HomeMy WebLinkAbout1988-09-12TOWN OF DANBY TOWN BOARD MINUTES SEPTEMBER 12, 1988 THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF DANBY WAS HELD SEPTEMBER 12, 1988, AT THE DANBY TOWN HALL,. 1830 DANBY ROAD, COUNTY OF TOMPKINS, NEW YORK. THE MEETING WAS CALLED TO ORDER BY SUPERVISOR DIETRICH AT 8:00 P.M. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE WAS LED BY SUPERVISOR DIETRICH. PRESENT: DEAN ECKSTROM MARY OLTZ DOROTHY ROBERTS JULIA TAGLIAVENTO FREDRIC DIETRICH COUNCILMAN COUNCILWOMAN COUNCILWOMAN COUNCILWOMAN SUPERVISOR OTHERS PRESENT: NANCY WEITZEL, HOWARD & MARY CAROL & WALTER SCZEPANSKI, MILDRED MILLER RECORDING SECRETARY: JOAN BABBITT, TOWN CLERK APPROVAL OF MINUTES: 1411 LOU STEINER, DON ALBERN, ED ROBERTS, A MOTION WAS MADE BY CLMN, ECKSTROM, SECONDED BY CLWN, ROBERTS TO ACCEPT THE MINUTES OF THE AUGUST 8, 1988, TOWN BOARD MEETING AS SUBMITTED, COMMUNICATIONS: CITY OF ITHACA, ARTS COUNCIL, HOVANEC LETTER, SCHOOL DISTRICT, 1988 . SUPERVISOR'S FORUM SEPT. 9, 25 & 28TH, PENNCO INSURANCE, PRIVIl0DG0 OF THE FLOOR TOWN BOARD: NO COMMENT FRANK PROTO: SPOKE ON PUBLIC SAFETY CORRECTION COMMITTEE, LOCAL LAW FOR ROAD CONTROL FOR SPECIAL EVENTS, DURING BIKE RACES, EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT COULDN'T GET THROUGH TO HELP PEOPLE IN THE RACE THAT WERE TMJURED. MEETING OCTOBER 4, 1988 REGARDING THIS LAW, FOR ANYONE HAVING THIS TYPE OF EVENT TO REGISTER IT, LANFILL: SECOR HEARINGS END SEPT. 13, 1988, ALL WRITTEN COMMENTS MUST BE RECEIVED BY MIDNIGHT SEPT. 13, 1988 By BARBARA ECKSTROM, THANKED HERB ENGMAN FOR STANDING UP FOR EMC AT THE FORMAL HEARINGS AT NYSEG, MR, PROTO ANNOUNCED HIS COMMITTEE WILL BE ADDRESSING THE C & D (CONSTRUCTION & DEMOLITION SITES) TO DEVELOP ALTERNATE SITES, DUE TO THE VOLUME CORNELL HAS ALL BY ITSELF, WE WILL ASK CORNELL TO USE SOME OF THEIR OWN PROPERTY. FIRE & DISASTER RESOLUTION TO APPROVE TWO NEW.DISPATCHERS FOR BETTER COVERAGE. PLANNING & DEVEOLPMENT COMMITTEE: WE SHOULD RECEIVE A COUNTY WIDE PROPOSAL FOR PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT, INCLUDING WHERE ALL PLANNED DEVELOPMENT WILL GO. PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT MEETING THE 15th OF SEPT., DISCUSSION.ON D.S.S. MOVING BACK DOWN TOWN, SPOKE.ABOUT LEGAL DEFENSE, SPOKE ABOUT MEDICAL WASTE IN THE COMMUNITY. DON'T FORGET TO VOTE THURSDAY. PUBLIC: ELMER LOCKER: WOULD LIKE APPROVAL FOR BUILDING PERMIT FOR H. &E. MACHINERY, REFERRED TO NEW BUSINESS. WAYNE HOLDEN: REPRESENTATIVE OF THE FIRE DISTRICT CONCERNED ABOUT THE HOUSE NUMBERING IN THE TOWN OF DANBY, CAUSES PROBLEMS IN ANSWERING EMERGENCY CALLS. WILL DISCUSS AT THE JOINT MEETING THURSDAY NIGHT; SEPT. 15,1988. ® ED ROBERTS: KEEP AFTER THE CHANGE OF SPEED LIMIT CHANGE. STEVE SWAN: ASKED ABOUT ACTION TAKEN BY THE BOARD ON THE INCREASE OF FEES FROM YOUTH BUREAU? UPDATE IN NEW BUSINESS, JIM HOVANEC: SPOKE ABOUT NUMBERING SYSTEM, NEED TO GET THE NUMBER VISIBLE, SPOKE ON SPRINKLER SYSTEMS. COMMITTEE REPORTS: EMC: HERB ENGMAN ITEMS ON THE AGENDA FOR THE SEPT. 13th MEETING: THEORY CENTER AT CORNELL,WETLANDS IN DRYDEN, REPORT ON THE UNIQUE NATURAL AREAS STUDY, ISSUE OF WHY THE ITHACA SEWERAGE PLANT IS NOT ACCEPTING SEPTAGE:O;PUMPED FROM OUR SEPTIC TANKS, REPORTING ON PROPOSAL OF RECYCLING VIDEO TAPE, AND LAND TRUST, HAZARDOUS SPILLS IN TOMPKINS COUNTY, COMMUNITY COUNCIL: RICH MARISA NO REPORT HIGHWAY: PETE CODDINGTON REPORTED WORKING ON HEISEY ROAD, TREES CUT, GRAVELLED HILL ROAD AND CURTIS ROAD, USE SPECIAL COLD MIX, OIL AND STONE. NYS SUPERINTENDANTS CONFERENCE IN MONTICELLO, SEPT. 27, 08, 29 &" 30, 1988. MR, CODDINGTON WANTS TO ATTEND. NEW BUSINESS.. COST $89.00 A DAY FOR THREE NIGHTS, TOWN CLERK TO SEND VOUCHER WITH RESERVATIONS. ROOF LEAKS BAD AT THE TOWN BARNS, PANELS ORDERED FOR THE DOORS. SHOULD HAVE ENOUGH IN THE HIGHWAY GENERAL FUND, MR, CODDINGTON WILL GET PRICES. / V, PACE 21 TOWN OF DANBY BOARD MINUTES, SEPTEMBER 12, 1988 SENIOR CITIZENS: DOROTHY ROBERTS REPORTED 2 TRIPS TO 2 PLAYS, DAY TRIP SCHEDULED FOR SEPTEMBER 26, 1988, PLANS FOR SOMETHING IN EARLY NOVEMBER AND EARLY DECEMBER. LUNCHEON FIRST THURSDAY OF EACH MONTH. ZONING-REPORT: AUGUST 21 RECORDED CALLS, 11 INSPECTIONS, 21 REQUEST FOR INFORMATION, 1 APPOINTMENT, ISSUED 13 BUILDING PERMITS IN THE AMOUNT OF $1,646.00, PROJECT COST $857,950.00, ISSUED 3 CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY AT $50.00 EACH FOR $1509000 DOG REPORT: JULY & AUGUST REPORT: ROADS INVOLVED MILLER, DANBY, NELSON, 96134, COMFORT, NATURE OF COMPLAINTS DOGS AT LARGE, BARKING, CHASING BIKERS, DAMAGE TO A SWIMMING POOL, 8 LOST DOGS, 7 FOUND DOGS, :3 DOGS IMPOUNDED; 2 DOGS ADOPTED OUT, 1 DOG REDEEMED BY OWNER, 3 DOGS AVAILABLE AT KENNEL FOR ADOPTION, INCOME FROM ADOPTION $20.00, REDEMPTION $10.00, TOTAL OF $30.00 FOR EXPENSES OF $56.90. AUGUST REPORT: 7 COMPLAINTS, 10 TRIPS, ROADS INVOLVED 96B, HORNBROOK, BALD HILL,r'COMFORT.ROAD, STATION ROAD, NATURE OF COMPLAINTS BARKING, DOGS AT LARGE AND AFTER LIVESTOCK. 2 FOUND LOST DOGS, 7 FOUND DOGS, 4 DOGS :IMPOUNDED, 3 DOGS ADOPTED OUT, 1 DOG REDEEMED BY OWNER, 2 DOGS AVAILABLE FOR ADOPTION, INCOME FROM ADOPTION $30.00, REDEMPTION $10.00, TOTAL OF $40.00 FOR EXPENSES OF $63.20. (READ BY TOWN CLERK) PLANNING BOARD: NANCY WEITZEL:PUDS FOR YOU TO ACT ON, DISCUSSED WATER TOWER. WATER DISTRICT: WATER MEETING WAS HELD ON SEPT. 6,1988, DISCUSSED WATER USAGE OVER THE SUMMER BEING UP, NEW HOOK UPS TO THE SYSTEMS, DISCUSSED LETTER FROM THE HEALTH DEPT. ON LABORATORY REPORTS OF THE WATER DISTRICT., NEW BUDGET FOR 1989 WAS MADE OUT AND APPROVED BY ALL COMMISSIONERS. BZA: ED ROBERTSWORKING ON ILLEGAL DOUBLE WIDE, TWO PEOPLE WORKING ON TRAILER TEMPORARY ORDINANCE. FIRE DISTRICT: COUNTY YOUTH: SUPERVISOR DIETRICH REPORTED ON THE PROPOSAL FROM HUMAN SERVICE COALITION. TOWNS AND VILLAGES ARE BEING ASSESSED THREE TIMES THE COST FOR RECREATION. COST TO DANBY $20,000.00. TOWN WAS NOT NOTIFIED. TOWN BOARD FIGURED ON ROUGHLY $5,000.00 IS AS MUCH AS WE CAN AFFORD, SINCE MARCH MEETINGS HAVE TRIED TO COME UP WITH PROPOSAL FOR TOWNS AND VILLAGES. TOWNS WANTED 100% OF YOUTH FEES FROM CITY AND THE TOWN TO PICK UP RECREATION. WE HAVE STARTED NEGOTATIONS WITH THE SCHOOL, WITH A LETTER AND A MEETING ON THE 22nd, THEIR BUDGET PROCESS STARTED IN JUNE, HOPEFULLY WILL WORK OUT NEXT YEAR. WHAT WILL HAPPEN IF WE DON'T BUY INTO THE SYSTEM, I DON'T KNOW, CAROL SCZEPANSKI: SPOKE ABOUT YEARS AGO TOWN'VOTED TO TAKE MATCHING FUNDS FROM THE STATE AND TURN THEM OVER TO THE COUNTY FOR A YOUTH FUND, BECAUSE IT WAS DIFFULT GETTING OUT HERE BECAUSE BEING SO.'"SMA'LL�, IT WAS HARD FOR THE APPLICATION TO RECOGNIZED