HomeMy WebLinkAbout2024-03-19 Planning Board Minutes    Town of Danby Planning Board Minutes of Regular Meeng  March 19, 2024 PRESENT: Ed Bergman Colleen Cowan Sco Davis Jodi Scriber Jamie Vanucchi Kelly Maher (chair) ABSENT: Jacob Colbert OTHER ATTENDEES Town Planner Greg Hutnik Recording Secretary Cindy Katz Public (in-person)Leslie Connors (Town Board member) Public (virtual)Ted Crane; Ronda Roaring; Joel Gagnon (Town Supervisor); Katharine Hunter (Town Board member) This meeng was conducted in person with virtual access on the Zoom plaorm. (1) CALL TO ORDER/AGENDA REVIEW  The meeng was called to order at 7:01 p.m. Sco Davis had requested an addional review of the SEQR and subdivisin process to be added at the end of the meeng. The addion was accepted. (2) PRIVILEGE OF THE FLOOR   Ted Crane requested the camera at Town Hall be moved slightly so that Planning Board   Mary Ann Barr 2021  The Town of Danby  1830 Danby Road  Ithaca, NY 14850  danby.ny.gov  Planning Board Minutes Tuesday 19 March 2024 at 7:00PM   member Davis could be visible over Zoom. He also asked if the folks using the "town hall" account on Zoom could idenfy themselves. They were idenfied as Greg Hutnik, the planner, and Cindy Katz, the Planning Secretary, both present in-person but also signed into the Zoom. (3) APPROVAL OF MINUTES  Cowan requested that the minutes be updated to reflect that the 0 Hornbrook proposal  had been reported about to them previously by former Planner David West, but it had  not been presented to them at a meeting. The planning secretary agreed to make that  revision.    MOTION: Approve the February 2024 meeting minutes  The motion passed.  In favor: Bergman, Cowan, Davis, Scriber, Vanucchi, Maher  (4) TOWN BOARD LIAISON REPORT (VERBAL)  Town Board member Leslie Connors approached the mic and gave a verbal report: ●The Town made two recent hires: Marrell Cortright as the Danby Water District clerk and Julia Hughes to help out at Highway and in the Clerk's office ●Planner Hutnik connues work on the Special Event Law with the Town Board ●The CAC is working on a list of reasons for why they think they should be included in conversaons about proposed development in town (5) DEVELOPMENT REVIEW   SUB-2024-1 140 Updike Road Parcel: 4.-1-3 Applicant: Abigail Cleary & Jefferson Colman Ancipated Board acon(s) this month: Applicaon review; SEQR Determinaon; Public Hearing; Final Acon Zone: Rural 1 SEQR Type: Unlisted Proposal: Minor Subdivision (1 lot to 2 lots) Planner Hutnik reviewed the applicaon, stang that the fiy foot stream buffer as well as the signature block were both added to the survey, as previously requested by the Planning Board. Because this is unlisted, the applicaon needs to go through SEQR, where the board will declare lead agency and make a     declaraon of impact. A public hearing will also need to be held. He has draed potenal language for the resoluons. MOTION: TO PASS RESOLUTION 1 of 2024 TO DECLARE LEAD AGENCY ON MINOR SUBDIVISION, 140 UPDIKE ROAD, PARCEL: 4.-1-3 Moved by Bergman, seconded by Cowan The moon passed.  In favor: Bergman, Cowan, Davis, Scriber, Vanucchi, Maher   Planner Hutnik put up the SEAF Part II on the large TV screen. The Planning Board looked over the dra he had prepapred, showing a "no or small impact" determinaon. He informed them that he had already draed language for a negave impact determinaon, which they could approve if they so choose. Town Supervisor Joel Gagnon asked if the Town of Ithaca needed to be informed, since it shares a border with the property. Planner Hutnik replied that they had been informed, and they did not have any concerns. He clarified this does not need to be included in the resoluon, and he read aloud the email from the county on the maer. Maher began to read aloud from a draed resoluon, realizing midway through that she had mistakenly been reading from the wrong dra. Aer nong the mistake, she read from the intended dra resoluon language, showing a determinaon of no negave impact on the enviroment.   MOTION: TO PASS PLANNING BOARD RESOLUTION NO. 2 OF 2024 – DETERMINATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL SIGNIFICANCE, MINOR SUBDIVISION, 134, 136, 138 & 140 UPDIKE ROAD, TAX PARCEL #4.-1-3 Whereas an application has been submitted for review and approval by the Town of Danby Planning Board for a Minor Subdivision of Town of Danby Tax Parcel No. 4.