HomeMy WebLinkAbout1983-09-12TOWN OF DANBY
September 12, 1983
The regular meeting of the Danby Town Board- -.was called to order
at 8 :13 PM at the Danby Town Hall, 1830 Danby Road, Town of Dan-
by, Tompkins County, New York, September 12, 1983.
Board Members present;
Councilperson Mary Oltz
Councilperson Dorothy Roberts
Councilperson Sylvia Hiney
Councilman Ted Merritt
Supervisor Mildred Miller
Others Present: Highway Superintendent, Roger Hile, Florence
• Starr, Pamela Clermont, Roy and Mary Casterline, Herb Engman,
Frank Haskins, Sandra Strong, Walter and Carol Sczepanski,
Julia Tagliavento, John and Carol Benjamin, Lorraine Bard.
Councilperson Dorothy Roberts asked that the August 8th min-
utes be corrected under Old Business, first paragraph to end the
sentence after General discussion followed. Councilperson
Dorothy Roberts made the motion to accept the minutes as correc-
ted, seconded by Councilperson Mary Oltz and carried by a vote
of five ayes and no noes.
1. Letter from NYS Office of Parks, Recreation & Historic Pres-
y,_'brvntib,ei, .Senior Park Engineer, Jesse W. Miller. The letter
was to inform the town that they had received a call from the
Dam Safety Division of New York State Department of Environ-
mental Conservation. They had inspected the Jennings Pond
Dam and were concerned that the leakage on the east abutment
of the concrete overflow structure had gotten worse. The
state requested a slow draw -down of the pond to ovserve the
effects of the leakage.
The draw -down will begin September 6th and is unknown whether
the pond will have to completely drained. The State Parks
Commission is in the process of approving a contract with a
consultant for study and design of corrective measures for
the dam. They anticipate the design to take eight months to
a year.
2. Letter from Mr. Robert C. French requesting a right of way
along Wallding Lane in West Danby. His intention is to use
the right of way to install a water line from the French
residence on Wallding Lane to the main town water line.
3. Letter from Stanley Carpenter, President, Cayuga Lake Beagle
• Club. Mr. Carpenter would like to thank the highway depart-
ment for new tar and stone surfacing of Michigan Hollow Road
up to their Beagle Club.
4. Letter from Supervisor & County Legislator's Association. The
1984 dues appropriation for our town is $25.00. The dues
are ?)g% of the Association of Towns 1984 dues. The bill for
the dues will be sent in December 1983.
Privilege of the Floor:
Town Clerk requested to Board for new typewriter for her office.
Brochures of various typewriters sere presented for board mem-
bers to look at.
Town Clerk asked for town board's feelings'on having one dis-
trict open for registration day in October. Supervisor Miller
said this will be discussed later in the meeting.
Board of Representative, Florence Starr had no report.
Roy Casterline complimented Roger Hile on the new stone and oil
work on'the area roaclis in West Danby.
Dog Warden,
Laurie Bard would like board approval to purchase
Town Board Meeting Minutes - September 12, 1983 Page 2
heavier wire and better doors for her dog kennels.
Carol Benjamin reported she received a phone call from Mrs. Fred Pam-
puch who resides on Comfort Road Extension. She has a young child
that is being picked up at her house. The school bus driver has
informed Mrs. Pampuch he will no longer pick her child up at the
house as there is not sufficient room for the bus to turn around,
therefore the child will have to walk to the main pick -up point.
Roger Hile reported he had the school transportation superinten-
dent, Pete Curry, look the situation over and felt there was ample
room. Councilman Ted Merritt suggested a town board member call
the transportation department on this problem. Supervisor Miller
felt the board should not get involved in this matter unless asked
to do so.
Walter Sczepanski questioned the outcome of the bid for work on
highway department building. Supervisor Miller reported the one
bid received was rejected and the bid will be re- advertised. He
felt the building in question for modification for highway build-
ing was a poor choice. The property in question, Bruce's' Business
is a desirable tax oasis property. He felt this was not an ideal
spot for town barns, it would be more suitable for a business. Coun-
cilman Ted Merritt said the reason the bid is being done in this
matter is to see if it's feasible to modify the building for high-
way use versus building a new town barn and buying additional land
to put it on.
Close to privilege of floor:
Committee Reports:
Environmental Management Council: Herb Engman reported the Council
has been doing research into the Bottle Bill.
There has been legal action taken regarding the lamprey control in
Cayuga Lake and Seneca Lake to try and stop this program.
He also mentioned if anyone is building a pond that is 5 acres or more
in size needs a permit to do so.
Mr Engman has talked with Engineer, Jesse Miller at the Finger Lakes
State Park regarding the draining of Jennings Pond. He assured Mr.
Engman that the Pond would not be completely drained. Mr. Engman felt
it was a disappointment that the State Parks did not consult with
residents in Danby on this problem before taking action. It may take
up to a year to solve the problem. Mr. Engman suggested a represen-
tative from the town should work with the Park employees on this matter.
