HomeMy WebLinkAbout2024-08-05 Town Board Minutes1 | P a g e Town of Danby First Monthly Town Board Meeting Minutes Meeting Held Monday August 5th Board Members Present: Joel Gagnon, Town Supervisor Leslie Connors Katharine Hunter Patricia Woodworth Absent: Paul Hansen Town Staff: Laura Shawley, Bookkeeper Mariah Dillon, Town Clerk Steve Cortright, CEO Greg Hutnik, Town Planner Other Attendees: Ted Crane Garry Huddle Ronda Roaring Jim Holahan Zach Larkins Captain Charles Tilton Theresa Klinger 1. Call to Order 6:07 2. Additions to the Agenda ~ Added to Business 2.1. Speed Limit Changes 2.2. Selection Process to Hire a CAC Secretary 3. Privilege of the Floor Ted Crane – Crane expressed concerns regarding the contract with the West Danby Community Association - whether it legally exists or has bylaws, and if the Town Board would treat all fee for service organizations with the same scrutiny. Ronda Roaring – Has had discussion with the State regarding the Danby Seniors, and they are considered a group by the State of NY. She noted that the Danby Seniors don’t have any bylaws, and their operation is loose and informal. She likened their programs to being similar to youth groups although the seniors use funds from the Town of Danby to take trips. The cost of the trips are so expensive that in her opinion they may be discriminatory against individuals of a certain income class. Only a certain group of seniors are benefitting. She also notes that both Town justices are members of the senior’s group, and that the State Ethics Commission allows individual who are judges to be members of civic organizations, but there should be very little chance that members of the organization would ever come before the judge for a decision. While some issues can be moved to a different town, that would negate the purpose of having two town justices. Roaring thinks that the Town ought to require the organization to be more formal and have bookkeeping and be more open, and that the money that comes from the 2 | P a g e Town be made available to people of low income so that they could use that money to go on some of these trips instead of being left out. Supervisor Gagnon responded that the contract specifies what the money is to be used for. That’s part of the point of having an agreement with the group. Garry Huddle responded to Roaring’s point about the judges being members of the Seniors group. He said he didn’t understand what her concern was and went on to say that Judges can be members of anything, “as long as we’re not holding a position where we’re collecting money or making any of the rules”. Crane interjected that he noticed in the agreement with the West Danby Community Association, there is no itemization of what the funds may be spent on. “It seems extremely vague to me . This was in comparison to the way (the Community Council) was asked for very specific information. This seems to be somewhat of a difference. ” Woodworth responded to comments by Ted Crane at a previous meeting regarding the Danby Town News. “One major purpose of the Danby Town News is to keep Town residents informed about how their tax money is used. This includes information about all organizations that request and receive funds from the Town. That category includes the Danby Community Park Association, which certainly explains why the oiffcial public notice about its meeting should have been , and was, included in the Danby Town News.” 4. Correspondence - None 5. Announcements • The Town Clerk mentioned that she had hired Blake Savoy to help with documents that had issues migrating from Zoho to Microsoft Oiffce. 6. Reports and Presentations 6.1. Town Clerk’s Report 6.2. Code Enforcement Oiffcer’s Report 7. Meeting Minutes Resolution 188 of 2024 To Accept the Town Board Meeting Minutes of July 1, 2024, and July 15, 2024 Moved by Woodworth Seconded by Connors Vote: Connors Yes Hansen absent Hunter Yes Woodworth Yes Gagnon Yes Resolution 188 of 2024 passed on August 5, 2024 8. Warrant Abstract 14 of 2024 Resolution 189 of 2024 To Approve General Fund Vouchers 235 - 247 for $12,270.20 3 | P a g e Moved by Connors Seconded by Gagnon Vote: Connors Yes Hansen Absent Hunter Yes Woodworth Yes Gagnon Yes Resolution 189 of 2024 passed on August 5, 2024 Resolution 190 of 2024 To Approve Highway Fund Vouchers 129 - 137 for $87,444.23 Moved by Connors Seconded by Woodworth Vote: Connors Yes Hansen Absent Hunter Yes Woodworth Yes Gagnon Yes Resolution 190 of 2024 passed on August 5, 2024 Resolution 191 of 2024 To Approve West Danby Water District Voucher 22 for $110.00 Moved by Connors Seconded by Woodworth Vote: Connors Yes Hansen Absent Hunter Yes Woodworth Yes Gagnon Yes Resolution 191 of 2024 passed on August 5, 2024 9. Business 9.1. Easement Grant to NYSEG for Guy Wire for Utility Interface of Norbut Solar Farm. Gagnon explained that a guy wire for the utility pole needs to come on Town property. Resolution 192 of 2024 To Approve Easement Grant to NYSEG for a Guy Wire for Utility Interface of Norbut Solar Farm Moved by Woodworth Seconded by Hunter Discussion: Hunter expressed some concern for the health of the tree near where the guy wire and anchor will go. It was determined that the tree will be ok. Vote: Connors Yes Hansen Absent Hunter Yes Woodworth Yes Gagnon Yes Resolution 192 of 2024 passed on August 5, 2024 4 | P a g e 9.2. West Danby Community Association Agreement Resolution 193 of 2024 To Approve West Danby Community Association Agreement Moved by Woodworth Seconded by Hunter Gagnon stated that the Town was told by the NY State Comptroller auditors that the Town should not dispense Town funds without an agreement with the organization with which we are doing business. It’s not required for the organization to be incorporated. The West Danby Community Association (WDCA) is an organization with bylaws, and it has oiffcers . Joanne Powers is the current chair. Since they may only put on a picnic this year, it’s likely that they will not spend their $600 appropriation. The list of things that it can do includes everything it has done in the past. Connors clarified that the document describes what the WDCA provides for the Town. She also mentioned that there were some revisions made to the agreement fixing several errors of terminology. Vote: Connors Yes Hansen Absent Hunter Yes Woodworth Yes Gagnon Yes Resolution 193 of 2024 passed on August 5, 2024 Gagnon noted with appreciation that he was assured at the membership meeting of the DCC and DCPA that the Danby Community Council would still be able and willing to provide liability coverage for the West Danby Community Association picnic . 