FROM THE STATE, IF THAT WENT TO THE COUNTY AND THE COUNTY THEN DESIGNATED IT TO GO TO THE YOUTH BUREAU, DOES THAT INCLUDE OUR MATCHING FUNDS? SUPERVISOR DIETRICH: WE COULD TAKE OUR MONEY AND SPEND IT DIFFERENTLY, BUT AT THAT POINT IT WOULD MEAN STOPPING A PROGRAM THAT WE FEEL IS VERY VITAL TO US AT THE PRESENT MOMENT, FURTHER DISCUSSION CONTINUED REGARDING WORKING ON A PLAN FOR THE FUTURE WITH THE CITY OF ITHACA, THE SCHOOL DISTRICT AND ETC, OLD BUSINESS: NEW BUSINESS: HOVANEC PUD LETTER OF CREDIT RESOLUTION # 45? CLMN. ECKSTROM MOVED TO APPROVE, ROLL CALL: RESOLVED TO ADOPT HOVANEC RESOLUTION AS PRESENTED (SEE COPY.'ATTACHED) SECONDED BY SUPERVISOR DIETRICH ECKSTROM OLTZ ROBERTS TAGLIA VENTO DIETRICH AYE AYE AYE NO AYE ADOPTED: RESOLUTION # 4q 4 AYES; -1 NO LJ C PAGE 3, ..TOWN. OF.DANBY, DON ALBERN PUD RESOLUTION N �IV TOWN BOARD MINUTES, SEPTEMBER 12, 1988 CLAIM. ECKSTROM MOVED TO APPROVE, ROLL CHILL: RESOLVED TO ACCEPT DON ALBERN PUD WITH THE FOLLOWING CHANGES TO N 7 OF THE ATTACHED RESOLUTION TO READ: NO CERTIFICATES OF OCCUPANCY SHALL BE GRANTED TO THE OWNERS OF ANY OF THE BUILDING LOTS UNTIL SUCH AS THE PROPOSED "AMY LANE" IMPROVED TO MEET THE SPECIFICATIONS FOR HIGHWAYS TO BE ACCEPTED ON THE TOWN OF DANBY 1970 AND iPS';PA'SSABLE BY EMERGCNCY.)('' VEHICLES.'-AND MEETS WITH THE ;.APPROVAL:•: OF THE TOWN HIGHWAY SUPERINTENDENT OR HAS BEEN OFFERED AND ACCEPTED FOR DEDICATION AS A TOWN ROAD, SUBJECT TO TOWN ATTORNEY APPROVAL. SECONDED BY CLWN, OLTZ ECKSTROM OLTZ ROBERTS TAGLIAVENTO DIETRICH ADOPTED: RESOLUTION # �rO SUBJECT OF COMPUTERS AND COPIERS PUT OFF A YE AYE AYE AYE AYE LOCKERS PUD H. &.E, MACHERINERY WANT TO ADD A 6,000 SQUARE FOOT BUILDING TO BE USED AS A MACHERINERY DISASSEMBLY ROOM AND STORAGE, ON COMFORT ROAD, A MOTION WAS MADE BY iCL'WNCi:1ROBCRTS AND SECONDED BY CLWN. TAGLIAVENTO TO'SEND TO PROPOSAL TO PLANNING BOARD. ADOPTED: ECKSTROM, OLTZ, ROBERTS, TAGLIAVENTO & DIETRICH PLANNING BOARD TO MEET WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 21, 1988 DISCUSSION ON THE BROOKTONDALE TEEN PROGRAM FROM REPRESENTATIVE PETE CODDINGTON TO SCHOOL MONTICELLO RESOLUTION# �51 RESOLVED TO SEND PETE CODDINGTON TO SUPERINTENDANTS SCHOOL IN MONTICELLO AND TO BE GIVEN $270000 FOR EXPENSES SUPERVISOR DIETRICH MOVED TO APPROVE, SECONDED BY CLWN. OLTZ ROLL CALL: ADOPTED RESOLUTION N ECKSTROM AYE OLTZ AYE ROBERTS AYE TAGLIAVENTO AYE DIETRICH AYE DISCUSSION ON TOWN BARNS VOTE CLWN. OLTZ REPORTED: 197 PEOPLE VOTED PROPOSITION N 1 93 YES 100 NO PROPOSITION # 2 78 YES 103 NO TOWN BARNS PROPOSITIONS FAILED, SEPTEMEBER 81 1988 4 BLANKS 16 BLANKS DISUSSION ON PUTTING IN ON THE BALLOT IN NOVEMBER DURING THE GENERAL ELECTION, SUPERVISOR DIETRICH REPORTED HE HAS HEARD NO COMMENTS REGARDING THE TOWN BARNS OR THE SPENDING OF THE MONEY. yh,1', OF bANQY, e t y 11' TONN.BASRNS CQNT'D: TOWN BOARD MINUTES, SEPTEMBER 12, 1988 CLMN.'.ECKSTROM SAID MORE INFORMATION SHOULD BE OUT REGARDING THE PROPOSITIONS ON THE TOWN BARNS, PHOTOS, LETTERS AND ETC, DISCUSSION ON HOLDING THE TOWN BOARD MEETING AT THE OLD TOWN BARNS. RESOLUTION RESOLVED TO BE SUBMITTED TO THE ELECTIONS BOARD TO APPEAR ON THE GENERAL ELECTION IN NOVEMEBER THE PROPOSITION # 1,' RE: CONSTRUCTION OF DANBY .'HIGHWAY BARNS. (SEE CATTACHED 1 *04 . ROLL CALL: ECKSTROM AYE OLTZ AYE ROBERTS AYE TAGLIAVENTO AYE DIETRICH AYE CLWN. TAGLIAVENTO MOVED TO APPROVE, ADOPTED RESOLUTION // 52 ADOPTED: RESOLUTION // so�o BOND ISSUE, TOWN BARNS RESOLUTION // `j 3 ROLL CALL: ECKSTROM OL TZ ROBERTS TAGLIAVENTO DIETRICH SECONDED BY CLMN. ECKSTROM RESOLVED TO BE SUBMITTED TO THE ELECTIONS BOARD TO APPEAR ON THE GENERAL ELECTION IN NOVEMBER THE PROPOSITION # 2, RE: BOND TO FINANCE TOWN DARNS. (SEE ATTACHED COPY) AYE AYE AYE AYE AYE CLWN. TAGLIAVENTO MOVED TO APPROVE, SECONDED BY CLMN. ECKSTROM p APPROVAL OF WARRANTS: A MOTION WAS MADE BY CLWN. TAGLIAVENTO, SECONDED BY CL[ ✓N, ROBERTS TO APPROVE PAYMENT FOR GENERAL FUND WARRANT 11 9 .TOTAIIINC $4,576.60 ADOPTED: ECKSTROM, OLTZ, ROBERTS, TAGLIAVEN 770 & DIETRICH A MOTION WAS MADE BY CGF ✓N. TAGLIAVENTO, SECONDED . BY CLWN. ROBERTS TO APPROVE PAYMENT FOR HIGHWAY FUND WARRANT l/ 9 , TOTALING $17,827.33 ADOPTED: ECKSTROM, OLTZ, ROBERTS,- TAGLIAVENTO & DIETRICH A MOTION WAS MADE BY CLWN. OLTZ, SECONDED BY CLWN. TAGLIAVENTO TO APPROVE PAYMENT FOR WEST DANDY WATER DISTRICT WARRANT // 9 ADOPTED: ECKST'ROP1, OLTZ, ROBERTS , TOTALING $328.56 TAGLIAVCNTO & DIETRIC!( A MOTIONS WAS MADE BY CLMN. ECKSTROM, _. PAYMENT FOR H' IGH[ ✓AY(CHIPS) WARRANT // 9SETOT�G�NBy $14,631.06 C Z TO APPROVE ADOPTED: ECKSTROM, OLTZ, ROBERTS, TACLIAVENTO & DIETRICH SUPERVISORS MONTHLY REPORT: A MOTION WAS MADE BY CLWN. OLTZ, SECONDED BY CLMN. ECKSTROM TO ACCEPT THE SUPERVISORS REPORT AS SUBMITTED, ADJOURNMENT: A MOTION WAS MADE BY CLWN. TAGLIAVENTO, SECONDED BY CLWN. OLTZ TO ADJOURN MEETING, RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED, JOAN BABBITT, TOWN CLCRK U 9' At a reg"Ular' meeting of the Town ' Board of the�Totvrr, of Uanby, Tompkins County, New York, held at the Town Hall of the said Town, 1830 Danby Road, on the 12th day of September, 1988, at 8:00 p.m. A�ouncilperson Dean Eckstrom offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: WHEREAS, the Adwn Board has previously approved the Plannad Development Districts of Hovanec and Block and agreed to accept dedication of the roads in those developments once completed to, Town highway specifications, and WHEREAS, those roads are completed or about to be completed to the specifications as provided by the Town Highway Superintendent except for the final topping and for potential wear and tear due to winter weather, and WHEREAS, Hovanec is willing to obtain a Letter of Credit in favor of the Town in the amount of $25,000.00 to pay for the cost of final topping and any necessary repairs to the roads up until June 1, 1989, that result from wear•and tear on the roads during the winter, NOW, THEREIiORE, be it RESOLVED that the Town agrees to accept dedication of those roads when appropriate deeds are presented to the Town and will issue certificates of occupancy for houses completed on those roads after such dedication and after presentation to the Town of a Letter of Credit in the amount of $25,000.00 with terms.to be approved by the attorney for the Town. Seconded by Supervisor Dietrich which resulted in as follows: Ayes: C1mn. Eckstrom Clmn. 01 tz Clmn. Roberts Supervisor Dietrich Noes . CLWN. TACLIAVENTO Absent: None DATED: September 12,1588 and duly put to a vote, RI1;M ,UzQd --d 6'0 _._ 54 At a regular meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Danby, Tompkins