HomeMy WebLinkAbout24-08-27 Fire District Meeting preliminary minutes PRELIMINARY DANBY FIRE DISTRICT MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING August 27, 2024 Commissioner Westmiller called the regular meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. ATTENDANCE: COMMISSIONERS: OFFICERS: Katherine Anderson (late) Kevin Faehndrich Joseph Freedman Charlotte Griggs Wayne Westmiller Bonnie Hart, Treasurer Sharon Gaden, Secretary, Deputy Treasurer John Gaden, Danby Fire Chief Robert McCray, West Danby Fire Chief PUBLIC: Call to Order Pledge of Allegiance Bid Openings: HOSE, LADDER, HARD SUCTION: Hose Testing: The following proposals received: • Waterway @ $.30 per foot x 24450 feet = $7,335.00 Ladder Testing: The following proposals received: • Waterway @ $2.50 per foot x 221 feet = $300.00 Hard Suction Units: The following proposals received: • Waterway @ 10 x $30.00 = $300.00 Total for Waterway for Hose, Ladder and Hard Suction Unit Testing is $8,187.50 Note: moving apparatus fee on location $250.00. Moving apparatus on public roads $500.00. If any apparatus is out of service and an additional appointment is necessary for testing it is $500.00 feet. Missed appointment fee: $750.00. Crew Hourly rate: $300.00/hr for time the crew has to wait due to circumstances under the customer’s control (such as water supply delays or apparatus transit delays). Return fee: $300.00 if need to return to the site to test missed items or finish testing due to customer related requests or circumstances. Commissioner Faehdrich moved to accept proposals from Waterway for Hose, Ladder and Hard Suction Units Testing at a total of $8,187.50, seconded by Commissioner Griggs. Motion carried 4 yes 0 no. Bid Opening: Annual Truck/Pump Maintenance: Decision made to not forward a copy of the specifications to Deltek Public Records out of Herndon Virginia as it was determined that this request is not within the scope of the bidding process contemplated by the Fire District. 401: The following proposals received: • Ward Apparatus @ Service/Repair Estimate: $1,269.99 and Pump Service $387.00 totals $1,656.99 • Waterway pump testing @ $375.00 1401: The following proposals received: • Ward Apparatus@ Service/Repair Estimate: $1,270.00 and Pump Service $387.00 totals $1,657.00 • Waterway pump testing @ $375.00 421: The following proposals received: • Ward Apparatus@ Service/Repair Estimate: $1,416.43 and Pump Service $387.00 totals $1,803.43 • Waterway pump testing @ $375.00 1421: The following proposals received: • Ward Apparatus@ Service/Repair Estimate: $1,408.14 and Pump Service $387.00 totals $1,795.14 • Waterway pump testing @ $375.00 1441: The following proposals received: • Ward Apparatus@ Service/Repair Estimate with portable/skid pump: $807.10 + $1.00 pick-up/drop Ward Apparatus total for service and pump testing/service is $7,720.66 need proof of insurance Waterway total for pump testing only is $1,500.00 need proof of insurance Fire Commissioner Westmiller moved to accept proposals from Ward Apparatus for preventative maintenance and pump testing/servicing on all trucks for a total of $7,720.66, seconded by Commissioner Faehndrich. Motion carried 4 yes 0 no. Bid Opening: Pest Control: none received. Discussion held. Approval of Minutes: Preliminary minutes for August 13, 2024, regular meeting were forwarded to the Town Clerk for posting on the Town’s website and posted on Fire District’s website on August 22, 2024. Commissioner Freedman moved to approve the minutes for the August 13, 2024, regular meeting. Motion seconded by Commissioner Westmiller. Motion carried 4 yes 0 no. Treasurer’s Report: • 2% State Fire tax was disbursed: $2,954.69 to Danby and $2,110.50 to West Danby • Will be meeting the cleaner on August 29th at 9:00 a.m.. Cleaner is going to West Danby afterwards, approximately 11:30. • Completed PESH online training on August 15th and received certificate. Commissioner Westmiller moved to accept the Treasurer’s Report. Motion seconded by Commissioner Faehndrich. Motion carried 5 yes 0 no. Approval of bills: Commissioner Faehndrich made a motion to pay the vouchers as audited and approved on Operating Account Abstract 8-C claims 215-226 in the amount of $8,499.63. Motion seconded by Commissioner Freedman; Motion carried 5 yes 0 no. Communications: • Emailed Department of Labor the updated Fire Department Form and copies of 2023 SH-900.1 and SH-900.2 Injuries and Illnesses forms as requested. • Received email from NYS Department of Labor that they received the requested copies of our 2023 SH-900.1 and SH-900.2 • Received email from Meridian for August training with invoice • Received email confirmation from Brooktondale Fire District’s Chairman of the Board that he has reviewed the proposed contract and will submit it their Board on September 9th and return