HomeMy WebLinkAbout1978-12-11 TOWN OF DANBY
December 11 , 1978
The regular meeting of the Danby Town Board was called to order at
8 : 00 P . M . at the Danby Town Hall , 1830 Danby Road , Town of Danby ,
County of Tompkins and State of New York on December 11 , 1978 .
Board members present : Supervisor A . Francis Wright
Councilman Ralph Wilbur
Councilman Dorothy Roberts
411 Councilman Robert Snedden
Justice Milton Todd
Others present : Karl Oltz , Frank Haskins , Bill Shippos , Mrs . Shippos ,
• Donald Wright , Roy Hornbrook , Ernest Cole , Gould Colman , Edward Slights ,
and Paul Smith .
Justice Milton Todd made the motion to approve the minutes of the
November 17 , 1978 meeting as presented . The motion was seconded by
Councilman Dorothy Roberts and carried by a vote of five ayes and
no noes .
1 . A letter from the Tompkins County Youth Bureau concerning
Division for Youth application forms for 1979 youth service
and / or recreation programs .
2 . A copy of a letter sent to Mr . Moses Peter from the Division
of Assessment concerning his assessment for property he
owns in the Town of Danby .
3 . Agendas of the November 13th and November 27th meetings of
the Tompkins County Board of Representatives .
4 . Minutes of the November 20th , 1978 meeting of the Town of
Danby Planning Board .
Bill Shippos asked about the Cable T . V . Franchise . Supervisor A .
Francis Wright reported that he received and turned over to the
town clerk a copy of the franchise agreement . No state approval
has been received yet .
Karl Oltz , representing the UCY , asked if that group could use the
Town Hall for a dance on December 15 , 1978 . p
Highway Report - Using the services of the Chemung Water service
for drinking water for the highway people has been looked into
and considered . Repair of the FWD was discussed . A new motor had
to be purchased for the FWD . The road signs along 96B are all
back up .
West Danby Water District - All fine .
Insurance - All in order .
Refuse Collection and Disposal - Nothing to report .
Town Board Meeting Minutes - December 11 , 1978 Page 2
Committee Reports continued :
Youth Program - The youth budget has not been received by the town
but it is known to fall within the appropriation of the town budget .
Councilman Ralph Wilbur moved a resolution to approve the youth
budget in the amount of $ 4 , 840 . 00 . The motion was seconded by
Justice Milton Todd .
IN THE AMOUNT OF $ 4 , 840 . 00
Roll Call Vote : Wright - aye
Wilbur - aye
Roberts - aye •
Snedden - aye
Todd - aye_
Carried by a vote of five ayes and no noes .
Councilman Robert Snedden stated that he and Councilman Ralph
Wilbur attended a meeting concerned with the SEQR law . The town
regulations should be looked over to see if they need to be updated .
Councilman Robert Snedden made the motion that a study of these
regulations be made by the town planning board and recommendations
as to the updating be made to the town board . The motion was seconded
by Councilman Ralph Wilbur and carried by a vote of five ayes and
no noes .
The town attorney has looked over the Zoning Ordinance revisions .
There is a large volume of material and definitions are needed .
Fire - Nothing
Cemetaries - All taken care of .
The committee chosen to set up rules and regulations for the use of
t he town hall have met and feel that the imput of the whole town
board is needed to do this . Attention was brought to the black
marks under the clock and the broken window . The youth group under
t he direction of Mrs . Fish is responsible for this damage and will be
asked not to use the town hall again until they have made restitution
or repaired the damage done . Councilman Dorothy Roberts made the •
motion that the clerk advise Mrs . Fish of the decision of the board .
The motion was seconded by Justice Milton Todd and carried by a vote
of five ayes and no noes . As the youth group under the direction
o f Mrs . Beach has done a good job of taking care of the Town Hall
w hen they use it they should be allowed to use it for their dance
December 15 , 1978 . Justice Milton Todd made the motion that the
UCY group under Mrs . Beach ' s direction be allowed to use the Town
Hall December 15 , 1978 . Councilman Robert Snedden seconded the
motion which was carried by a vote of five ayes and no noes .
Highway Superintendents report - Roy Hornbrook reported that the
new truck and the new radios are working well .
Appeals Board Chairman - Absent
Planning Board Chairman - Chairman Ernie Cole reported that they
are working on the revision of the Zoning Ordinance .
Town Board Meeting Minutes - December 11 , 1978 Page 3
Old Business continued :
Zoning Officer - Gordon Roberts reported that two permits have been
issued and a written report was submitted .
