HomeMy WebLinkAboutMeeting Minutes 2023-03-013/29/23, 8:57 PM March Minutes about:blank 1/2 March Minutes West Danby Water District Meeng Minutes - March 1, 2023 Meeng called to order at 5:01 pm by Ben Coakley Aending: Ben Coakley, Skip Fairchild, Marrell Cortright, Marie Monroe, Sco Wendt, Shawn Wendt, Tod Sukontarak, Peter McDonald, Joel Gagnon Guest - via Zoom - Candace Balmer (RCAP) The minutes from the February meeng were emailed to everyone. Marie made the moon that we approve last month's minutes, Peter seconded this and all were in favor. Vouchers - Monthly water test - $50.00 Asbestos Water Test - $245.00 Operator classes were paid for as voted on last month. Marge provided a list to Marrell of the December vouchers listed out individually. They will be added to the December minutes. Operator report - Sco - We sll have not received the pressure switch for the pump. March tesng is tomorrow, (3/2) The asbestos test came back ok. We are now good for 9 years. W2O classes are all lined up for Sco and Shawn. Ordering Chlorine this week again. Sco and Tod are starng a maintenance notebook to have in the pump house. Old Business - Back up operator - we discussed creang an operator trainee posion for the water district. This way Shawn could get paid for the 6 months of training that he must go through. Ideas were thrown around about pros and cons, what would the job descripon read. Aer this conversaon, it was decided to create an Operator Training posion based on the Operator Training posion that is already in the Civil Service system and then ask the town board to peon New York State to create the posion and reclassify it for our town as a non compeve posion. Ben made the moon, Skip seconded this and all were in favor. SOP's - Tod and Candace worked on them but the dra needs a few more edits added to it before we can go over it. Emergency Plan - the MOU is in the works. Filing cabinet - sll in the works Sun, 19 Mar 2023 2:56:58 PM -0400 • To "bcoakley@danby.ny.gov"<bcoakley@danby.ny.gov>,"cmseamon@earthlink.net" <cmseamon@earthlink.net>,"marieabrew@gmail.com" <marieabrew@gmail.com>,"pmcdonald@csufresno.edu" <pmcdonald@csufresno.edu>,"skipjanet2002@yahoo.com" <skipjanet2002@yahoo.com>,"swendt1461@gmail.com" <swendt1461@gmail.com>,"swendt1499@gmail.com" <swendt1499@gmail.com>,"todsukontarak@gmail.com"<todsukontarak@gmail.com> MC Marrell Cortright <marrell1@aol.com> 3/29/23, 8:57 PM March Minutes about:blank 2/2 Standby/On call electrician- Sco might have a person who is qualified, he just needs to catch up to him to talk about it. Working on it. New Business - Ben and Marrell cannot be here next month due to vacaons. We need to check our calendars and pick a date. Budget/water rates - read over the report Marrell had from Marge lisng out billing on usage for last year. Due to a family health emergency, Marge couldn't be here so there Is only one copy. Ben has that copy and will get copies made for everyone so that we can all have one in front of us and go over it all together. Skip made the moon to adjourn, Tod seconded this and all were in favor. Meeng adjourned at 6:15 pm Respecully Submied, Marrell Cortright