County, New York, held at the `Down Hall of the said 'Town, 1830 Danby Road, on the 12th day of September, 1988, at 8:00 p.m. Councilperson , �) c1c<. ,-v < << �\� <; "rc�iv'I offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: WHEREAS, DONALD W. ALBERN of Danby, in June of 1988, duly Planned Development District on is currently zoned as an R -1 Res indicated that it is desirous of according to the plans and speci Planning Board of the Town of Da and DOUGLAS R. ALBERN of 'the Town applied to the Town Board for a Coddington Road, which property idential District and have using the said property fications submitted to the nby, and WHEREAS, the Planning Board of the Town of Danby has made a study of the proposed use of the land and has recommended to the Town Board that an amendment to the Zoning Ordinance of the 'Town of Danby be passed amending the current R -1 Residential District in the area hereinafter described, and 12th day EofASSeptember, 1988, at tthe wn Hall hin the tsaid nTown of Danby, NOW, THEREFORE, be it RESOLVED: that pursuant to Section 604 of the Zoning Ordinance of the 'Town of Danby, DONALD W. ALBERN and DOUGLAS R. ALBERN are hereby granted permission for a Planned Development District pursuant to the following regulations: (1) The area of the Planned Development District shall be approximately 20.66 acres on Coddington Road in the Town of Danby, which is the property known as tax map parcel number 4 -1 -20.2 as shown on a survey map entitled "Map of Survey- -Lands of Donald W. and Douglas R. Albern," which map is attached hereto and which property is more particularly described as follows: ALL THAT 'TRACT OR PARCEL OF LAND situate in the Town of Danby, Tompkins County, State of New Yorh, commencing at a point in the centerline of Coddington Road, which point is i - ti� 558.15 feet from the intersection of the centerline of said 1 Coddington Road with the centerline of German Cross Road, thence S 62 degrees 44 minutes 40 seconds E a distance of 206.65 feet to a point; thence S 31 degrees 48 minutes 50 seconds W a distance of 467.02 feet to a pin, passing through a pin at 25 feet; thence S 31 degrees 48 minutes 50 seconds W a distance of 22.98 feet to a pin; thence S 12 degrees 48 minutes 50 seconds W a distance of 228.96 feet to a pin; thence S 24 degrees 7 minutes E a total distance of 715.57 feet to the centerline of a creek, passing through pins at 344.78 feet and 638.76 feet; thence running along the centerline of said creek a distance of 695 feet more or less; thence N 88 degrees 13 minutes 20 seconds W a total distance of 627.33 feet to a pin, passing through pins at 50 feet and 562.03 feet; -thence N 0 degrees 48 minutes 15 seconds E a distance of 683.37 feet to a pin; thence along the same course a distance of 578.63 feet to a pin; thence along the same course a distance of 520 feet to a pin; thence along the same course a distance of 98.63 feet to a pin; thence N 4 degrees 12 minutes 15 seconds E a distance of 426.60 feet to a point in the centerline of said Coddington Road, passing through a pin at 399.34 feet; thence S 56 degrees 58 minutes 20 seconds E a distance of 375.13 feet to a point; thence S 62 degrees 44 minutes 40 seconds E a distance of 50.10 feet to the point or place of beginning. 3 (2) The Planned Development District is comprised of five building lots and a proposed road 50.10 feet in width, having the proposed name of "Amy Lane." (3) The area encompassed in the Planned Development District shall remain a k -1 Residential District for all zoning regulations other than any specifically addressed herein. (4) The number of residences shall be limited to one per building lot as shown on the said survey map for a total of five one or two family residences. (5) All residences shall have their own septic systems adequate for their proposed occupancy and shall meet Tompkins County Health Department requirements and specifications with respect to such septic systems and shall be approved in writing by the Tompkins County Health Department prior to the granting of any certificates of occupancy (6) The requirement of 150 feet of frontage contained in Section 600.4 of the Zoning Ordinance is hereby waived with respect to the building lots as shown on the said survey map containing 2.06 acres and 13.7 acres. (7) No certificates of occupancy shall be granted to the I ' 1 L It 1 I 4 owners of any of the building lots until such time as the proposed ''Amy Lane" has been improved to meet Town road specifications and is passable by emergency vehicles in the judgment of the Town Highway Superintendent or has been offered and accepted for dedication as a Town road. Seconded by Clan. FIan1 olt:z resulted in as follows: A es: Clnu). Dean Eckstmn C1mn Mary Ol tz Clmn. Dorothy Roberts C1mn. Julia Tayliavento Suoervisor F, Ti eLrich Noes: Absent: NONE NOW" DATED: September 12, 1988 and duly put to a vote, which AYT,, Aye Aye Aye Aye oan Babbitt, 'Town Clerk 1 �., t. ....:• j1. i+ il,. a b r ix 4+ 3 tiH �s t I, r + r e + + r ty r Id It IP „b'..5 ! 1 r .. {.. , ` 1 _ t•t 417 t tY' IF i1 +— L 1ifXyu '1F n„" - ! + S t "v„ r •a ` (Jy 4 P 4 ! ` c 1. l.. Yusl -.Ylnl •.. elk {.y -iil,. p st, r' II s c1 f t;w ra „ ,3 • rs ter- � If k , A regular meeting of the Town Board of the Town of S•: Danby, Tompkins County, New York, was held at the Danby Town Hall, 1830.Danby Road, Danby, on September 12 1988, at 8:00 p.m,, prevailing time. The meeting was called to order by Supervisor Fredric Uistrich, and upon roll being called, the following were " +, I4 ;`' s•:' PRESENT: Clmn. Dean Eckstrom ; l" Imn . Mary Oltz Clmn. Dorothy Roberts } Clmn. Julia Tagliavento Supervisor Fredric Dietrich ABSENT: none �O- - The following resolution was offered by Clmn. Julia Tagliavento, who moved its adoption, seconded by Clmn. Dean ` Eckstrom, to wit: i b n Y } - 1 { '0 , r �< - - 7N •` 4 4, i'„ .: e, r ' } r If I Y,',''"s} „xt t S i y t .+n °•i .:+� { ,c 2 w m . i J of of Al ♦ fZ we °i.. Y t- .