                                                                                    Alane Van Donsel  Virgil Town Clerk on Behalf of  The Virgil Planning Board  trable � Oevefopment Standards Sctieduf.e for Resldential and Agricultural Districts NR-Neighborhood Rosidontlal District With Public Wator With Water Only Without Public Standard's and Sewor Utililios Dwelling Unils/Acre 1.0 .. 33 .33 Min. Lot Size (acres} 1 3 3 Min. Average Lot Width (feel) 150 250 350 Min. Frontage (teet) 150 250 2� Min. Front Setback (feet) 50 50 50 Min. Side Setback (feet) 30 {each) 30 (each) 30 (each) Min. Rear Setback ((eet) 50 50 50 Max. Lot Coverage (%) 25 .25 25 Max. Buildirl!J Height (reet) 35 35 35 ARC -Agrtcultum Rosldontral Consorva.tlon Dlstrict Dwellfng: Units/Acre .33 Min. Lot Siz.e (acres) 3 Min. Aver age Loi Width (feet} 350 Min. Frontage (teet) 25DJW Min. Front Setback (feet) 50 Min. Side Setback (feet) 30 Min. Rear Se!back {feet) 50 Max. Lot Coverage(%) 25 Max. Building Height (feet) 35 t •COmmel'iled {PB): LL f3 [j( 2iH8 rtl'd.-.11;i91t,' requirt,d . 1<>00 I llllf>Jge· Virgil Planning Board Meeting November 22, 2021        TOWN OF VIRGIL PLANNING BOARD MEETING  November 22, 2021, 7:00 PM    BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Planning Board Chair Mark Baranello, Board Members Sylvia Cook, Sara Hollenbeck, Member Taylor,  Carole Lathrop & Alternate Karen Cushman.   OTHERS PRESENT: Alane Van Donsel Secretary, Den Ellis Town Attorney, Zoning Board of Appeals, Steve Terwilliger, Board Members  David Gower, Fred Carden, Clayton Moore, Walter Logan and Daniel Haynes    7:02 PM –THE PLANNING BOARD MEETING WAS CALLED TO ORDER BY CHAIR MARK BARANELLO    OLD BUSINESS:   DANIEL A. HAYNES, JR DISCUSSION ON SITE PLAN REVIEW: The County sent back their comments on the Haynes Ice Cream Store  project. A site plan review still needs to be submitted. Dan Haynes said that a survey is coming soon.     NEW BUSINESS:   DISCUSSION ON PROPOSED LOCAL LAW #3 OF 2021 A LOCAL LAW AMENDING THE TOWN ZONING LAW:  The Virgil Planning Board  had a lengthy discussion on their opinions on what should be done with the school building and what they thought about the local  law. A recording of the meeting can be listened to on Laserfiche.   RESOLUTION # 21‐056 MOTION THAT THE LOCAL LAW NEEDS TO BE REVISED: The Virgil Planning Board is under the opinion that the  Local Law is premature and too specific to one particular use and one developer. They favor a more multi use approach based on a  conditional use permit and allowable use based on an updated master plan. Member Taylor made a motion to have the Local law  rewritten to include the Planning Boards opinion that the law was too specific for the site. Member Cook Seconded the motion. Vote:  Ayes Chairman Baranello, Members Hollenbeck, Lathrop, Cook, Taylor & Cushman.  Nays: None Motion Carried  RESOLUTION #21‐57 APPROVE PLANNING BOARD MINUTES AND INDEX OF ACTIONS FROM OCTOBER 25, 2021: Member Dale Taylor  made a motion to approve the planning board draft minutes and Index of actions from the October 25, 2021. Member Sylvia Cook  mentioned seconded the motion. Vote: Ayes Chairman Baranello Members Hollenbeck, Cook & Taylor. Abstain: Lathrop Nays: None  Motion Carried  FURTHER DISCUSSION: Alternate Member Karen Cushman Asked if the board would like to discuss the selling of CBD products in the  Town of Virgil. Member Taylor stated that it is on the agenda of the Town Board meeting on Dec. 9th. Taylor stated that he feels that  the Town should opt out now, because once you’re in, you’re in. The Town board is having a a public hearing and they are leaning  towards opting out.  With no further business to discuss, Member Baranello asked for a motion adjourn the meeting at 8:40 PM. Member Taylor motioned  to adjourn. Member Hollenbeck seconded the motion. Vote: Ayes Chairman Baranello, Members Hollenbeck, Lathrop, Cook, Taylor &  Cushman.  Nays: None Motion Carried  Respectfully Submitted by,    Alane Van Donsel For Alane Van Donsel Planning Board Secretary    Draft of these minutes were attached to the upcoming planning board meetings agenda for 01/24/2022 and sent to the  Planning Board Members, Town Attorney and CEO on January 20, 2022