HomeMy WebLinkAboutPublic Health Emergency Response Plan
Resolution 70 of 2021 To Approve Public Employer Health Emergency Plan for the
Town of Danby
Moved By: Gagnon Seconded By: Schnabel
Councilperson Aye No Absent
Connors X
Holahan X
Schnabel X
Ulinski X
Gagnon X
Resolution 70 approved April 12 2021
I, Janice Adelman, Town Clerk of the Town of Danby, do hereby certify that the above
resolution passed at a meeting of the Town of Danby held on 12 April 2021, and is
incorporated in the original minutes of said meeting, and that said resolution has not been
altered, amended, or revoked, and is in full force and effect. What follows is the Emergency
Plan as approved on 12 April 2021.
Janice Adelman
12 April 2021
Mary Ann Barr 2021
T he Town of Danby, New York
1830 Danby Road, Ithaca, NY 14850
Janice Adelman, Town Clerk
Cindy Katz, Deputy Town Clerk
+1-607-277-4788 | clerkoffice@danby.ny.gov
Public Employer Health
Emergency Plan
for the
Town of Danby
12 April 2021
This plan has been developed in accordance with NYS legisla on S8617B/A10832
Town of Danby New York Public Employer Health Emergency Plan
This plan has been developed in accordance with the amended New York State Labor Law sec on 27-c
and New York State Educa on Law paragraphs k and l of subdivision 2 of sec on 2801-a (as amended by
sec on 1 of part B of chapter 56 of the laws of 2016), as applicable.
This plan has been developed with the input of Civil Service Employee Associa on (CSEA), American
Federa on of State, County, and Municipal Employees (AFSCME)-Local 1000, American Federa on of
Labor-Congress of Industrial Organiza ons (AFL-CIO), as required by the amended New York State Labor
No content of this plan is intended to impede, infringe, diminish, or impair the rights of us or our valued
employees under any law, rule, regula on, or collec vely nego ated agreement, or the rights and
benefits which accrue to employees through collec ve bargaining agreements, or otherwise diminish the
integrity of the exis ng collec ve bargaining rela onship.
This plan has been approved in accordance with requirements applicable to the agency, jurisdic on,
authority, or district, as represented by the signature of the authorized individual below.
As the authorized official of Town of Danby, I hereby a est that this plan has been developed, approved,
and placed in full effect in accordance with S8617B/A10832 which amends New York State Labor Law
sec on 27-c and New York State Educa on Law paragraphs k and l of subdivision 2 of sec on 2801-a (as
amended by sec on 1 of part B of chapter 56 of the laws of 2016), as applicable, to address public health
emergency planning requirements.
Signed on this day: 12 April 2021
By: Joel Gagnon Signature: _______________________________
Title: Town Supervisor, Town of Danby
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Record of Changes
Date of Change Descrip on of Change Implemented by
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Table of Contents
Promulgation 3
Record of Changes 4
Purpose, Scope, Situation Overview, and Assumptions 6
Purpose 6
Scope 6
Situation Overview 6
Planning Assumptions 7
Concept of Operations 7
Mission Essential Functions 8
Essential Positions 9
Reducing Risk Through Remote Work and Staggered Shifts 10
Remote Work Protocols 10
Staggered Shifts 11
Personal Protective Equipment 11
Staff Exposures, Cleaning, and Disinfection 12
Staff Exposures 12
Cleaning and Disinfecting 15
Employee and Contractor Leave 15
Documentation of Work Hours and Locations 16
Housing for Essential Employees 16
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Purpose, Scope, Situation Overview, and Assumptions
This plan has been developed in accordance with the amended New York State Labor Law sec on 27-c
and New York State Educa on Law paragraphs k and l of subdivision 2 of sec on 2801-a (as amended by
sec on 1 of part B of chapter 56 of the laws of 2016), as applicable. These laws were amended by the
passing of legisla on S8617B/A10832 signed by the Governor of New York State on September 7, 2020,
requires public employers to adopt a plan for opera ons in the event of a declared public health
emergency involving a communicable disease. The plan includes the iden fica on of essen al posi ons,
facilita on of remote work for non-essen al posi ons, provision of personal protec ve equipment, and
protocols for suppor ng contact tracing.