•1 i ye f;i fl t2 'i4YR Irk .v RESOLUTION DATED SEPTEMBER 12, 1988 If A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CONSTRUCTION OF A HIGHWAY s' „'`` {` MACHINERY BUILDING IN AND FOR USE BY THE TOWN OF DANBY, ,;r, TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK, AND CALLING FOR A REFERENDUM UPON SUCH RESOLUTION TO BE HELD AT THE NEXT GENERAL ELECTION APPROVING SUCH CONSTRUCTION PURSUANT TO THE PROVISIONS OF, "_.rCTION 142 OF THE HIGHWAY LAW AND SECTION '. = 82 OF THE TOWN LAW °`''` ° WHEREAS, the Town Board of the Town of Danby, Tompkins County, New York (the- "Town ") desires to authorize the town supervisor of the frown to construct a highway machinery building (the "Improvement ") for use by the Town; on land owned by the Town located at jlrrlb,rool, (Load and WHEREAS, the estimated maximum cost of constructing - the Improvement is $400,000; and WHEREAS, Section 142 of the Highway Law requires that the construction of a building for housing and storing machinery, tools, implements and equipment of the Town for a cost in excess of $50,000 must be authorized by the affirmative vote of a town election; and 1. WHEREAS, the Town Board will submit a proposition to the qualified voters of the Town at'the next General Election for the purposes of approving the construction of the Improvement. NOW, THEREFORE, ol BE IT RESOLVED by the Town Board of the Town of Danby, Tompkins County, New York, as follows: Section 1. The town supervisor of the Town is hereby authorized to construct a highway machinery buil'diiag (the "Improvement ") for the purpose of storing and maintaining machinery and equipment owned by the Town, on the land owned by the Town located at H,lrhlorook_ r2oaG( at a cost not to exceed $400,000, subject to approval of such construction at the Special Election authorized in Section 2 of this resolution. Section 2. The Town shall submit a proposition to the qualified voters of the Town at the next General Election, to be voted on by ballot by use of voting machines: (i) authorizing the construction of the Improvement for use by the Town; and (ii) authorizing the issuance of general obligation serial bonds and capital notes of the Town in a maximum principal amount of $400,000 to finance rHaS:r the construction of the Improvement, rA fA 1. F. V'. fe \ t - •. 1 `' S 11 >I 1- yl, Jt /r ! \ }iY 1Ar )�lS rµiN n. y p �V• `� �- tl - •..,� : { �, �f jr �titii'y'. ,. 1�1'/ } i�, �L rY t�'LL1 � �. ji•�,y) � J MKO lee. Frs_r 1)�1 i • le, .t - ,. V' 1 \" ? a tc,'1.'d 'w`.tq'il l{ h��n ! Y ° \w�.: •;,Z,�k,� •� V111rryr5h 1'414 ' +� ' +V 1 i t 4Y - ) t, r. ' i,• .•l 1• - Section 3 , The text of the. propositions to be considered s' r at the said General Election is as follows: "PROPOSITION # 1: :•;' Shall the following resolution be adopted? RESOLVED that the Town Supervisor of the Town of Danby is hereby authorized._to. expend. _a; .total aum ,~ not to .exceed $400 000'for th : Section 4• Section S, Section (o• Section %, Section 8. e construction of a highway machinery bu ld.i4pg at..�o;r�h ✓_., iZoac� in the Town .of Danby;" and "PROPOSITION # 2: Shall the following resolution be adopted? RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Danby is authorized to finance the expenditures authorized by PROPOSITION # 1 above by issuing general obligation serial bonds of the Town in the aggregate principal amount not to exceed $380,000 and capital notes of the Town in the aggregate principal amount not to exceed $20,000 and to authorize the issuance of bond anticipation notes in anticipation of bonds. such serial The next General Election at which these propositions shall be placed on the ballots will - be held on November 8, 1988, and the voting on these propositions shall at the same time and the same 1-.�.-�es as the said General Election. The Legal Notice is approved in the form presented at this meeting and will be published in the 1 / A SC��� ✓vt,a,I Notice shall be OF and such Legal at Published prior to the time uofl the meeting soft the (Boardaof Registration described in Section 5 hereof, A copy of the Legal Notice shali. be posted on the sign -board of the Town at least ten (10) days prior to'the time of the meeting of the Board of Registration described in Section 5 hereof, The Town Clerk, the. Board of Registration and members of the Issuer are authorized and directed to take all actions necessary to carry out the Purposes of this resolution, including carrying out the Special Election in accordance with the requirements of the Town Law and the Election Law applicable to such election, This resolution shall take effect immediately, 0 •�r�Y ✓L` Al i :\ 'I ttc i•d•-2 r�'('v� :r {•+ -Ir 11 r�,Y'•r ✓'). Iti tY 1. \.i�, I L... l4 �?•. -'Irv. l »�` f 1J V: - .) y "t , t y I :•t in rr, Jt.<'.1 I I6 �' IM..'. � t YY f, ii .. - 4r I.1err ' t jr• �; >{ ij ( ', .+r r r F (1 r3 t' §:ejr r Ar�{r'r.,� r fii 15 rl. *, r ; Y n " •4C T.�t y f:.. ! t 4, •+ yr ( i:. ..r r.t S j.t:. a i i1. ji�' q'f Y-(t ..ry i.: JJ t,i t V i i 4 l � n 7 J , 1. . -trt w.. r:rt.. J' - tK!{,b.. -'Y l.{ t{J , ', { 1 n t'•;Y.l 1 S ( ,,Jbf.'., ' r"t ;-Iii ,Ip,,�` -•rr ♦t f.. ,J.,wn r, III I.. I :r ..�.Y> I xr .t '�' I } 7' ftl f I!•"''..a 'rt i, Ilr i 7 .•{J , -0+ i:^ !S {C! I -I �£ t C I. Tav JAtif .•cct §-•t�• ) ur'M. r- dt-,rt `jr•�4i S t 7V „y.. S� .. } it 1 F r,J 7._.'A d •„ S .T t1' t iiJ ;.'%,t/ ♦ t, t K }Y. S ♦!> 'YYrr J}' .P.,t I r , I I I Cr'i„y I,� ` ,S;J U3'1 w t1.. S `j -y FJ. ,crA s}:.r... ., .. i. i.. r t• ... A, I jI tiaI ,. r It I t�.AJ YT6 ;'+ \.it , r j s x 7 < ,} y� > - ) 1. N•'i^I• �{`rt'Fy.< 4 r v l i r F' i I r . '. r t I' s. 71�r. /! 1 '"' I IJ \, I v jA'G ''Y r 4r�r n ayF{ Jl r t 'r • 0 I. T II ! I'J - +11 I i v r % •1'1 IY J • ., • S . t I AL 't` Jr. H / IJ At d In JTIh 7115�RV,. .il'`,,! J 1 1 I. 6 ft ,�, nr I t Ft l I r:i t' J ICc r .•i[ -\ t, y P .� f`j t 7 i' r` 't d n i y4 •. I; I ?. �' f y v. i G. 1:F ✓ ;;'1 it ,' {l .... i v!'�" { 1• �(r1"t�lY, ✓ }!x7 aQ �F �°Z'!',I Ji,iv •7� » t5 f.s t m.' 'I �f••.. ..,.r: f t+ -1j .; it 7)7 .Xyk ffa �r At, 7 rtZ i;'IY'� � •1w �3•}i!:e�,,f3J! :fif }„�' 'iLf2�f'Y.� {7 All. ti.�c �.. aii..t:� ! A. A t '! rn It a t tt, i. c; r -y Y• '91 }y�f. yr, I S. 'a' � 4I�y",','YK:a �P' b $• 7'l "yt�' ?•t✓ t)ti, -X,�3i •1 `tT.['i_ral - i' i�f i��:, r a.'%� r f I f t. !1 A'• fi. l 1 1 �+r`,}�.- �jt. v r V i., ilA , l 7 I 0 :r' n n t ;i. _ r. d' :JJ y�{ t•k8;w'�;, yeMOR t s; �i2J' 1 All a ',•- ,3-tu. \'Send »;,rr. aY4,1`"iM1} ••�6# �' >,'t. ,. 4-ir'rl''�{"J..j. '._'L j 1r J: r>i, i 1 J f 't >r a itk' M 74i.F. 'yid:'�V W}S "' >: ). rk,ci'Jt'i0j�""2F t M. 1 Ih S +' ill r., 1. �2 �2 ! � r`• � ♦ .=Jfh gj I, au.'. tk. r 7t{ t" !'s u ',t •i'�.ey't {�i:.yL i'xi.. ✓J�i2 Me, ,, V>,. ". r11.� {. ;"�?P ✓ i Xr. ''.'L",i Fa Ji :•J i �JJ •. .'\_- SS.nf f J +'.-,{ M ; l Y� -�'!'� .. ,lf t T.JY';"' ,[S Ii� R ,+t„A fr , A ;_ f,.11 `S,ssil . At I v 'I ,. t .'; 4tr x 6 , I �r 1`, IC ti Iti!t e{ r M ✓v+; rt'.Y ,._J>•t: i1 Va)'• �` ti.l:: rA T S'r r+ Fi, x{14 "1f�. r i 1K SI 5 ] :yy .1 a F3, • • .; 'i i' r r :.l { -< 'Fi. rJ 1 ,- . t.a, t.Jtr .�,(�3.y`r'..9.vfdy5 `4JQlt- `Y��'... f5' iF•,t'r Fi, ,�rXi.