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Town of Danby
Second Monthly Town Board Meeting Minutes
Meeting Held Monday August 19, 2024
Board Members Present: Joel Gagnon, Town Supervisor
Leslie Connors
Katharine Hunter
Patricia Woodworth
Paul Hansen
Town Staff: Laura Shawley, Bookkeeper
Mariah Dillon, Town Clerk
Steve Cortright, CEO
Keith Shipman, Highway Superintendent
Greg Hutnik, Town Planner
Other AĴendees: Ted Crane Garry Huddle
Ronda Roaring Jim Holahan
Zach Larkins Captain Charles Tilton
Theresa Klinger Erin Caruth
1. Call to Order 6:03
2. Additions/Deletions to the Agenda – Added to Business
2.1. Addition, Clean Energy Communities Grant and its Uses – Jim Holahan and Chris
2.2. Addition, Agreement to Spend Highway Funds
3. Privilege of the Floor
Ted Crane – In the minutes of August 5th my comments regarding the WDCA omiĴed my
question as to whether an active participant in the WDCA should recuse themselves from the
discussion. And of course, as the meeting progressed, Joel, you both acted as a representative of
WDCA and a member of the board. I know that several of you board members aĴend Planning
Board meetings, and so I assume that you, like me, have read the Planner’s notes, Planner’s
statement about tomorrow's meeting in particular, in one place, one of the Planner’s notes talks
about cluster subdivisions, which I think in terms of actual use, might beĴer be called scaĴer
subdivisions. The note there says that the proposed application meets the leĴer of the law, but
certainly not its spirit. And I think that that should be cause for the board to think about looking
at the language of the subdivision regulations with regard to clusters, which currently require
merely, nothing more than a five-acre lot, and then a cluster can be applied regardless of what
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you're actually doing. The intent was not to be parceling off a few acres at a time. The intent was
to have a plan. And I wonder if the inclusion of some additional conditions beyond a single
five-acre minimum, such as a plan, and perhaps a minimum number of lots that the original lot
was being broken into would be wise? I think that would be basically a good thing. And finally,
I noticed in the minutes, Pat Woodworth responded to my comments, so I have a further
question. She stated that an organization that receives money from the town by nature should
be covered in the town board news. I wonder if she would care to address the question of well,
then why are you covering organizations which are not receiving money from the town? First
and second, why are you not including information about all the organizations that receive
money from the town? What I'm geĴing at here is that I think that that all organizations should
be treated equally, and as the town board news was intended originally to talk about town
business, the inclusion of, should we say, community business, is well beyond the original
Ronda Roaring – I too was concerned about the whole business of clusters. I did read, because I
plan to be at the meeting tomorrow night, as Greg knows. And I was concerned about that
whole business of clusters, and I think we need to resolve that problem, rather than sort of
trying to make it work as it is. I think that we do need to work on that. I'm not sure that
parceling off five acres from a large parcel like Ray has really fits into the whole business of
clusters, and I do agree with Ted on his business of people or organizations that are not truly
you know this. You already know this, because I've complained in the past, but these
organizations that are geĴing money from the town that are not legitimate nonprofits, at least
by my standards, and if they start to get some time on the town's newsleĴer, what it knows is
left. You know, you're puĴing almost everything into the town's newsleĴer, because in some
way or other, most of those organizations are receiving money somehow, someway from the
town, and I just wanted to remind the town that I am planning to ask for the statistics on
aĴendance at Jennings pond, even if I have to do it through a Freedom of Information request.
So, I would like the town to remind the individuals running the whole affair to be keeping
statistics, because I do want to know how many people are coming and where they're coming
Supervisor Gagnon suggested Ronda contact Mary Ann Kozak regarding Jennings Pond
statistics. Gagnon agreed to send Roaring Mary Ann’s contact information.