to us on September 10th. • Email from Com. Freedman regarding West Danby Water District office building • Email from PERMA “Speak up for Safety” • Email from NYSAFC “Hands-On Training Opportunities • Email from PERMA Leads with Safety • Email from PERMA “Check on Safety with PERMA • Email from PERMA -Safe & Sound Week 2024 • Email from Central Region Fire Districts meeting 08/26/24 • Email from PERMA Certified Safety Coordinator Training on 09/24/24 • Email from NYCLASS August NYCLASS Investor Update • Email from PERMA Safety Tip Tuesday • Email from NYSAFC 2024 Seminar Series Continues this Fall (10/22/24 @ 7:00 p.m. in Cortland) “Searching-The Offensive and Defensive” Privilege of the Floor: NONE CHIEF’S REPORTS: DVFC: (Chief Gaden) • Have 3 prospective new members and handed out another application last night. • S. Sauer and A. Ives request to attend IFO in Newark Valley (Tioga County) 17 trips for a total of 510 miles x .67 per mile = $341.70 mileage reimbursement. Will be carpooling. • Will have 2 firefighters who was to attend firefighter survival. • Action Fire will be doing hood inspections for both stations on August 29th. • Pleasant Valley will be fixing the doorbell on August 29th and giving a quote for the outside light on bay door number 3. Discussion held on having them give a quote for installing more outlets in the meeting room and conference room that will be connected to the generator when power goes out. • 441 and 442 had oil changed, inspections done, and all recall work done at Maguires last week. • Ordered Flare/TIC camera and charger, it was on sale. Commissioner Westmiller moved to accept training requests for S. Sauer and A. Ives to attend IFO in Newark Valley (Tioga County), carpooling and reimbursement of mileage up to $341.70 pending receipt of A. Ives training form. Motion seconded by Commissioner Faehndrich. Motion carried 5 yes 0 no. WDFC: (Chief McCray) • Requested to order traffic wands • T. Monroe and T. Coyne were given termination notices. H. Wendt was sent a letter to finish OSHA training. COMMITTEES: PURCHASING: Chief Gaden reported turn-out gear will be in the end of the week. BUILDING/GROUNDS: • Commissioner Westmiller reported that Pleasant Valley needs to go to West Danby to give a quote on cost of installing outlet for enclosed trailer. • Commission Westmiller reported leak in Chief’s Office at Danby Station has been repaired. GRANTS: NONE INSURANCE: NONE TECH: • Commissioner Faehndrich reported he talked to Ben from the Computer Room about the annual network support agreement (service agreement) in the amount of $994.00. Discussion held. Decision to document how many times we call Computer Room for Service and review next year for the 2026 budget. • Secretary Gaden reported she called Computer Room yesterday to have them walk her through getting her scanner back operational after the storm last week. TRUCKS: • 1441 – Secretary asked if recall had been done. Will email the recall notice to Chief McCray and Com. Westmiller • Chief McCray reported he spoke to Brian at Admiral Specialty Vehicle and will be getting a quote. He also spoke to Trux Outfitters and they have ordered some of the parts. They need to measure the truck so Chief McCray will be taking it them. TOWN BOARD: NONE RECORDS: • Following members are scheduling physicals: Sc. Wendt, D. Katz, S. Kim • Firefighters Stipends – Chiefs need to file forms. 08/19/24 emailed chiefs the forms. • Membership counts to Treasurer for 2% funds POLICY: • Reminder to review policies for September meeting MEMBERSHIP/TRAINING: NONE LONG RANGE PLAN: NONE AUDIT: NONE BUDGET: workshop to follow OLD BUSINESS: • Secretary reminded Chief McCray she needs the resolution from the West Danby Fire Department to submit to Tompkins County for the amended mutual aid agreement • Brief discussion on West Danby Water District building of office building NEW BUSINESS: NONE APPROVALS TRAININGS, ITEMS OR SERVICES TO BE PURCHASED: Commissioner Faehndrich made a motion to approve the purchase of 8 traffic wands, up to $150.00, from Safety Warehouse. Requested by Chief McCray. Motion seconded by Commissioner Westmiller. Motion carried 5 yes 0 no. Commissioner Faehndrich made a motion to approve mileage reimbursement for Sh. Wendt to attend Fire Officer I class in Spencer, up to $219.49. Motion seconded by Commissioner Griggs. Motion carried 5 yes 0 no. See approval under Chief’s Report for additional mileage reimbursement for S. Sauer. Commissioner Anderson approved up to $500.00 for Dave Mastroberti to extend and repair stone wall around electronic sign board. Motion seconded by Commissioner Westmiller. Motion carried 5 yes 0 no. Next Meeting date and time: • 09/10/24 at 7:00 p.m. – Regular Meeting Meeting adjourned at 7:54 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Sharon Gaden Secretary