HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-01-11TOWN OF DANBY TOWN BOARD MEETING MINUTES January il, 1952 The regular meeting of the Danby Town Board was called to order at 8:00 PM at the Danby School, 72 Gunderman Road, Town of Danby, County of Tompkins, and State of New York on January 11, 1982, Board Members present: Councilperson Sylvia Hiney Councilperson Mary Oltz Councilperson Dorothy Roberts Councilman Ted Merritt Supervisor Mildred Miller Others present: Roy & Mary Casterline, Roy Hornbr.00k, Frank Haskins, Ed. Slights, Florence Starr, Gloria. Benson, Pamela Clermont, Judson Leonard, Mr. Robert Moore, and Mr. Walter Heater. Privilege of the floor: County Representative Florence Starr met with the County Board of Representatives. No committees have yet been assigned. Florence reported there is a Legislators & Supervisor's meeting January 17, 1982 at the Sheraton and was requested the Supervisor attend the meeting. Registration- is $20.00. Mildred. VU.11er is m.eeti.D.g rATith the electrician at the Town Hall, .January 1.2 to discuss further details in making the Town Hall. more heat efficient. Mr. Robert Moore and Mr. Walter Heater_, private forestree consultants, approached the Town Board to secure a temporary easement across the town's property in West Danby. The above mentioned forestree works for the landowner - namely, Mr. Leslie N. Reizes - who pur- chased the Swartwood residence on Beach Hill Road connecting =h?ith Sylvan Road in Town.. of West Danby. Their proposal is to build a logging road thru West Danby's Water District, south of the pump house to south of where SvIvan Road enters town of Danby property- In this section, 1.0,000 "board feet" or 4 - 5 tractor trailer loads will be brought down. Their job is to work with the private land- owner, in addition to marking of the timber, they negotiate price for timber, handle contract work and supervise sale of timber, The;T do not allow lodging during spring and fall. They would pre- fer to mill the logs - which would make the timber more valuable to the client. Mr. Moore has i,�7alked.the land with water commissioner Roy Casterline. Liabilities are being assumed by Leslie Reizes, and a binder is attached to the contract that states successful bidder of the timber will. be recuired to supply a certificate of insurance for liability coverage. There is a 10% performance bond on top of purchase price of timber. The forestree receives 10% of gross sale of timber. Mr. Reizes'. timber will he marked (by forestree) and then adver- tised for sale. At_. this time Mr_ . Moore recommends (timber on Danby' s property) we wait to see who i_s successful bidder for Reizes' timber and have.. the bidder pay same price for the timber on town's pro- perty (if we so decide to sell town's timber). This will make Town's timber more valuable as it's next to Rei- zes' and is advan- tageous to logging company, as they won't have to move their equip- ment any distance. Mr. Moore feel's it would be to our a.dvan.tage to have this temporary easement, as the town will get a good, stabilized road system. The successful bidder will provide Proof of workman's.comFensati.on_ Miid.red Miller asked our town attorney Pamela Clermont to -look the temporary easement over, and the town x•71.11 get back with Mr. Moore at a later date. Councilperson Maxy Oltz asked i•That "temporary" easement meant. Mr. Moore explained as long as it takes to complete the logging process. Town Board Meeting Minutes - January 11, 1982 Page 2 Forestree consultants, continued. Councilman Ted Merritt asked chances of damages to watershed, as in pipelines, drilled wells, etc. Mr: Moore reassured there will be no "loading" of trucks in the pipeline area. Roy Casterline raised question regarding the bond we have with Farmer's Home Administration. Mr. Moore has discussed this issue with F.H.A. and they stated they have no say in this matter - we can do what we want. New Business: Supervisor Mildred L. Miller appointed Susan Hautala as Town Historian,Roland Manley as Town Constable, Frank Haskins as Zoning Officer, Donald Graham, Planning Board Chairman, Gloria Benson, Deputy Town