This plan was developed exclusively for and is applicable to Town of Danby. This plan is per nent to a
declared public health emergency in the State of New York which may impact our opera ons; and it is in
the interest of the safety of our employees and contractors, and the con nuity of our opera ons that we
have promulgated this plan.
Situation Overview
On March 11, 2020 the World Health Organiza on declared a pandemic for the novel corona virus which
causes the COVID-19 severe acute respiratory syndrome. This plan has been developed in accordance
with amended laws to support con nued resilience for a con nua on of the spread of this disease or for
other infec ous diseases which may emerge and cause a declara on of a public health emergency.
The health and safety of our employees and contractors is crucial to maintaining our mission essen al
opera ons. We encourage all employees and contractors to use CDC Guidance for Keeping Workplaces,
Schools, Homes, and Commercial Establishments Safe. The fundamentals of reducing the spread of
infec on include:
● Using hand sani zer and washing hands with soap and water frequently, including:
● A er using the restroom
● A er returning from a public ou ng
● A er touching /disposing of garbage
● A er using public computers, touching public tables, and countertops, etc.
● Prac ce social distancing when possible
● If you are feeling ill or have a fever, no fy your supervisor immediately and go home
● If you start to experience coughing or sneezing, step away from people and food, cough or
sneeze into the crook of your arm or a ssue, the la er of which should be disposed of
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● Clean and disinfect worksta ons at the beginning, middle, and end of each shi
● Other guidance which may be published by the CDC, the State Department of Health, or County
health officials.
Planning Assumptions
This plan was developed based on informa on, best prac ces, and guidance available as of the date of
publica on. The plan was developed to largely reflect the circumstances of the current Corona virus
pandemic but may also be applicable to other infec ous disease outbreaks.
The following assump ons have been made in the development of this plan:
● The health and safety of our employees and contractors, and their families, is of utmost
● The circumstances of a public health emergency may directly impact our own opera ons.
● Impacts of a public health emergency will take me for us to respond to, with appropriate safety
measures put into place and adjustments made to opera ons to maximize safety
● The public and our cons tuency expects us to maintain a level of mission essen al opera ons
● Resource support from other jurisdic ons may be limited based upon the level of impact the
public health emergency has upon them
● Supply chains, par cularly those for personal protec ve equipment (PPE) and cleaning supplies,
may be heavily impacted, resul ng in considerable delays in procurement
●The opera ons of other en es, including the private sector (vendors, contractors, etc.), non-
profit organiza ons, and other governmental agencies and services may also be impacted due to
the public health emergency, causing delays or other disrup ons in their services
● Emergency measures and opera onal changes may need to be adjusted based upon the specific
circumstances and impacts of the public health emergency, as well as guidance and direc on
from public health officials and the governor
● Per S8617B/A10832, ‘essen al employee’ is defined as a public employee or contractor that is
required to be physically present at a work site to perform their job
● Per S8617B/A10832, ‘non-essen al employee’ is defined as a public employee or contractor that
is not required to be physically present at a work site to perform their job
Concept of Operations
The Town Supervisor of the Town of Danby, their designated Emergency Management Coordinator , or
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their successor holds the authority to execute and direct the implementa on of this plan.
Implementa on, monitoring of opera ons, and adjustments to plan implementa on may be supported
by addi onal personnel, at the discre on of the Town Supervisor.
