HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-04-12TOWN OF DANBY
APRIL 129 1982
Mrs. Monica Crispen from Tompkins County Cooperative Extension
spoke to a group of approximately fifteen people prior to the
regular Town Board meeting. Her topic was Gypsy Moth Control
in Tompkins County.
Gypsy Moth larvae have defoliated thousands of trees, mainly
Oak in Tompkins County Woodlands. The best time to treat your
trees is in early spring. The first of May to mis -June is main
feeding time of these caterpillars and is best time to kill
them with chemical sprays. Mrs. Crispen showed other ways of
• controlling this problem, such as wrapping burlap around the
trunk of trees (caterpillars tend to crawl down during daytime
and hide from the heat). They would crawl up under overlapping
burlap. You could then scrape the caterpillars off. Wrapping
tree trunks with sticky tape or "tangle foot" will also help.
Controlling of gypsy moth is a year long process. Treatment
of trees after they have been defoliated will aid in preven-
tion of complete loss of the tree.
The regular meeting of the Danby Town Board was called to order
at 8 :15 PM at the Danby School, 72 Gunderman Road, Town of Danby,
County of Tompkins, and State of New York on April 12, 1982.
Board Members present: Councilman Ted Merritt
Councilperson Mary Oltz
Councilperson.Dorothy Roberts
Councilperson Sylvia Hiney
Supervisor Mildred Miller
Others present: Frank Haskins, Herb Engman, Ed Roberts(Bald Hill
Rd.), Ed & Judy Roberts, Roy Casterline, Ed Slights, Don Wright,
Francis Wright, Moses Peter, Florence Starr, John & Carol Benjamin,
Margurite Jones, Paul Smith, Eva Musgrave,
Councilman Ted Merritt made the motion to approve the minutes
wit 'the correction where stated Ted Merritt requested Zoning
Board meetings, he meant Planning Board, of the March 8, 1982
meeting as presented. Seconded by Councilperson Sylvia Hiney.,
And carried by a vote of five ayes and no . noes .
Officers dinner will be April 21, 1982
7 :00 PM at
Royal Court
Tompkins County Chamber of Commerce Tours Council are requesting
anyone from Danby area to offer any help or assistance with
festivities in our area for their Independence Day Promotion to
run July 1 -10.
Letter read from Fred Pampuch of 966 Comfort Road with the re-
quest to Town of Danby to reconsider the status of Comfort Road,
They are remodeling the home and access to their home with
supplies is *d iff icult with the present condition of this road.
® They also have school age children and were concerned with bus
pick up.
Privilege of the Floor: Florence Starr reported for Board of
Representatives. There are a couple of bills in the legisla-
ture regarding tax emptions for the aged. One is raising exemp-
tions to either 10,000 or 10,500. Other is to put exemption
on a graduated scale. Senior Citizens need to.apply by May 1st,
Ed Roberts (Danby Road) reported opening day for Danby Pond. will
be June 26. Some planned activities will be horse shoe pitching
and fishing contest. The Pond Committee is presently advertising
for lifeguards at area colleges,
Paul Smith requested if Town could correct Town Road Sign from
West Miller Road to Miller Road, West,
Committee Reports: Transportation Chairman Francis Wright reported
on East Hill Transit system which involves East Hill transit to
travel from Day Hall (Cornell Univ.) on up to Snyder Hill Road
Town Board Meeting Minutes an April 12, 1982 Page 2
and Eastern Heights which completes the circuit. This is done
twice daily, night and morning.' The transportation commission
felt the charge for this (,35) was too low.
There is a commuter service starting up from Newark Valley to
Cornell University, Morse. Chain and will make stops thru Berk-
shire, Richford, Slaterville Springs, and Brooktondale. Other
issues discussed was the north /south commuter which involves
people coming from Lansing and from the Danby area into Cornell.
There seems.to be resistance from people on Pine.Tree Rd. as
they feel this will bring more traffic.
Privilege of the floor . was returned and Moses_ Peter spoke in
praise of the Town of Danby Highway department and superin-
tendent of highways, Roy Hornbrook for their excellent work done
on the Town's road as especially this winter.
Water District: Minutes of Water Commissioner's meeting which
was held April 7, 1982 were presented. There was discussion
at this meeting regarding dozer work and fill in slopes at ...
the water house as soil has been washed away., Roy Casterline
questioned how lumbering procedure is coming along.
