HomeMy WebLinkAbout2024-04-16 Planning Board Minutes  Town of Danby Planning Board Minutes of Regular Meeng April 16 2024 PRESENT: Ed Bergman (arrived 7:11 pm) Jacob Colbert Colleen Cowan Sco Davis Jamie Vanucchi Kelly Maher (chair) ABSENT: Jodi Scriber OTHER ATTENDEES Town Planner Greg Hutnik Recording Secretary Cindy Katz Public (in-person)Judith Clark; Jonathan Joseph; Russ and Kim Nitchman; Joel and Cindy Lamson; Zach Larkins; Leslie Connors (Town Board Member) PUBLIC (VIRTUAL)Ronda Roaring; Vince of Dolile Building & Design; Ted Crane; Katharine Hunter (Town Board Member); Joel Gagnon (Town Supervisor) This meeng was conducted in person with virtual access on the Zoom plaorm  (1) CALL TO ORDER/AGENDA REVIEW  The meeng was called to order at 7:01 p.m. There were no addions or deleons to the agenda. (2) PRIVILEGE OF THE FLOOR    Mary Ann Barr 2021  The Town of Danby  1830 Danby Road  Ithaca, NY 14850  danby.ny.gov  Planning Board Minutes Tuesday 16 April 2024 at 7:00PM   no one spoke   (3) APPROVAL OF MINUTES    MOTION: Approve minutes from March 2024  Moved by Cowan; sended by Colbert  The motion passed.  In favor: Colbert, Cowan, Davis, Vanucchi, Maher    (4) TOWN BOARD LIAISON REPORT (VERBAL)  Leslie Conners, board liaison, addressed the Planning Board. ●The town board held two public hearings the previous night: on the South Hill Recreaon Trail MOU with NYSEG and on the an amendment to town zoning regarding signs and lighng ●The town board is currently dicussing addional amendments to the town zoning regarding setbacks and restricons on businesses in the Hamlet ●They are sll discussing the special events law ●May 18th is the Danby plant exchange at the Fire Staon (5) DEVELOPMENT REVIEW  SPR-2024-03 956 Steam Mill Road Parcel: 11.-1-5.12 Applicant: Jonathan Joseph Ancipated Board acon(s) this month: Applicaon Review, Public Hearing, Final Acon Zone: Rural 1 SEQR Type: Type 2 Proposal: Construct a single family dwelling unit The applicant addressed the Planning Board with a descripon of their project to build a small two story passive solar home on a mostly wooded lot they currently own. Public Hearing The public hearing was opened at 7:11p.m. Ronda Roaring spoke against building the house, stang this spot is an "avian hotspot" and a house there will be disrupve to them. Ted Crane asked if the Planning Board had a response to these concerns?     Planner Hutnik replied that while that area is a bird hotspot, building a single family home is the most basic of land rights and should not be negated or denied. The applicant asked to respond. He read a statement from a neighbor, Leah Dodd, an avid birder, in support of his proposal. Planner Hutnik clarified that this statement is part of the record. The public hearing was closed at 7:16 p.m. Board Discussion Planner Hutnik reviewed the process - reminding the board that this applicaon could receive preliminary and final approval tonight. He stated that the stormwater management plan will be taken care of following approval, and that the district this house is in, Rural 1, the largest district in Danby, requires Site Plan Review for a single family home although other districts in Danby do not. He thinks this proposal is reasonable. Bergman requested dark sky compliant lighng. The applicant added that his wife is an astronomer and that would not be a problem. Chair Maher suggested dark sky compliance be added as a condion. MOTION: To pass Resoluon 3 of 2024 granng approval to the proposed site plan with the condion that it be dark sky compliant. Cowan moved, seconded by Bergman The moon passed. In favor: Bergman,  Colbert, Cowan, Davis, Vanucchi, Maher SUB-2024-02 18 East Miller Road Parcel: 7.-1-19.3 Applicant: Joel Lamson Ancipated Board acon(s) this month: Final Plat Review; Declare Lead Agency for SEQR Zone: Hamlet Neighborhood SEQR Type: Unlisted Proposal: Minor Subdivision of 1 lot to 2 lots Hutnik provided an overview to the Planning Board, explaining that the applicants currently have a duplex and hope to subdivide and build another home on the new lot. The applicants will be going to the BZA next week in order to request a variance for the set-backs. He reviewed that this is the final plat review but there will need to be another meeng for a public hearing.     