HomeMy WebLinkAbout2024-05-21- Planning Board Minutes  PRESENT: Ed Bergman (arrived 7:16pm) Sco Davis Jody Scriber Jamie Vanucchi Kelly Maher (Chair) ABSENT: Colleen Cowan Jacob Colbert OTHER ATTENDEES: Town Planner Greg Hutnik Recording Secretary Cindy Katz Public (in person)Cindy and Joel Lamson; Zach Larkins Zoom (virtual)Katharine Hunter (town board member); Joel Gagnon (town supervisor); Jeremy Holmes This meeng was conducted in person with virtual access on the Zoom plaorm. (1) CALL TO ORDER/AGENDA REVIEW  The meeng was called to order at 7:02 p.m. There were no addions or deleons to the agenda. (2) PRIVILEGE OF THE FLOOR  Zach Larkins asked the board for guidance on moving forward with his plans for a cafe on his property at 1914 Danby Road. He has previously been to the planning board regarding this property. Current zoning limits him from moving forward because any cafe/restaurants can only be located on corner lot. They discussed the merits and negaves to three potenal opons: building a road, re-zoning the parcel itself, or having the town board amend the law. Hutnik thinks the parcel could be a good candidate for   Mary Ann Barr 2021  The Town of Danby  1830 Danby Road  Ithaca, NY 14850  danby.ny.gov  Planning Board Minutes Tuesday 21 May 2024 at 7:00PM   re-zoning if the town does not want to amend the law. Vanucchi noted that there are not very many corner lots anyway, so the law is liming in general. Maher supported re- zoning or amending the law for that parcular corridor. There was a general agreement that building a road would be cost-prohibive. Hutnik commented that there is a clear process and path forward for a private home-owner to apply for their parcel to be re- zoned, while the town could always amend the law in the future. Supervisor Gagnon commented that the town board had mostly agreed that they would support amending the law to allow restaurant uses in the Hamlet Zone District on the major corridors (96b and 34) and that the planner could go ahead and work on moving that forward. Planner Hutnik emphasized the importance of building town buy-in for any amending of the laws. (3) APPROVAL OF MINUTES (April 2024) MOTION: To Approve the April 16 2024 minutes Moved by Scriber, seconded by Bergman The moon passes. In favor: Bergman, Davis, Scriber, Vanucchi, Maher (4) TOWN BOARD LIAISON REPORT  Board member Leslie Connors was not present to give a report. (5) DEVELOPMENT REVIEW   SUB-2024-02 18 East Miller Road Parcel: 7.-1-19.3 Applicant: Joel Lamson Ancipated Board acon(s) this month: Applicaon Review; SEQR Determinaon; Public Hearing; Final Acon Proposal Zone: Hamlet Neighborhood SEQR Type: Unlisted Proposal: Minor Subdivision of 1 lot to 2 lots Planner Hutnik reviewed previous acons on this applicaon and pointed out updates to the drawings (well, proposed drive-way, tree planngs). He explained that the objecves for the Planning Board are to determine environmental significance, hold a public hearing, and make a final decision on the applicaon. Maher wondered how the well plans are reviewed and the resident responded that they are reviewed with the sepc engineering by the County. SEQR Hutnik shared that he had contacted the DEC as previously discussed regarding queson 13 on SEAF Part 1. They confirmed there was a body of water (tributary to Buermilk     Creek), but that there were no impacts with this proposal. Planner Hutnik screen shared Part II of the Short Environmental Assessment Form ("SEAF"), Chair Maher read from it aloud, and it was agreed that the answer was "no or small impact may occur" to all quesons. MOTION: To Pass Resoluon 5 of 2024 that the Proposed Minor Subdivision will not result in any significant adverse environmental impacts and therefore make a negave determinaon. Moved by Bergman, seconded by Davis The moon passed. In favor: Bergman, Davis, Scriber, Vanucchi, Maher Public Hearing The public hearing was opened at 7:26 p.m No one spoke. The public hearing was closed at 7:26 p.m. Board Discussion Maher read the language of the resoluon. They discussed if tree planng ought to be a condion; Hutnik explained tree planng is not usually customary in a small subdivision, and that the applicant will be planng trees as required by the zoning code. MOTION: To Pass Resoluon 6 of 2024 to approve the preliminary and final subdivision with no condions. Moved by Vanucchi, seconded by Scriber The moon passed. In favor: Bergman, Davis, Scriber, Vanucchi, Maher Hutnik and Maher reviewed documents and what needed to be signed. Hutnik handed the applicants their plat, explaining they need to bring it to the county clerk for filing. The applicants le. SUB-2024-03 405 Troy Road Parcel: 4.-1-1 Applicant: Adam & Carrie Kartman Ancipated Board acon(s) this month: Final Plat Review; Declare Lead Agency for SEQR Zone: Rural 1 SEQR Type: Unlisted Proposal: Minor Subdivision of 1 lot to 2 lots     Maher reviewed the potenal acons for the applicaon. Hutnik pointed out that the applicant is not present in person or on Zoom, explaining the planning board is sll welcome to view it and ask quesons. He clarified there is no acon needed except for declaring lead agency and they could do it now or next me. Hutnik shared the parcel map and reviewed the locaon in north Danby. Hutnik provided a summary of the background of the parcel, which was bequeathed to a brother and sister by their mother when she passed. The applicant is interested in conserving the parcel in the name of his mother, and is looking into pung it in an easement that would maintain some development rights through the town's easement program. Because there are sll many decisions and quesons that need addressing by the applicant, the planning board elected to wait unl the next meeng to make any acons. Presumably the applicant would be present at that me. (6) PLANNER REPORT (VERBAL)   ●Hutnik is leading the effort to have a planning conference in Ithaca in October. He thinks this would be a good opportunity for planning board members to get some professional development and training hours in. ●The town is going through an email shuffle right now and it's a bit bumpy. If you cannot access your town email call the town clerk Mariah Dillon. ●The town is also considering changing its email policy so not everyone needs to have their own town email address. ●He reminded the planning board members that there are many pre-recorded training videos that can be watched at their leisure for training hours. The planning board wondered if they needed to print out a cerficate aer watching? ●The zoning amendment was passed in regards to signs in the Hamlet neighborhood. ●Danby Food and Drink is opening in a few weeks! (7) ADJOURNMENT  The meeng adjourned at 7:49 p.m. All agenda items are for consideration and are not final until voted on by the Board.  As a Planning Board, we want to know what residents have to say. The time set aside for this is at the  beginning of the meeting during 'Privilege of the Floor.' Once the meeting moves past Privilege of the Floor, we  are still interested in what you have to say, but please be aware that your comments or questions during this  part of the meeting can be entertained only if time permits. Please wait to be recognized by the Chair before  speaking. If you wish to comment or ask a question during the regular part of our meeting, we ask that your      comments pertain to the subject at hand, and again we insist that they be civil and respectful.  Materials for this meeng are available on the Town calendar: hps://danby.ny.gov/event/ Past meeng materials are available above and at: hps://lfweb.tompkins-co.org/WebLink/Browse.aspx?id=2224&dbid=3&repo=Danby&cr=1