Clerk, Mrs. Miller stated that the Roberts rules of order will be followed except when special roll call votes are requested. Voting will be alphabetical order with the Super- visor voting last. All regular board meetings will began at 8:00 PM and terminate no later than 10:00 P11. Method of claims for payment of bills from General Fund, Highway Fund and West Danby Water District will be by voucher submitted to the Town Clerk or the Supervisor no later than the Friday preceding the regular Town Board meeting. The Town Board in accordance with Town Law AT 103 will audit the bills. RESOLUTION #1 SUPERVISOR BE AUTHORIZED AND DIRECTED TO HAVE TOWN RECORDS AUDITED BY THE BOARD AND FILE A REPORT IN ACCORDANCE ZTITH TOWN LAW - 181 - (3) Motion made by Councilperson Dorothy Roberts and seconded by Council- man Ted Merritt and carried by the affirmative vote of the entire board. RESOLUTION #2 AUTHORIZE THE SUPERVISOR TO INVEST IDLE FUNDS. Resolution moved by Councilman Ted Merritt and seconded by Council- person Dorothy Roberts and carried by the affirmative vote of the entire board. RESOLUTION #3 NAME PAMELA CLERMONT OF THE FIR?. CURREY AND CLERMONT ATTORNEYS TO REPRESENT THE TOWN OF DANBY, OTHER LAW FIRMS MAY BE ASKED TO REPRESENT THE TOWN IN PENDING CASES. Resolution moved by Councilperson Sylvia Hiney and seconded by Councilman Ted Merritt and carried by the affirmative vote of the entire board. RESOLUTION #4 ITHACA JOURNAL TO BE NAMED OFFICIAL TOWN NEWSPAPER AND THE TOMPKINS COUNTY TRUST COMPANY AS BANK FOR THE DEPOSITORY OF TOWN FUNDS. Resolution moved by Councilman Ted Merritt and seconded by Council- person Dorothy Roberts and carried by the affirmative vote of the entire board. RESOLUTION #5 HIGHWAY SUPERINTENDENT AUTHORIZED TO PURCHASE TOOLS, EOUIPMENT, SMALL IMPLEMENTS, TIRES, TUBES IN THE AMOUNT OF $1500.00 WITHOUT PRIOR. APPROVAL OF THE TOWN BOARD, AT ANY GIVEN TIME. Resolution moved by Councilperson Sylvia Hiney and seconded by Councilperson Mary Oltz and carried by the affirmative vote of the entire board it 0 1 �J 1 Town Board Meeting Minutes Resolutions, continued. RESOLUTION #6 - January 11, 1982 Page 3 SET ANNUAL SALARIES: SUPERVISOR $6200. PER YEAR. TU 70 JUSTICES, $1800.00 PER YEAR, CUSTODIAN, $1200.00 PER YEAR, TOWN CLERK, $5500.00 PER YEAR, ZONING OFFICER, $1500.00 PER YEAR, ALL THE ABOVE PAID MONTHLY. FOUR COUNCIL- PERSONS, $800.00 $800.00 PER YEAR, DEPUTY TOWN CLERK, $300.00 PER YEAR, G•]ATER DISTRICT CLERK, $900.00, PER YEAR, PAID QUARTERLY, TOWN CONSTABLE, $50.00 PER YEAR, TOWN RISTORIAN, $100.00 PER YEAR PAID IN JULY, HIGHWAY SUPERINTENDENT, $15000.00 AND WATER DISTRICT PLANT OPERATOR $3350.00 PER YEAR, PAYABLE BI- WEEKLY A DEPUTY ZONING. OFFICER) WILL BE PAID $300.00 PER YEAR IF ARID WHEN APPOINTED. BE IT FURTHER RESOL`v'ED THAT THE SUPERVISOR BE AUTHORIZED TO PAY THE ABOVE SALARIES PRIOR TO THE FIRST MEETING OF EACH MONTH. DECEMBER PAYROLL WILL BE ADJUSTED TO MEET ALL BUDGET REQUIREMENTS. Resolution moved by Councilperson Dorothy Roberts and seconded by Councilperson Mary Oltz and carried by the affirmative vote of the entire board. RESOLUTION #7 VOTING MACHINE CUSTODIANS FEED THAYER. AND LEROY DECKER WILL BE PAID $65.00, PER SERVICE FOR THAYER AND $50.00 PER SERVICE FOR DECKER, ELECTION II`4 SPECT0RS WILL BE PAIL $40.00 PER DAY F' OR PR.IA' -- ARIES AND ELECTION DAY AND $25.00 PER DAY FOR REGISTRATION. Resolution moved by Councilman Ted Merritt and seconded by Council- person Dorothy Roberts and carried by the affirmative vote of the entire board. RESOLUTION #8 SUPERVISOR, IN LIEU OF PREPAFINO FINANCIAL REPORT UNDER TOWN LAW #29 (10) SHALL SUBMIT TO THE TOWN CLERK BY MARCH 1, 1982 A COPY OF THE REPORT SUBMITTED TO THE STATE CONTROLLER REQUIRED BY SECTION 30 OF MUNICIPAL LAW. Resolution moved by Councilperson Mary Oltz and seconded by Council- person Sylvia Hiney and carried by the affirmative vote of the entire board. RESOLUTION #9 A BLANKET RESOLUTION TO AUTHOR Z.E THE SUPERVISOR TO PAY UTILITY BILLS, FREIGHT, POSTAGE, CONTRACTS AND TO CONDUCT OTHER NUIS-IAL PROCEEDINGS AS PAYROLL IN ADVANCE OF AUDI i' IN O41;DEIP: TO KEEP AFFAIRS MOVING ON A TIMELY BASIS. Resolution moved by