{•fa. ✓1C{v Y.L�;C Y_ta't;t�% r . i t r r ., _ •. m'y. U ,1.4.,y xa s tk'. .a !' Sn S t t i.t, aF S.: s• j,, ii{tii�r(ry� r t Y 1 ra i p� Jr, > i. F) 4 t J ryf} `.. .,K t _ t r Yan -A. .I Z.o rrfti0. 1; T,l:ll lcrS ih'1 ^ .IrV`` Z .R IJ R9 faff ei'F%.rE tl `(��L�, `t > iii' \,:�t'y! yy - 1 a< , -i r tyi•�'P'Y', ' $ur yr `. �: �, 'J '> The.uest .;,; ; S {" {�.. �. �y};. e } i. i:.' Md�.,i } J. Yi. M ,J3�" of r' ?tsi ry,s r t.�p.� ,�i•. •. a r ♦ .. iI. 'I i,.. ,J !1y. y��d�, '}Jl: t } 1J q Ys, i1�M,,�, {y(' v I,) '{ iG'f t r tC� 2�iy'a l r \ t 'i . ,�1y VJ.t _ 1 h �•'i y i JL �r l ,t. )�" iT:. AIK•rt ' ^d 1(t.'�t� {'t 1 y in rr -1�n,"' I'i) rL{ tiWe� [Fr rt• l••lt`�', 4Y•,', .Y� 16 rr7 . 4 Z r' V� K! {� re' olut:on ,Wa rau1 {fit k'ot4! u_(�tte,1,n,'r; �St ti r,. ' :J�� ,.: �r ,, I d` Y e - c .. S . ),. t ,`]' Y d. -,M / ,I i f -I'ir !It t, 1 f A f il; ita i ;. vrs a431. f 14, r "•'t • v l` 4`A y tJ. p'•'- 1::, { +`y . r :f 74` i Ab CY C` •1 sn. 41.'{ j tdr!J {,r�i.Frn 1,� •t rf aZ.• ,.l l•S4 r �♦ '�':i r.. I ir- v 1 'j? VA J Als, x' ? '1 `Ii ':t_ .'�i !i j>7all" h�i't ) s4 1'.�t_Jiait f M1`f'(f, k_.i�� (t±r`:ti'. °rit4ntlSUe `.s tygI�¢1.tiN� S••�1. C. +'vj,.r rl• Y Sj'` {r,7. „r rrv. � 1. r'� to _!}N.+-!'f3`� I. A. A Eo'1 lows i, �A J ), ik �'�fh•d67 i 6 i� t C; iIt ehs� •d,T.lrQ�t GT04r� hL ' yf r h1 t:t,i d4li '•' P • a S (; , . ll , i J•. '4 n �+ ( 2,1x . r Ai4 I., I : e'r- y� !�. � x,:�_, t It r'{ 1 :I'!r L` •_ ity{I ..Ft Ctn !,' �, rt.'b iG •!t4Ji J.b� 'e1 ti't7y %'.. St ie A�l+'1.trF t �la� \... 1t.. 'iX +tt -f;(. ft��dt ��b. 5'I'yrt ��- �'J�•.1a Y is •. \; t1 - a . lnJ +''l \ ;fx ,}$ -,I rrf4 MI'1 ktt4 v�i'�..'i.��}y�, 'M9 \[ ! Jm• s t> it r ". ,i.; 5 1j hJr.7rt J': s .:! • , l' .i[ {' a 'v^(�� Nnb „ t R .xr a' f '/���'''••• v ia,. r�q,,4 ra, y 'If j {' N91 I f"'E"l' ( d: \',`, t'1,�{, .y \ vZ.. r7 of ljt_ 1T Y {, r 7'r }'' t r '< r, _• �• f r. .a. Alt. �. , •:i. I .,l�rt•..,'..�',j3,, ry,, d� '.e;.vt,✓;.:rdrJ��,. >.+,ff•e.. y �i "7':7" Vs:'K �' ?!�+ :q it.+ /[ts. •e It . i J. f. t .n�,ft its •; d a `G 7S ... PA. A% A. r,. tr! ./i �"`. ?• •5•,rpM ,f- !tr,{4!' r !YF ;, "t. Jt�K'e! .t. r�, ;'r .' "�EII�IJt!v: isCi• 2 .tr t� `F'i rsrcM.r.,.> J ['.: ' t.k..t.:" -Y Y: a ( t" 1 t Y i.r$ I d l ri, •,rt f k' r' K > t . _Girt " "S I t .. kr iftlrf .: d t I�ra_�t n�y(y�" n. t4. 1 � s b a ,t 4 ,n ,tR h' , i4 ') IJt• , 1' ,�} {: ,, to , '1 a;•, M1II � `S!. ) •,.'n. 11: Ci`x} .,ft��.aT' ,�Il r` I +. r�Pr�'.o'1.° /i �uT �i*�.1 � frf:`! >' � '}'r•. n Y'j; L Ir:i tt�. t � ♦:• i) .+. :ii I .1• G. !i'I '1 Y > <J rv- i�' �.'k r Y ¢ry l ] r[it -t I '>- y t ll.�tr r1. Ill .lt P •t J! ;rrt.l:.�.i,mn fVlJ� i�•.wL{iAJ. 'L•dm tf1.Fa }d1'•,'a<� II+ `J' .4• .:)- h vet\ G. s ! -ilv,C '` o .1 *.I a. ,1 t '? t�rtr l'Yar /x:'�sX -Ptt' r,ru J t- i,i it.. ✓ v. tYa ,: .+ .115 A9' ,,r, p)i� �4• Y �i.- .^.'..; ,.I`3 + , •J .,A.S. 3Y% 11" r4XaGd7 P".i, r I� S��] i d, \l r'�y* J h, i - 5 ti l'y i. a 1 f . l' S iP t` m F"•at t 7 Y� J -ir,.. t iY t Jifi A.�i`' 11^ yC((((,�j *'f t a. t ., ,' ., 6 y .r „t}r, I¢. f"(= 1 �}.; v!iS�'.!I -{w4Y 1itr +1 1y . d._ "2I.r r t r•,.4 Lr ir. \� '4 •vf,1b. r: r lJ! ,. �$JrI ARP 1. I .7• alit P •f )r , w:•: _my' .t- '..t1i � v ., kf w - i - •3. /I Q - f .J a.i. - I.., .,.� -, yt! 'ytr' I•y *'y ;m f lt�'71. "4qt ,�i!ff�i r'!y IJJ' 4' {t +a {t'. it .xM I >!/ YI Y .I +, ,. ! .� yn a rI ^.I bee • ,r s th } x. ^j(` isS•;it $;i JlY di4 Y 5 � '�t,•.11J A, T'._C t. �er.!I s.{J+[� t.\ . t. .,.ty � tl .,. v <% . If � r. I 1 Y� ft.•.}• 'yY{•�.PFv{?I�{ ry.T (/� ( �y iii P � � C,r > t.�e�r't s ll, , r 1y� t, 5I.. I - . tL.N \.F el .1 • 1 j.G r � I, y + I:. V i . - / , t J� -.r Ill J r A; SI. "^T7'T:�' t r'--FF L" ( -1w, •,dAr yo,6 der a d (I � ; 1 I. f 1r ? t i i vt} Tit, t4 t. I>• NM1 va i t t[ I t r J r Jy ,>;Ir°i yrr" d b. I y' j iA 0t�, r. 3 I \ r J?. e)t w1Y. 7. l F t' - \ .t • C ?7i 4 � +� di r �n(• 45A f r rf I) I, y _ ¢ t I C I >' ti r r � .. % ., °'G2t R I < "^ rri i- fJ r 1 Y t Ji" t } '-- .tI V; r yj .FBI I'.-0'I r rr l(i {i 7t '{ !y Aije t t! '•% I ♦ .Y 1T: r {. °• 7 ae .11 Tl �j�J u f V O l t) ♦ ! 1i O J ti br \° I :, Il r - d$ at •., ry 1f'# t t�/•l /? a L7 Iv. v ♦I,r J I -,: [) iI t• . lr 'l4a 1. t :; i i.. 'T, : r w r R T r H j. t f 1^ I` n I • t wi ..: f II t ,f:... n' j r. 1 ,1 '.If i t • +1 , V, i v PAlfi I. 11r•It JY `• t �f�fJf///{((JJ,,t:n , fi .J X, P , t , 1 v _r"( s,� n y \ ! l 11 1 YI l Yl t. i � J J'i * ;, -,S h r`,, 1 Yit „'1 l I" t '.A ,'. t , _!� T { n ,J i f iI , t ±y Y I S, 4A ' K,,. 71 $•� T r 1{ 1 I Y; Ift E r 1 1'.tl , r 1 ! r. t I t {'f...:t LIk' n mn I i+ ,Zr .Ya�•o7'aglidvenVia, It. Ia- Ii tr . 7 j ..4 a . t C'" '1s 1 r. t > f PI A 'C.I I,, 'i'• ,t I. , I - :VO..1 L'►7 Y- €t{ .t { r ll.?.0 !(. r . YCr� s'ytt .•r4 •i)r t CIA C P{ a-0I r 1� ' AC f 'pf J r? r t. y a r. 4 fit i 0 r r. s 1 .. ' - J !' x: at 7• ai'. -,r Y. r rtl�. i wl t :�i t%l rlfit'rM. f le t'1 -J i. v ¢� 6 t ♦t t*{ A „u 7 J J i n�1 rtyQ •w ti.• ry I i.. t tr U . , l ty 7 I. t.r \ :1 Gr, 'y �5,,` I r . j� r ,. , 1 y J I}.J 4I,.f1 ii& Y t7 �i�r 1jr .. +Y I ' t J. st ♦ t.- t'ti 1 t t't r <h, J.• A ! ' I:;i ti.JA ). •SI. `s ,a +:•'4 'rte ?.lt: t t l �• '` tii 1 # J } + i t _ _ -NG _ Y. ' r /,• ,!a f:STE IIr.`AT SO,.r','D',1y6p L ch;, "rr.l,� e�- {�� (V(OIt r q:rI Ay a . r � Jd ? t .A t ;.c "d S x' A;'' - nTVOr'>��� ) it r i 11 r+ Y+ ,t w•i 4 J,If• /. r,4 ! v r �.y2 ''NNSS a �' t (-, P r ., iJ ("..1 r ! ! 1•y\ H. Jt I l° I , f �{ .(• IG j A 1 r'i, / f t ' r ! t N I' 1,,. - III rr,_Y`�7C..e t{{iur «) !f! t ! }r °, t t ti. 'tall Irl,t i -t 2'.t r r I.} J{ y,J� 9 1J t J Ir ! .�y� r \Jtv I . >_ I j a J 1- . r - < . ,t. •y +•.1< Wt r ° I f; i>t7 +I• t` •C ,( t tt r J G r r +t t l I V' ,r rd h.V r .{ t Y 1 t,. I , ., t t I TX. I .1 1 tL �i• >'t ¢ 1 -f.'1 ni trP 1 f�J^Yi 5'j Jy ) I rt,1 I r, •F {r t Yi 1 t 7 rl tr• rl.Ii l ` '> >.t- r - -:.rN Jd�[,•{ t:tst �Tfl'I.VG r T Y ''.i a) a� vi ro Ft r ,• u) r r ♦ y JI 11 1 z [ i� IJi�rvs Z 2 ) r < i Y Y i ,J I L• `,J a., \ , Y, d I 4 , •i J,l at 7 r•J k ?a It, r i; } �' .4• i 4'. Iti ,l�V. VAX ,✓ 1. �>„y y I, ' } t t ' �Iry.fl.\J7 /1, fi ,flt ;II. � I Xr # .t Adis J' 'J F!I y Y tap} ryYNa Y ,I t f i 7 I ` !. {i1'tJ t S r t "yl r tl N� %t tj1rr`e �1•jl�1�1r�-1 r I •. 4 ir; >" '.tt I '.�t t t { a'- ,fit liar I' I.11lbd 7 I \p 1 i{� � .1 r I J t, Y O+ Y iV G r [ ry I , ! I i °. • l is :} 1 {t!Y�n'J -1t ^j, t . �! IJ.Y. i r r ?i',t > i t.-�•' r -nl s J If Jr 7 I I ,+ ; > <r,1 1. v< J<4v. V T ✓ J t( it i. J r r r .ra 'ill t \I x I✓ ° . T #'l A. 11 .. Ff{ ", TT .I I - °r ',' a lip >1 ! n� y t 1r 7 r { t j 1 t . F AV IF I A, t AIA _ vr. "1 .c Sy \ l '�t t tr, .