Community Council: An Easter Treasure Hunt was held at the
Danby, School April 3rd,
Highway: Sylvia Hiney reported Town was reimbursed. $3,800
from the county for snow plowing.
Fire and Building Codes; There is a meeting planned April
20th at 3:00 PM at Planning Board Conference Room in Ithaca
to discuss interest in cooperation with other towns in having
an inspector to cover several towns and to consider other op-
tions which the towns may have' in carrying out enforcement of
Building and Fire Codes,
Dog Control: Ted Merritt reported three dogs' were picked up
in March and 14 complaints were received. Discussion follow
owed on possibly putting in Danby Area Newsletter a request
to people in keeping their dogs confined,
Eva Musgrave reported for Youth Committee. Allocations of
money to municipalities will be done soon. There was dis-
cussion that the allotted $1200 may change this year. Mrs..
Musgrave will recommend that allocations to Danby not change.
Planning Board minutes for February were presented by Carol
Benjamin. The minutes have been attached to April Town
Board minutes.
Mildred Miller reported SPCA is requesting a meeting with
the Town Board.
Tompkins County Hospital Vice- Chairman Anne T.Jones (Nomi.
nating & Membership Committee) is requesting the Town Board
submit the name of Jennie Graham to be appointed to Corporate
Highway Fund Warrant #3 in the amount of $7870.22 was approved
to be paid. Motion made by Councilperson.Mary Oltz and,sec-
onded by Councilman Ted Merritt and carried by a vote of five
ayes and no noes,
General Fund Warrant #3 in the amount of $2616.42 was approved
to be paid. Motion made by Councilperson Dorothy Roberts and
seconded by Councilperson Mary Oltz and carried by a vote of
five ayes and no noes,
West Danby Water District Warrant #3 in the amount of $132.64
was approved to be paid. Motion made by Councilman Ted merritt
and seconded by Supervisor Mildred Miller.
Town Board Meeting Minutes - April 12, 1982 Page 2
and Eastern Heights which completes the circuit. This is done
twice daily, night and morning. The transportation commission
felt the charge for this (,35) was too low.
There is a c_ommut.er service starting up from Newark Valley to
Cornell University, Morse. Chain and will make stops thru Berk-
shire, Richford, Slaterville Springs, and Brooktondale. Other
issues discussed was the north /south commuter which involves
people coming from Lansing and from the Danby area into Cornell.
There seems.to be resistance from people on Pine-Tree Rd,, as
they feel this will bring more traffic.
Privilege of the floor was returned and Moses_ Peter spoke An
Praise of the Town of Danby Highway department and superin
tendent of highways, Roy Hornbrook for their excellent. work done
on the Town's road - especially this winter.
Water District: Minutes of Water Commissioner's meeting which
was held April 7, 1982 were presented. There was discussion
at this meeting regarding dozer work and fill in slopes at .
the water house as soil has been washed away. Roy Casterline
questioned how lumbering procedure is coming along.
Community Council: An Easter Treasure Hunt was held at the
Danby.School April 3rd,
Highway: Sylvia Hiney reported Town was reimbursed. $3,800
from the county for snow plowing.
Fire and Building Codes. There is a meeting planned April
20th at 3:00 PM at Planning Board Conference Room in Ithaca
to discuss interest in cooperation with other towns in having
an inspector to cover several towns and to consider other op-
tions which the towns may have,in carrying out enforcement of
Building and Fire Codes,
Dog Control: Ted Merritt reported three dogs were Picked up
in March and 14 complaints were received. Discussion f oll-
owed on possibly putting in Danby Area Newsletter a request
to people in keeping their dogs confined,
Eva Musgrave reported for Youth Committee. Allocations of
money to municipalities will be done soon. There was dis.
cussion that the allotted $1200 may change this year. Mrs..
Musgrave will recommend that allocations to Danby not change.
Planning Board minutes for February were presented by Carol
Benjamin. The minutes have been attached to April Town
Board minutes.
Mildred Miller reported SPCA is requesting a meeting with
the Town Board.
Tompkins County Hospital Vice- Chairman Anne T.Jones (Nomi-
nating & Membership Committee) is requesting the Town Board
submit the name of Jennie Graham to be appointed to Corporate
Highway Fund Warrant #3 in the amount of
to be paid. Motion made by Councilperson.Mary.Oltzaandpsecved
onded by Councilman Ted Merritt and carried by a vote of five
ayes and no noes.
