HomeMy WebLinkAbout03-22-2021 Planning Board Agenda PacketBoard Members: Jeffrey Breed Chair, Members Mark Baranello, Carole Lathrop, Sara Sirois, Dale Taylor Alternate: Sylvia Cook Agenda Join Zoom Meeting https://zoom.us/j/98809833558?pwd=U1oxelNoZExRakJWUElXa0V5RE9TQT09 Meeting ID: 988 0983 3558 Passcode: 357821 +1 646 558 8656 US (New York) 1. Public Hearing Public Hearing for a Home Occupation Conditional Use Permit NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a meeting will be held before the Town of Virgil Planning Board on 22 March 2021, 7 p.m., via Zoom Meeting got to www.viriglny.org for a link to the Zoom Meeting. This meeting is to consider an application from Richard McMullin for a home occupation conditional permit for property located at 2285 Stafford Road, Cortland, NY 13045 tax map # 117.00-07-06.000. Attachments: Legal Notice of Public Hearing (Legal_Notice_for_the_Planning_Board_03-22-20 21.pdf) Notarized Legal Notice (Notorized_Legal_Notice_PB03-22-2021.pdf) 2. Old Business NONE 3. Public Hearing(s) a. Application: Home Occupation Conditional Use Permit Applicant; Richard J. McMullin Propety Owner: Richard J. McMullin Property Location: 2285 Stafford Road, Cortland, NY 13045 Tax Map No.: 117.00-07-06.000 Zoned: ARC Description of Project: Property owner is applying for a Home Occuaption Planning Board Agenda Monday, March 22, 2021 at 7:00 pm Conditional Use Permit to allow a business in his home that will allow firearms and ammo shipped to his address. There will be no retail sales done from the residence. Attachments: Home Occupation Conditional Use Permit Application (2285_Stafford_R d_Home_Occupation_Conditional_Permit_.pdf) Neighbors Notified (Neihbors_to_McMullin.pdf) Site Map and Set Backs (Site_Map___Set_Backs.pdf) 4. Approve Minutes Attachments: 02-22-2021 Draft Planning Board Meeting Minutes (2021_PB_Minutes__Draft_ _Feb._22__2021.pdf) Index of Actions from 02-22-2021 Planning Board Meeting (02-22-2021_Ind ex_of_Planning_Board_Actions.pdf) 5. Adjornment | Agenda published on 03/12/2021 at 1:21 PM PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE & PLANNING BOARD MEETING TOWN OF VIRGIL PLANNING BOARD NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a meeting will be held before the Town of Virgil Planning Board on 22 March 2021, 7 p.m., via Zoom Meeting got to www.viriglny.org for a link to the Zoom Meeting. This meeting is to consider an application from Richard McMullin for a home occupation conditional permit for property located at 2285 Stafford Road, Cortland, NY 13045 tax map # 117.00-07-06.000. The above application is available at www.virgilny.org or contact the office of the Town Clerk at (607) 835-6174, Ext. 2 and they can be emailed to you. Persons wishing to speak at the meeting may do so via Zoom, by attorney, or another representative by Zooming in. Communications in writing in relation thereto may be filed ahead of time with the board or at such hearing. Dated: 03/11/2021 Alane Van Donsel Planning Board Secretary on Behalf of The Virgil Planning Board Parcel Number Cama Number Property Address Owner Name Co Owner Name Owner Address Virg-107.00-01- 24.000 Virg-107.00-01- 24.000 Clute Rd Papetti Trust, Clarence J. 5136 Apollo Lane SW Virg-117.00-07- 04.000 Virg-117.00-07- 04.000 2840 Clute Rd Brycen Dunn 2840 Clute Rd Virg-117.00-07- 05.000 Virg-117.00-07- 05.000 Stafford Rd McMullin, Richard 2285 Stafford Rd Virg-117.00-07- 06.000 Virg-117.00-07- 06.000 2285 Stafford Rd McMullin, Richard 2285 Stafford Rd Virg-117.00-07- 07.000 Virg-117.00-07- 07.000 Clute Rd Hall, Jeffrey D.2110 Tower Rd Virg-118.00-01- 01.100 Virg-118.00-01- 01.100 Stafford Rd Dunton, Robert 820 Gilbert Mills Rd Owner Address 2 Owner State Owner City Owner Zip Lilburn, GA 30047 Cortland, NY 13045-9707 Cortland, NY 13045 Cortland, NY 13045-9531 