HomeMy WebLinkAbout1976-12-13 TOWN OF DANBY
December 13 , 1976
The regular meeting of the Danby Town Board was called to order at
8 : 00 P . M . at the Danby Town Hall , Town of Danby , County of Tompkins ,
and State of New York on December 13 , 1976 .
Board members present : Supervisor A . Francis Wright
Councilman Ralph Wilbur
Councilman Paul Smith
Justice Floyd Dorn
Justice Milton Todd
• Others present : Ed Slights , Bill Farrell , Gordon Roberts , Earl
Konchack , Bob Lynch , Onalee Wright , Rick Dobson , Dean Westmiller , Carol
Shepardson , Joseph Hulbert , Mr . & Mrs . Soyring , Les Palmer , Ken Colburn ,
Mr . Goodwin , Dodothy Wright , Donald Graham , James Murinchack , Mr .
Seigle CSEA representative .
The minutes of the November 8 , 1976 meeting of the board were
approved as presented . The motion was made by Justice Floyd Born and
seconded by Councilman Paul Smith and carried by a vote of five ayes
and no noes .
10 A letter from the Farmers Home Administration stating that
they are continuing with their present community facilities
program and monies are available for loans upon request .
2 . A letter from Gary A . Lee member of the Assembly of the State
of New York concerned with the problem of state madnates .
3 . A letter from Dianne Prudence concerned with the reorganiza-
tion of the Ithaca City School District .
4 . A letter from Diana VandeBogart concerning the preservation
of the town documents .
5 . A letter from the Human Services Coalition concerning two
work shops to be held in December at the ILR school at
Cornell .
6 . A letter from the Ithaca City School District concerned with
the new section 485-b added to the real Property Tax Law .
7 . A copy of a letter sent to Richard Thaler , town attorney ,
concerned with Cable Television Franchise in the Town of
® Danby .
8 . A letter of acknowledgement to Mr . Boyce from Richard Thaler
concerned with Cable Television Franchise for the Town of
11 9 . A letter from Frank Liguori , Tompkins County Planning Board ,
concerning a tour of the county to identify historical sites .
10 . A letter from the New York State Executive Department Division
of Youth concerning proposed revisions to DFY rules and
regulations and meeting notice .
11 . A letter from Beverly Livesay concerning the Ad Hoc committee
on Youth and Recreational _ Services .
Town Board Meeting Minutes - December 13 , 1976 Page 2
Communications continued :
12 . A news release from the Susquehanna River Basin Commission
concerning scheduled , meetings .
13 . A Warrant from the Tompkins County Board of Representatives
concerning mortgage tax apportionment .
14 . Resolution # 269 Apportionment of Election Expenses from
t he Tompkins County Board of Representatives .
15 . Resolution # 256 Apportionment of Mortgage Tax frmn the
Tompkins County Board of Representatives .
16 . A letter from Moses Peter concerning the proposed
revisions to the Danby Zoning Ordinance .
17 . A letter from Gordon and Sandra Roberts concerned with
t he proposed revisions to the Danby Zoning Ordinance .
18 . A letter from Bradley Corbitt concerning the proposed
revisions to the Danby Zoning Ordinance .
19 . Minutes of the Town of Danby Planning Board Meeting of
N ovember 17 , 1976 .
20 . A letter from the Tompkins County Municipal Officials
Association advising of the December 15th meeting .
Justice Milton Todd/ that the Justice Court must be moved to the
Town Hall .
Councilman Ralph Wilbur stated that he attended the meeting at
the Danby Elementary School concerning the reorganization of the
Ithaca City School District and feels the Town Board has no
jurisdiction in this matter .
Carol Shepardson submitted a petition signed by approximately 300
Danby residents apposing the Revised Danby Zoning Ordinance .
Mr . Brewste #hose house on Hornbrook Road burned down asked why he
could not put a trailer on his property in West Danby . .
Highway report - Councilman Ralph Wilbur reported that there has
been much sanding and graveling of Danby roads No action can be
taken on the purchase of radios for the highway department as no
specs have been submitted .
West Danby Water District - Everything is in order at the present
time . A new well was discussed .
Insurance - Supervisor A . Francis Wright requested quotes on
health insurance similar to Blue Cross and Blue Shield from the
Ithaca Agency . No progress has been made as yet .
Refuse Collection and Disposal - No report .
Town Board Meeting Minutes - December 13 , 1976 Page 3
Committee Reports continued :
Youth - No report .
Zoning and Planning - Justice Floyd Dorn commented on the reation of
the public to the hearings on the proposal revisions to the Zoning
Ordinance .
Cemetaries - Nothing to report .
