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June 13, 1983
The regular meeting of the Danby Town Board was called to order at.
7:00 PM at the Danby Town Hall, 1830 Danby Road, Town of Danby,
County of Tompkins, and State of New York on June 13, 19836
The meeting was held one hour earlier than regular time as Council-
person Mary Oltz and Councilperson Dorothy Roberts had to attend a
Republican committee meeting at 8 :00 PM.
Board Members Present: Councilperson Mary Oltz, Councilperson Dorothy
Roberts, Councilperson Sylvia Hiney, Councilman Ted Merritt, Supervisor
Mildred Miller.
Councilperson Mary Oltz made the motion to accept the April 29, May 9,
May 16, and June 2 minutes as written. Seconded by Councilperson
Dorothy Roberts and carried by a vote of.five ayes and no noes.
Resolution #118 was read from Tompkins•County Board of Representatives
regarding Apportionment of Mortgage Tax for the period from October 19
1982 through March 31, 1983, pursuant to section 261 of the tax law.
For Danby: $3,447.24.
Councilperson Sylvia Hiney made the motion to accept the Supervisor's
reports, seconded by Councilman Ted Merritt and carried by a vote of
five ayes and no noes. ,
1;larrants :
Highway Warrant #6 in the amount of $6,988.59 was approved to be paid,
Motion made by Supervisor Miller and seconded by Councilman, Ted
Merritt and carried by a vote of five ayes and no noes,
General Fund #6 in the amount of ?2,136.07 was approved to be paid.
Motion made by Councilperson Dorothy Roberts and seconded by Council-
person Mary Oltz and carried by a vote of five ayes and no noes.
West Danby Water District 46 in the amount of $108.85 was -approved to
be paid. Motion made by Councilman Ted Merritt and seconded by Council-
person Sylvia Hiney and carried by a vote of five ayes and no noes.
Councilperson Dorothy Roberts made the motion to appoint the following
election inspectors for a one year term beginning July 15, 1983 and
ending July 14, 1984 and seconded by Councilperson Mary Oltz.
Republicans - District I
Donna Smith
Peggy LaPoint
Charlotte Hautala
Phoda Larson (alt)
Democrat - District I
Beverly Dawson
Linda Howe
Pat Addy
District II - Democrat
Mary Casterline
Irene Cortright
Frank Haskins (alt)
District II - Democrat
Irene Cortright
Jean Nowack
Town Board Meeting Minutes - June 13, 1983 Page 2
Highway Superintendent Hile reported he attended Highway Superintendent
School at Cornell University, June 6. He attended two CHIPS programs.
Mr. Hile has received request from Mr. Pampuch, on Comfort Rd., 1:3t.,
to construct a turn - around so school bus can pick up hit. young
child, who will be attending school in the fall. At the present time,
the bus cannot travel up to his residence. eir. Hile talked with Pete
Currey,school transportation superintendent, and he said school will
okay the turn around if town maintains the road and puts the turn-
around in. A drainage pipe will be needed and Mr. Hile suggested
Mr. Pampuch pay for the pipe. The board was in agreement that Mr.
Pampuch pay for the pipe.
Superintendent Hile received complaint from a resident on Hill Road.
Someone has put two ditches across Curtis Rd., to slow traffic down,
because of dust. Mr. Hile looked situation over and the two ditches
are very small - not enough - "to cause any damage to 'vehicles.
He said the highway crew will take care of dust problem as soon as
Mr. Mile reported crew has been working Michigan Hollow Rd, Layen Rd.,
I!'ownline Road and Bruce Hill Road.
He has notified the Sheriff-It department of problems he is having with
kids causing mischief. at the!. highway barns:
Regular meeting held at 8 :00 PM.
Others present: Roy & Mary Casterline, Frank Haskins, Pamela Clermont,
Justin Glass, Lorraine Bard, Garry &.Gay Huddle, Joel Gagnon, Jim
Henion, David Benson, Paul & Marylou Hardesty, Martin Chase, Walter
wi�;c.z,ins, Barbara Rorick, Prudence Bentley.
