HomeMy WebLinkAbout2024-07-09 Fire District Meeting Minutes (draft) PRELIMINARY DANBY FIRE DISTRICT MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING July 9, 2024 Commissioner Westmiller called the regular meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. ATTENDANCE: COMMISSIONERS: OFFICERS: Katherine Anderson (Absent) Kevin Faehndrich (Absent) Joseph Freedman Charlotte Griggs Wayne Westmiller Bonnie Hart, Treasurer Sharon Gaden, Secretary, Deputy Treasurer John Gaden, Danby Fire Chief Robert McCray, West Danby Fire Chief (Absent) PUBLIC: Call to Order Pledge of Allegiance Bid Opening: Cleaning Services: RL Cleaning Inc. $400.00 per cleaning Austin’s Helping Hands - $150.00 per cleaning at Danby and $125.00 per cleaning at West Danby. Discussion held. Commissioner Westmiller made a motion to accept the bid proposal from Austin’s Helping Hands with acceptable contract and proof of insurance. Motion seconded by Commissioner Griggs. Motion carried 3 yes 0 no. Minutes: Preliminary minutes for June 25, 2024, regular meeting and the June 25, 2024, budget workshop were forwarded to the Town Clerk for posting on the Town’s website and posted on the Fire District’s website on July 8, 2024. Commissioner Freedman moved to approve the minutes of the for June 25, 2024, regular meeting and the June 25, 2024, budget workshop. Motion seconded by Commissioner Griggs. Motion carried 3 yes 0 no. Treasurer’s Report: • Emailed Financial Reports (Balance Sheet and Profit and Loss) to Commissioners/Secretary/Chiefs • Emailed Equipment and Fuel Reports to Secretary/Chiefs • Bank statements reconciled. • Transferred $25.,000.00 from Apparatus account to NYCLASS account Emailed Financial Reports to Commissioners/Secretary/Chiefs o Balance Sheet o Profit and Loss o Equipment (100/200) o Fuel • Bank statements reconciled. • NYS 45 Filed and Paid • United States Treasury Filed • PERMA second period payroll audit submitted Commissioner Westmiller moved to accept the Treasurer’s Report. Motion seconded by Commissioner Freedman. Motion carried 3 yes 0 no. Approval of bills: Commissioner Westmiller made a motion to pay the vouchers as audited and approved on Operating Account Abstract 7-A claims 166-180 in the amount of $16,871.59 and Abstract 7-B claims 181-188 in the amount of $8,633.08. Motion seconded by Commissioner Griggs; Motion carried 3 yes 0 no. Communications: • Emailed proposed Brooktondale Contract to Chairman of the Board • Proof of Insurance for Red Cross • Email from NYS Association of Fire Chiefs with Association News • AFDSNY – June and July Fire District Affairs – forwarded to Commissioners, Chiefs and Treasurer • Email from PERMA risk report • Email NYS Archives Local Government Newsletter • Email from PERMA – Safety Tip Tuesday • Email from Attorney Butler with client advisory for Budget Process – forwarded to Commissioners and Treasurer • July 2024 Danby News • July 2024 Danby Town News • Email PERMA monthly newsletter (to Chiefs) • Email from D. Dennison about OSHA deadline (to Commissioners) Privilege of the Floor: NONE CHIEF’S REPORTS: DVFC: (Chief Gaden) • Written report for June was received. • Proposed new members: Meghan Anderer and Sung Jin Kim • D. Saracino and G. Jakubson to attend Firefighter Contamination Reduction Cancer Class in Lyons in Wayne County on August 12, 2024, will carpool and may use 442, if not then asking for mileage of 150 miles. • 442 going to Maguires for inspection and oil change and then 441 will go. • SCBA flow test is done • Dishwasher has been installed. • 442 to Admiral for electric work for two 110 outlets. Commissioner Westmiller made a motion to accept Meghan Anderer and Sung Jin Kim as new members pending a successful physical. Motion seconded by Commissioner Griggs. Motion carried 3 yes 0 no. Commissioner Freedman moved to accept training request for D. Saracino and G. Jakubson to attend Firefighter Contamination Reduction Cancer Class in Lyons in Wayne County on August 12, 2024. If