Bergman voiced that he used to live in applicant's duplex, but he does not see a reason for conflict of interest. Planner Hutnik agreed. They clarified that the house will have its own new sepc system and well, and that each house will have its own drive-way. In response to an inquiry from Cowan, Planner Hutnik explained that he is working with the applicant on a tree planng plan that will sasfy the required tree coverage for the zone. Maher noted the number of dead trees in the area, and suggested they consider planng some trees along the border with their neighbor, even if this is not something that can be required by the Planning Board. MOTION: To pass Resoluon 4 of 2024 declaring the Planning Board lead agency Moved by Bergman, seconded by Colbert The moon passed. In favor:  Bergman, Colbert, Cowan, Davis, Vanucchi, Maher    SEAF Part 1 The Planner and the Planning Board reviewed the Short Environmental Assessment Form Part 1 (SEAF), filling in any parts that the applicant had le out. Planner Hutnik added that he will ask the DEC to weigh in on queson 13. They discussed thelocaon of the sepc system and the new well. The Planning Board requested that the future well's locaon be marked on the survey. They also requested the future drive-way be shown as well as, if possible, the exisng sepc system. Planner Hutnik reviewed to the applicants that once they receive a revised survey, they can come back to the Planning Board for a public hearing, followed by SEQR and the potenal for final approval. Hopefully by that me, the DEC will have responded to his inquiry. The BZA will see the applicaon next week and Planner Hutnik does not ancipate much concern. (6) PLANNER REPORT  Planner Hutnik gave his report verbally:  ●The BZA will be meeting next week  ●Zach Larkins is building a boardwalk at Dotson Park which has been funded by a  park grant the town received  ●He continues to work the special events law. This law is designed to regulate  larger events -- not including things like weddings and graduations -- and is  meant to provide a path to permitting them, not stoping them.  ●Likely an amendment to the zoning law that allows for freestanding signs will be      approved once we receive comments from the county. Maher requested the PB  see it once it is approved. They discussed details related to the amendment and  what is being changed.  ●Danby is looking to apply to become a "pro-housing" community. If accepted, this  will mean we will have access and/or priority to receive more funding  opportunities.  ●Planner Hutnik attended an erosion training last week.  ●He will seek to apply to more housing type programs. The single family housing program has used up all the funds we had and was a great success, while the newer mulfamily one is geng started. ●Norbut solar farm were issued a noce of violaons by the DEC. They have since addressed the various violaons. This is a prime example of how much work a town can put into approving and reviewing a large project like this, only to have changes happen in the company that results in no one reviewing what is permied and what is not. Davis expressed concern about the town geng stuck if Norbut gets sold. He suggested Connors look into such a scenario. ●Maher inquired about the safe streets intiative. Planner Hutnik replied it is a  project that will happen over an extended amount of time. Current goals include  identifying hot spots with unsafe road conditions. There will be a website  available to the public where they can flag areas of concern.   ●Planner Hutnik is working with the City of Ithaca, regarding drinking water and how larger solar arrays may impact the water layout of the town. They may recommend expanding the aquifier overlay area of the town. ●They discussed opons for a skate park. ●The Ithaca Board of Realtors recently had a meeting that included a presentation  on the housing crisis. Planner Hutnik will circulate that presentation.     The Planning Board and others present than had a discussion about the housing crisis,  its roots, various zoning regulations, and how the town can help support middle income  residents and the development of the Hamlet.  (7) ADJOURNMENT  The meeng adjourned at 8:25 p.m.