HomeMy WebLinkAbout1984-06-11TOWN OF DANBY PUBLIC HEARING CABLE TELEVISION FRANCHISE AMENDMENT June 11, 1984 A public hearing was held June 11, 1984 at the Danby Town Hall 1830 Danby Road, Town of Danby, Tompkins County, New York. The purpose of this hearing is to consider amendments to the cable television franchise previously granted to Cerracche Cable Tele- vision Corporation. The meeting was called to order at 7:15 PM. Board Members Present: Councilperson Mary Oltz Councilman Edward Shay Councilperson Dorothy Roberts Supervisor Mildred Miller Absent: Councilman Ric Dietrich Others Present: John Grow, attorney for American Television and Communications Corporation, Kevin Grossman and Georgia Griffith, from American Television & Communications Corporation, Frank Haskins, Roy Casterline,.Donald Wright, Florence Starr, Fred Thayer, Judd Leonard, Pamela Clermont. The legal notice as advertised in the Ithaca Journal was read by the town clerk. Supervisor Miller introduced John Grow, Attorney for the cable television company. Mr. Grow explained the cable television is requesting an amended rate for basic cable television service from $6.00 to $8.00 and revised standards for line extension. Mr. Haskins, Mr. Wright both inquired when will West Danby get this cable service. West Danby has been unhappy with the past handling of their request for cable service. After lengthy discussion, Mr. Grow felt the cable television people should send letters to the residents in West Danby to find out how much interest there still is for this service and will try to resolve this problem. At 8:15 PM, Supervisor Miller closed the meeting and informed Mr. Grow the board is not ready to make a decision on amending the franchise agreement. Respectfully submitted, Linda Fetherbay, clerk U ri I TOWN OF DANBY TOWN BOARD MEETING MINUTES June 11, 1984 The regular meeting of the Danby Town Board was called to at 8:25 PM at the Danby Town Hall, 1830 Danby Road, Town Tompkins County, New York, June 11, 19840 order of Danby, Board Members Present: Councilperson Mary Oltz Councilman Edward Shay Councilperson Dorothy Roberts Supervisor Mildred Miller Absent: Councilman Ric Dietrich Others Present: Helen Mundel, Pamela Clermont, Donald Graham, Pete Coddington, Judd Leonard, Florence Starr, Roy Casterline Communications: 1. County Board of Representatives, Resolution 4140. Apportion- ment of Mortgage Tax. For Danby, $5,764.06. 2. The Assembly, State of New York. The estimated per capita aid allocations for fiscal year 1984 -85 are $800,000,000., the same as 1983 -84. For Danby, amounts using 1969 assessments and 1970 population is $35,514. 3. New York State Parks & Recreation. Due to drainage of Jennings Pond to make repairs to the dam, the state has agreed to cancel the revocable license (#C169418) dated May 19, 19800 Councilperson Oltz requested the May 25, Special Meeting Minutes be corrected to read "Councilperson Roberts would like it to go on record that the board members; would have the town books audited ". Supervisor Miller requested the May 14 Minutes be corrected on Page two after Resolution 421. "Mr. Coddington to cash rebate check for $10.00 ". Councilperson Oltz moved to approve the May 14 and May 24 minutes as corrected, seconded by Councilperson Roberts, carried unanimously. Privilege of the Floor: Supervisor Miller announced Georgia Coffin will be at the Town Hall June 21 from 3 to 6 PM to accept energy conservation and weatheri- zation applications and to answer questions. The town clerk expressed concern that announcement of town meetings do not get on the town sign on time. Councilperson Oltz suggested this matter should be brought to Community Council's attention. County Board Representative, Florence Starr reported County Reps have been interviewing applicants for Social Services Commissioner. County has approved the Youth Fair site for the new location of • the County Jail. Mrs. Starr reported the County has not changed their decision on the Indian Land Claim negotiations. Roy Casterline requested if town could place gravel on Brown Road Extension near George Potter's residence. The road is used often in springtime and is rutted up. Old Business: Councilman Shay reported the tanker Pete