Upon the determina on of implemen ng this plan, all employees and contractors of Town of Danby shall
be no fied by phone call, email or in person, with details provided as possible and necessary, with
addi onal informa on and updates provided on a regular basis . Board Chairs and volunteer groups will
be no fied of per nent opera onal changes by way of phone call, email or in person. The public will be
no fied by way of Town website pos ng, announcements on Town Hall answering systems and signage
posted at Town Hall. Other interested par es, such as vendors, will be no fied by phone and/or email as
necessary. The Town Clerk will maintain communica ons with the public and cons tuents as needed
throughout the implementa on of this plan.
The Town Supervisor of the Town of Danby, their designee, or their successor will maintain awareness of
informa on, direc on,and guidance from public health officials and the Governor ’s office, direc ng the
implementa on of changes as necessary.
Upon resolu on of the public health emergency, the Town Supervisor of The town of Danby, their
designee, or their successor will direct the resump on of normal opera ons or opera ons with
modifica ons as necessary.
Mission Essential Functions
When confron ng events that disrupt normal opera ons, Town of Danby is commi ed to ensuring that
essen al func ons will be con nued even under the most challenging circumstances.
Essen al func ons are those func ons that enable an organiza on to:
1. Maintain the safety of employees, contractors, and our cons tuency
2. Provide vital services
3. Provide services required by law
4. Sustain quality opera ons
5. Uphold the core values of the Town of Danby
The Town of Danby has iden fied as cri cal only those priority func ons that are required or are
necessary to provide vital services. During ac va on of this plan, all other ac vi es may be suspended to
enable the organiza on to concentrate on providing the cri cal func ons and building the internal
capabili es necessary to increase and eventually restore opera ons. Appropriate communica ons with
employees, contractors, our cons tuents, and other stakeholders will be an ongoing priority.
Essen al func ons are priori zed according to:
● The me cri cality of each essen al func on
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● Interdependency of a one func on to others
● The recovery sequence of essen al func ons and their vital processes
Priority 1 iden fies the most essen al of func ons, with priority 4 iden fying func ons that are
essen al, but least among them.
The mission essen al func ons for Town of Danby have been iden fied a
Essen al Func on Descrip on Priority
Town Clerk’s office
Issuing of licenses, processing payments, tax
collec on, state repor ng requirements, PIO
func on
Code Enforcement
Issuing building permits, plan reviews,
construc on inspec ons, enforcement
func ons
Highway Department Road and infrastructure maintenance 1
Planning / Zoning
Reviewing zoning and subdivision applica ons,
suppor ng various Zoning/ Planning Boards and
commi ees
IT contractor Maintains Town’s network 1
Jus ce Court
Will operate by the rule set forth by New York
State Office of Court Administra on 2
West Danby Water
Con nue with daily water services in order to
maintain water supply to district customers 1
Essential Positions
Each essen al func on iden fied above requires certain posi ons on-site to effec vely operate. The
table below iden fies the posi ons or tles that are essen al to be staffed on-site for the con nued
opera on of each essen al func on. Note that while some func ons and associated personnel may be
essen al, some of these can be conducted remotely and do not need to be iden fied in this sec on.
Essen al
Func on
Essen al
Posi ons/Titles Jus fica on for Each
Town Clerk’s
office Town Clerk
There are certain func ons that can not be
preformed by working remotely and therefore the
office must be staffed on site with shortened hours
and staggered hours.
Code Enforcement
CEO must work in office to have access to all code
enforcement files. Shortened and staggered hours
will be used. Field work will be done as needed.
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All Highway
Highway work must be done from the highway
barn and on the highways of the Town. Depending
on the me of year shi s may be shortened or
staggered and support staff will be able to work
Planning and
Planner/ Zoning Officer
A majority of work can be done remotely however
certain things will require on site staffing using
shortened and staggered hours.
IT contractor
Some IT work may be able to be done remotely
however if site visit is essen al it can be scheduled
and coordinated with an on site staff member.