The problem of ambulance service was discussed . The county will no
longer subsidize for the ambulance service and the ambulance people
are asking that the towns do this . Danby ' s share would be approx -
imately $ 1 , 600 . 00 . The ambulance people say that they will go out
• of business if they are not subsidised . Supervisor A . Francis
Wright is attending a meeting concerned with ambulance service for
the county and will report to them that the Town of Danby . is against
subsidizing for ambulance service .
• Justice Milton Todd made the motion that the
supervisor be author -
ized to pay the bill for the radios for the highway department in
the amount of $ 3 , 976 . 00 and the town .' sshare for the repeater in the
amount of $ 1 , 500 . 00 . The motion was seconded by Councilman Dorothy
Roberts and carried by a vote of five ayes and no noes .
Supervisor A . Francis Wright said that a committee is needed to
work on drawing up specifications for draperies for the town hall
meeting room . He recommended that Justice Milton Todd chair this
committee and Councilman Dorothy Roberts and Mary Oltz . also serve
on this committee . Councilman Robert Snedden made the motion that
this committee be appointed _ . Counc.illman Ralph •.Wilbur seconded .the
rmotrion which. was -. ,carriad . by . . a v.ate :_ of _ four _ ayesi .and . one ' obsTfaining
_vote .f Councilman' Dorothyr . Robert.s3 moved. a - • resolut on that the
committee draw up specifications to go for bid . The motion was
seconded by Councilman Robert Snedden .
Roll Call Vote : Wright - aye
Wilbur - aye
Snedden - aye
Roberts - aye
Todd - abstained
Carried by a vote of four ayes and one abstaining vote .
Councilman Dorothy Roberts made the motion that a check be drawn to
• the Ithaca Postmaster in the amount of ,0243 . 00 for stamped window
envelopes for the purpose of mailing the tax notices . The motion
was seconded by Justice Milton Todd and carried by a vote of five
ayes and no noes .
The Town Attorney advised the Town Clerk that two custodians for the
voting machines are needed for the town . One to be chosen from each
of the major political parties . Each of these people must attend
school . The clerk will use her own discretion in chasing replacem-
ents in case of absence or sickness or in the event of a resignation .
Bill Shippos , chairman of the street lighting committee in West Danby ,
submitted a plan of needed lights and their locations throughout the
town . The board studied the request . The New York State Electric and
gas Corporation will be asked to study this matter and give a cost
figure as well as make recommendations as to the placement of the
lights . The committee was authorized to contact the NYSE&G Corp .
Town Board Meeting Minutes - December 11 , 1978 Page 4
New Business continued :
Gould coleman said that the play " I remember Mama " is being cast
down at the church and more actors are needed .
Justice Milton Todd made the motion that the highway department be
authorized to contract for a water cooler at a .cost of 7 . 00 per
month and $ 2 . 90 per 5 gallon container . The motion was seconded by
Councilman Ralph Wilbur and carried by a vote of five ayes and no
noes .
Reservations for the Association of Towns meeting in New York City
were discussed . Justice Milton Todd made the motion that those
town officials who can spare the time to go to the meeting be
authorized to go . The motion was seconded by Councilman Ralph
Wilbur and carried by a vote of five ayes and no noes .
Paul Smith reported that a better sign is needed on the side of the
building to direct people to the towm justicetoffice or the town
clerk ' s office . After discussion it was decided that Roy Hbrnbrook
would see that a sign was made and installed .
The appointment of a zoning officer was discussed . The committee has
three people who are interested in the job . If one of these people
are chosen the committee feels .that one of the other two should be
chosen as assistant to the zoning officer . As a member of the
committee Dorothy Roberts recommended that Bill Winters be appointed
zoning officer . After a long discussion it was decided that Bill
Winters would be called to see what could be worked out about his
location and where he would establish an office if appointed .
General Fund Warrant #12 in the amount of $ 1022 . 28 was approved to
be paid . The motion was made by Councilman Dorothy Roberts and
seconded by Councilman Ralph Wilbur and carried by a vote of five
ayes and no noes .
Highway Fund Warrant # 12 in the amount of $ 2 , 799 . 99 was approved to
be paid . The motion was made by Justice Milton Todd and seconded by
Councilman Robert bnedden and carried by a vote of five ayes and no
noes .
The Supervisor ' s reports were approved as presented . *he motion was
made by Councilman Ralph Wilbur and seconded by Justice Milton Todd
and carried by a vote of four ayes and no noes .
As there was no further business the meeting was adjourned at 10 : 35P . M .
Respectfully submitted ,
Mary QXtz ., cieg