HomeMy WebLinkAbout01-25-2021 Approved Planning Board Meeting MinutesVirgil Planning Board Meeting January 25th, 2021 1 | Page TOWN OF VIRGIL PLANNING BOARD MEETING January 25th, 2021 7:00 PM VIA ZOOM BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Planning Board Chair Jeffrey Breed, Board Members Carole Lathrop, Mark Baranello, Dale Taylor, Sara Sirois, and Sylvia Cook, Alternate OTHERS PRESENT: Alane Van Donsel Secretary, Patrick Snyder Town Attorney, Adam Brown Virgil Zoning Officer, Kathy McGrath Cortland County Sewer and Water APPLICANTS & PUBLIC PRESENT: Wes Kryger from Greek Peak, Tim Buhl Engineer 7:00 PM –THE REGULAR MEETING WAS CALLED TO ORDER Planning Board Chair Jeffrey Breed called the meeting to order. Chairman Breed announced a change in the secretary position for the Planning Board. Breed announced that Alane Van Donsel will be the secretary for the 2021 year. Breed welcomed the representatives from Greek Peak, Wes Kryger and Tim Buhl. INDEX #21-01 GREEK PEAK HOLDINGS, LLC, APPLICANT/REPUTED OWNER FOR A PROPOSED WEDDING BARN 2000 NYS ROUTE 392 – TM #127.09-03.110: Chairman Breed stated that a public hearing was held on this project at the last Planning Board meeting that was held on December 28, 2020. This item was tabled at that time for further review and until further information was provided by the applicant and the engineer Tim Buhl. Breed said there have been several E-mails with information exchanged on this project. Breed said there have been some updates on the project. Engineer Tim Buhl discussed some of these updates. Buhl stated there is a revision on where the building sits and where the road will go. Kryger and Buhl stated this is the final plan. Zoning Officer Adam Brown stated an updated Environmental Assessment form has been E-mailed to everyone and it was attached to the agenda. Attorney Snyder stated that he was concerned about the stream that is proposed to be crossed. He was wondering if it is an environmentally protected stream which would require a DEC stream disturbance permit. Kryger and Buhl both stated that the stream is not a protected stream. Attorney Snyder had a concern about the new plan’s property lines will use Town of Virgil’s Hope Lake Park property for drainage purposes. He feels its important for the Town Board to be made aware of this and he questions if the drainage will interfere with the public use of the park. This topic was brought up at the town board meeting and Attorney Snyder recommended that they go through an indemnification process. The town board was willing to do that. Kathy McGrath from Soil and Water had some questions about a dashed line on the plans and she was concerned about drainage that was not on to be on Greek Peak’s property. Buhl confirmed that some of the drainage will be on town property. Buhl stated they are going to handle it with an agreement that will not hold the town responsible if something went wrong. McGrath stated that these types of drainage structures are usually put entirely on the property in which they serve, but she felt that was up to the town. She said a problem can arise if the property is ever subdivided in the future. McGrath had some questions regarding a culvert. She shared her screen with concerns that were presented about culvert and she discussed these concerns in detail. Buhl stated that the current culvert is not a natural one. Buhl discussed the plans in detail and other possibilities for the culvert. Buhl stated the design kept in mind that they were not dealing with a regulated stream. He said that if they need to rework the design, they will get a permit from the Army Corp of Engineers, if the DEC deems it necessary. Discussion continued back and forth between Buhl and McGrath. Breed asked about the riprap. Buhl said they plan on using 24 inch riprap. McGrath’s coworker was concerned that might not be big enough. All board members discussed the project. Member Sara Sirois said that she didn’t feel comfortable voting that night. Dale Taylor voiced concerns over getting the paperwork late. None of the Planning Board members felt qualified to determine if the plans were acceptable and they felt they needed to leave everything up to the experts. Zoning Officer Adam Brown said that the town board offered to have a second engineer look at the plans. None of the planning board members felt that was necessary. The planning Board decided to table this project until they can get more input from the Cortland County Planning Board. Item was TABLED. INDEX #21-02 SET A SPECIAL MEETING DATE OF FEBRUARY 2, 2021: In order to keep the project moving forward Chair Breed suggested that the Planning Board meets on an earlier date in February. A date of Monday February 8th was suggested. Member Taylor made a motion to approve a special meeting of the Virgil Planning Board will be held on February 18th 2021 at 7:00 PM Via Zoom. Member Baranello seconded the motion. Vote: Ayes: Chairman Breed, Members Lathrop, Baranello, Taylor, Sirois and Cook. Nays: None Virgil Planning Board Meeting January 25th, 2021 2 | Page INDEX #21-03 APPROVE PLANNING BOARD MINUTES FROM DEC. 12, 2020: Member Taylor made a motion to approve the planning board draft minutes from December 12, 2020 as presented. Member Sirois seconded the motion. VOTE: Ayes: Chairman Breed, Members Lathrop, Baranello, Taylor, Sirois and Cook. Nays: None FURTHER DISCUSSION: Chairman Breed wanted to thank former secretary of the planning board Joan Fitch for her years of service, Dale Taylor and Mark Baranello both said they E-mailed her thanking her for her service. With no further business to discuss, Member Taylor moved to adjourn the meeting at 9:16 PM. Member Baranello seconded the Motion. Vote: Ayes: Chairman Breed, Members Lathrop, Baranello, Taylor, Sirois and Cook. Nays: None Respectfully Submitted by, Alane Van Donsel Alane Van Donsel Planning Board Secretary • Draft of these edited Minutes were sent to the Planning Board Members Town Attorney and CEO on February 11, 2021 • A recording of the meeting is available to the Public on the Towns Website www.virgilny.org And is archived on Laserfiche