-1-3, by Robert J. Kawecki, Applicant, for Abigail Cleary and Jefferson Colman, Owners; and Whereas the Applicant proposes to subdivide the existing 49.3-acre property into two parcels: Parcel A, measuring 24.6 acres and Parcel B, measuring 24.7 acres; and Whereas the property is in the Rural 1 Zoning District, requiring a lot area minimum of 10 acres and lot depth of 800 feet; and Whereas this is considered a Minor Subdivision in accordance with the Town of Danby Subdivision and Land Division Regulations, Article II, § 201 B.1. Minor Subdivision, Option #1; and Whereas this is an Unlisted Action under the Town of Danby Environmental Review of     Actions and the State Environmental Quality Review Act and is subject to environmental review; and Whereas this Board, acting as Lead Agency in environmental review accepts as adequate: a Short Environmental Assessment Form (SEAF), Part 1, submitted by the Applicant, and Part 2, prepared by the Planning Administrator; a subdivision plat entitled “Survey Map Showing Lands of Abigail Cleary & Jefferson Colman, Located at 134, 136, & 140 Updike Road, Town of Danby, Tompkins County, New York” prepared by T.G. Miller, P.C., and dated 11/01/2023; and other application materials; Now Therefore, be it Resolved that the Town of Danby Planning Board, based on careful consideration of the application materials, determines the proposed Minor Subdivision will result in no significant impact on the environment and that a Negative Declaration for purposes of Article 8 of the Environmental Conservation Law be filed in accordance with the provisions of Part 617 of the State Environmental Quality Review Act. Moved by Bergman, seconded by Scriber The moon passed. In favor: Bergman, Cowan, Davis, Scriber, Vanucchi, Maher Public Hearing The public hearing was opened at 7:19 p.m. No one spoke. Public hearing was closed at 7:20 p.m. Planner Hutnik noted that comments were submied by Ronda [Roaring], which he handed out to the Planning Board. The responses to those comments [from the Town's lawyer] will be available for reading in the record. PLANNING BOARD RESOLUTION NO. 3 OF 2024 - PRELIMINARY MOTION: TO PASS AND FINAL APPROVAL, MINOR SUBDIVISION, 134, 136, & 140 UPDIKE ROAD, TAX PARCEL #4.-1-3 Whereas an application has been submitted for review and approval by the Town of Danby Planning Board for a Minor Subdivision of Town of Danby Tax Parcel No. 4.-1-3, by Robert J. Kawecki, Applicant, for Abigail Cleary and Jefferson Colman, Owners; and Whereas the Applicant proposes to subdivide the existing 49.3-acre property into two parcels: Parcel A, measuring 24.6 acres and Parcel B, measuring 24.7 acres; and     Whereas the property is in the Rural 1 Zoning District, requiring a lot area minimum of 10 acres and lot depth of 800 feet; and Whereas this is considered a Minor Subdivision in accordance with the Town of Danby Subdivision and Land Division Regulations, Article II, § 201 B.1. Minor Subdivision, Option #1 – A large-lot land division is permitted, provided the following criteria  are met:  a. All lots resulting from the land division are (8) acres or more, each with  frontage on a  public road maintained year-round;  b. All lots resulting from the land division meet all other pertinent zoning  requirements;  and  c. No extension or improvement of an existing, or creation of a new public road,  public  utility, or other public facility or area is involved.  d. Compliance with the Stormwater Local Law, if applicable, has been  demonstrated,  including, but not limited to, the preparation and approval of SWPPPs, the  obtaining  of Stormwater Permits, and the design, planning, installation, construction,  maintenance, and improvement of temporary and permanent Stormwater  Management Practices, as each and all of such capitalized terms are defined  within  such Stormwater Local Law; and  Whereas this is an Unlisted Action under the Town of Danby Environmental Review of Actions and the State Environmental Quality Review Act and is subject to environmental review; and Whereas legal notice was published and adjacent property owners within 500 feet notified in accordance with the Town of Danby Subdivision and Land Division Regulations, Article VI, § 601 II.H. Hearing and Notices; and Whereas the Planning Board held the required Public Hearing on March 19, 2024; and Whereas the Planning Board, acting as Lead Agency, did on March 19, 2024 make a Negative Declaration of Environmental Significance for the project; and Now Therefore, be it Resolved that the Town of Danby Planning Board does hereby grant Preliminary and Final Subdivision Approval to the proposed Minor Subdivision of Town of Danby Tax Parcel No. 4.