Coddington received to haul salt brine with is not in operable condition. There is approximately $1500 in needed repairs (rust). Councilman Shay felt the board should not have to pay for something that is not is Town Board'Meeting Minutes - June il, 1984 page 2 Old Business, continued in operable condition. Mr. Coddington had looked at the tanker earlier and it appeared in good condition, the sales rep. did not imply there was anything wrong with the tanker. The sales rep. said they would go half on the repairs. The town board agreed they expected the tanker to be in operable condition and will let Pete work with the sales rep. on the problem. The highway department is presently borrowing a tanker but will need to return it soon. Committee Reports: Highway: Mr. Coddington received a letter from a resident in West Danby voicing concern over speeding on Maple Avenue. This short stretch of road is used as a shortcut to Newfield. There are a number of small children on this road and parents are concerned for the safety of their.children. The residents would like signs to go up alerting motorists of children in the area. Councilman Shay moved to authorize Mr. Coddington to purchase two "Children at Play" signs at a price of $56.00, seconded by Council - person Oltz, carried unanimously. Senior Citizens: Councilperson.Roberts reported the group took a trip May 25 to Clarence NY, Mumford, NY and on to Canandaigua where they dined at Caruso's. The group plans to see the play "Annie" in July and are planning a trip to Kingston, Ontario. Cemeteries: Councilperson Roberts reported Mr. Roberts has been busy mowing. Zoning: The written,monthly report was presented. Mr. Leonard presented a petition signed by residents in West Danby expressing concern over the poor conditions of properties belonging to Margaret Adams and Tom Campbell. The Adams property is in violation and according to section 509 of the Danby Zoning Ordinance steps can be taken to clear this property up. The Campbell property will need further investigation, and Mr. Leonard would like to work with Pam Clermont on this. Councilperson Oltz moved to allow the town attorney to send a letter to Margaret Adams on town's concern and to allow Mrs. Clermont to work with Mr. Leonard on the Campbell property, seconded by Councilperson Roberts, carried unanimously. Mr. Leonard said Mr. Campbell is living at the old grange building without proper septic hookup and no electricity. Mr. Leonard also reported he has an order of remedy for violation of junk car ordinance. The case will come to court soon. Councilperson Oltz questioned Mr. Leonard if there is proper septic hook up at the Maycumber property on Comfort Road. Mr. Leonard explained he has a construction permit for a septic hook up from the health department. If the Maycumber's showed reasonable pro- gress on the hook up then he can live on the property. However, there is no water. Mr. Leonard feels Mr. Maycumber complies with all the regulations. Supervisor Miller said she has not signed the building permit for Mr. Maycumber. She feels the Maycumber's are in violation. Supervisor feels no one is allowed to live on the property if is there is not proper water and septic hook up. Mr. Leonard said he needs board's approval before issuing a special permit to the Danby Fire Company for a pavilion. Supervisor Miller said the board approved this project a few months ago and a permit is not necessary as the pavillon is for the community and is located on the fire department property. Planning Board: Don Graham reported the board has passed on two documents: 1) Law regulating storage and dispensing of town junk. 2) National Flood Insurance Regulations. He explained the maps need additional work. m Town Board Meeting Minutes - June 11, 1984 page 3 Committe reports, Planning Board, continued. Mr. Graham presented a draft on the flood program to the board members. The planning board would like the town board's approval on both laws. Mr. Graham said the junk law would replace the current junk car law. The board will review both documents before a decision is made. Councilperson Oltz said the Fire District has not received the balance of their tax money. Supervisor Miller said she turned