Councilperson Mary Oltz and seconded by Council- man. Ted Merritt.and carried by the affirmative vote of the entire board. Town Board Meeting Minutes - Resolutions, continued. RESOLUTION #10 January 11, 1982 Page 4 AUTHORIZE THE TOWN BOARD TO SIGN AN AGREEMENT THAT THE MONEYS COLLECTED FOR REPAIRS AND IMPROVEMENTS OF TOWN HIGHWAYS IN THE AMOUNT OF $77,500.00 BE EXPENDED UPON 72.72 MILES OF TOWN HIGHWAYS. Resolution moved by Councilperson Sylvia Hiney and seconded by Councilman Ted Merritt and carried by the affirmative vote of the entire board. RESOLUTION #11 AUTHORIZE MILEAGE FOR TOWN BUSINESS BE PAID AT .22� PER MILE. Resolution moved by Councilperson Dorothy Roberts and seconded by Councilman Ted Merritt and carried by the affirmative vote of the entire board. RESOLUTION #33 ADD TO RESOLUTION #33 OF DECEMBER 13, 1981 MEETING, INCREASE DM5130.1 BY $706.70 TO COVER AN INVOICE PRE - SENTED FOR PAYMENT BY HIGHWAY SUPER- INTENDENT AFTER ORIGINAL RESOLUTION WAS MADE. THE MONEY WILL BE TAKEN FROMDS5142.1 Resolution moved by Councilman Ted Merritt and seconded by Council - person Dorothy Roberts and carried by the affirmative vote of the entire board. Permission is needed by the Town Board for Supervisor, Town Clerk and any councilperson to attend "Association of Towns" meeting in New York City, February 14 - 17, 1982. Motion moved by Councilperson Dorothy Roberts and seconded by Councilman Ted Merritt that Mildred Miller be appointed as delegate and Councilperson Mary Oltz as alternate to cast votes for the Town at meeting in N.Y.C.. Motion moved by Councilperson Sylvia Hiney and seconded by Council - person Dorothy Roberts that Supervisor, Town Clerk and any Council - person attend the meeting in New York City, February 14 - 17 and carried by a vote of five ayes and no noes. Supervisor Mildred Miller made the motion that the Minutes of the December 13, 1981 meeting of the Board be accepted as presented. The motion was seconded by Councilperson Mary Oltz, and carried by a vote of five ayes and no noes. Motion made by Councilperson Mary Oltz that the SPCA contract be tabled until the scheduled February Town Board Meeting'. The motion was seconded by Councilman Ted Merritt and carried by a vote of fives ayes and no noes. West Danby Water District Warrant #1 in the amount of $169.19 was approved to be paid. The motion was made by Mildred Miller and seconded by Councilman Ted Merritt and carried by a vote of five ayes and no noes. General Fund Warrant #1 in the amount of $649.43 was approved to be paid. The motion was made by Councilperson Dorothy Roberts and seconded by Councilperson Mary Oltz and carried by a vote of five ayes and no noes. 0 .7 • ICJ v r� 1 u 1 Town Board Meeting Minutes - January 11, 19$2 Warrants, continued Highway Fund Warrant #1 in the amount of $6607 be paid. The motion was made by Councilperson seconded by Councilman Ted Merritt and carried ayes and no noes. A correction was made on General Fund Warrant Spring Water Warrant ($14.70) is suppose to be and was placed on Highway Fund Warrant. Page 5 64 was approved to Sylvia Hiney and by a vote of five #1 that Chemung on General Fund Councilperson Dorothy Roberts reported on Senior Citizens. Blood pressure reading clinics have been performed each month. Plans to purchase a projector are being discussed. Exercise pro- grams have begun at the Senior Citizens Center. Senior Citizens are getting their $1,Q00 in matching funds. Frank Haskins, Zoning Officer, reported one house under construc- tion for month of December. Judd Leonard reported he met with American Television Commission, in October (regarding cable TV in'.,West Danby). It was felt A.T.C. does not want to do business with us. There was general discussion of cable rate increase. Councilman Ted Merritt made the motion to approve the Supervisor's reports as presented. Motion seconded by Councilperson Dorothy Roberts and carried by a vote of five ayes and no noes. At 9:45 PM, Councilperson Mary Oltz made the motion that the meeting be adjourned. The motion was seconded by Councilman Ted Merritt and carried by a vote of five ayes and no noes. Respectfully submitted, Linda Fetherbay, Clerk