General Fund Warrant #3 in the amount of $2616.42 was approved
to be paid.. Motion made by Councilperson Dorothy Roberts and seconded by Councilperson Mary Oltz and carried by a vote of
five ayes and no noes.
West Danby Water District Warrant #3 in the amount of
was approved to be paid. Motion made by Councilman Ted lmerritt
and seconded by Supervisor Mildred Miller.
APRIL 129 1982
Mrs. Monica Crispen from Tompkins County Cooperative Extension
spoke to a group of approximately fifteen people prior to the
regular Town Board meeting. Her topic was Gypsy Moth Control
in Tompkins County.
Gypsy Moth larvae have defoliated thousands of trees, mainly
Oak in Tompkins County Woodlands. The best time to treat your
trees is in early spring. The first of May to mis -June is main
feeding time of these caterpillars and is best time to kill
them with chemical sprays. Mrs. Crispen showed other ways of
controlling this problem, such as wrapping burlap around the
• trunk of trees (caterpillars tend to crawl down during daytime
and hide from the heat). They would crawl up under overlapping
burlap. You could then scrape the caterpillars off. Wrapping
• tree trunks with sticky tape or "tangle foot" will also help.
Controlling of gypsy moth is a year long process. Treatment
of trees after they have been defoliated will aid in preven-
tion of complete loss of the tree.
The regular meeting of the Danby Town Board was called to order
at 8:15 PM at the Danby School, 72 Gunderman Road, Town of Danby,
County of Tompkins, and State of New York on April 12, 1982.
Board Members present: Councilman Ted Merritt
Councilperson Mary Oltz
Councilperson,Dorothy Roberts
Councilperson Sylvia Hiney
Supervisor Mildred Miller
Others present: Frank Haskins, Herb Engman, Ed Roberts(B ld Hill
Don Rd.), Ed & Judy Roberts. Roy Casterline, Ed Slights,
Francis Wright, Moses Peter, Florence Starr, John & Carol Benjamin,
Margurite Jones, Paul Smith, Eva Musgrave.
Councilman Ted Merritt made the motion to approve the minutes
with'the correction where stated Ted Merritt requested Zoning
Board meetings, he meant Planning Board, of the March 8, 9
meeting as presented. Seconded by Councilperson Sylvia Hiney.•
And carried by a vote of five ayes and no noes.
Communications: Municipal Officers dinner will be April 21, 1982
7:00 PM at the Royal Court Restaurant.
Tompkins County Chamber of Commerce Tours Council are requesting
anyone from Danby area to offer any help or assistance with
festivities in our area for their Independence Day Promotion to
run July 1 -100
Letter read from Fred Pampuch of 966 Comfort Road with the re-
quest to Town of Danby to reconsider the status of Comfort Road*
• They are remodeling the home and access to their home with
supplies Is difficult
agehchildrensand were concerned this road.
They also have h with bus
pick up.
Privilege-of the Floor: Florence Starr reported for Board of
Representatives. There are a couple of bills in the legisla-
ture regarding tax emptions for the aged. One is raising exemp-
tions to either 10,000 or 10,500. Other is to put exemption
on a graduated scale. Senior Citizens need to.apply by May 1st.
Ed Roberts (Danby Road) reported opening day for Danby Pond will
be June 26, planned activities le o in
and fishing conteso The PondCommitteeispresentlyadvertisg
for lifeguards at area colleges.
Paul Smith requested if Town could correct Town Road Sign from
West Miller Road to Miller Road, West.
Committee Reports: Transportation Chairman Francis Wright reported
on East Hill Transit system which involves East Hill transit to
travel from Day Hall (Cornell Univ.) on up to Snyder Hill Road
Town Board Meeting Minutes - April 12, 1982 Page 3
,ASsR ;gtion was carried by a roll call vote of five ayes and
Councilperson Dorothy Roberts made the motion to approve the
Supervisor's reports as presented. Motion seconded by Council -
person Mary Oltz and carried by a vote of five ayes and no noes.
