HomeMy WebLinkAbout2024-07-15 Town Board Meeting MinutesTown of Danby Town Board Meeting MinutesHeld Monday, July 15, 2024 6:00 1 | P a g e Board Members Present: Joel Gagnon, Town Supervisor Leslie Connors Katharine Hunter Patricia Woodworth Paul Hansen Town Staff: Laura Shawley, Bookkeeper Mariah Dillon, Town Clerk Other Attendees: Ted Crane Zach Larkins Charles Tilton Jim Holahan 1. Call to Order 6:06 2. Additions/Deletions to the Agenda ~ Added to Business 3. Privilege of the Floor - None 4. Correspondence - None 5. Announcements Hunter Announced the Danby Summer Market on July 19th. 6. Supervisor Gagnon announced the West Danby Picnic will be held August 17th, which was incorrect. (The actual date is August 24th.)Reports and Presentations - None 7. Warrant Abstract 13 of 2024 7.1. Resolution 179 of 2024 to Approve General Fund Vouchers 206 – 234 for $38,030.47 Moved by Woodworth Seconded by Gagnon Supervisor Gagnon brought up an issue where a small amount of tax was paid and suggested possibly having a policy for such occurrences. Vote: Connors Abstain Hansen Yes Hunter Yes Woodworth Yes Gagnon Yes Resolution 179 of 2024 passed on July 15 7.2. Resolution 180 of 2024 to Approve Highway Fund Vouchers 119 - 128 for $24,808.43 Moved by Woodworth. Seconded by Hunter Vote: Connors Abstain Hansen Yes Hunter Yes Woodworth Yes Gagnon Yes Resolution 180 of 2024 passed on July 15 7.3. Resolution 181 of 2024 to Approve Water Fund Vouchers 19 – 21 for $14,819.80 2 | P a g e Moved by Woodworth. Seconded by Hansen Vote: Connors Abstain Hansen Yes Hunter Yes Woodworth Yes Gagnon Yes Resolution 181 of 2024 passed on July 15 8. Business 8.1. South Danby Road Speed Limit Petition Response Roaring gathered signatures for a petition by residents on South Danby Road, most of whom desired to have the speed limit on South Danby Road reduced from 55 mph to 45 mph. The Town Board agreed that the speed limit should be lowered. Connors agreed to check with L. Shawley to see where this initiative is on the list of roads to be considered for reduction by the State. Resolution 182 of 2024 To Revisit Lowering the Speed Limit on South Danby Road Moved by Connors Seconded by Hansen Vote: Connors Yes Hansen Yes Hunter Yes Woodworth Yes Gagnon Yes Resolution 182 of 2024 passed on July 15 8.2. Resolution 183 of 2024 to Grant a Request by Tompkins County Chamber of Commerce to use Town Hall on July 30 for a "Community Conversation". Moved by Woodworth Seconded by Connors Vote: Connors Yes Hansen Yes Hunter Yes Woodworth Yes Gagnon Yes Resolution 183 of 2024 passed on July 15 8.3. Consider Choosing Software for Planning and Code Oiffces Discussion ensued regarding the software choices (CloudPermit and Edmunds). It was generally agreed that it would be beneficial to the Town to have Code software as it is currently diiffcult to find information regarding properties, since it’s all paper based. The initial year costs of the software would be covered by the ARPA Grant. Resolution 184 of 2024 To Purchase CloudPermit Software from ARPA Funds for the Planning and Code Offices Moved by Woodworth. Seconded by Hunter Vote: Connors Yes Hansen Yes 3 | P a g e Hunter Yes Woodworth Yes Gagnon Yes Resolution 184 of 2024 passed on July 15 8.4. Confirmation of Plans for Deputron Hollow Road Renumbering Resolution 185 of 2024 To Bring a Plan for the Deputron Hollow Road Renumbering to the August 19th Town Board Meeting Moved by Woodworth. Seconded by Gagnon Vote: Connors Yes Hansen Yes Hunter Yes Woodworth Yes Gagnon Yes Resolution 185 of 2024 passed on July 15 8.5. West Danby Community Association (WDCA) Agreement The WDCA agreement was based on the Danby Seniors agreement. Connors noticed that it used the wrong name in a few instances and needs to be corrected. Resolution 186 of 2024 To Sign the West Danby Community Association (WDCA) Agreement with Corrections Moved by Woodworth Seconded by Gagnon Motion Tabled! It was agreed that the WDCA agreement would be updated and revisited at the next meeting. 8.6. Resolution 187 of 2024 To Hire Help for the Town Clerk to deal with Document Migration Issues Moved by Hansen. Seconded by Woodworth Dillon explained that the issues are because documents and spreadsheets did not migrate from Zoho as expected. This effort is capped at a monetary amount of $4,500. Vote: Connors Yes Hansen Yes Hunter Yes Woodworth Yes Gagnon Yes Resolution 187 of 2024 passed on July 15 9. Discussion of Next Meeting Agenda 10. Adjourn 7:00 PM