Fire - There was a bad fire on the South Danby Road today .
Zoning Officerh Report : Written report submitted .
Appeals Board Chairman - There was a hearing before the board in
December and rules and regulations have been adopted .
Planning Board Chairman - Donald Graham discussed the concerns of
the people about the proposed revisions to the Danby Zoning Ordinance .
A Dog Ordinance for the Town of Danby has been drawn up by the Town
Attorney and was read by Supervisor A . Francis Wright . A motion was
made by Councilman Paul Smith to hold a public hearing December 27 ,
1976 at the Danby Town Hall at 8 : 00 P . M . on the Dog Ordinance . The
motion was seconded by Justice Floyd Dorn and carried by a vote of
five ayes and no noes . The Dog Ordinance , as presented , was
discussed at length .
The Town Board discussed the Revised Zoning Ordinance and accepted
the petition that was submitted against the revised ordinance . It
was decided to take no action but a meeting will be organized with
the Planning Board . The date for this meeting set for January 19 ,
1977 the regular date of the Danby Town Planning Board Meeting .
Councilman Ralph Wilbur made the motion to authorize the supervisor
to sign the CSEA . contract for the Highway employees of the Town of
Danby for 1976 and 1977 . The motion was seconded by Councilman
Paul Smith and carried by a vote of five ayes and no noes . The
contract was signed in the presence of the Town Clerk .
A better health insurance programfor the highway employees was
discussed . Councilman Paul Smith made the motion . that Justice
Milton Todd and Supervisor A . Francis Wright contact the county
personnel office and find out if it is feasible " for the town to
• join the county insurance program . If it is feasible , have them
act accordingly . If it is not feasible , authorize them to seek
information about the State Insurance program . The motion was
seconded by Councilman Ralph Wilbur and carried by a vote of
five ayes and no noes .
The Danby Town Historian held a meeting in the Danby Town Hall
December 11 , 1976 . The county historian was present . The
preservation and storage of the town records was discussed .
Councilman Paul Smith made the motion that the clerk handle this
matter . Justice Milton Todd seconded the motion which was carried
by as vote of five . ayes and no noes .
Town Board Meeting Minutes - December 13 , 1976 Page It-
New Business Continued :
Councilman Paul Smith and Mr . Sebesta will attend the December 15 ,
1976 meeting of the County T . V . Commission .
The meeting of the Human Services Coalition to be held December15 ,
1976 concerning CETA funds that may be available should be attended
by a member of the Town Board . As no member of the board was
available to attend Joseph Hulbert will attend .
Councilman Paul Smith made the motion to authorizethe clerk to
purchase 1500 window envelopes to be used in the mailing of tax
notices . The cost of the envelpoes is $ 209 . 55 . The motion was
seconded by Justice Milton Todd and carried by a vote of five ayes
and no noes .
The annual meeting of the Association of Towns will be held Feb . 20 ,
21 , 22 , 23 , 1977 . The clerk will make reservations for those wishing
to attend .
A new well for the West Danby Water District was discussed . If a
loan is needed to pay for this the supervisor needs authorization
to apply for it . Justice Milton Todd will draft a letter to be
sent to Jim Turner . The business of the well will be tabled until
the board knows what the water commissioners want .
In regards to Gary Lee ' s letter on state mandates , Supervisor A .
Francis Wright will discuss this with Gary Lee and act accordingly .
The letter from the school board concerning tax assessment will be
answered to the affect that the Town Board of Danby will be happy to
sit in a meeting .
Councilman Paul Smith made the motion to authorize the clerk to notify
the commissioners of the fire district that the Justice Court is being
moved to the town hall and the fire house will no longer be used for
this purpose . The change will be affective January 1 , 1977 . Also
the District Attorney , Tompkins County Sheriff , New York State Police
and the Post Office will be notified . Justice Floyd Dorn seconded
the motion which was carried by a vote of five ayes and no noes .
General Fund Warrant # 12 in the amount of $ 918 . 87 was approved to be
paid . Justice Floyd Dorn made the motion which was seconded by
Councilman Ralph Wilbur and carried by a vote of five ayes and no
noes .
Highway Fund Warrant # 12 in the amount of $ 1862 . 96 was approved to be
paid . The motion was made by Councilman Ralph Wilbur and seconded
by Councilman Paul Smith and carried by a vote of five ayes and no
noes .
The Supervisor ' s reports were approved as presented . Councilman I/
Ralph Wilbur made the motion which was seconded by Justice Milton
Todd and carried by a vote of four ayes and no noes .
The meeting was adjourned at 10 : 20 P . M .
Respectfully submitted ,
7a , %
Mary Ol(z , clerk