4. Correspondence -None
5. Announcements – West Danby Picnic is this Saturday 8/24 at 4:30
6. Reports and Presentations
6.1. Highway Superintendent Keith Shipman
The Highway Department is looking to spend $174,000 out of our CHIPS fund for the
paving of West Jersey Hill Road. It's a liĴle bit more expensive this time around for a
mile of paving. This is a turnkey paving job, which includes all the materials that are
needed to pave. There will be some sealing process before we go into winter. We are
using something different than what we have used in the past. We are using a hot mix,
which adheres to the hills much beĴer. A lot of times when you put cold mix on a hill,
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when you're rolling it out, you can get these liĴle cracks, and eventually your pavement
can give out. So, we are looking to do hot mix binder on it, bringing the pavement in
hot, and it has to come in relatively quickly from another plant. It's a liĴle more
expensive to do, but for the longevity of the road I think it's the best thing to do as that
road's been suffering for many years, and I think it would be wise to do that because of
the grade of the hill.
Another good thing to keep in mind is we have already hauled all of our material in for
this job. All of our material is on the ground now, it’s really good that we're ahead for
next year with all the material that we have. That would be a big positive thing for next
year, to have paid for material on the ground already. So our budgets are doing really
well. We are ready to do that hill and get it done.
6.2. Town Planner, Hutnik:
Planning Board meeting 8/20/2024:
- Development Review
164 Yaple Rd – minor subdivision final plat review
405 Troy Rd – minor subdivision (and conservation easement) final plat review
190 Hill Rd – standard subdivision preliminary plat review
It's actually a range of addresses, 142 to 212 Hill Road. It's a large 190-acre
property owned by the Thurnheers that's going from a one lot to a three-lot subdivision
proposal, where the smallest lot will be 30 some acres. It's a large piece of land, so
they're just dividing it among siblings. Those three have hearings tomorrow for certain
approvals on them.
100 Van de Bogart Rd – minor subdivision sketch plat review
This is the Property Crane and Roaring were referencing earlier. It’s the property
that has the grass-fed beef operation, and he's found a buyer who wants to
continue to operate grass fed beef. He wants to subdivide the home there so that
it’s separate from the farm.
Supervisor Gagnon asked if it was Ray Van de Bogart’s suggestion to use the
cluster subdivision provision or Hutnik’s. Hutnik replied that while there is a
precedent for this, he would like to work on the subdivision ordinance to clean it
up. Hutnik suggested running it by the Town AĴorney to determine if this is an
appropriate application of cluster subdivision.
Begin reviewing the Comprehensive Plan to see what goals have been achieved,
what goals still need to be worked on, and what goals are no longer relevant.
Hutnik will bring this up with the Planning Board. Hutnik would like to have a
more formalized process and will present something to the town board at the next
meeting. Working on the Comprehensive Plan will take a very concerted effort
from the Town Board and Planning Board, and from the whole town and Hutnik
wants to ensure that the process will be very transparent and public. Hutnik is
looking to receive some direction from the Town Board about how to go about
reviewing the Comprehensive Plan, as we start to think about a commiĴee, and to
start the conversation off with the Planning Board, as they are the keepers of the
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Comprehensive Plan, and have them do a liĴle homework, go through the plan
and just identify things that have been done, and things that are outstanding.
Board of Zoning Appeals meeting 8/27/2024
- 2687 Danby Rd – area variance for reductions in front and side setbacks to build a house.
Planning conference at the Downtown Ithaca Conference Center, October 9-11
- Request for expenditure of funds at TB meeting on September 9 to cover registration fees
for Hutnik, Planning Board members, BZA members, and Town Board members
- Supervisor Gagnon asked about a pass so that several people can aĴend various parts of
the conference. Hutnik will look into it.
6.3. Clean Energy Communities Grant and its Uses – Jim Holahan and Chris Skawski.
Holahan spoke about helping to bring energy related grants into the Town. He mentioned that
Town may be eligible for a $60k grant, $10k for benchmarking and $50k for when the town
achieves a certain point level. Both grants have been applied for. He spoke about other energy
projects, possibly installing heat pumps or geothermal, or working on the Town Hall from the
energy improvements from the energy audit.