•� \I ' ! s T`. 1' ' R Jr'y'a rr f ° I'$'r t ire y ! Yr:e 't i c ,4 i ' } - l' re, J a 43 + J J fillip i r 4 - Ah.. ) i ,,` 'Pi1 h .f resblutI" was , Ghere�j�pon •Adec`1'ar`ed "JduI1y- zado)pted A ,, J f4- i } -0 t y- tE i t n - t r 71I. 11 ¢.'44 I t t ':•r •r` t } t' Pt { ". 1. .- :C `jl ep I /1t 5.f1.,-�. , , tt� i _..� •r -v d.2'n t4(rit.,fl tiJ Y�l. r! >J �..x� "4 -: `Il t Irl� I vtr.i7 {`. ri I a , r ♦ 7 f"r `3 ri r AP§!in.ry - tj : d.. '..4' , i s L tt.L" try I 17 .s` t, ,.. 7 t� Ii 1! • . i • t s r I ,, CC., J •! q [v1 �lY'* l .I [` t 7Yr: .f t *r 4 OBI �rrl � r •.J: I :* t`tt, *'t� _(�r °) t lI Htt L < I Y•'F ti'r Ll'4 f r •, Y t w J t' • PJ r F r r• t 4 l ). w,: I A. tra;,. f. r - } .d - f y 1 • tJ ! r- a ,� t. . Nd J t - AI :I) -I it ..i Id ). I.I -. ,1 ! r...D .. MI .i.'I. ).1 iY'li /I a Vt t �rI -}r )I lt. 14 I r`r `�, it I it J . Its. K I. I .I 4 �tr d, I. . I'AF - I4 I A." t_ . rtt ) rt ,S 1 1 is . OF It ,I �`t V. :. 1 J J ddt. r, S• I t' �� R1, �x ,. r J. dJ•, I. T' r t 4i r., h r t, dt t. o KI Y 1 o- f t J t I. 1. /'a r r t -- t a' ;y4 Jt r A J { at t�. I - I s( t. I J 'C a.J i r r , yp' be r '' - 1 !v • I,v Yiai •FD in I..Y s i 'r �: J v r J S t "v it r. �. , r y I. I %I A, I X54 } S' S ,�,•Y t;r r i r e c `t•. ♦ i r- Y ,' i ' { r 4 .l t ` tµ. M. J. r: r• �q p ) f I It, h tF IN r t•I A ` 'r. I r a j. `bF ,� YJ Ftr \Vk Ap i •r 1t ly jtl y"`ry t •.!. ,t rr. I ,lam it irt. w k t. \ > . I. IF 1 ri',1t ,IilJ i' v yY' I '1 ,i I'' .r ,.S �t y •ir 't c t < v 'h:I t�� i f, r Y'; r it _ ,'1 %rr l , 't Ir I has r t1 6.j. N, ¢ , i t s .s r�•. r Q t t;v6 S° •• l y IT p I I � I I ti,'i AI 'Ji r,A, J'•'' " � 1 I�r - .,, dy. r,>I�l ...q.. -s I i-11 i 7 x !p t v I t Y+ J, J: i ,a :r•rr •� r 1 r 4S lr a r 5 , r..t I ! . ' r I. f It riY Vxr jl J' Lt r 0 •A• �4 A, I I!s X- t♦ i t T. I / ,. �7• i,,j %' rf y t - t - / I. 5v' T Jr i At' qty { °'• . A.: fA_r+..6 t 1 _ • •I ..�. ' % I. . . I IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto Set Y 1988 and affixed the seal of said Issuer on Septemb �( Town Clerk ( SEAL ) 3 - . ,. . I . _ . - . • , I . ,'' .' ..•t :. Itr ,}'tt .. r AP I s. At. YC Ott' ,I,U .\ I ) } y, J J �•V'3 ✓ t I .rY ! /+t \ . ! If . -I Ye d d i •7 , I i i i i I J.I > Y I , c'J 1 . t 3 - ,t,t. - {. trr , J r• .,A.!' t L I t r Jri faA.ii, S4 r.t.: I, I '' I I I i' I I ,,:r Jlr _.', r x_ , Y { - , • e• p, P ,• y v J ddt. r, S• I t' �� R1, �x ,. r J. dJ•, I. T' r t 4i r., h r t, dt t. o KI Y 1 o- f t J t I. 1. /'a r r t -- t a' ;y4 Jt r A J { at t�. I - I s( t. I J 'C a.J i r r , yp' be r '' - 1 !v • I,v Yiai •FD in I..Y s i 'r �: J v r J S t "v it r. �. , r y I. I %I A, I X54 } S' S ,�,•Y t;r r i r e c `t•. ♦ i r- Y ,' i ' { r 4 .l t ` tµ. M. J. r: r• �q p ) f I It, h tF IN r t•I A ` 'r. I r a j. `bF ,� YJ Ftr \Vk Ap i •r 1t ly jtl y"`ry t •.!. ,t rr. I ,lam it irt. w k t. \ > . I. IF 1 ri',1t ,IilJ i' v yY' I '1 ,i I'' .r ,.S �t y •ir 't c t < v 'h:I t�� i f, r Y'; r it _ ,'1 %rr l , 't Ir I has r t1 6.j. N, ¢ , i t s .s r�•. r Q t t;v6 S° •• l y IT p I I � I I ti,'i AI 'Ji r,A, J'•'' " � 1 I�r - .,, dy. r,>I�l ...q.. -s I i-11 i 7 x !p t v I t Y+ J, J: i ,a :r•rr •� r 1 r 4S lr a r 5 , r..t I ! . ' r I. f It riY Vxr jl J' Lt r 0 •A• �4 A, I I!s X- t♦ i t T. I / ,. �7• i,,j %' rf y t - t - / I. 5v' T Jr i At' qty { °'• . A.: fA_r+..6 t 1 _ • •I ..�. ' % I. . . I IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto Set Y 1988 and affixed the seal of said Issuer on Septemb �( Town Clerk ( SEAL ) 3 - . ,. . I . _ . - . • , I . ,'' .' ..•t :. Itr ,}'tt .. r ,• �i (s s £ •y't i`i r J-`rY yam'. 4.�u1 3 4 4 F ;y rQ rt •d, Y y r I jt.. f;s ll e. ryre9 -.l �t Yt'�. t r F i 'l,� }`i`z t i tl•'y 7 �S :r t :'i •. r v . � 4' r'. r1F_ _•r. i- .. ,- 4 r d t m 4 IN MI +),� 1 ! r _ s r. i F a v4 Ia t r f }♦ J -7 dd f r �L wiS 4 . a n, lt 4 .1.•.9 t 4..vt v ti fr ;k' ti Ff w /l•Tltyr l`htr •PaR95 14 L �y i�F'�i{f� t,r� `A )}3 t •`'..,� i• n :✓r '9°t t tr..hi r �Y-"{ Y ad; T 4. A +<• - h . l4�YC�^ t: 4 x71 ^�'rY n • -.L a - - 4 i. p n i::Y i.j 5T 4 n r• . r'ry h. S r6 r, � v "A .} .1 •yyt'M i6A �. ; r , G. 4' o- 4 }. .• •. '. .. Y .. i —f n .e .•r 1rs. p4�• .•tv �� +•�.;. �.dy,.t?�LRtkrri,Iit kr.+L -` * {N;',�� rf..T'. •. r+.,..-,i;.•L�Y i r �. �,i ie'3..,(:, .y.. 4 i.- 3y'"+. F✓ .. •.y .T.V•,S5,,'',nL'% Iv• P alyRr T,t, i:g 1 -...r . `.... ::.' -,' n.i� .r .`i. ? r; ".`i.tJ,ui.. •qlf tr t� � �r. }'.`{ y'.j1 A'X 5 l �1 1F `� t e'-! v rru s rates v T' • . � r_ : - 1 ^r, iY� �tiy'� 1 r �� y �P r ,yyy+F���'( � " . F j +� � j �,"- �a•'1'.ye,.,d e � �' .e- 1• f {. a,. ,.�i`:•i C � r ( 4 t 3t Pi•'' a � � • S4r R Z.,7Q4T ' Is r BOND RESOLUTION DATED SEPTEMBER 12, 1988 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF $380,000 IN SERIAI;`'BONDS AND $20,000 IN CAPITAL NOTES OF THE TOWN OF DANBY, TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK, TO FINANCE THE COST OF THE CONSTRUCTION OF A HIGHWAY MACHINERY BUILDING IN AND FOR THE TOWN OF DANBY. BE IT RESOLVED by the Town Board (the "Town Board ") of ;•r r' the Town of Danby, Tompkins County, New York (the "Issuer ") as follows: Section 1. Based upon the environmental assessment form completed by j3uck Sogi�tevi'►1c� on behalf of the Issuer and reviewed by the Issuer, the Town Board hereby determines that the action relating-to the proposed project will not have a "significant effect" on the environment and, therefore, an environmental impact statement will not be prepared. This determination constitutes a negative declaration for purposes of the State ' Environmental Quality Review Act (Article 8 of the Environmental Conservation Law), The Town Board hereby directs that notice of this determination be filed to the extent required by the applicable regulations under that Act or as may be deemed advisable by the Town Board, Section 2. For the object or purpose of paying the cost of the construction of a highway machinery building in and Cor the Issuer, there are hereby authorized to be issued $380,000 in serial bonds (the "Bonds ") and $20,000 in capital notes (the, "Notes ") of the Issuer pursuant to the provisions of the Local Finance Law, Section 3. It is hereby determined that the maximum ` estimated cost of the aforesaid object or purpose is $400,000, and the plan for the financing p thereof is by the issuance of the Bonds and Notes pursuant to this resolution. The Notes shall be sold at public or private sale and all further Powers in connection with the details and the sale thereof, including renewals of such Notes, are hereby delegated to the Supervisor as chief fiscal officer in accordance with the Local Finance Law. The proceeds from the sale of the 4 >_. Notes will be provided prior to the issuance of the Bonds or bond anticipation notes and shall constitute the down payment required by Section 107.00 of the Local Finance Law. 2 z J., IF T �. ,"Lr ��� i w.