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HomeMy WebLinkAbout1976-02-09 TOWN OF DANBY
February 9 , 1976
The regular meeting of the Danby Town Board was called to order at
8 : 00 P . M . at the Danby Elementary School , Gunderman Road , Town of
Danby , Tompkins County , New York on February 9 , 1976 .
Board members present : Supervisor A . Francis Wright
Councilman Ralph Wilbur
Councilman Paul Smith
Justice Floyd Dorn
Justice Milton Todd
Others present : Joseph Hulbert , Edward Slights , Roy Casterline ,
Mary Casterline , Jim Murinchack , Dan Hoffman , Albert Sebesta ,
Gordon Roberts , Jimmie Miller and Ernest Cole .
Justice Milton Todd made the motion to approve the minutes of the
January 12 , 1976 meeting as presented . The motion was seconded by
Justice Floyd Dorn and carried by a vote of five ayes and no noes .
1 . A letter from Texas Eastern Transmission Corporation
furnishing the town a list of officials to be contacted
in case of an emergency involving any of their petroleum
pipelines in the Town of Danby .
2 . A letter from Matthew F . McHugh advising of federal funding
available to help defray the cost of collector sewer systems .
3 . A letter from Thaler & Thaler informing the town of
available funds throught the Community Development Grant .
4 . Agenda of the Tompkins County Board of Representatives
meeting of January 12 , 1976 .
5 . Agenda of the Tompkins County Board of Representatives
a meeting of January 26 , 1976 .
6 . Agenda of the Tompkins County Board of Representatives
meeting of February 9 , 1976 .
7 . Resolution # 22 passed by the Tompkins County Board of
Representatives on January 26 , 1976 entitled Apportionment
of dog monies .
411 8 . A letter from the Civil Service Employees Association , Inc .
asking the town to set a date for a meeting to negotiate
for a contract for the town highway department .
9 . Minutes of the West Danby Water District Commissioners
meeting of January 7 , 1976 .
10 . Minutes of the West Danby Water District Commissioners
meeting of February 4 , 1976 .
11 . Minutes of the meeting of the Town of Danby Planning
Board meeting of January 15 , 1976 .
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Minutes of the Town of Danby Board Meeting of February 9 , 1976
Justice Floyd Dorn stated that the justice court is very active .
He also stated that the parking area at the fire station where
justice court is held is not being properly cleared of snow .
Justice Milton Todd verified the fact that the justice court
h as been very active .
Supervisor A , Francis Wright reported that the Supervisor ' s
Annual Report has been completed and will be filed with the clerk .
H ighway Report - There has been a very heavy schedule of snow
plowing and cindering . A radio system for the highway
department was discussed . It was the recommendation of the
board than Joe Hulbert see what is needed , check on the cost
and report back to the board .
J immie Miller Representative to the County Board of Representatives
reported that the hospital situation is still being worked on .
Frank Musgrave from Danby has been named to the new County Board
of Managers to the hospital .
West Danby Water District - It was reported that a water main
broke in the district and funds will be needed to handle the
expense ofJhaving this repaired . Justice Milton Todd moved a
resolution ] to incumber $ 1 , 350 . 00 from surplus funds by modifing
t he budget . and transfer this amount to West Danby Water District
account SW8340 . 4 to pay these repair bills . The resolution
was seconded by Councilman Paul Smith .
Roll Call Vote : Wright - aye
Wilbur - aye
Smith - aye
Dorn - aye
Todd - aye
Carried by a vote of five ayes and no noes .
The Tompkins County Health Department made an inspection of the
West Danby water supply . All was in order with the exception
of several minor points that need attention . Supervisor A .
Francis Wright asked that the water commissioners get a budget
t o him in the next two weeks of the cost of taking care of the
items mentioned by the health department .
Insurance - Supervisor A . Francis . Wright reported that he executed
t he contract with Novaar and Mackesey for the Town Hall
renovation ] for a cost of $ 70 , 902 . 00 . The town must carry the
builders risk insurance and Ithaca Agency has been contacted
and will take care of this .
Refuse Collection and Disposal - No report .
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Minutes of the Town of Danby Board Meeting of February 9 , 1976
Committee Reports continued :
Zoning and Planning - No Report .
Fire - No report . The people responsible for cleaning the walk
at the fire station will be asked to do this more regularly so
that people attending court will not be in danger of falling .
Youth - No report .
Cemetaries - No report .
• Bicentenial Committee - No report .
T . V . Cable Committee - The application submitted to the state
has been returned for additional information and now the
committee is waiting for replys from T . V . Cable Companies
before submitting the application to the state again .