they use their own personal owned vehicle, then will reimburse up to $220.00 for mileage. Motion seconded by Commissioner Griggs. Motion carried 3 yes 0 no. WDFC: NONE COMMITTEES: PURCHASING: Under Approvals. Nothing further BUILDING/GROUNDS: • Doorbell at Danby Station does not work. Pleasant Valley Electric will be contacted. • Chief Gaden reported the Fire Department is going to do some work where dishwasher is located. • Discussion on repair of generator of West Danby. GRANTS: NONE INSURANCE: NONE TECH: NONE TRUCKS: NONE TOWN BOARD: NONE RECORDS: • Still have 7 members to get physicals. POLICY: • Policy #1 Training and Conference Request and Funding Policy discussion held amending it to include NYS Volunteer Firefighter Stipend Program. Proposed amendment handed out. Commissioner Freedman made a motion to amend Policy #1 Training and Conference Request and Funding Policy to include language on NYS Volunteer Firefighter Stipend Program. Motion seconded by Commissioner Griggs. Roll call vote: Commissioner Anderson: Absent; Commissioner Faehndrich: Absent; Commissioner Freedman: Aye; Commissioner Griggs: Aye; Commissioner Westmiller: Aye. Amendment adopted. • Policy #5 Procurement Policy Resolution discussion held on amending it allow Chief, Treasurer, Deputy Treasurer or Secretary to purchase up to $500.00 without prior approval as long as procedures are followed per current policy. Commissioner Westmiller made a motion to amend Policy #5 Procurement Policy to allow Chief, Treasurer, Deputy Treasurer or Secretary to purchase up to $500.00 without prior approval as long as procedures are followed per current policy. Motion seconded by Commissioner Griggs. Roll call vote: Commissioner Anderson: Absent; Commissioner Faehndrich: Absent; Commissioner Freedman: Aye; Commissioner Griggs: Aye; Commissioner Westmiller: Aye. Amendment adopted. MEMBERSHIP/TRAINING: • Danby fire member R. Wilbur went from active fire police to a support member. Danby fire member M. Jarman went from active firefighter to a support member. LONG RANGE PLAN: NONE AUDIT: NONE BUDGET: NONE OLD BUSINESS: • Commissioner Westmiller reported on working on spec package for Asbestos removal at Danby Fire Station. NEW BUSINESS: • Need to set date for Public Hearing for Brooktondale Contract and Public Hearing for Proposed Budget. Commissioner Freedman made a motion to set the Public Hearing for Brooktondale Contract for October 15, 2024, at 6:45 p.m. and Public Hearing for the Proposed Budget for October 15, 2024, at 7:00 p.m. Motion seconded by Commissioner Westmiller. Motion carried 3 yes 0 no. APPROVALS TRAININGS, ITEMS OR SERVICES TO BE PURCHASED: Commissioner Freedman made a motion to approve the purchase of 2 gallons of gear wash from the Fire Store at $108.56. Request by Chief Gaden. Motion seconded by Commissioner Griggs. Motion carried 3 yes 0 no. Commissioner Freedman made a motion to approve up to $325.00 for the purchase of a 3-shelf wooden unit made by Danby Hardware for the Danby Chief’s Office. Request by Chief Gaden. Motion seconded by Commissioner Griggs. Motion carried 3 yes 0 no. See Danby Chief’s Report for approval of reimbursement for mileage to a training. Commissioner Westmiller made a motion to approve Admiral Specialty Vehicle to add two 110 outlets to 442 up to $200.00. Requested by Chief Gaden. Motion seconded by Commissioner Griggs. Motion carried 3 yes 0 no. Commissioner Westmiller made a motion to approve Pleasant Valley to repair doorbell, up to $200.00. Motion seconded by Commissioner Griggs. Motion carried 3 yes 0 no. Commissioner Westmiller made a motion to approve the additional cost of $1,080.00 to repair West Danby’s generator by Kinlsey. Request by Treasurer Hart. Motion seconded by Commissioner Griggs. Motion carried 3 yes 0 no. Next Meeting date and time: • 07/23/24 at 7:00 p.m. – Regular Meeting with Budget Workshop to follow. Meeting adjourned at 8:19 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Sharon Gaden Secretary