Cortland, NY Fulton, NY 13069-4566 Virgil Planning Board Meeting February 22, 2021    1 | Page       TOWN OF VIRGIL PLANNING BOARD MEETING                                February 22, 2021 7:00 PM VIA ZOOM    BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Planning Board Chair Jeffrey Breed, Board Members Carole Lathrop, Mark Baranello, Dale Taylor, Sara  Sirois, and Sylvia Cook Alternate  OTHERS PRESENT: Alane Van Donsel Secretary, Patrick Snyder Town Attorney, Adam Brown Virgil Zoning Officer, Kathy McGrath  Cortland County Sewer and Water  APPLICANTS & PUBLIC PRESENT: Wes Kryger from Greek Peak, Tim Buhl Engineer, Gary Pelton    7:00 PM –THE REGULAR MEETING WAS CALLED TO ORDER  Planning Board Chair Jeffrey Breed called the meeting to order.   GREEK PEAK HOLDINGS, LLC, APPLICANT/REPUTED OWNER FOR A PROPOSED WEDDING BARN SITE PLAN REVIEW 2000 NYS ROUTE  392 TM #127.09‐03.110: DISCUSSION: Chairman Breed wanted the Cortland County Planning Board’s Resolution #21‐03 read into the  record. A summary of the resolution stated that the Cortland County Planning Department did review the materials submitted by the  town, as well as all relevant reports submitted. The County Planning Board has resolved that the County Planning Board does  recommended the approval of the application for an Aquifer Protection Permit, Site Plan Review as well as a Conditional Permit to  construct the forementioned Wedding venue barn with the following contingencies: 1. The applicant must provide renderings and  design features of the proposed facility with approval from the town. 2. The application confirms that all work will occur on Greek  Peak property and if not the proper easements and paperwork will be obtained. 3. The damaged vehicles will be removed. 4. Applicant  must file a notice of intent with NYS DEC. (Note contingencies 3 and 4 may have changed or have already been taken care of.) 5.  Applicant will obtain approval to connect to the public water and sewer and back fill prevention from the County Heath Department  and the Town. 6. Applicant will comply with SEQR and all other requirements. Tim Buhl spoke about the DEC’s concerns about a  undeveloped area’s drainage. They would like to have this area drain into the retention pond. Buhl said they will conform to their  recommendations or they will convince them it doesn’t need to be done. Buhl felt this recommendation wouldn’t change the plans  much, they may have to redirect a ditch into the retention pond that is a little deeper and or bigger that first designed. Member Taylor  said he would feel more comfortable moving forward if the DEC recommendations were already met. Buhl assured Taylor and the  board that the applicant will not be able to get a DEC permit unless they comply. Taylor asked about the recommendation of removing  or fencing in the disabled vehicles. Applicant Kryger said the vehicles will be fenced. Attorney Snyder felt that it was fine for the  Planning Board to move forward with part 2 of the SEQR and declare a negative declaration based on the conditions spelled out by  the County Planning Board. Snyder also mentioned the Town Board will have to give permission for Greek Peak to be on town property  through an agreement that he has drafted. Snyder also mentioned that the town board has asked the planning board to be the lead  agency on this project.    RESOLUTION #21‐04 SHORT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT FORM PART II NEGATIVE DECLARATION:  The Chairman read aloud Part  II of the Short Environmental Assessment Form.  Negative responses were obtained to all questions in Part II.  