There.was general discussion pertaining to the Town Offices
moving back to the Danby Town Hall. Insulating needs to.be
done on town hall to keep heating bills down. The ceiling
should be lowered and insulation added. Discussion followed
on the poor condition of the highway buildings. Moses peter
stated a feasibility study was done several years ago on the
• highway buildings and at that time it was evident the build-
ings were in need of improvement.
At 10:10 PM Councilman Ted Merritt made the motion that the
® meeting be adjourned, The motion was seconded by Council-
person Mary Oltz.
Respectfully submitted,
Linda Fetherbay, Clerk
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(647 565 -4545 WAVERLY. NEW YORK 14892
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The following sawtimber and pulpwood stumpage is offered for sale
by :rorestree for adilliam and Helen Stute, residing at 1404 South Monte-
sano Street, Westport, Washington 98555. PHONE: (607) 565 -4545 or 5C.9-
Red Oak 1511 - 4" 72. 19.726
Soft Maple 14" -25" 73 12.350
Beech 14" -24" 103 12.1£30
Hemlock 1.4 -26" 59 1 1 . 91 7
Ash 15" -24" 21 4.648
White Pine 13 -22" 15 29357
Basswood 16" -20" 3 09544
Hard Maple 14" -25" 3 0.544
Birch 1411 2 0.130
TOTAL SAWTIMBER xxxxxxx 313 64.396
1- ULPi+l00D 10" -20" 491 276 Ton
CULLS _ - - - - - - - - xxxxxxx - - - - - - 183 - - - - - _ _ xxxxxxx
1. The volume of standing trees was estimated and is based on the Doyle
rule. Volume estimates and cull deductions were made in the field.
Seller does not guarantee the estimated quantity or quality of the
stumpage advertised. Sawtimber trees for sale are marked with a
blue horizontal paint stripe.0 pulpwood trees are marked with a blue
vertical paint stripe. Culls are marked with an.X. All marked trees
will be cut. "
2. 10t earthen and diversion structures (water bars) will be constructed
following completion of the sale to control erosion. These diversion
structures will be at locations designated by Forestree.
3. The main skid trails will be marked with yellow ribbon by Forestree
and the buyer prior to the removal of any stumpage. Skidding from
stump to the main skid trail will be done with minimum damage to the
residual stand.
40s.Logging will -not be allowed when ground conditions will not reasonably
support the equipment being used.
5. Maximum length of material to be skidded will be none.
6. Bids will be accepted either by mail or in person by Forestree at 27
Ferris Street, Spencer, New York'1'4883, and will be opened at one
o'clock on Friday, December 4 1981. A check in the amount of ten
percent (10°0 of the bid must accompany-each bid. The s'uccessf'ul
bidder's check will be retained.' All other checks will be promptly
7. TERMS OF BIDDING: The seller reserves the right to reject any and
all bids.
8. -Successful bidders will be notified in writing by the Seller(s) with-
in fifteen (15) days of the bidding deadline. Nothing contained herein
is meant to imply that Forestree, by its agents, owners or employees,
has authority to accept or reject bids. The authority of said agent(s)
extends only to the handling of the bidding procedure for the sellers.
9. TERMS OF SALE: The sale will be on a lump sum basis. The successful
bidder will be required to execute a written contract within thirty
(30) days of notification of the award. Payment for all materials is
to be made at the time of execution of the contract.
100 The executed contract must be accompanied by a surety bond, certified
check, or cash in the amount of ten percent (10 %) of the bid price for
the faithful performance of contract. Seller reserves the right to
retain this performance bond in the event the contract is not fulfilled.
11. The successful bidder will remove all materials from Seller's land by
February 15, 19830 All materials remaining on Seller's land after that
date become the property of the Seller unless otherwise agreed upon.
12. The- successful bidder will satisfy all Compensation and liability laws
of the State of New York.
Nod .
Ct )CVIN I�$ ate. eL MA6at
Date FORESTREE: Robert A. Moore, Walter Heater
SHOWING: Forestree will be at the Arco Gas Station on Rte. 96B in
Candor at 1 p.m. on Friday, November 20, 1981, to show Stute timber.