Highway Superintendent - No report
Zoning Officers Report - The D ' Ambrose case was brought to court
but the town attorney failed to appear or let the court know
he would not appear . The attorney for D ' Ambrose asked for a
dismissal because Dick Thaler did not appear .
Appeals Board Chairman - No Report .
Planning Board Chairman - Ernest Cole reported that the planning
board is holding two meetings a month to speed up the work of
revisiong the town zoning ordinance .
Justice Milton Todd made the motion that the supervisor be
authorized to return bid deposits . When bids were received
for renovation of the town hall some cash was received and
deposited in the town bank account . The motion was seconded
by Justice Floyd Dorn and carried by a vote of five ayes and
no noes .
Councilman Ralph Wilbur moved a resolution to incumber last years
appropriation of $ 2 , 485 . 00 in general fund account #9010 . 8 for
the retirement system . The resolution was seconded by Justice
Milton Todd .
Roll Call Vote : Wright - aye
Wilbur - aye
Smith - aye
Todd - aye
Dorn - aye
Carried by a vote of five ayes and no noes .
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Minutes ofithe Town of Danby Board Meeting of February 9 , 1976
New Business continued :
Justice Milton Todd made the motion to leave the town mileage at
150 per mile for town officials . Councilman Paul Smith seconded
the motioniwhich was carried by a vote of five ayes and no noes .
Demolition of the VandeBogart house on the property purchased by
the town was discussed . If an individual does this a contract
will be needed and proper insurance coverage . A letter will be
sent to the man who expressed the wish to demolish the house
for the lumber advising him of the feelings of the board .
The resignation of Roland Neefe from the Board of Zoning Appeals
was read and accepted by the town board . Supervisor A . Francis
Wright stated that there are three people interested in serving
as a member of the Board of Zoning Appeals . These people are
James Murinchack , Bill Card and William Downes . CouncilmaneRalph
Wilbur made the motion that James Murinchack be appointed to fill
the unexpired term of Roland Neefe . The motion was seconded by
Councilman Paul Smith and carried by a vote of five ayes and no noes .
It was noted that no member of the town board will be attending
the Associations of Towns meeting in New York City .
The motion was made by Councilman Ralph Wilbur that the repair work
done on the 1969 brockway truck in the amount of $ 5 , 196 . 43 be paid .
The motion was seconded by Justice Milton Todd and carried by a
vote of five ayes and no noes .
Supervisor A . Francis Wright made the motion that Roy Casterline
be appointed to do the repair work on the West Danby Water District
water lines . Justice Floyd Dorn seconded the motion which was
carried by a vote of five ayes and no noes .
Supervisor A . Francis Wright appointed Milton Todd , Ralph Wilbur
and Paul Smith as the negotiating team to negotiate with CSEA .
The first meeting will be held at Agway Trapp House at 116 Fulton
on February 23 , 1976 at 8 : 00 . Milton Todd will be the chief
negotiator .
It was noted that the Town and County Taxes are due on the
VandeBogart property purchased by the town . The tax is in the
amount of $ 113 . 40 plus $ 1 . 13 late charge . Councilman Paul
Smith moved a resolution to appropriate funds from the general
fund contingency account A1990 . 4 to pay this tax . $ 114 . 53 will
be transferred to account #A9995 . 5 and the supervisor will be
authorized to pay the bill . The motion was seconded by
Councilman Ralph Wilbur .
Roll Call ; Vote : Wright - aye
Wilbur - aye
Smith - aye
Dorn - aye
Todd - aye
Carried by a vote of five ayes and no noes .
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Minutes of the Town of Danby Board Meeting of February 9 , 1976
New Business Continued :
General Fund Warrant # 2 in the amount of $ 1 , 961 . 43 was approved
to be paid . The motion was made by Councilman Ralph Wilbur and
seconded by Supervisor A . Francis Wright and carried by a vote of
five ayes and no noes .
Highway Fund Warrant # 2 in the amount of $ 1 , 781 . 29 was approved
to be paid . The motion was made by Councilman Ralph Wilbur and
• seconded by Justice Milton Todd and carried by a vote of five ayes
and no noes .
West Danby Water District Warrant # 2 in the amount of $ 1 , 275 . 90
w as approved to be paid . The motion was made by Justice Milton
Todd and seconded by Justice Floyd Dorn and carried by a vote of
five ayes and no noes .
Justice Floyd Dorn made the motion to approve the Supervisor ' s
✓ eports as presented . Justice Milton Todd seconded the motion
w hich was carried by a vote of five ayes and no noes .
The meeting was declared adjourned at 10 : 00 P . M . by Supervisor
A . Francis Wright .
$pectful y submitted ,
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