over the balance of what the town clerk gave her at the end of her tax period and the remaining balance will be given to the Fire District as soon as the County has paid her. Councilperson Oltz said at the May 24 Special Meeting, there was • discussion the board wanted the town books audited. Councilperson Oltz was informed by Albany that the towns are having private firms do the audits. In turn, the board asked her to contact three firms for a comparison and to get proposals. She received one proposal from John.Little, who represents Ciaschi, Dieters - Hagen, Schaufler and Mickelson. Mr. Little has done town audits in the past. The fee to do two years audit would be between $1500. to $1800.. He suggested towns should have an audit every two years. Pam Clermont suggested that the Board inquire as to the hourly rate if further consultation is needed. Councilperson Oltz moved to accept Mr. Little's proposal, seconded by Councilperson Roberts and carried unanimously. Councilperson Roberts moved to accept the April 30 special meeting minutes as presented, seconded by Supervisor Miller, carried unanimously. These minutes were not approved along with the other minutes earlier in the meeting. Supervisor Miller said a resolution is needed to appoint the election inspectors for 1984 -85. RESOLUTION 252) APPOINT ELECTION INSPECTORS FOR DISTRICT I AND II FOR 1984 -850 Republicans - District I Donna Smith Peggy LaPoint Charlotte Hautala Rhoda Larson (alt) Democrat - District I Beverly Dawson Linda Howe Pat Addy Republicans - District II Mary Casterline Irene Mohlar Frank Haskins (alt) Democrat - District II Irene Cortright Jean Nowack Mary Bone (alt) Moved by Councilperson Roberts, seconded by Councilperson Oltz. Roll Call Vote: Councilperson Oltz - aye Councilperson Roberts - aye Councilman Shay - aye Supervisor Miller - aye ® Supervisor Miller said a resolution is needed on Indian Land Claim negotiations. RESOLUTION #26 REMOVE DANBY STATE FOREST LANDS FROM INDIAN LAND CLAIMS SETTLEMENT NEGOTIATIONS Moved by Councilperson Oltz, seconded by Councilman Shay Roll Call Vote: Councilperson Oltz - aye Councilperson Roberts - aye Councilman Shay - aye Supervisor Miller - aye Supervisor Miller said a resolution is needed to pay Benjamin's One Stop bill for repair to town pickup as recovered by the insurance company. 20 Town Board Meeting Minutes - June 11, 1984 page 4 Resolution # 27, continued RESOLUTION #27 AUTHORIZE SUPERVISOR TO PAY BENJAMIN'S ONE STOP FOR PICKUP REPAIR USING MONEYS RECEIVED FOR INSURANCE RECOVERY. MONEY RECEIVED AND REPAIR BILL IN SAME AMOUNTS ($391.50) Moved by Councilperson Roberts, seconded by Councilperson Oltz. Roll Call Vote: Councilperson Oltz - aye Councilperson Roberts - aye Councilman Shay - aye Supervisor Miller - aye Supervisor Miller reported County Youth Bureau has awarded $400 to Danby for their summer recreation program, to be used for transportation costs. Supervisor Miller read the agreement by the County Youth for Danby to participate in the summer youth program. Due to his absence, Councilman Dietrich asked Supervisor Miller to bring to board's attention that he is requesting an executive meeting to discuss counselors for the summer recreation program. The meeting is scheduled for June 25. WARRANTS: Highway Warrant #6 in the amount of $3471.61 was approved to be paid. Moved by Councilperson Oltz, seconded by Councilperson Roberts, carried unanimously. General Fund Warrant #6 in the amount of $1591.70 was approved to be paid. Moved by Councilperson Roberts, seconded by Supervisor Miller, carried unanimously. West Danby Water District Warrant #6 in the amount of $162.69 was approved to be paid. Moved by Councilman Shay, seconded by Council- person Oltz, carried unanimously. Federal Revenue Sharing Warrant #6 in the amount of $530.00 was approved to be paid. Moved by Supervisor Miller, seconded by Councilperson Roberts, carried unanimously. Councilperson Roberts moved to approve the Supervisor's Reports as presented, seconded by Councilman Shay, carried unanimously. Councilperson Oltz moved to adjourn the meeting at 10:10 PM, seconded by Councilperson Roberts, carried unanimously. Respectfull submitted, z , 1 r` �Z/2 ' F herba clerk Linda et y, ;t �A