�• . i >' .oi r f, ". IJ 1. .. �, ;t t�Etfir.. r.N- .Ji',OtYYe..ssoP 7::r a..er �... .. III L } yti 2 7 U 9 T ;. Section 9. It is hereby determined and declared ('a) that the t period of probable usefulness of the object or i fq�tose for which the Bonds and Notes hereby authorized are to be issued is thirty (30) years and (b) that subdivision 11(a) of paragraph a of Section 11.00 of the Local Finance Law of the State of New York is applicable thereto. Section 5. The proposed maturity of the Bonds will be in excess of 5 years. Section'6. Section 7. An annual appropriation shall be made in each year sufficient to pay the principal of and interest on the Bonds and Notes as the same shall become due and payable each year. In addition, the faith and credit of the Issuer shall be and are hereby pledged for the punctual payment of the principal of and interest on the Bonds and Notes as the same shall become due and payable. Subject to the provisions of the Local Finance Law,ithe power to authorize the issuance of and to sell bond anticipation notes in anticipation of the issuance and sale of the Bonds herein authorized, including renewals of such notes, is hereby delegated to,the Supervisor as chief fiscal officer, The Bonds and any bond anticipation thotes shall be of such terms, form and content, and shall be sold in such manner as may be prescribed by the Supervisor, consistent with the provisions of the Local Finance Law, Section 8. The validity of the Bonds, the Notes and any bend anticipation notes may be contested only if: s a, such obligations are authorized for an object or purpose for which the Issuer is not authorized to expend money, or b6 the provisions of law which should be complied with at the date of the publication of this resolution or summary thereof, are not substantially complied with, and an action, suit or proceeding contesting such validity, is commenced within twenty days after the date of such publication; or - 2 - 1 }•rt r7 t tl •, �:� {. A , r h n i� 4h, i } ., i < is ? f + Y w,i 'b. ! u \ �'ri} t i + •'t'// ,.. b � . , , f a z7 k E' 3 :r 3 /'•,lam r, '" - ` /.'• ,`(, . sr A \ A f /.. S' . !f r �� .. f h . ' • ,, r �. , r i I-0 !_i {h♦ A! f'..t, i Y i v 1 rl, t 41. {. !. ! �rrc,� �[?f�;'• ?N`.`, `Rt'i`y4 <��v1 t`-'F: ":ri' �' rU; .' \' - r.'„ ..%.. .., .r [(; !Y : 'n +a -. r.41. i1, f4 .ni \h H, t4'r> 1 Rft• .rr4t� /r f .S ?` vF! V ;,.. .. •t. c. such obligations are authorized in violation of the provisions of the .;�> ... Constitution. Section 9. This resolution shall be published in full in the Ttkacat, '101ty'h4 1 the official newspaper of the Issuer, together with a notice of the Clerk in substantially -the form provided ;. in Section 81.00 of the Local Finance Law. Section 10. In accordance with the provisions of Section 35.00 of the Local Finance Law, this resolution is adopted subject to a referendum which shall be held in accordance with the requirements of Article 7 of the Town Law, The resolution shall ". be.approved at the referendum upon the - affirmative vote of a majority of the qualified } electors of the Issuer voting in the next general , election on the following two propositions: "PROPOSITION # 1: Shall the following*% resolution be adopted? ' RESOD'.:? that the Town Supervisor of the To of Danby is hereby authorized to expend a total sum not to exceed $400,000 for the construction of a highway machinery building at HoYnhitooi- ROP-A in the Town of Danby;" and "PROPOSITION # 2: Shall the following resolution be adopted? RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Danby is authorized to finance the expenditures authorized by PROPOSITION # 1 above by issuing general obligation serial bonds of the Town in the aggregate principal amount not to'exceed $380,000 and capital notes of the Town in the aggregate principal amount not to exceed $20,000 and to authorize the issuance of bond anticipation notes in anticipation of such serial bonds. 3 - x�Y�' "r. .•� + � - , •T {„ ~ , � - r �. 1. -r'.S n 4f, r , ,t� - t ' , 1 - •' '° I ,t' + _ t (/t/ { �.1 I'. �r'] t v , - rJf7 a i. A. ,- t.•Jr .> rr •• s �� 3t� y t I. 1 • P �i11 6A It v `.�+•�,Y,FAy,�Fr,1,�1 1 art C v�}T. ;� !+I 1 ♦ 1 1 r J ' 7� y � it�' -1,. ' Y �:. ♦,f � v i Aµ 7q / ��Rt� it �tY�t 1 � +i 11 JI '. ��..'r�Y7y rP,'t'£`�M1f�x pi A..a ;d! ix r7'y,'„$l� , - all 1 2 7 0 9 T to The question of the adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly put to a vote on roll call which resulted as follows, Clmn'*,D. Eckstrom voting Age C1mn. M. oltz voting Clmn. D. Roberts voting Clmn. J. Tagliaventcvoting Supervisor Dietrich voting voting voting voting voting voting Aye Aye Aye Aye The resolution was thereupon declared duly adopted - 4 - L2 I .41 yr -y1 - ' I. {q. !I , ;i 1,. , r � 1 ; .! I '. � i rr yr „ 5 .. �^ 4't. ,r ,.; � 1 1 L(',. 1 �'� •� r;i �.,� { >' .•!�• • k•'-2' �. I•.1 t a iv. ': r , } , i L it S: % •' , , 1. .. r a i , . ]� .. i Y r �• '. i nl wr �2 �V Y�1 ell '}. �'�fF e. • �. �; .o I •�fI �•. - • • Vii! 01, tF .+ STATE OF NEW YORK ) COUNTY OF TOMPKINS) : Ss o: `',.r.. TOWN OF DANBY • - f D nb �� �'= ' 1 I, the undersigned Clerk of the Town o a y, Tompkins County, New York, DO HEREBY CERTIFY: That I have compared the annexed extract of the minutes of the meeting of the Town Board (the "Town Board "), including the resolutions contained therein, held on the 8th day of August, 19881 with the original thereof on file in my office, and that the same is a _true and correct transcript 1 f d o n final so far as the same I• i. therefrom and of the who e o sai g relates to the subject matters therein referred to. I FURTHER CERTIFY that all members of said Town Board had due notice of s ?id meeting. } I FURTHER CERTIFY that, pursuant to Section 103 of the Public Officers Law (Ope.n Meetings Law), said meeting was Open to the general public. I FURTHER CERTIFY that•, prior to the time of said meeting, I duly caused a public notice of the time and place of said meeting to be given to the following newspapers and /or other news media as follows: Newspaper and /or Other News Media Date Given The Ithaca Journal I FURTHER CERTIFY that prior to the time of said meeting, I duly caused public notice of the time and place of said meeting to be conspicuously posted in the following designated location(s) on the following dates: Designated Location(s) of Posted Notice Date of Postin • • • 4 1 x + t I +. �` A Oz r 1 t o t. t .'