HomeMy WebLinkAbout1972-07-10 0 f • _ F. TOWN OF DANBY TOWN BOARD MINUTES July 10;' 1972 The regular meeting of the Danby Town Board was held in the Danby Elementary School ,' July 12 19 72 ;a at 8 : 00 P . M . Board members present : . Councilman Gerald • Crance Councilman Ralph Wilbur . Justice Floyd Dorn Justice A Francis Wright . Also present : Attorney Richard Thaler; Milton . Todd ,' Roy and Mary Casterline Moses Peters ; Jimmie Miller ; Gordon Roberts;; Ed Slights .; Rick Dobson ,"• Jack Horawitt; Steve Zimmer;' David Masson`;' Kenneth Colbert; Dick White and Mrs: White and Kathy McGrath:' . . The meeting was 'called to order by the Town Clerk Mary Oltz due to the untimely death of. the Town Supervisor Donald Makie':° She stated that the first order of business would be to appoint a supervisor to take office until the end of December , 1972:° . Justice A ` Francis Wright rendered his resignation as justice of the Town of Danby; . Councilman Ralph Wilbur made the motion that the board accept Mr : Wrightb resignation'. The motion was seconded by Justice Floyd Dorn and carried by a vote of three ayes and no noes: Justice Floyd Dorn made the motion that the board appoint A . Francis Wright town supervisor until December 31 ; 1972 ; Councilman Gerald Crance seconded the motion`: Roll Call Vote : Dorn - aye • Wilbur - aye Crance - aye . Carried three ayes and no noes:° The meeting was then taken over by Supervisor A Francis Wright who then asked for a moment of silence out of respect for our Town Supervior DonaldMakie who met his untimely death June; 17 ;° 1972r: . Supervisor A Francis Wright stated that Carolyn Makie will continue her duties as Deputy-Supervior Supervisor A Francis Wright stated that the next order of business would be to appoint a town justice to take over his duties': -r 4 Y JO a Denby Town Board Meeting - July 10'"' 19 72 - Page 2 Councilman Gerald Crance made the motion that Milton Todd be appointed to fill the office of town justice vacated by A. Francis Wright!: His term would run until December 31 1972: The motion was seconded by Justice Floyd Dorn . Roll Call Vote : Dorn - aye Wilbur - aye Crance - aye Carried three ayes and no noes`. As attorney Richard Thaler must leave the old business of the easement agreements from the West Denby Water District were brought up at this points. Mr° Thaler needs help in getting back some of the easement certificates and also in locating some of the people involved: The whole thing is ready for filing as soon as he gets the certificates back from about eight people:. Several of the people from West Denby who were attending the meeting agreed to help get the certificates to Mr' Thaler, The minutes of the regular meeting of June 12 ; 1972 were mailed to board members for reading and correction`:` The minutes were approved as corrected: COMMUNICATIONS : 1� A letter from the Texas Eastern Transmission Corporation giving names of people to be contacted in the event of an emergencyre 2T A letter from the Mobil Pipe Line Company giving names of responsible officials to be contacted in the event of an emergency in the State of New York: 3 . Agenda of the Tompkins County Board of Representatives meeting July 10 ; 1972. 441 A letter from the State Board of Equalization and assessment giving the tentative railroad ceilings for the 19?2 assessment roil": 5 A letter from Frank Liguori in the Tompkins County Department of planning in reference to project 4 notifications : 4 �. J: M j ,f . Y if J Denby Town Board Meeting - July 10' 1972 - Page 3 Communications : continued : & A letter from the Tompkins County Personnel Department concerning the job of. Water Meter Reader held by Perry Crance 7y. A letter from the New York Telephone Company notifing . the town of a new number for the coin telephone:' 8x A letter from Congressman Howard Robison notifying . the town board of Federal aid that could be forthcoming as a result of the " major disaster area" designated by the president: PRIVILEGE OF THE FLOOR : Attorney Richard Thaler said that all flood damage should be reported to the ASC Office: Forms -have been sent . out to all registered farms in the county If there has been damage to c crops due to the flood it must be reported to get federal aid: The Small Business Administration has set up a temporary headquarters at the F . H . A . Office on Fulton Street for anyone who has a small business that sustained damage°; to file a claim' : Edward Slights reported that there was a break in at the • Town Rail : He reported this to the Sheriff ' s Department and they sent a man to investigate: 1t Slights said the thermostat was torn off the wall but nothing seemed to be missing;+ Whoever broke in just scattered suppies and made a . two hour clean up job for Mr Slights: Supervisor AF Francis Wright said that he would report this to the insurance compang . Tompkins County Representative Jimmie Miller reported that there will be a special meeting held . in the Caroline Town Hall at 7 : 30 P . M . ; Wednesday the 19th of July The purpose of the meeting is to discuss the plans for a new hospital in Tompkins County': This is a public meeting called by the board of managerifl As many board members as possible should attend this meeting: Dick White wanted to make sure the town was aware of the damage done to personal property by the creeks overflowing in West Danbl \it It i a i O t p Denby Town Board Meeting - July 10' ' 1972 - Page 4 COMMITTEE REPORTS : • it Highway Report - Councilman Ralph Wilbur said that bids were let for a new stone spreader;' There were two bids received by Dick Chaffee: Only one of the bids met the specifications of the highway superintendent: The bid of Walter R Roberts was accepted for the price of *434S °00 : RESOLUTIN #4 ACCEPT THE BID OF