The undersigned, hereinafter called the Grantor, being
the owner of or having an interest in lands situate in the
Town of Danby, County of Tompkins, State of New York, located
as follows: Bounded North by Reizes (Liber 586, page 630),
East by Hawk (Liber 572, page 538) and Coleman (Liber 51_1,
page 102). South by Reizes (Liber 586, page 630), and West
by Reizes-(Liber 586, page 630), more particularly described
as the twenty -seven and fifty -five hundredths acre parcel of
land located at the westernmost point of Sylvan Road, and is
the same property that has been recorded on page 998 of deed
Liber 477 in the Tompkins County Courthouse in Ithaca, New
York, in consideration of One dollar ($1,00), paid by the
Grantee, hereby grants and releases unto Leslie N. Reizes
herein called the Grantee, its successors and assigns, its
or their lessees or licensees, the temporary right, privilege
and authority to: 1) Construct, reconstruct, extend, oper-
ate, and maintain a logging road or trail twenty-five (25)
feet in width, and /or 2) Construct, reconstruct, operate
and maintain log landing(s) and /or log yard(s) over, across
and- upon the said land and property of the Grantor, the said
road, trail, landing (s) and /or log yard(s) to be located as
follows: all existing forest roads that are on the property
of the Grantor; also sections of an old abandoned railroad
right -of -way on the property of the Grantor. There will also
be three locations where short distances of forest road will
have to be constructed. In addition, a log landing site
approximately one half acre in size is to be located on the
south side of Sylvan Road. These locations are further des-
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cribed on the map entitled "Sketch Map Showing Proposed
Temporary Easement Thru bands of Town of Danby ", which is
attached to and hereby made a part of this Agreement.
Together with the right f or the Grantee to trim, cut
and remove by manual or mechanical means, trees, brush, and
other obstructions with said temporary easement.
This easement is temporary only and all rights of the
Grantee, its successors and assigns, lessees or licensees,
shall expire thirty (30) months from.the date hereof.
Furthermore, the Grantee agrees at or before the termination
of said easement to, at the Grantor's option, regrade, re-
seed, and restore such roadway, trail, landing(s) or log
yard(s) to their original grade, and condition, or, to leave
the Grantor with such roadway or trail in a passable and
environmentally sound condition.
Provided, further however, that any damage to the
property of the Grantor, caused by th,e Grantee in constructing,
maintaining, operating or repairing said roadway, trail,
landing(s) and /or log yard(s) shall be borne by the Grantee.
Reserving, however, to the Grantor the right to cross
and recross, and to use said easement provided that such use
of said.roadway, trail, landing(s) or log yard(s) does not
interfere with, obstruct or endanger any rights granted as
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Grantor has hereunto set his
hand and seal this day of , 19820
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This agreement dated this day of ,
19829 is hereby made between the Town of Danby, Tompkins
County, State of New York, hereinafter designated as the
LANDOWNER, and Robert A..Moore and Walter W. Heater, d /b /a
FORESTREE, hereinafter designated as FORESTREE:
IN WITNESS WHEREOF: FORESTREE does hereby agree to
perform certain forest management services, which services
are enumerated below and to provide LANDOWNER with a report,
in a form common to the industry, of these services, within
sixty (60) days following the date hereof:
IN CONSIDERATION of which, the LANDOWNER does hereby
agree to compensate FORESTREE, for these services: At the
rate of ten percent (106) of the gross sales price of any
timber evaluated by FORESTREE which is sold within thirty
(30) months from the completion of FORESTREE'S services.
The services which the LANDOWNER hereby requests FOR-
ESTREE to provide in 'accordance with the terms of this con-
tract are enumerated below in paragraph numbered two (2).
1) Sawtimber Marking (partial)
(Includes. Marking timber, sketch map of timber area
on property, report of timber volumes, list of prospective
buyers, suggestions concerning highest bidding buyers, and
computation of minimum acceptable bid). Note: These services
do not include FORESTREE'S handling of the bidding.
2) Sawtimber Marking (Complete)
(Includes: All services listed in 1) above, plus,
layout of log landings and skid trails, taking bids, placing
timber up for bid, showing timber to prospective bidders,
handling bidding, inspection of sale during cutting process
for compliance with sale contract terms, postcutting inspec-
tion, and recommendations concerning type and length of sale
It is understood that the LANDOWNER will provide FORESTREE
with a written description of the boundaries of the subject
property and that FORESTREE will be held harmless by the
LANDOWNER for damages arising from the cutting, thinning or
other -use of timber located within the confines of the bound-
aries so represented by the'LANDOWNER.
• Tom: Moore
;E, Walter W. Heater