HomeMy WebLinkAbout2023-07-25 Fire District Meeting Minutes (draft) PRELIMINARY DANBY FIRE DISTRICT MINUTES OF THE REGULAR EETING July 25, 2023 Commissioner Westmiller called the regular meeting to order at 7:02 p.m. ATTENDANCE: COMMISSIONERS: OFFICERS: Katherine Anderson Kevin Faehndrich Joe Freedman Charlotte Griggs Wayne Westmiller Bonnie Hart, Treasurer Sharon Gaden, Secretary, Deputy Treasurer John Gaden, Danby Fire Chief Robert McCray, West Danby Fire Chief PUBLIC: NONE Call to Order Pledge of Allegiance Minutes: Preliminary Minutes for July 11, 2023, Regular Meeting were sent to the Town Clerk on July 24, 2023 for posting to the Town’s website. Commissioner Anderson moved to approve the minutes of the July 11, 2023 Regular Meeting Motion seconded by Commissioner Griggs. Motion carried 5 yes 0 no. Treasurer’s Report: o CD rates are up at Tompkins Community Bank. Below are the currents rates and terms we can offer: o 3 months 4% o 6 months 4.5% o 9 months 4.5% o 12 months 4.7% o CD rates at Chemung Canal Trust Company o 6 months 4.5% o 12 months 5.0% o West Danby Water District Billing – Generator Service and repairs (25%) o Inv 2019-1 $262.50 o Inv 2021-1 $915.95 o Inv 2022-1 $286.75 o Inv 2023-1 $607.76 o Total $2,072.96 Discussion on putting auto renewal language in agreement and include use of office at fire station. Commissioner Freedman made a motion to have the Treasurer mail invoices from 2019 to date totaling $2,2072.96 to the West Danby Water District for payment. Motion seconded by Commissioner Faehndrich. Motion carried 5 yes 0 no. • Abstract 7-B $22436.19 claims 169-173 Approved 7/11/23 7-C $13,550.70 claims 174-189. Commissioner Westmiller moved to accept the Treasurer’s Report. Motion seconded by Commissioner Faehndrich. Motion carried 5 yes 0 no. Communications: • Email from PERMA regarding PERMA Safe & Sound Week 2023 • Email from PERMA regarding Lexipol Webinar: First Responder Wellness • Email NYS Archives July 26th webinar • Email from Danby EMS Director, G. Jakubson, regarding Narcan training requirement • Email AFDSNY July Coffee with the Commissioners • Email Central Region Association of Fire Districts meeting notice for August and mention of upcoming AFDSNY webinar series all about grants • Email AFDSNY regarding the basics of applying for FEMA & Other Grants • Email from N. Dyson-Hudson with road closure notice for Station Road • Client advisory from attorney Butler regarding Budget Process APPROVAL OF BILLS: Commissioner Westmiller moved to pay the vouchers as audited and approved on Operating Account Abstract 7-C $13,550.70 claims 174-189. Motion seconded by Commissioner Griggs. Motion carried 5 yes 0 no. Privilege of the Floor: NONE CHIEF’S REPORTS: WDFC: (Chief McCray) • Sh. Wendt and D. Gentile would like approval to attend Basic Passenger Vehicle Rescue in Tompkins County August 15, 2023 through August 31, 2023. • Letter from Fire Company secretary to District Secretary regarding K. McCray being voted in at the Fire Company’s July Business Meeting • Gave returned Peace Officer Registration Entry Form to District Secretary. Commissioner Faehndrich moved to accept training request for Sh. Wendt and D. Gentile to attend Basic Passenger Vehicle Rescue in Tompkins County August 15, 2023 through August 31, 2023. Commissioner Freedman seconded the emotion. Motion carried 5 yes 0 no. DVFC: (Chief Gaden) • Ward’s Apparatus is coming tomorrow to look at 421 regarding DEF head • When annual maintenance is done on 401 the electronic throttle may need to be looked at. • Inventory is three-quarters of the way done. COMMITTEES: PURCHASING: NONE BUILDING/GROUNDS: • Com. Westmiller will check on air exchangers being serviced at Danby station. • Chief Gaden reported cameras have been installed. GRANTS: NONE INSURANCE: NONE TECH: NONE TRUCKS: • Chief McCray reported that 2024 models open up for State bidding in September. • Discussion held on 1401. Chief McCray reported a representative from Alexis came to talk to the truck committee and will be preparing specs for 1401 and for 1443. Discussion on Mahlon Irish reviewing specs to make them non-company specific. TOWN BOARD: NONE POLICY: • Revised Sexual Harassment policy (tabled) RECORDS: NONE MEMBERSHIP/TRAINING: NONE LONG RANGE PLAN: NONE AUDIT: NONE BUDGET: • Workshop to follow OLD BUSINESS: Commissioner Freedman moved to transfer $5,966.20 from the