HomeMy WebLinkAbout1973-01-08 TOWN OF DANBY
• January 8 , 1973
The regular meeting of the Danby Town Board was held in the Danby
Elementary School , January' 8 , 1973 at 8 : 00 D . M .
Board members present : Supervisor A . Francis Wright
Councilman Ralph Wilbur
Councilman Gerald Crance
Justice Floyd Dorn
Justice Milton Todd
• Others present : Gordon Roberts , Ed Slights , Roy Casterline ,
Mary Casterline , Barbara Mosher , Joe Hulbert , Erie J . Miller
and Paul Smith .
The minutes Of the regular meeting of December 11 , 1972 , were
mailed to board members for reading and correction .
The minutes were approved as presented . The motion was made by
Justice Floyd Dorn that the November minutes , under the report
of the Zoning Officer , be changed to read Used Car Lot instead
of Junk Car Lot . The motion was seconded by Milton Todd and
carried by a vote of five ayes and no noes .
1 . A letter from the Shell Oil Company to Joseph Hulbert ,
Highway' Superintendent , concerning roads damaged by
their equipment .
2 . A letter from the Department of the Treasurey
Washington D . C . concerning the Federal Revenue
Sharing allocations for the Town of Danby .
3 . A letter from Governor Rockefeller concerning the
Federal Revenue Sharing allocations .
4 . The agenda of the Tompkins County' Board of
representatives meeting of December 18 , 1972 .
5 . The agenda of the Tompkins County Board of
Representatives meeting of January 8 , 1973 .
6 . A letter from Mr . & Mrs . Allen Cropf of 7 Jennings
Pond Road concerning logs in the ditch in front of
their home .
7 . A letter from the Association of Towns concerning
the annual meeting of February 5- 7 , 1973 ,
8 . A letter from Hugh Hulbert listing changes in the
Civil Service rules .
9 . A letter from the Tompkins County Department of Budget
and Administration listing payments made to the
supervisor during the year of 1972 .
Gordon Roberts mentioned that the cinder trucks go over some
roads and the snow plows follow soon after . He felt that this
was a waste of time as the cinders were cleaned off the road by
the snow plows . After some discussiom it was decided that this
is a problem with no easy solution . The plowing is done by the
town and the cinders are put on by the County . They each have a
heavy schedule to maintain and must meet certain deadlines .
Danby Town Board Minutes - January 8 , 1973 - Page 2
Privilege of the floor continued :
Tompkins County Representative , Erie J . Miller , reported that he
would be glad to answer any questions people might have at the
County level . He mentioned there still is much unhappiness over
the S . P . C . A . taking charge of the dog problems in the County . He
feels that in another year this should be changed .
Paul Smith brought to the attention of the board that the Planning
Board Meetings are held the third Wednesday of the month . There
has been some confusin_n about the date of the meeting in the past .
If the date is changed the members will be notified . Mr . Smith
• also mentioned that the creek that flows from Jennings Pond
crossing Bald Hill Road and continues on in back of the Town Hall
and Fire House is polluted . Erie J . Miller said that the Health
Department should be contacted so they can check this situation .
Mr . Miller will follow through on this . Mr . Smith asked if the
Danby Zoning Ordinance could be edited to be more understandable
to the layman .
Mary Casterline asked if there were listings of the house numbers
in West Danby . Gordon Roberts has this list and she will get in
touch with him for the information she needs .
A . Highway Report - Councilman Ralph Wilbur reported that the
roads are being worked on to smooth them up . The unseasonable
weather has made them rutty . He also reported that the safe
has been moved from the old fire house to the new fire house .
B . West Danby Water District - Roy Casterline said that there
has been some problem with the tax numbers . A perrson was
billed in error for a past due water bill . There was some
discussion as to how this could be taken care of in the future .
Supervisor A . Francis Wright asked that the fire department
be billed for the fire hydrants for 1972 .
C . Insurance - No report .
D . Refuse Collection and Disposal - A letter was given to the
town clerk to read to the board by Councilman Gerald Crance .
This letter concerned the licensing of refuse collectors ;
what the township can and cannot do pertaining to the use of a
land fill site ; and collection of garbage of private citizens .
Mr . Crance will read up on the town law pertaining to the
licensing of refuse collectors .
E . Youth - No report .
F . Zoning - No report .
G . Fire - Councilman Ralph Wilbur reported that there was a
• problem of plowing the fire house driveway but that it has
been resolved . The old fire house has been sold . The money
has been received and Mr . Seley has taken title to the
property .
H . Cemetaries - No report .
Report of the Highway Superintendent - Joseph Hulbert reported
that a representative from Shell Oil Company had called him as
well as sending the letter that was read to the board . This
person told him that he was aware of the damage done to Town of
Danby roads by their equipment . As soon as the weather makes it
Danby Town Board Minutes - January 8 , 1973 Page 3
Old Business Continued :
permissable they will come and repair the roads or the town
could do the work and Shell Oil Company will pay the bill . They
will do which ever the town decides . Raises for the highway
employees were discussed . If they could have a pension plan
they would rather have this than a raise . This was not included
in the 1973 budget therefore a pension plan cannot be installed
this year . The pension plan was discussed at great length .
A . Francis Wright expressed the feeling that a pension plan should
be considered when the Federal Revenue Sharing moneys were budgeted .
Milton Todd made the motion that a committee be appointed to
look into a pension program for the highway employees . Councilman
• Gerald Crance seconded the motion which was carried by a vote of
four ayes and nne no . Supervisor A . Francis Wright asked the town
clerk to make a survey of the town employees as to age , years of
service and salary , Joseph Hulbert will take care of the report
on the highway people . Ralph Wilbur will chair this committee and
Joseph Hulbert will assist him .