Jus ce Court
2 Judges and Court
This will be governed by the New York State Office
of Court Administra on in conjunc on with the
Town protocols
West Danby
Water District
● 2 water plant
operators, 1
Operators must con nue daily pump house checks
for the chlorine system and water levels in the
storage tank and well pump func on as well as
meter reading for billing, con nue quarterly billing
It is important to note that Jus ce Court is a vital component of town government, with Jus ce Court
func ons budgeted and supported by the Town Board and Town Supervisor. However, we recognize that
the New York State Office of Court Administra on holds dominion over Jus ce Courts and, as such, may
issue orders which suspend or alter the hours of opera on or means by which Jus ce Courts operate;
which may not fully align with this plan or other measures taken by the Town Board or Town Supervisor.
As such, the Town Board, Town Supervisor, and Town Clerk will coordinate as necessary with Jus ce
Court personnel to ensure safe and effec ve con nuity of town Jus ce Court.
Reducing Risk Through Remote Work and Staggered Shifts
Through assigning certain staff to work remotely and by staggering work shi s, we can decrease
crowding and density at work sites and on public transporta on
Remote Work Protocols
Non-essen al employees and contractors able to accomplish their func ons remotely will be enabled to
do so at the greatest extent possible. Working remotely requires:
1. Iden fica on of staff who will work remotely
2. Approval and assignment of remote work
3. Equipping staff for remote work, which may include:
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4. Internet capable laptop
5. Necessary peripherals
6. Access to VPN and/or secure network drives
7. Access to so ware and databases necessary to perform their du es
8. A solu on for telephone communica ons
9. Note that phone lines may need to be forwarded to off-site staff
As possible, ‘essen al’ staff may be assigned to work remotely for part of their work week to reduce
exposures. Further, business hours and loca ons of Town government may be altered to best
accommodate public health protec ve ac ons for employees and the public. Altera ons to building
access and the means by which the public interacts with Town employees may also take place to support
these protec ons. Protec ve ac ons may include, but are not limited to occupancy restric ons,
protec ve barriers, and increased conduct of business by internet, phone, or other means. Protec ve
ac ons will be taken in accordance with County and State Health Department, and CDC guidelines and
Staggered Shifts
Implemen ng staggered shi s may be possible for personnel performing du es which are necessary to
be performed on-site but perhaps less sensi ve to being accomplished only within core business hours.
As possible, management will iden fy opportuni es for staff to work outside core business hours as a
strategy of limi ng exposure. Regardless of changes in start and end mes of shi s, the Town of Danby
will ensure that employees are provided with their typical or contracted minimum work hours per week.
Staggering shi s requires:
1. Iden fica on of posi ons for which work hours will be staggered
2. Approval and assignment of changed work hours
An on site work calendar will be created and approved by affected staff and posted at Town Hall and
distributed by email. If staggered shi s are in place at the Highway department they will be managed by
the Highway Superintendent or their designee.
Personal Protective Equipment
The use of personal protec ve equipment (PPE) to reduce the spread of infec ous disease is important
to suppor ng the health and safety of our employees and contractors. PPE which may be needed can
● Masks
● Face shields
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● Gloves
● Note that while cleaning supplies are not PPE, there is a related need for cleaning supplies used
to sani ze surfaces, as well as hand soap and hand sani zer. The Corona virus pandemic
demonstrated that supply chains were not able to keep up with increased demand for these
products early in the pandemic. As such, we are including these supplies in this sec on as they
are per nent to protec ng the health and safety of our employees and contractors.