Holahan introduced Chris Skawski, Clean Energy Communities Coordinator from Cornell
Extension, who had a brief slide show of CEC Grants Fund Presentation.
Skawski noted that there is new funding to reward past participation. “When we get the notice
of eligibility, we'll have 90 days from the date of that email. Hopefully it gets released in the
next week or two. So that's why, but likely November is when it's going to come due in
November or at 90 days. We just have to have a project. We don't need to have a contractor
selected.” It's going to be better to get that in sooner rather than later. This is a first come first
serve program.
By tracking our energy use for 2022 and 2023, the town is eligible for a free energy audit.
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Skawski noted that the Town is eligible for many energy projects. Hanson mentioned
insulation. Woodworth said it would be good to have an audit to determine the best course of
Resolution 195 of 2024 To Approve to Spend Grant Money for an Energy Audit and Spend
up to $60k for Upgrades Based on the Audit Recommendations
Discussion centered on EV Stations and solar energy being involved in the audit.
Moved by Woodworth Seconded by Hansen
Connors Yes
Hansen Yes
Hunter Yes
Woodworth Yes
Gagnon Yes
Resolution 195 of 2024 passed on August 19, 2024
Skawski offered to come out again and provide the Town with updates.
7. Meeting Minutes
Resolution 196 of 2024 To Accept the Town Board Meeting Minutes of August 5, 2024
Moved by Connors Seconded by Gagnon
Connors Yes
Hansen Yes
Hunter Yes
Woodworth Yes
Gagnon Yes
Resolution 196 of 2024 passed on August 19, 2024
8. Warrant Abstract 15 of 2024
Resolution 197 of 2024 To Approve General Fund Vouchers 248 - 266 for $15,667.75
Moved by Connors Seconded by Woodworth
Connors Yes
Hansen Yes
Hunter Yes
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Woodworth Yes
Gagnon Yes
Resolution 197 of 2024 passed on August 19, 2024
Resolution 198 of 2024 To Approve Highway Fund Vouchers 138 - 148 for $37,883.00
Moved by Connors Seconded by Woodworth
Connors Yes
Hansen Yes
Hunter Yes
Woodworth Yes
Gagnon Yes
Resolution 198 of 2024 passed on August 19, 2024
*Resolution 199 was skipped.
9. Business
9.1. CAC Secretary Candidate Interviews was canceled. Questions for the interviewees were
discussed. Supervisor Gagnon asked if the enabling resolution was shared with the
applicants so they would know what the charter was. This was answered in the
affirmative. Hunter suggested that the questions for these applicants be adopted for
most applicants. It was generally agreed that the questions were very good.
9.2. DePutron Hollow Road Renumbering Resolution
Resolution 200 of 2024 To Approve Readdressing of DePutron Hollow Road
Discussion ensued regarding how the Town of Caroline and the Town of Danby together
created the resolution for renumbering DePutron Hollow. A note of concern was proposed
regarding the fact that the postmaster has a go live date of September 1, while the county has
the new addresses to start on October 1.
WHEREAS properties on DePutron Hollow Road in the towns of Caroline and Danby are
numbered nonsequentially and without allowance for future subdivision of lots, and
WHEREAS this is a source of confusion for visitors and service providers and is especially
serious for emergency responders, and
WHEREAS the solution is a comprehensive readdressing of the residences on DePutron Hollow
Road, which the Towns of Danby and Caroline have developed based on address assignments
for each 50-ft of road frontage, now therefore be it
RESOLVED that the Danby Town Board hereby approves the addressing changes listed below
and mutually approved by the Caroline Town Board, and be it further
RESOLVED that the Danby Town Board requests that the Town Clerk send a certified copy of
this resolution to the Town of Caroline and upon receipt of same from the Town of Caroline
authorizes the Danby Code Enforcement Officer to submit address changes for the Danby
residences to Tompkins County.