Privilege of the Floor:
Jim Henion approached town board for permission to obtain a special
permit to construct his private airstrip. Attorney Pam Clermont
reported a public hearing was_held in June of 1982 by order of Danby
Board of Zoning Appeals. All is needed now is town board approval to
obtain the special permit. After general discussion, Councilman Ted
Merritt made the motion to authorize Mr. Henion to obtain special permit
for'°his airstrip, seconded by Councilperson Hiney.
Mr. Walter Wiggins presented his drawings with planned additional
units on Comfort Road. Would like permission to construct 12 units
of 'Silo Houses" over a period of time. Plans were presented showing
completed project. Plans were left for town clerk's files. Supervisor
Miller asked Mr. Wiggins to present his plans to Planning Board, at
which time, public hearing will be held following outcome of Planning
;hoard decision.
Pastor PIartin Chase, from Christian Life Ministries in Ithaca,
presented his request to board for interest in purchasing; the Danby
Elementary School. They are presently negotiating with the school
district on this. No definite plans for the school were revealed.
6 '
known Board Meeting Minutes - June 13, 1983 Page 3
Supervisor Miller reported she has talked with Gary Lindenbaum,
assistant superintendent of schools, and a computer firm will be
leasing the school for 6 months, starting in July.
Paul and Marylou Hardesty approached the board for permission to
construct a shed on their property. This shed would be constructed
on the property they are living at, and do not plan to put any future
trailers at that location. Hardesty's would also like to know what
has been approved by the board in previous plans for Hillview Trailer
Park as presented by previous owners, Edward Hill. Supervisors Miller .
suggested because former plans cannot be located, the Hardesty's
should have new plans drawn up. These plans should be submitted to
the planning board for their approval. Supervisor Miller suggested
the Hardesty's obtain a building permit from Zoning Officer for con::
•struction of garage -barn for now.
Joel Gagnon from Planning Board said he attended meeting in Ithaca
regarding passing of local law on State Fire and Building codes.
It was suggested local law be passed in towns to allow County to
handle the inspections. He felt the laws were completely unenforceable.
Supervisor Miller attended. a meetingain the town of Ulysses regarding
the fire and building codes and felt the State wasn't as ready as
Councilman Ted Merritt questioned if cable TV Franchise thru Danby
has expired. Cable company has had crew thru Danby putting cable
line in to run to Candor.•
At 9:05 Councilman Ted Merritt made•the motion to adjourn the meeting,
seconded by Councilperson Sylvia Hiney. Vote carried.
Respectfully submitted,
�K 1
Linda Fetherbay,
June 13, 1983
The regular meeting of the Danby Town Board was called to order at
7:00 PM at the Danby Town Hall, 1830 Danby Road, Town of Danby,
County of Tompkins, and State of New York on June 13, 1983.
The meeting was held one hour earlier than regular time as Council-
person Mary Oltz and Councilperson Dorothy Roberts had to attend a
Republican committee meeting at 8:00 PM.
Board Members Present: Councilperson Mary Oltz, Councilperson
Dorothy Roberts, Councilperson Sylvia Hiney, Councilman Ted Merritt,
Supervisor Mildred Miller,
Councilperson Mary Oltz made the motion to accept the April 29, May 9,
May 16, and June 2 minutes as written. Seconded by Councilperson
Dorothy Roberts and carried by a vote of five ayes and no noes.
Resolution #118 was read from Tompkins County Board of Representa-
tives regarding Apportionment of Mortgage Tax for the period from
October 1, 1982 through March 31, 1983, pursuant to section 261 of
the tax law. For Danby: $3,447.24.
Councilperson Sylvia Hiney made the motion to accept the Super-
visor's reports, seconded by Councilman Ted Merritt and carried by
a vote of five ayes and no noes.
Warrant se
Highway Warrant #6 in the amount of $6,988.59 was approved to be
paid. Motion made by Supervisor Miller and seconded by Council -
pan Ted Merritt and carried by a vote of five ayes and no noes.