Contingency Account A3410.9 to H3410.12 Account to pay Zufall Communication for the cost of installing security cameras at the Danby Station, amount includes materials and labor. Commissioner Westmiller seconded. Roll Call vote was taken - Commissioner Anderson: Aye; Commissioner Faehndrich: Aye; Commissioner Freedman: Aye; Commissioner Griggs: Aye and Commissioner Westmiller: Aye. Motion adopted. Commissioner Westmiller moved to increase the 2023 Budget to include the sum of $12,000.00 as added to General Account for a grant received and with this modification the 2023 Budget will increase from $579,618.00 to $591,618.00. Commissioner Griggs seconded. Roll Call vote was taken - Commissioner Anderson: Aye; Commissioner Faehndrich: Aye; Commissioner Freedman: Aye; Commissioner Griggs: Aye and Commissioner Westmiller: Aye. Motion adopted. Commissioner Freedman moved to increase the 2023 Budget to include the sum of $5,000.00 as added to General Account for a grant received and with this modification the 2023 Budget will increase from $591,618.00 to $596,618.00. Commissioner Griggs seconded. Roll Call vote was taken - Commissioner Anderson: Aye; Commissioner Faehndrich: Aye; Commissioner Freedman: Aye; Commissioner Griggs: Aye and Commissioner Westmiller: Aye. Motion adopted. NEW BUSINESS: NONE Next Meeting date and time: • 08/08/23 at 7:00 p.m. Meeting adjourned at 7:57 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Sharon Gaden Secretary DANBY FIRE DISTRICT RESOLUTION TO TRANSFER MONEY FROM CONTINGENCY ACCOUNT A3410.9 TO H3410-12 ACCOUNT RESOLUTION 2023-07-25.1 WHEREAS The Danby Fire District has established a Contingency Account A3410.9 and has funds available; WE RESOLVE to transfer $5,966.20 from Contingency Account A3410.9 into H3410.12 Account to pay Zufall Communications the cost of installing security cameras at the Danby Station amount includes materials and labor. Commissioner Freedman moved, Commissioner Westmiller seconded, and adopted by the following vote: Commissioner Anderson Aye Commissioner Faehndich Aye Commissioner Freedman Aye Commissioner Griggs Aye Commissioner Westmiller Aye The foregoing resolution was thereupon declared duly adopted and approved by the Board of Fire Commissioners on July 25, 2023. _____________________________ Sharon Gaden, Secretary Danby Fire District DANBY FIRE DISTRICT RESOLUTION TO MAKE ADMINISTRATIVE ADJUSTMENT TO 2023 BUDGET AS A RESULT OF STATE MANDATE TO KEEP BUDGET, GRANTS AND DONATIONS NET ZERO RESOLUTION 2023-07-25.2 WHEREAS the Danby Fire District has received $12,000.00 from Triad Foundation as a grant to support the purchase of tires for both engines. WHEREAS the money was deposited into General Account. WE RESOLVE to modify the 2023 Budget to include the sum of $12,000.00 as added to General Account. WE FURTHER RESOLVE, with this modification, the 2023 Budget will increase from $579,618.00 to $591,618.00. Commissioner Westmiller moved. Commissioner Griggs seconded, and the Board of Fire Commissioners voted as follows: Commissioner Anderson Aye Commissioner Faehndrich Aye Commissioner Freedman Aye Commissioner Griggs Aye Commissioner Westmiller Aye The foregoing resolution was thereupon declared duly adopted and approved by the Board of Fire Commissioners on July 25, 2023. __________________________ Sharon Gaden, Secretary Danby Fire District DANBY FIRE DISTRICT RESOLUTION TO MAKE ADMINISTRATIVE ADJUSTMENT TO 2023 BUDGET AS A RESULT OF STATE MANDATE TO KEEP BUDGET, GRANTS AND DONATIONS NET ZERO RESOLUTION 2023-07-253 WHEREAS the Danby Fire District has received $5,000.00 from Triad Foundation as a grant to support the fundraising efforts to purchase new extrication tools. WHEREAS the money was deposited into General Account. WE RESOLVE to modify the 2023 Budget to include the sum of $5,000.00 as added to General Account. WE FURTHER RESOLVE, with this modification, the 2023 Budget will increase from $591,618.00 to $596,618.00. Commissioner Freedman moved. Commissioner Griggs seconded, and the Board of Fire Commissioners voted as follows: Commissioner Anderson Aye Commissioner Faehndrich Aye Commissioner Freedman Aye Commissioner Griggs Aye Commissioner Westmiller Aye The foregoing resolution was thereupon declared duly adopted and approved by the Board of Fire Commissioners on July 25, 2023. __________________________ Sharon Gaden, Secretary Danby Fire District