Protocols for providing PPE include the following:
1. Iden fica on of need for PPE based upon job du es and work loca on
2. Procurement of PPE
3. As specified in the amended law, public employers must be able to provide at least two pieces of
each required type of PPE to each essen al employee and contractor during any given work shi
for at least six months
4. Public employers must be able to mi gate supply chain disrup ons to meet this requirement
5. Storage of, access to, and monitoring of PPE stock
6. PPE must be stored in a manner which will prevent degrada on
7. Employees and contractors must have immediate access to PPE in the event of an emergency
8. The supply of PPE must be monitored to ensure integrity and to track usage rates
The required PPE will include masks and will consist of 500 disposable masks or 100 re-usable masks or a
combina on of each type available to all town employees. a supply of masks will be kept at Town Hall
and will be distributed by the Code Enforcement Officer/ Emergency Management Coordinator. The
Code Enforcement officer/ Emergency Management Coordinator will monitor and maintain stock of PPE.
The preferred PPE supplier is:
1) Commercial Maintenance Supply, 6021 Tarbell Rd, Syracuse , NY 13206, 1-800-995-3787
2) Grainger, 628 E. Malloy Rd, E. Syracuse, NY 13057, 1-800-grainger, grainger.com
3) ULINE Shipping and Supply Specialists 12575 Uline Dr. Plesent Prairie, WI 53158, 1-800-295-5510
Staff Exposures, Cleaning, and Disinfection
Staff Exposures
Staff exposures are organized under several categories based upon the type of exposure and presence of
symptoms. Following CDC guidelines, we have established the following protocols:
1. If employees or contractors are exposed to a known case of communicable disease that is the
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subject of the public health emergency (defined as a ‘close contact ’ with someone who is
confirmed infected, which is a prolonged presence within six feet with that person):
2. Poten ally exposed employees or contractors who do not have symptoms should remain at
home or in a comparable se ng and prac ce social distancing for the lesser of 14 days or other
current CDC/public health guidance for the communicable disease in ques on.
3. As possible, these employees will be permi ed to work remotely during this period of me if
they are not ill.
4. The Emergency Management Coordinator must be no fied and is responsible for ensuring these
protocols are followed
5. See the sec on tled Documenta on of Work Hours and Loca ons for addi onal informa on on
contact tracing
6. CDC guidelines for COVID-19 provide that cri cal essen al employees may be permi ed to
con nue work following poten al exposure, provided they remain symptom-free and addi onal
precau ons are taken to protect them, other employees and contractors, and our
cons tuency/public.
7. Addi onal precau ons will include the requirement of the subject employee or contractor, as
well as others working in their proximity, to wear appropriate PPE at all mes to limit the
poten al of transmission.
8. In-person interac ons with the subject employee or contractor will be limited as much as
9. Work areas in which the subject employee or contractor are present will be disinfected
according to current CDC/public health protocol at least every hour, as prac cal. See the sec on
on Cleaning and Disinfec on for addi onal informa on on that subject.
10. If at any me they exhibit symptoms, refer to item B below.
11. The Emergency Management Coordinator is the decision-maker in these circumstances and is
responsible for ensuring these protocols are followed
12. If an employee or contractor exhibits symptoms of the communicable disease that is the subject
of the public health emergency:
13. Employees and contractors who exhibit symptoms in the workplace should be immediately
separated from other employees, customers, and visitors. They should immediately be sent
home with a recommenda on to contact their physician.
14. Employees and contractors who exhibit symptoms outside of work should no fy their supervisor
and stay home, with a recommenda on to contact their physician.
15. Employees should not return to work un l they have met the criteria to discon nue home
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isola on per CDC/public health guidance and have consulted with a healthcare provider.
16. The Town of Danby will not require sick employees to provide a nega ve test result for the
disease in ques on or healthcare provider ’s note to validate their illness, qualify for sick leave, or
return to work; unless there is a recommenda on from the CDC/public health officials to do so.
17. CDC criteria for COVID-19 provides that persons exhibi ng symptoms may return to work if at
least 24 hours have passed since the last instance of fever without the use of fever-reducing
medica ons. If the disease in ques on is other than COVID-19, CDC and other public guidance
shall be referenced.
