The regular meeting of the Town of Danby Planning Board was held
at the Town Hall, at 8:00 p.m., Wednesday, February 20, 1980
Planning Board Members present: Donald Graham, Chairman, James
Hovanec, Gary Leonhardt, Wayne Rial,.Walter Sczepanski.
Planning Board Members absent:
Others present: Pam Clermont,
Zoning Officer; Rick Dobson
None (currently two vacancies).
Town Attorney, Frank Haskins,
The meeting was called to order at 8:05 p.m. by Chairman Graham.
Mr. Graham welcomed Walt Sczepanski, of East Miller Road, as a
new member of the Planning Board.
The minutes of the meeting of the Planning Board of January 16,
1980 were read, two changes were noted- -that the motion of the
Board, as recorded on the second page of the minutes, was a motion
and not a resolution, and that the name of the Zoning Officer
was Frank Haskins, not Fred- -and were thereafter approved on
motion of Jim Hovanec, seconded by Walt Sczepanski.
Chairman Graham also noted that the minutes of the.meeting of
October 17, 1979 had not been approved by the Board. On motion
of Wayne Rial, seconded by Gary Leonhardt, the minutes were
Rick Dobson presented his map of his Planned Unit Development.
Don Graham asked about a written proposal to explain the map.
Mr. Dobson noted that he had such a written document. He went on
to explain that he was presenting a long range plan, so that people
would know what might be coming. Mr. Graham noted that the Planning
Board would want plans, including dimensions, purposes, etc, for
each definitely planned building. It was further noted that part
of the land included in the proposed Planned Unit Development
was currently zoned commercial, and it would probably be better
not to include that land in the PUD.
At this point,,Mr. Dobson left the meeting briefly to get his
written part of the proposal, and returned shortly. [In the mean-
time, the Board discussed other brief matters, as noted below.]
After Mr. Dobson's return, the discussion continued as to the
appropriateness of a Planned Unit Development for this land.
Mr. Graham noted that perhaps it was not ready for Planned Unit
Development designation. Mr. Dobson maintained that he was making
a formal proposal for PUD, but acknowledged that he was not ready
to plan buildings as such.
At this point, Mr Dobson suggested an alternative proposal �
that the existing commercial district, as'shown on the existing
Zoning Map for the Town of Danby be extended to include all of
his land south of the creek, subject to a buffet-zone to protect
the creek. The Board indicated some willingness to consider such
a proposal, subject to Mr. Dobson returning to the Board with a
map showing the exact area to be annexed
zone and the plans for businesses to be
zone. Mr. Dobson indicated he would ret
with modified plans and asked that the P
him of exactly what would be required*
to the existing commercial
included in the new
urn to the next meeting
lanning Board advise
Chairman Graham noted that there would be a joint meeting
of the Town Board and the Planning Board at the next meeting
of the Planning Board to discuss the proposed revision of the
Zoning Ordinance. That meeting was subsequently set for 7:30
p.m., March 19, 1980 so as to allow more time for discussion.
After some general discussion about zoning, how much should
we have, etc, Chairman Graham asked for suggestions of names
of persons who might be interested in serving on the Planning
Board, and received several. They will be contacted.
Upon motion duly made and seconded, the meeting was adjourned
at 10:45 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Gary Le nhardt
Secre ary pro -tem