Report of the Zoning Officer - Zoning Officer Gordon Roberts
submitted a report of his business for the year . There were
more permits issued in 1972 but the income was down $100 . 00 from
1971 .
Appeals Board Chairman - No report .
Planning Board Chairman - No report .
Supervisor A . Francis Wright said that a budget must be set up
for Federal Revenue Sharing moneys received by the town . He feels
that the money should be spent to pay for the Michigan Hollow
Bridge and to set up a retirement program for town employees and
or put in Capital Reserve funds for taking care of the Town Hall .
This budget when set up must be published . Councilman Gerald Crance
made the motion that the matter of the Federal Revenue Sharing
budget be tabled for 30 days . Justice Milton Todd seconded the
which was carried by a vote of five ayes and no noes .
Supervisor A . Francis Wright wants to keep the committees as they
are at the present time .
Carolyn Makie was appointed as Deputy' Supervisor ; Edgar Oltz and
Mary Casterline were appointed deputy town clerks ; Harold
Bernhardt was appointed town constable ; Tresa Cortright was
appointed town historian ; Gordon Roberts was appointed Zoning
Officer ; Edward Slights was appointed town custodian ; Roy
Casterline was appointed Water District Superintendent ; Perry
Crance was appointed water district meter reader . The motion
was made by Supervisor A . Francis Wright that the above
appointments be approved . The motion was seconded by Councilman
Gerald Crance and carried by a vote of five ayes and no noes . The
above salaries to be as set up in the 1973 budget . The board named
• the Tompkins County Trust Company the official bank of the town ,
The Ithaca Journal the Official Newspaper , and 12 cents per mile
for official mileage .
Councilman Gerald Crance reported that he had received a letter
from McPherson Builders in connection with the renovation of the
Town Hall . The Town Clerk read the letter to the board . Mr .
McPherson estimates the cost of repairs and minor renovations to
be $25 , 000 . 00 . He felt that it was a large amount to spend on an
old building . He felt that it made more sense , if money must be
spent , to use it for a new struct &re . Each board member was polled
to see what their feelings were on razing the old building and
building a new one or repairing the town hall .
Danby Town Board Minutes - January 8 , 1973 - Page 4
New Business Continued :
All board members felt that the cost of razing the town hall
should be investigated and the building of a new office
building at that location should be looked into . Supervisor
A . Francis Wright asked that Councilman Gerald Crance get an
estimate on a new moderately priced building . A 24X60 with a
full basement . Also get estimates of cost of razing the town
hall .
Supervisor A . Francis Wright said that all the 1972 bills for
the clerkts office were not paid by the end of the year . This
means that resolution #15 adopted in December of 1972 to take
Icare of these bills must be rescinded in part to cover only those
bills that were paid in December . The balance of the 1972 bills
are to be taken care of by modifying the 1973 budget .
Moved by Councilman Ralph Wilbur and seconded by Justice Floyd
Dorn .
Roll Call Vote : Wright - aye
Wilbur - aye
Crance - aye
Dorn - aye
Todd - aye
Carried five ayes and no noes .
Supervisor A . Francis Wright said that $ 151 . 00 was needed in the
election account A1450 . 1
Motion was made by Justice Floyd Dorn and seconded by Councilman
Ralph Wilbur .
Roll Call Vote : Wright - aye
Wilbur - aye
Crance - aye
Dorn - aye
Todd - aye
Carried five ayes and no noes .
Supervisor A . Francis Wright brought to the attention of the board
that 5732 . 66 was needed to cover unpaid bills for 1972 . The 1973
budget must be modified to take care of this .
• Moved by Justice Milton Todd and seconded by Councilman Gerald
Crance .
Roll Call Vote : Wright - aye
Wilbur - aye
Crance - aye
Dorn - aye
Todd - aye
Carried five ayes and no noes .
Danby Town Board Minutes - January 8 , 1973 - Page 5
New Business Continued :
Supervisor A . Francis Wright reported on interest earned on idle
funds in 1972 . These funds were invested by former Town
Supervisor Donald 4akie . $60 , 000 was invested from the highway
account earned interest of *31 , 028 . 98 ; $20 , 000 was invested
from the general fund which earned interest of $ 606 . 87 ; $7 , 000
from the West Danby Water District was invested and earned interest
of $244 . 15 . A total of $1 , 880 . 00 interest was earned . This is
$413 . 00 more than in 1971 .
The motion was made by Justice Milton Todd that the supervisor
be authorized to invest 1973 idle funds . The motion was seconded
by Justice Floyd Dorn and carried by a vote of five ayes and no
noes .
General Find Warrant # 1 in the amount of $838 . 29 was approved to
be paid . The motion was made by Councilman Ralph Wilbur and
seconded by Justice Milton Todd and carried by a vote of five ayes
and no noes .
The Highway Warrant #1 in the amount of $974 . 73 was approved to
be paid . The motion was made by Councilman Ralph Wilbur and
seconded by Councilman Gerald Crance and carried by a vote of
five ayes and no noes .
West Danby Water District Warrant # 1 in the amount of $650 . 47
was approved to be paid . The motion was made by Justice Milton
Todd and seconded by Councilman Gerald Crance and carried by a
vote of five ayes and no noes .
Supervisor A . Francis Wright will call the Ithaca Agency to find
out if the people handling funds are bonded .
The supervisors report will be presented again at the next meeting
for approval as there was a question brought up about a bill .
The annual audit of the town books was completed .
The meeting was adjourned at 11 : 40 P . M .
Respectfully submitted
r Mary uz , Clt' k