WALTER R . ROBERTS FOR A NEW STONE SPREADER FOR THE PRICE OF *434500 AND AUTHORIZE THE HIGHWAY SUPERINTENDENT TO PURCHASE SAME . Moved by Councilman Ralph Wilbur and seconded by Justice Floyd Dorm: . Roll Call Voter Dorn e aye Wilbur a aye Crane a aye . Carried three ayes and no noes.' . Councilman Ralph Wilbur reminded the board of the highway tour scheduled for Saturday; July 151 1974 at 1 : 00 P . M . All board members will meet at the town highway . barns' Mr'' t Wilbur announced that the town highway superintendent;' Dick Chaffee; would like to resign this position no later . than October 341 1972: He would like to resign sooner if a replacement can be found and trained'; The , board decided to have the town clerk put an ad in the Ithaca Journal and have interested people submit a resume to be brought to the next town board meeting: Possibly a replacement could be appointed in this manner to work with Mr' Chaffee': This appointment would expire December 31' 1972; B= West Denby Water District = Repainting and sand blasting the water tank was discussed and also curb stops for new water customers was brought up'': Mary Casterllne has checked prices of a fire proof file cabinet and finds c ;. they are very a '°' y xpensivee Rick Dobson offered to let the town use one he has until they can find one : Cp Insurance - Bill Scott will be notified of the break in at the town hall and asked to ' change the names on the bonds for the new supervisor and town justice':; t Refuse Collection & Disposal - No reporeV: I •1 '1i s. ve , 1 b • Danby Town Board Meeting - July 10 ' 1972 - Page 5 Committee Reports Continued : E ;. Youth - Mary Oltz reported that the pond is open for swimming: Life Guards are on duty and swimming lessons are available The program at the school has been started." Also a group of teenagers are trying to get a program started for their age group in Denby: F.) Zoning and Planning - No Report: G Fire - No Report:. H Cemetaries - Ed Slights reported that he is having difficulty keeping the grass mowed due to the constant rain'.' OLD BUSINESS : A Highway Superintendent - No reports: B.. Report of Zoning Officer - Zoning report was mailed and read by the board': C ' Report of Planning Board Chairman - No report D Report of Appeals Board Chairman - Mr: Peters reported that a secretary is desperately needed and also they have a vacancy on the board' • Donovan Highway Improvement Program - According to Councilman Ralph Wilbur this project has been cut short so there will be no need for a revenue anticipation note: F Mary Oltz reported that National Cash Register will not give a discount on an adding machine that is large enough for the work the clerk needs it for.A Supervisor Art Francis Wright will try Smith Corona and see what they can do for the town`: F . Appeals Board Member Appointment - Tabled until August. NEW BUSINESS : Due to the fact that Dutch Countryman has been asked twice to attend the board meetings and no one has heard from him and he has not been present the T . V . Cable franchise will be dropped from the agenda: There was some discussion of the West Denby Park: Mr Calhoun has been contacted but we have had no reply to dater 'r F. 4 S. Danby Town Board Meeting - July 1 (4 1972 Page 6 New Business Continued : The town board asked the town clerk to answer the letter from Me., McGinnis and give him the information about the roads that he requestecW The road referred to is a town road to the . creek:° The creek and the road beyond are not a responsibility of the towia Gordon Roberts has checked on the new junk yards and feels he must move slowly and think over . each situation before he can decide what action to take : Supervisor sk Francis Wright reminded him that when he decides what to do there is money set aside in the budget for this purpose: There were no recommendations for appointment to the planning board`: The following people were recommended by the chairmen of the two political parties for appointment as Election Inspectors for a one year term starting July 1 `' 1972 and ending June 3044 1972 #I - Republican Party Distric #I - Democratic Party Mrs Mildred Weitzel MrsT Nora Bode Mrs' Dorothy Harris Pfrss Alice Swartout . Mrs: Lucy Hogben tki Alternate Mrs : Cynthia Colman - Alternate District #II = Republican Party District #II - Democratic Party Mrs: Merriam Crance Mrs' Irene Cortright Mrs'•:° Helen Fairchild Mrs': Frances Jackson Mrs: Tresa Cortright —Alternate Mrs: Wilma Reed - Alternate The motion was made by Gerald Crance that this recommendation for Election Inspectors be accepted as presented:- Justice Floyd Dorn seconded the motion which was carried by a vote of three ayes and no noes: General Fund Warrant in the amount of $376 :20 was approved to be paiCi The motion was made by Justice Floyd Dorn and seconded by Councilman Gerald Crance and carried by a vote of three ayes and no noes: . The Highway Warrant #7 in the amount of $2';=043:48 was approved to be paid: The motion was made by Councilman Ralph Wilbur and seconded by Justice Floyd Dorn and carried by a vote of three ayes and no noes: 4N 4� , Danby Town Board Meeting - July 10;1 1972 - Page 7 New Business Continued : West Danby Water District Warrant #7 in the amount of *91:82 was approved to be paid: The motion was made by Councilman Gerald Crance and seconded by Justice Floyd Dorn and carried by a vote of three ayes and no noes The motion to accept the supervisors report was made by Councilman Gerald Crance and seconded by Justice Floyd Dorn and carried by a vote of three ayes and no noes': The motion to adjourn the meeting was made at 10 : 30 P . M . by Councilman Ralph Wilbur and seconded by Justice Floyd Dorn and carried by a vote of three ayes and no noes: Respectfully Submitted at- fl Town Clerk } . .r