HomeMy WebLinkAbout1986-12-17Minutes
Town of Danby Planning Board.
December 17, 1986
Members Pr.Psent: Donald. Gra.ha.m (Chair), Joel Gagnon (Secretary),
Nancy WPitzPl, Walter Sczepanski.
Members Absents Gerald Catlin
Others Present: r"rl Roberts (Bald Hill), Judy Tagliavento, Rick
Dietrich, Pam Clermont
Others Absent: Judd Leonard
The meeting was called. to order at 7:33 P.M.
Minutes of the October meeting were
(there was no meetinf in November.)
unanimously approved as brPsented.
There was a discussion about the possibility of the new County land-
fill being located in Danby. A variety of opinions were expressed,
but the Board. took no position and made no recommendations to the
Town Board,
There was an update on the status of the Junk Law (proposed.), which
emerged from lPgal review unchanged.. John Orchin, the lawyer
who ha.d looked. at it, did suggest a coull? of changes. He thought
it might be better to have a v6(Pl..a.tion of the law be a, violation of
Civil rather than Penal la.w so that injunctive relief could bP
se(,LlrP.d in the event oi4irn ongoing violation. Also, it wa.s sug.gPsted
tha.', it would be Paster to prove wrongd.otng un•lPr t'ne nroviAions of
the Civil law. Pam a reed. to chPC` is out and. make the change if
it would pr•oducP the d.esirpd. effect. As a. resii.lt; of further
cussion with Pam, it, was also 1.PC,1e'P1 that a. section be ad.4pd, to the
Violation section (section 3) m!aOcing it clear that good faith
Pf orts to d.Pal with a violation wuolei be an accept-,able way of
dealing with a specific junk problem, at the JiscrPt; ion of the
judga and with the consent of the 'own, It was agreed that with
these cha._rigPS mar the la.w could a.nd should now be dealt with by
the Town Board
Tharp was a, discussion of t;he fut;_zrP I.ir.PCti
wa,s 1PC i rl �r3. that t hP mPmb-ers of the Bo =i.rl sh
(YO r -en.') Town Board. mPPtin. in order to 11
With full Board and to seek ;Iir.roction fr
Mept:ing a- t.journad. at 10:35 P41 ;%
on of the Board. It-,
ould attend the next
scuss the situation
or, t7em.
Sub*�itted by Joel lagnon