-1-3, by Robert J. Kawecki, Applicant, for Abigail Cleary and Jefferson Colman, Owners, subject to filing with the Tompkins County Clerk within 62 days. Moved by Bergman, seconded by Vanucchi The moon passed. In favor: Bergman, Cowan, Davis, Scriber, Vanucchi, Maher Planner Hutnik clarified with the Planning Board that they were passing the resoluon that he had draed and prepared for them, which they all had copies of in front of them,     and that would be available for the public record. SEQR Disucssion Davis felt that he could use a more in-depth picture of the subdivision process. They discussed the disncon between subdividing land and subdividing land with the intent to build a structure, and the differences between those processes. Cowan asked for clarificaon when SEQR is done and when not it is not? They revieweda SEQR flow chart which Planner Hutnik had provided and discussed the differences between the types of acon(Type 1, Type 2 and Unlisted where Type 2 requires no further acon but Type 1 and Unlisted trigger an environmental impact determinaon review). He reviewed that a posive determinaon is rare and would trigger many procedures. For example, the Norbut solar farm had a negave determinaon but, as added by Supervisor Gagnon, they had to do a full EAF and migaon in order to avoid geng a posve declaraon. Planner Hutnik encouraged the PB members to look at another handout from the state, with a focus on steps 1-4 because that is the vast majority of what will happen. PB members thanked him for this informaon and sought to go home and review it. They discussed recent and upcoming trainings that may focus on SEQR. (6) PLANNER REPORT (VERBAL)  ●He connues to look at zoning tweaks ammendments but just for now they are focused on sign ammendments for the Hamlet area due to the recent businesses opening ●He sent a comment leer to the Hornbrook property applicants. They have a lot to do and are hiring a wetland delineator that will also do a habitat study to see what reples and amphibians on the land. The specc system will be a large hurdle and all this will likely take months before they come back again. ●They are geng their ducks in a row for the mulfamily housing grant and hope to start geng applicaons started shortly ●They are talking to a local person interested in building small skate parks in the area with grant funding ●He connues to be involved with various regional meengs and commiees ●The Norbut solar farm project is set to begin in late April. Planner Hutnik did a walk through with the DEC and they noced a number of violaons. These were reported and Norbut has been following through on ammending those violaons. ●They discussed the abandoned ICSD school on Gunderman Road and resident concerns about it becomming a dumping ground and an eyesore. Hutnik commented that a pressure campaign could be impacul, and he read an email wrien to him by a local home-owner reporng back on what the school had told     them when they reached out. ●Supervisor Gagnon asked Planner Hutnik for an update on the Safe Street for all project, a Tompkins county wide inave. They discussed various street and intersecon locaons that are of concern. ●Supervisor Gagnon also wanted to inform the Planning Board that an agreement with NYSEG regarding the South Hill Recreaon trail had finally been reached ●Davis was curious about the current zoning requirement for a coffee shop or restaurant needing to be on a corner. Planner Hutnik stated that he felt there had not been a lot of support for changing that requirement from the board when it was discussed. They discussed how that requirement could impact and limit the current potenal projects and businesses going forward and how that can be liming to businesses. Planner Hutnik clarified that that requirement is only in the Hamlet neighborhood but not the Hamlet Center (where "Danby Food and Drink" is). Scriber wondered if they could make a recommendaon to the Town Board to change that requirement. (7) Adjournment  The meeng adjourned at 8:10 pm