•, , A, r e y. y a ' f. :.Y y ., r y, J ..: J 1 n tK •. 1' n t (t so, i•�.' ai r r.os 1, Y. i'. n P. yt _ a t ' •' F J 7' o P. OP L i ,, tk',.. -nMn •s.><=d•IcEa3� 'TMU.stir -�y > - tt 'f 'iii -5aaVa - .:-hot :rya 1-kI do r: �k oo o 4 T7 r S GJ) Y ' • ! Y ' ' It. A regular meeting Town Board of the Town of g , g of the Danby, Tompkins County, New York, was held at the Danby Town ``'.Y t Hall, 1830 Danby Road, Danby, on September 12, 1988, at 8:00 p.m., prevailing time. The meeting was.called to order by Supervisor Fredric "' ? Dietrich, and upon roll being called, the following were PRESENT6 Clmn. Dean EcI.:i ,am Clmn. Mary Oltz 1. Clmn. Dorothy Roberts Clmn. Julia Tagliavento Supervisor Fredric Dietrich ABSENT: none r• The following resolution was offered by Clmn. Julia `!' agliavento, who moved its adoption, seconded by Clmn. Dean Eckstrom, to wit: toll; . •e,., -.,i 1 _ J r- �-.. {.'+ss.fYSii.�''^'_a�b r• "'�laY'hi`�Sia = '`txl&u't .ss ��' .. u..... ` f ,T' .fit.• t ,f IP _ Ip l' rr f AI y I• �- ��' It TOWN OF DANBY, TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK "`{: '�: ft 0 1 NOTICE OF ELECTION NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that, pursuant to Resolution adopted by the Town .Board of the Town- of Danby. on''September 129 1988, in . accordance with • the provi s'5fis of 'the' Town Law applicable thereto, the following propositions will be to submitted to the qualified electors of this Town at the next General Election to be held on November 8__1588: 1. ',,. PROPOSITION # l: Shall the following resolution be adopted? RESOLVED that the Town Supervisor of the Town of Danby is hereby authorized to expend a total sum not to exceed $400,000 for the construction of a highway machinery building at {- lornbrook 2o" in the Town of Danby. PROPOSITTON # 2: Shall the following resolution be adopted? RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Danby is authorized to finance the expenditures authorized. by PROPOSITION # 1 above by issuing general obligation serial bonds of the Town in'the aggregate principal amount not to exceed $380,000 and capital notes of the'Town in the, aggregate principal amount not to exceed $20,000 and to authorize the issuance of bond anticipation notes in anticipation of such serial bonds. NOTICE IS ALSO GIVEN that voting on these propositions will be between the same hours as regulat voting at said General Election and that the places of voting in each of the respective election districts of the Town shall be the same places as shall be used for voting at the General Election on that day. NOTICE IS ALSO GIVEN that for purposes of the aforementioned election, a qualified elector of the Town of Danby is an individual who is qualified to vote in the said General Election. S F, • 2 NOTICE IS ALSO GIVEN that the aforesaid propositions will appear on the ballot labels of the voting machines in said election in the following abbreviated form Sh notice of t Town 'Supery construct a of Danby be all his i.s o r hig app PROPOSITION # 1: the Proposition se election as PROPOS to expend not mor hway machinery bui roved? t forth in the legal ITION #41 authorizing the e than $400,000 to lding for use by the Town PROPOSITION I# 2: Shall the'Proposition set forth in the legal notice of this election as PROPOSITION # 2 authorizing the Town Board to finance the expenditures authorized in PROPOSITION # 1 above by the issuance of not more than .$380,000 of serial bonds and $20,000 of capital notes of the Town be approved? IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set m hand and affixed the seal of said Issuer on September:, 19880 (SEAL) Town Clerk �A .tt .k } ��M i•• r `;. f ff s; ..• f:- ,.I^� Yr� "r R Yi -3#0 . r t or ; f.4 F, • 2 NOTICE IS ALSO GIVEN that the aforesaid propositions will appear on the ballot labels of the voting machines in said election in the following abbreviated form Sh notice of t Town 'Supery construct a of Danby be all his i.s o r hig app PROPOSITION # 1: the Proposition se election as PROPOS to expend not mor hway machinery bui roved? t forth in the legal ITION #41 authorizing the e than $400,000 to lding for use by the Town PROPOSITION I# 2: Shall the'Proposition set forth in the legal notice of this election as PROPOSITION # 2 authorizing the Town Board to finance the expenditures authorized in PROPOSITION # 1 above by the issuance of not more than .$380,000 of serial bonds and $20,000 of capital notes of the Town be approved? IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set m hand and affixed the seal of said Issuer on September:, 19880 (SEAL) Town Clerk �A .tt .k } ��M i•• r `;. f IF OFF 4- Ip • ' r ; , f, y r` • 1*+' 4�J. l r�i y I� }fi. Jr :+ -t '. r' ' .1 t N OIl :1. 1. e r, : t f i• r ,1 !r'1r 1.J L {1 °T •�i . }ryy -tt� ^t i f, i,'r.a.1 �1. .:� ..1. IF I OF IF OF ,i •Y t (7o-?r- ft,�,.: :.f +.. '1 _u u i i, ' 1 . v w v; T . STATE OF NEW YORK ) ss • ''� COUNTY OF TOMPKINS) I, the undersigned Clerk of the Town of Danby, .� Tompkins County, New York (.the "Town "), DO HEREBY CERTIFY: That I have compared the annexed extract of the ' minutes of the meeting of the Town Board of said Town, • including the resolution contained therein, held on thellth day of 5ept"embe r 1988, with.' the original thereof- on f ile:...:iD, my office, and that the same is a true and correct transcript therefrom and of the whole of said original so far as the same relates to the subject matters therein referred to. I FURTHER CERTIFY that all members of said Town Board had due notice of said meeting. -' I FURTHER CERTIFY that, pursuant to Section 103 of the Public Officers Law (Open Meetings Law), said meeting wa,s open to the general public. I FURTHER CERTIFY that, prior to the time of said meeting, I duly caused a public notice of the time and place of 'said meeting to be given to the foll�owing newspapers and /or other news media as follows: Newspaper and /or other news media Date given The Ithaca Journal C7 I FURTHER CERTIFY that prior to the time of said meeting, I duly caused public notice of the time and place of said meeting to be conspicuously posted in the following designated public location(s) on the following dates: Designated Location(s) of posted notice Danby Sign Board Benjamin's One Stop _ 0 K Plarket and West Danby 5 - Date of Posting 1 z rk' W } ' }rte 4"ioI. . } 1 V' IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said 'Town on September, 8, 1988, (SEAL) y� tee. L` ,