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April 10 , 1972
The regular meeting of the Danby Town Board was held in the
Danby Elementary School , April 10 , 1972 , at 8 : 00 P . M .
Board members present : Supervisor Donald Makie . "
Councilman Gerald Crance
Councilman Ralph Wilbur
Justice Floyd Dorn
Justice A . Francis Wright
Also present : Ithaca Journal reporter Pete Walsh , Rick Dobson ,
Mr . & Mrs . Lloyd French , Mr . & Mrs . Clyde Carrier , Sr . , Mr .
Clyde Carrier , Jr . , Harold Beach , Moses Peter , Insurance
representative , Mr . Sadie and Edward Slights .
The minutes of the regular meeting of March 13 , 1972 , were
mailed to board members for reading and correction .
The minutes were approved as presented .
1 . Minutes of the Danby Zoning Board of Appeals hearing
held February 16 , 1972 at the Danby Elementary School .
2 . Agenda of the Tompkins County Board of Representatives
March 27 , 1972 , meeting .
3 . A letter from Gordon Roberts concerning printing
of the zoning ordinance and a check for zoning fees .
4 . A letter from the Automatic Voting Machine Division
concerning the rental of a voting machine .
5 . A letter form the Automatic Voting Machine Division
concerning the purchase of an automatic voting machine .
6 . A letter from the deaprtment of transportation
concerning the town highway improvement program .
7 . Agenda of the Tompkins County Board of Representatives
meeting of April 3 , 1972 . .
8 . A letter from the Ithaca City School District
concerning the use of a voting machine for the
May 2 , 1972 elections .
Danby Town Board Minutes - April 10 , 1972 - Page 2
Communications Continued :
9 . An order of the Commissioner of Budget and
AdministZgtion granting extension of time
for collecting taxes .
10 . A letter from Thomas H . Huhn concerning the
voting machine needs for the 1972 elections .
Moses peter stated that he thought that in advertising the old
fire house for sale it should be made clear that anyone buying
the property must use this property in conformance with the
Danby Zoning Ordinance .
Rick Dobson said because the S . P . C . A . is closed on weekends a
problem is created . Twice on weekends he has had to call the
sheriff because dogs were attacking his pony . He feels the
town needs a local dog warden for weekends and that this person
should be reimbursed by the county for his services . Also Mr .
Dobson commented that he thought the T . V . cable was a good
thing but should be looked into as far as service is concerned ,
Mr . French presented a plan for his proposed West Danby Trailer
Park . The site plan was prepared by Carl Welhelm of the
Tompkins County Planners . After going over the plan the board
asked that Mr . French present this plan to the planning board
for approval as far as rules and regulations are concerned .
When he has their approval he should bring the plan back to the
board for approval .
Clyde Carrier and his son have a problem of flash ` flooding
from the snow run off due to inadequate drainage . The water
runs down from Troy Road across Miller Road into Clyde Carrier
Srts garage and cellar and just recently washed out Giyde rozweci
Carrier driveway . This has been a long standing problem
and the Carrier ' s want this corrected . Councilman Ralph
Wilbur will check this out and make recommendations to the
highway superintendent . Supervisor Donald Makie says that
Troy Road is scheduled to be black topped this summer or fall
and the drainage problem will have to be corrected before this
can be done .
Harold Beach wants to know why Troy Road , at least in his block ,
is not plowed out until two or three days after a major snow
storm . There are twelve houses in the block where he lives .
This will be checked into and recommendations made to the
highway superintendent .
. -:
Danby Town Board Minutes - April 10 ; 1972 - Page 3
Privilege of the Floor Continued :
Mr . Beach is very upset about the radio towers on Troy Road
and would like to see them taken down . They are an " eye sore "
and reduce the value of the property' in that area . Supervisor
Donald Makie says legally there is nothing that can be done .
The radio station is within their rights .
A . Highway Department - Councilman Ralph Wilbur says that the
radio equipment offered by the Civil Defense Department
is nothing that the town can use . Also discussed was the
buying of gravel to do same immediate road repair rather
than haul gravel over Michigan Hollow Road and break it
all up .
B . West Danby Water District - No report .
C . Insurance - Mr . Sadie , an insurance representative ,
presented a comparision of two insurance plans . The
propsed new plan and the old plan the town now has were
the two he presented . The motion was made by Justice A .
Francis Wright that this be tabled until after budget time .
The motion was seconded by Justice Floyd Dorn and carried
by a vote of five ayes and no noes .
D . Refuse Collection and Disposal - No report .
E . Youth -- No report .
F . Zoning and Planning - Justice Floyd Dorn reported that
there are some violations of the zoning ordinance and
this was discussed at some length by the board .
G . Fire - Councilman Ralph Wilbur reported that there have
been no bids on the old fire house therefore they are
advertising for bids .
H . Cemetaries - No report .
A . Highway Superintendent - No report .
B . Zoning Officer - No report .
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Danby Town Board Minutes - April 10 , 1972 - Page
Old. Business Continued :
C . Planning Board Chairman - No report .
D . Appeals Board Chairman - Moses Peter reports that there is
one appeal before the board at the present time . A farmer
wants a mobile home on his property for his hired help . The
board has a few problems , one is that they have no established
meeting time but meet just as the people can get together ,
and they need a secretary to take the minutes of the
meetings .
E . Town Site Status - Supervisor Donald Makie says he has
followed the advise of the board and has let the situation
go on as it is to buy more free time .