Carol Sczepanski asked what wrll become of the fish in the pond. Council-
man Ted Merritt voiced concern over the fact the Fire Department uses the
pond for water supply.
Pond Committee: Committee Chairperson Ed Roberts could not attend the
meeting so his report was read by the town clerk. In the report he
mentioned Danby (Jennings) Pond had one of its most successful years.
The lifeguards estimate between 3000 and 3500 swimmers were in the
water as compared to 2000 to 2400 in 1981. Mr. Roberts mentioned in
his report that due to the dry weather the water level dropped in
August and weeds grew to surface, part of the swimming area had to
be closed off. The raft is in need of repair. Members who worked
on the pond committee with Mr. Roberts are Dave Lehman, Dick Bor-
denet, Pete Goodman, Terry Wildey, George and Mary Anne Kozak and
Bill Genter.
Highway; Roger Hile reported they have surfaced and treated several
roads- Tupper Road, Michigan Hollow Road, VanBuskirk Gulf Rd., Bruce
Hill Rd. and Brown Road. He also reported there is a beaver dam
towards the end of Curtis Rd., near Hill Rd. The dam is causing
water to come very near to the road. Mr. Engman suggested he contact
the conservation department to handle this matter. Supervisor Miller
asked that Mr. Hile take the board members on a road tour. The tour
is scheduled for September 18th at 9:00 AM.
Zoning: The Carl
Steele property on Nelson
Road is in violation
garding junk cars
and has not responded to
the violation letters
by Mr. Haskinss.
He feels this matter will
need to be taken to
Town Board.Meeting Minutes - September 12, 1983 Page 3
Mr. Haskins will write up the summons and give to the judge to
serve the papers, per town board approval. MontIly report was
Supervisor Miller reported the town will grant the right of way
to Mr. French for his right of way on Wallding Lane for water
hook up with the Water District in West Danby. This will be
drawn up by the Town Attorney with the necessary restrictions.
Pam Clermont suggested this grant of right of way should be
recorded in the County Clerk's office. Motion made by Super-
visor Miller and seconded by Councilperson Dorothy Roberts and
Supervisor Miller said a motion is needed to reject the Bid for
highway building renovation and to rebid for same. Motion made
by Councilperson Mary Oltz and seconded by Councilperson Dorothy
• Roberts and carried. Bids will be opened at a special meeting
to be held September 26th at 7;00 PM.
Supervisor Miller reported that registration day should be in
both districts in October. She also said the Election inspec -
tors will be paid $4.50 per hour for registration day and
General Election day.
Councilperson Dorothy Roberts made the motion to pay election
inspectors $4.50/hr. and seconded by Councilperson Mary Oltz
and carried.
Supervisor Miller said a dog census needs to be done this year.
She asked Dog Warden, Lorraine Bard if she would do this within
the next two months. She has agreed to do this and will be
paid $600 which includes mileage.
After general discussion on whether to
Burcel's Equipment Business, Councilman
motion to not make a'tentative purchase
Councilperson Sylvia Hiney and carried.
make a purchase offer on
Ted Merritt made the
offer and seconded by
Highway Chips Abstract #9 in the amount of $27,211.76 was
approved to be paid. Motion made by Councilperson Dorothy Roberts
and seconded by Councilperson Mary Oltz and carried by a vote
of five ayes and no noes.
Highway Abstract #9 in the amount of $3,814.79 was approved to
be paid. Motion made by Councilperson Dorothy Roberts and
seconded by Supervisor Miller and carried by a vote of five
ayes and no noes.
General Fund Abstract #9 in the amount of $1,060.62 was app.
• roved to be paid. Motion made by Councilperson Sylvia Hiney
and seconded by Councilman Ted Merritt and carried by a vote
of five ayes and no noes.
General Fund Abstract #9 in the amount of $190.00 was approved
to be paid. Motion made by Councilperson Mary Oltz and sec-
onded by Councilperson Dorothy Roberts and carried by a vote
of five ayes and no noes.
West Danby Water Dist5ict Abstract #9 in the amount of $222.56
was approved to be paid. Motion made by Supervisor Miller and
seconded by Councilperson Sylvia Hiney and carried by a vote
of five ayes and no noes.
Councilman Ted Merritt made the motion to accept the Super-
visor's reports as presented and seconded by Councilperson
Mary Oltz and carried by a vote of five ayes and no noes.
Supervisor Miller reported she has met'once with highway depart-
ment spokesman regarding CSEA contract. There was discussion of
a .65¢/hr, raise plus uniforms for the men costing $4.52/wk. per
Supervisor Miller said there will be a budget discussion Septem-
ber 26th after the meeting to open bids for highway building.
Councilperson Ted Merritt made the motion to adjourn the meeting
at 10:05 PM and seconded by Councilperson Mary Oltz and carried,
pectfu y submitted,
'C .
Linda Fetherbay,
Clerk O