A motion was then  made by Member Lathrop that the action, based on the information submitted, will not cause any significant adverse environmental  impact, resulting in a Negative Declaration. The motion was seconded by Member Baranello, with the vote recorded as follows: Ayes:  Chairman Breed, Members Lathrop, Baranello, Taylor and Sirois. Nays: None  RESOLUTION #21‐05 APPROVAL OF THE UPDATED AND AMENDED SITE PLAN AND CONDITIONAL PERMIT OF THE GREEK PEAK  WEDDING BARN WITH STIPULATIONS:  Member Lathrop made a motion to approve the site plan and conditional permit based on  the updated and amended documents presented Engineer Tim Buhl and Greek Peak Holdings  contingent upon the following: the  Cortland County Planning Boards recommendations are met, by the NYS Department of Environmental Conservation storm water  protection plan is met and the Indemnification agreement drafted by the Town’s attorney is signed and agreed upon by the Virgil  Town Board and Greek Peak Holdings.  The motion was seconded by Member Taylor. An added stipulation as suggested by the Town’s  Attorney amend the resolution to include a time deadline if the commencement of the project to begin within one year of this  resolution. Vote:  Ayes: Chairman Breed, Members Lathrop, Baranello, Taylor and Sirois. Nays: None  Virgil Planning Board Meeting February 22, 2021    2 | Page    INDEX #21‐06 APPROVE PLANNING BOARD MINUTES FROM JAN. 25, 2021: Member Taylor made a motion to approve the planning  board draft minutes from the January 25, 2021 with corrections. Member Baranello seconded the motion. Vote: Ayes: Chairman Breed,  Members Lathrop, Baranello, Taylor and Sirois. Nays: None  FURTHER DISCUSSION: There was some discussion regarding Zoom meetings and when the board might be able to meet in person  again. Member Taylor would prefer in person meetings when it is deemed safe. Member Taylor asked some questions regarding  eligibility on who can receive the vaccine.   With no further business to discuss, Member Taylor moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:15 PM. Member Baranello seconded the  Motion. Vote: Ayes: Chairman Breed, Members Lathrop, Baranello, Taylor and Sirois. Nays: None  Respectfully Submitted by,    Alane Van Donsel Alane Van Donsel Planning Board Secretary    Draft of these edited Minutes were sent to the Planning Board Members Town Attorney and CEO on March 12, 2021   A recording of the meeting is available to the Public on the Towns Website www.virgilny.org And is archived on Laserfiche    Submitted via E‐mail to: Planning Board Members, CEO & ZO & Atty. on 02/10/2021 AV  Alane Van Donsel | SECRETARY  INDEX OF PLANNING BOARD ACTIONS‐2021  TOWN OF VIRGIL, CORTLAND COUNTY, NY  Meeting   Date    Action  No.       Description of Action  02/22/2021 21‐04 Greek Peak Holdings LLC, Applicant/Reputed Owner‐200 NYS Route 392‐Tax Map  #127.09‐03.110‐ Site Plan Review, Conditional Permit & Aquifer Protection District  Special Permit for proposed wedding barn facility.  Resolution #21‐04 Short  Environmental Assessment Form Part II Negative Declaration. The Virgil Planning  Board made a NEGATIVE DELARATION    21‐05 Greek Peak Holdings LLC, Applicant/Reputed Owner‐200 NYS Route 392‐Tax Map  #127.09‐03.110‐ Site Plan Review, Conditional Permit & Aquifer Protection District  Special Permit for proposed wedding barn facility.  APPROVAL of the updated and  amended site plan and conditional permit of the Greek Peak wedding barn with  stipulations. Stipulations: the Cortland County Planning Boards recommendations  are met, by the NYS Department of Environmental Conservation storm water  protection plan is met and the Indemnification agreement drafted by the Town’s  attorney is signed and agreed upon by the Virgil Town Board and Greek Peak  Holdings.   21‐06 Planning Board Minutes of January 25, 2021 APPROVED with corrections            ___Alane Van Donsel_____________________                                                                                        Alane Van Donsel, Planning Board Secretary