9.3. ARPA Update – Commitments to Date, Remaining Funds Available, and Additional Commitments Gagnon referred to an ARPA summary report from L. Shawley. It showed that there was approximately $83,000 or so left for projects. L. Shawley discussed the pros and c ons of purchasing the solar array at the highway facility. The options include purchasing the solar array in the year 2026 (10-year buyout) for $73,100. (The Town has already set aside $45,000 for this purchase.) • In 2031 (a 15-year buyout) it would cost $66,100. • In 2036 a 20-year buyout) it would cost $55,500. Shawley: “If we came up with an average amount that we pay, we could come up with a differential here about how much per year we would be saving or not saving if we actually did this buyout… We’re leasing it from someone. They are responsible for the whole thing. If anything goes wrong, they are responsible. That feeling is worth something. I’d like to get some figures together to get the average amount per investment that we pay for energy production. Of course, once we buy it, that bill goes away. If you look at the amount we're putting out in cash for this exactly how much of that is really going away? I just have some 5 | P a g e figures I'd like to put together for the board to look at when trying to make that decision, whether as to whether to do it in 2026, or 2031, or 2036. I’m not sure we have really looked at that.” Shawley referenced a spreadsheet that showed if the Town purchased the solar array in 2026 would be $73,100k – minus the $45,00 set aside, the Town would need $28,000.00 – leaving approximately $55,000 in ARPA funds. L. Shawley went on: The Highway Department is not sure about asking for the fuel monitoring system because there are other big expenses, and there are things on our pumps that need to be updated so L Shawley suggested putting the fuel monitoring system on the back burner. She also had questions on her spreadsheet about the Town Hall Entrance project. Jim Holahan reported that he has a company that is willing to look at the solar arrays that Renovus installed to determine their value, but he is having diiffculty connecting with Renovus to get information regarding exactly what system we have. Holahan will keep trying to get the information. Supervisor Gagnon asked if L. Shawley would have the solar array analysis for the next meeting (August 19th). L Shawley confirmed that she would have it. She will send it out ahead of time. Supervisor Gagnon spoke about the Town Hall Front Entrance project, saying he spoke to Larkins who will try to get some quotes. He will also check with S. Cortright regarding who Larkins might ask to get quotes from. Connors suggested possibly putting something in the Danby News to solicit a contractor. Supervisor Gagnon considered approaching the Park Association about potentially acquiring the part of the park property that was originally intended for a community center. It became apparent that the land was unsuitable for a community center because of the wetland, but it does have the potential to be a skate park. Larkins will look into contacting the skate park installer. Connors asked if ARPA money can be spent on buying property. Gagnon said that he believed it could. Connors will look into the owners of the property. Gagnon will follow up with Amanda Piha, DCPA President. There was a discussion about safety improvements at the Town Hall. 9.4. Resolutions of Appreciation for Water District Retirees Several WDWD Employees have retired and have not been recognized for their service. Gagnon is looking for a statement that the Town board could get behind, to celebrate the retirees at the August 24th West Danby Picnic. Resolution 194 of 2024 To Approve Making a Statement to Honor the West Danby Water District Retirees 6 | P a g e Discussion included putting the statement out for review by the WDWD, and to give Hunter permission to finalize the document. Moved by Woodworth Seconded by Connors Vote: Connors Yes Hansen Absent Hunter Yes Woodworth Yes Gagnon Yes Resolution 194 of 2024 passed on August 5, 2024 10. CAC Secretary The committee received 10 applications for the CAC secretary. Hunter and Connors will review them and determine which candidates to ask to attend the next CAC meeting. Discussion ensued on the various duties of the CAC secretary. 11. Reducing the Speed Limit – Re: Ronda’s petition to lower the speed limit on South Danby Road. Supervisor Gagnon referenced a list of roads under consideration for speed limit changes. Connors to send out a list of the group of roads that are under consideration for lowering the speed limit. Since the list was created, priorities have changed. Safety is a top concern, but the State has the final say on all roads. It was suggested to move the 40 MPH sign in the Hamlet to the north side of Miller Road and considering a 30MPH limit on residential streets. Roaring objected to the board’s approach because they specifically required a petition from the residents of South Danby Road. Several on the board expressed that a petition was not required. Connors stated that it’s helpful to get a petition, since it supports the request for speed reduction, but it is not required. Crane mentioned getting the State involved with Comfort Road and not getting what the town asked for and reminded the board to be careful what they wish for. 12. Discussion of Next Meeting Agenda • Email Policy • Surplus Item Disposition Policy • Zoning Changes (Including Special Events Law) • Budget Work Sheets 13. Adjourn 7:37