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Deputron Hollow Road Readdressing Plan
Parcel Current Address # New Address #
25.-1-1.23 99 15
25.-1-1.21 1 23
25.-1-1.42 3 35
25.-1-1.41 5 49
25.-1-1.5 7 61
25.-1-1.3 none 73
12.-1-29.3 none 81
12.-1-29.2 7 85
12.-1-27 8 104
12.-1-25.3 9 119
12.-1-25.1 11 127
12.-1-25.21 13 135
12.-1-25.23 140 146
12.-1-26 18 155
12.-1-25.22 16 166
12.-1-13.2 12 171
Moved by Gagnon Seconded by Hansen
Connors Yes
Hansen Yes
Hunter Yes
Woodworth Yes
Gagnon Yes
Resolution 200 of 2024 passed on August 19, 2024
9.3. Review and Approve List of Roads to be SubmiĴed for Speed Limit Reduction
The Board reviewed the list from 2016 and agreed it was outdated. Shipman said the State
will tell the Town of any approved reductions. Shipman clarified that the Town Clerk
should send any resolution to the County Highway Superintendent.
Resolution 201 of 2024 to Approve the Next Batch of Speed Reduction Requests
Moved by Connors Seconded by Hansen
It was agreed that the following requests would be made to the County:
East Miller Road “Short-cut” route
West Miller Road “Short-cut” route
West King Road
West Jersy Road
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Move Southbound 96B 40MPH sign to the north of the Miller Road intersection
Connors Yes
Hansen Yes
Hunter Yes
Woodworth Yes
Gagnon Yes
Resolution 201 of 2024 passed on August 19, 2024
9.4. Special Event PermiĴing Proposal
Hansen stated that he would like to increase fines for someone who creates an event without
geĴing permits. Hutnik noted that this item was not aĴached to the agenda. Discussion
ensued regarding the appropriateness of discussing this item without linking it to the
agenda. Item was postponed until the public has the documents.
9.5. ARPA Fund Commitment Update, Including Review of Solar Array Acquisition
Discussion ensued regarding the costs and benefits of purchasing the solar array. It was
determined the Board needs insurance, maintenance costs and equipment analysis to determine
if purchasing the array would be a good investment.
Resolution 202 of 2024 To Extend the meeting by 15 minutes
Moved by Gagnon Seconded by Woodworth
Connors Yes
Hansen Yes
Hunter Yes
Woodworth Yes
Gagnon Yes
Resolution 202 of 2024 passed on August 19, 2024
9.6. Mid-year Budget Review and Adjustments
L Shawley reported that unallocated insurance is over budget by $9,000. She asked for
a Budget Transfer of $5,000 from a contingent account and $4,475 from the garage
contractual account.
The Town is also $175 over budget on the cemetery lawn mowing account. L Shawley suggests
taking $175 from the worker compensation line and transferring it to the cemetery lawn
mowing account.
Town Hall postage is over budget by $332. L Shawley suggests we transfer $332 from the
Town Hall purchasing line.
Shawley will get budget and expense reports out to the group before they vote on transfers.
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Pursuant to the provisions of Section 284 of the Highway Law, we agree moneys levied and
collected for the repair and improvements of highways, and received from the state for
repair and improvement of highways shall be expended as follows:
General Repairs
1. A sum not to exceed $179,000 shall be spent on West Jersey Hill Road from West King
Road to Town Line Road. $168,080 is the cost to contract the job to Seneca Stone and will
include all aggregate, machinery use, personnel and hot mix pave. The amount of $5,920
will be spent on shoulder repair materials. The amount of $5,000 will be spent on fog sealing
for protection during the winter months. Funding of $174,000 for this project will be spent
out of the CHIPS program amount allocated to the Town of Danby. The amount of $5,000
will be spent out of the DA5110.400 road repair line.
Resolution 203 of 2024 To Agree to Spend Town Highway Funds not to exceed
$179,000. for West Jersey Hill
Moved by Gagnon Seconded by Woodworth
Connors Yes
Hansen Yes
Hunter Yes
Woodworth Yes
Gagnon Yes
Resolution 203 of 2024 passed on August 19, 2024
10. Discussion of Next Meeting Agenda
11. Adjourn