HomeMy WebLinkAbout02-24-2020 PB Agenda Packet - PdfTOWN OF VIRGIL PLANNING BOARD MEETING February 24, 2020 7:00 PM AGENDA Mailing Address: 1176 Church Street Cortland, NY 13045 Board Members: Jeffrey Breed, Carole Lathrop, Anne Howe, Mark Baranello, Dale Taylor, Alternate Denise Schulze AGENDA Monday February 24, 2020- 7:00 PM- Virgil Town Hall 7:00 PM CALL MEETING TO ORDER OLD BUSINESS: NONE NEW BUSINESS: 1.Applicant: Gerald W. Willis Sr. & Amie L. Willis Trust Property Owner: Janet E. Shaw- Trustee Property Location: 392 Edsall Rd. Dryden, NY 13053 Tax Map No.: 115.00-05-06.000 Zoned: ARC Applying for a site plan review for a minor subdivision to split the main parcel into three separate parcels of 16 + acres, 10 + acres and 53+ acres. Shaw Subdivision Map of the Willis-Shaw Property Letter to Neighbors of Willis Trust pdf Cortland County Determination Willis Property APPROVAL OF MINUTES a.Draft of Planning Board minutes dated October 28, 2019 10-28-19 PB Draft Min. OTHER MATTERS ADJOURNMENT 02/11/2020 Copy: ZBA Members ZBA Secretary Town Attorney Town CEO Town Supervisor Deputy Town Supervisor TOWN OF VIRGIL PHONE: 607-835-6174 FAX: 607-835-6668 1176 CHURCH STREET VIRGIL, NEW YORK 13045 1HLJKERUWR:LOOLV7UXVW 3URSHUW\/RFDWHGDW(GVDOO5RDG 'U\GHQ1< 'HDU1HLJKERU)HEUXDU\ 3OHDVHDFFHSWWKLVOHWWHUDVDFRXUWHV\LQIRUPLQJ\RXWKDW\RXUQHLJKERUORFDWHGDW (GVDOO5RDGLVVFKHGXOHGWRDSSHDUEHIRUHWKH3ODQQLQJ%RDUGRQ)HEUXDU\DW 307KHIDPLO\LVVHHNLQJWRVXEGLYLGHWKHLUSURSHUW\LQRUGHUWRVHWWOHWKHHVWDWHRIWKHLU SDUHQWV7KH\ZLVKGLYLGHWKHSDUHQWSDUFHOLQWRWKUHHORWVRQHDFUHVRQHDFUHV DQGRQHDFUHV$OOFRQIRUPWRWKHWRZQDQGFRXQW\¶V]RQLQJODZV7KLVVXEGLYLVLRQ VKRXOGQRWDIIHFW\RXUSURSHUW\LQDQ\ZD\ $OO GRFXPHQWV LQFOXGLQJ D PDS FDQ EH YLHZHG RQ WKH WRZQ¶V ZHEVLWH DW ZZZ9LUJLO1<RUJ &OLFN RQ WKH WDE DW WKH WRS RI WKH SDJH WLWOHG 025( WKHQ RQ WKH GURSGRZQPHQXFOLFNRQ9LUJLO3ODQQLQJ%RDUGVFUROOGRZQWRWKHERWWRPRIWKHSDJHDQG \RXZLOOVHHWKHPHHWLQJSRVWHG7RWKHULJKW\RXFDQYLHZWKHDJHQGDDVDQ+70/RUDVD 3') ,I\RXKDYHDQ\IXUWKHUTXHVWLRQVIHHOIUHHWRFRQWDFWWKH7RZQV&RGH2IILFHU.HYLQ 0F0DKRQDW--H[WRUDWWHQGWKHPHHWLQJRQ)HEUXDU\WK 6LQFHUHO\ $ODQH9DQ'RQVHO 9LUJLO7RZQ&OHUN Page 1 of 2 TOWN OF VIRGIL PLANNING BOARD DRAFT Minutes of Regular Meeting - Monday, 28 October 2019 – 7 PM Town Hall – 1176 Church Street – Virgil, NY 13045 Board Members (*absent) Others Present Jeffrey Breed, Chairman Joan Fitch, Board Secretary Carole Lathrop Patrick Snyder, Town Attorney *Ann Howe *Mark Baranello Dale Taylor Denise Schulze, Alternate Applicants & Public Present Danielle Campbell, Applicant; Shawn Gage, Jennifer Schulze. The Regular Meeting of the Town of Virgil Planning Board was called to order by Chairman Breed at 7 p.m. OLD BUSINESS - NONE NEW BUSINESS Danielle Campbell, Applicant/Reputed Owner – 2740 South Cortland-Virgil Road – TM #116.00-01-59.000 – Subdivision of Land Chairman Breed recognized the applicant who explained that she would like to subdivide a 3.11±- acre parcel from her 20.3± acres and give it to her adjacent neighbor (Greg Glezen). Mr. Glezen would then combine the 3.11± acres with his TM #116.00-01-60.000. The proposed subdivision was shown on a map accompanying the application. Chairman Breed acknowledged receipt of a memo, dated 21 October 2019, from Daniel Dineen, Cortland County Director of Planning, which found the request technically adequate and returned it to this Board for determination. The County recommended consolidation of the 3.11±-acre parcel with the adjacent landowner’s property. At the request of the Chairman, the Board Secretary read aloud Part II of the Short Environmental Assessment Form. Negative responses were obtained to all questions in Part II. A motion was then made by Member Dale Taylor that the action, based on the information submitted, will not cause any significant adverse environmental impact, resulting in a Negative Declaration. The motion was seconded by Member Carole Lathrop, with the vote recorded as follows: Ayes: Chair Breed Nays: None Member Lathrop Member Taylor Absent: Member Howe Alternate Member Schulze Member Baranello Motion carried. This becomes Action #16 of 2019. DRAFT (T) Virgil Planning Board –Minutes of Regular Meeting 28 October 2019 Page 2 of 2 A motion was then made by Member Taylor to approve the Minor Subdivision, as requested, contingent upon that the proposed 17.11±-acre parcel be consolidated with the adjacent Tax Map Parcel #116.00-01-60.000, if possible. Proof of consolidation shall be provided to the Town Code Enforcement Officer. If the parcels cannot be consolidated as one tax map parcel, then no applications will be made for residential building permits. The motion was seconded by Alternate Member Denise Schulze, with the vote recorded as follows: Ayes: Chair Breed Nays: None Member Lathrop Member Taylor Absent: Member Howe Alternate Member Schulze Member Baranello Motion carried. This becomes Action #17 of 2019. APPROVAL OF MINUTES – 22 JULY 2019 A motion was made by Member Taylor to approve the (T) Virgil Planning Board Minutes of 22 July 2019, as submitted. The motion was seconded by Member Lathrop, with the vote recorded as follows: Ayes: Chair Breed Nays: None Member Lathrop Member Taylor Absent: Member Howe Alternate Member Schulze Member Baranello Motion carried. This becomes Action #18 of 2019. ADJOURNMENT At 7:17 p.m., a motion was made by Alternate Member Schulze, seconded by Member Taylor, to adjourn the meeting. All Board members present voted in the affirmative. Joan E. Fitch Draft emailed to Town Clerk, Bd. Members, Emailed to Town Supv., Town Clerk, Town Attorney, CEO & Planning Board Secretary Atty. & CEO on 10/29/19.