General Fund 46 in the amount of =2,136.07 was approved to be paid.
Motion made by Councilperson Dorothy Roberts and seconded by Council-
person Mary Oltz and carried by a vote of five ayes and no noes.
West Danby {relater District ,6 in the amount of $108.85 was approved
to be paid. Motion made by Councilman Ted Merritt and seconded by
Councilperson Sylvia Hiney and carried by a vote of five ayes and
no noes.
Councilperson Dorothy Roberts
ing election inspectors for a
and ending July 14, 1984 and
Republicans - District I
Donna Smith
Peggy LaPoint
Charlotte Hautala
Rhoda Larson (alt)
Democrat - District I
Beverly Dawson
Linda Howe
Pat Addy
made the motion to appoint the follow -
one year term beginning July 15, 1983
seconded by Councilperson Mary Oltz,
TeFL4L I C, V1
District II - = 9�r
Peary Casterline
Irene Cortright
Frank Haskins (alt)
District II - Democrat
Irene Cortright
Jean Nowack
Highway Superintendent Hile reported he attended Highway Superin-
tendent School at Cornell University June 6. He attended two CHIPS
Mr. Hile has received request from Mr. Pampuch on Comfort Rd. Ext,
to construct a turn - around so school bus can pick up his young
child who will be attending school in the fall. At the present time
June 13, 1983
The regular meeting of the Danby Town Board was called to order at
7:00 PM at the Danby Town Hall, 1830 Danby Road, Town of Danby,
County of Tompkins, and State of New York on June 13, 1983.
The meeting was held one hour earlier than regular time as Council-
person Mary Oltz and Councilperson Dorothy Roberts had to attend a
Republican committee meeting at 8:00 PM*
Board Members Present: Councilperson Mary Oltz, Councilperson
Dorothy Roberts, Councilperson Sylvia Hiney, Councilman Ted Merritt,
Supervisor Mildred Miller.
Councilperson Mary Oltz made the motion to accept the April 29, May 9,
May 16, and June 2 minutes as written. Seconded by Councilperson
Dorothy Roberts and carried by a vote of five ayes and no noes.
Resolution #118 was read from Tompkins County Board of Representa-
tives regarding Apportionment of Mortgage Tax for the period from
October 1, 1982 through March 31, 1983, pursuant to section 261 of
the tax law. For Danby: $3,447.24.
Councilperson Sylvia Hiney made the motion to accept the Super-
visor's reports, seconded by Councilman Ted Merritt and carried by
a vote of five ayes and no noes.
Warrant s
Highway Warrant #6 in the amount of $6,988.59 was approved to be
paid. Motion made by Supervisor Miller and seconded by Council-
ipan Ted Merritt and carried by a vote of five ayes and no noes.
General Fund #6 in the amount of .2,136.07 was approved to be paid.
Motion made by Councilperson Dorothy Roberts and seconded by Council-
person Mary Oltz and carried by a vote of five ayes and no noes.
West Danby Water District #6 in the amount of $108.85 was approved
to be paid. Motion made by Councilman Ted Merritt and seconded by
Councilperson Sylvia Hiney and carried by a vote of five ayes and
no noes.
Councilperson Dorothy Roberts
ing election inspectors for a
and ending July 14, 1984 and
Republicans - District I
Donna Smith
Peggy LaPoint
Charlotte Hautala
Rhoda Larson (alt)
Democrat - District I
Beverly Dawson
Linda Howe
Pat Addy
made the motion to appoint the follow -
one year term beginning July 15, 1983
seconded by Councilperson Mary Oltz.
Rep ubl, can
District II - -DeffleeTat
Mary Casterline
Irene Cortright
Frank Haskins (alt)
District II - Democrat
Irene Cortright
Jean Nowack
Highway Superintendent Hile reported he attended Highway Superin-
tendent School at Cornell University June 6. He attended two CHIPS
Mr. Hile has received request from Mr. Pampuch on Comfort Rd. Ext.
to construct a turn - around so school bus can pick up his young
child who will be attending school in the fall. At the present time