F . Donovan Highway Improvement Plan -- The board was advised by
letter that they should not carry an unexpended balance from
year to year . This has been done in the past . The motion
was made by Councilman. Ralph Wilbur that Supervisor Donald
Makie talk to Mr . Stanley Jackson and see if this can be
resolved . If it can ' t be resolved , Mr . Makie will proceed
with a revenue anticipation note immediately . Justice A .
Francis Wright seconded the motion which was carried by a
vote of five ayes and no noes .
G . Planning Board - The motion was made by Justice Floyd Dorn
to appoint Paul Smith chairman of the planning board . This
would be for a term of one year . The expiration of this
term would be June 30 , 1973 , The motion was seconded by
Gerald Crance and carried by a vote of five ayes and no
noes .
Supervisor Donald Makie attended a rural supervisors meeting .
The subject of this meeting was the county sales tax . A school
within the county is going after their share of the county sales
tax and the board of representatives is going to have to put
up a stiff front to stop them . The school has to get approval
of the board of representatives to get their share of the sales
tax . The towns and villages can just take their share . Mr .
Makie says this would mean , for the town of Danby , as this
money is disbursed quarterly , that there would be no income
before April of each year . Also it would do away with the
Certificates of Deposit that have earned interest for the town
in previous years .
Danby Town Board Minutes - April 10 , 1972 - Page 5
New Business Continued :
Supervisor Donald Makie is against taking our share of the sales
tax because of the loss of interest income and also he says this
would be an inroad for school districts to try to secure their
share of the tax . He feels that the practical thing to do
would be not to take the tax . The feeling of those present at
the supervisors meeting was that all the rural towns in the
county should take the tax or none of them should . Walter
Schwan of the Town of Ithaca would like to see all the towns
take the tax . Nothing definite has been decided to date as all
the towns were not represented at the meeting . Other meetings
will be held . Supervisor Makie will keep the board informed in
this matter .
The next meeting of the Danby Town Board will be held in the
Fire House in West Danby on May 8 , 1972 .
Supervisor Donald Makie received a phone call from Mr . Boda
advising him that septic tank sludge was being dumped in a
farmers field on Hill Road . Supervisor Makie called Dr . Broad
concerning this matter and was informed that the city' no longer
allows dumping in the city sewer plant . This leaves no other
place for dumping . Supervisor Makie feels that if this dumping
is going to take place it should be better regulated and enforced .
The suggestion was made that the sanitary' land fill be used for
the dumping of sludge . Councilman Gerald Crance made the motion
that the clerk write a letter to Dr . Broad and suggest that the
sanitary land fill be used for the dumping of septic tank sludge
and also more care should be exercised in the selection of
fields for dumping . Justice Floyd Dorn seconded the motion
which was carried by a vote of five ayes and no noes .
The school can use the voting machine in the up coming
election but must pay' the cost of moving it to the school
and back to the town hall . Also they must pay the custodian
his usual fee of $25 . 00 . They are also liable for any damages
if there should be an accident .
There seems to be no immediate solution to the dog problem . The
dog population is growing and the S . P . 0 .. A . is unable financially
to handle it . Justice Floyd Dorn made the motion that a letter
be written to the board of representatives telling them of the
problem Danby is having and see what they can give as a solution
to this problem . Justice A . Francis Wright seconded the motion
which was carried by a vote of five ayes and no noes .
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Danby Town Board Minutes - April 10 , 1972 Page 6
New Business Continued :
Supervisor Donald Makie will call attorney Richard Thaler
concerning the T . V . cable franchise . If Mr . Thaler thinks we
should write to Mr . Ceracche again we will ask that Mr .
Thaler do this for the town .
The question was brought up about the highway department
vacation policy . If a man is quitting does he get any
vacation pay ? Do we pro rate vacation pay or not ? We have ,
not done this previously . The motion was made by Councilman
Ralph Wilbur that the highway superintendent decide this matter .
The motion was seconded by Councilman Gerald Crance and
carried by a vote of five ayes and no noes .
Councilman Ralph Wilbur says that West Danby has a problem of
long standing . There is a creek on the right hand side of
Maple Avenue that is flooding people ' s property . At times it
is so bad that there is considerable property' damage . Herb
Cummings has come to Mr . Wilbur and asked him to see what
can be done to keep the creek within its banks . The suggestion
was made to call inviromental services and see if they can
help .
General Fund Warrant #4 in the amount of 407 . 86 was approved
to be paid . The motion was made by Justice A . Francis Wright
and seconded by Justice Floyd Dorn and carried by a vote of
five ayes and no noes .
The Highway Warrant # J' in the amount of 2 , 4/ 69 . 20 was approved
to be paid . The motion was made by Councilman Ralph Wilbur and
seconded by Councilman Gerald Crance and carried by a vote of
five ayes and no noes .
West Danby Water District Warrant #4 in the amount of $28 . 60
was approved to be paid . The motion was made by Councilman
Gerald Crance and seconded by Councilman Ralph Wilbur and
carried by a vote of five ayes and no noes .
The motion to accept - the supervisors report was made by
Justice A . Francis Wright and seconded by Justice Floyd Dorn
and carried by a vote of four ayes and no noes .
The motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Councilman
Gerald Crance and seconded by Councilman Ralph Wilbur and
carried by a vote of five ayes and no noes .
Rectfully submitted ,
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