18. The Emergency Management Coordinator must be informed in these circumstances and is
responsible for ensuring these protocols are followed
19. If an employee or contractor has tested posi ve for the communicable disease that is the subject
of the public health emergency:
20. Apply the steps iden fied in item B, above, as applicable.
21. Areas occupied for prolonged periods of me by the subject employee or contractor will be
closed off.
22. CDC guidance for COVID-19 indicates that a period of 24 hours is ideally given before cleaning,
disinfec ng, and reoccupa on of those spaces will take place. If this me period is not possible,
a period of as long as possible will be given. CDC/public health guidance for the disease in
ques on will be followed.
23. Any common areas entered, surfaces touched, or equipment used shall be cleaned and
disinfected immediately.
24. See the sec on on Cleaning and Disinfec on for addi onal informa on on that subject.
25. Iden fica on of poten al employee and contractor exposures will be conducted
26. If an employee or contractor is confirmed to have the disease in ques on, Emergency
Management Coordinator or their designee should inform all contacts of their possible
exposure. Confiden ality shall be maintained as required by law.
27. Apply the steps iden fied in item A, above, as applicable, for all poten ally exposed personnel.
28. The Emergency Management Coordinator must be no fied in these circumstances and is
responsible for ensuring these protocols are followed
We recognize there may be nuances or complexi es associated with poten al exposures, close contacts,
symptoma c persons, and those tes ng posi ve. We will follow CDC/public health recommenda ons
and requirements and coordinate with our local public health office for addi onal guidance and support
as needed.
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Cleaning and Disinfecting
CDC/public health guidelines will be followed for cleaning and disinfec on of surfaces/areas. Present
guidance for rou ne cleaning during a public health emergency includes:
1. As possible, employees and contractors will clean their own workspaces in the beginning,
middle, and end of their shi s, at a minimum.
2. High traffic/high touch areas and areas which are accessible to the public/cons tuents will be
disinfected at least hourly.
3. The contracted cleaning company, is responsible for cleaning common areas,once a week on the
agreed upon day of the week unless more frequent cleaning is necessary based on Health
Department / CDC guidelines.
4. Staff tasked with cleaning and disinfec ng areas will be issued and required to wear PPE
appropriate to the task.
5. Soiled surfaces will be cleaned with soap and water before being disinfected.
6. Surfaces will be disinfected with products that meet EPA criteria for use against the virus in
ques on and which are appropriate for that surface.
7. Staff will follow instruc ons of cleaning products to ensure safe and effec ve use of the
Employee and Contractor Leave
Public health emergencies are extenua ng and unan cipated circumstances in which the Town of Danby
is commi ed to reducing the burden on our employees and contractors. The Families First Coronavirus
Response Act provided requirements related to the COVID-19 pandemic, which form the policies
outlined below. This policy may be altered based upon changes in law or regula on, as applicable.
It is our policy that employees of the Town of Danby will not be charged with leave me for tes ng.
Employees will be provided with up to two weeks (80 hours) of paid sick leave at the employee’s regular
rate of pay for a period which the employee is unable to work due to quaran ne (in accordance with
federal, state, or local orders or advice of a healthcare provider), and/or experiencing symptoms and
seeking medical diagnosis.
Further, the Town of Danby will provide up to two weeks (80 hours) of paid sick leave at two-thirds the
employee’s regular rate of pay if the employee is unable to work because of a bona fide need to care for
an individual subject to quaran ne (pursuant to federal, state, or local orders or advice of a healthcare
provider), or to care for a child (under 18 years of age) whose school or child care provider is closed or
unavailable for reasons related to the public health emergency, and/or the employee is experiencing a
substan ally similar condi on as specified by the CDC/public health officials. This provision may be
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modified if an employee is able to effec vely work remotely and the need exists for them to do so.
Addi onally, the Town of Danby will provide up to an addi onal 10 weeks of paid expanded family and
medical leave at two-thirds of the employee’s regular rate of pay where an employee, who has been
employed for at least 30 calendar days by the Town of Danby, is unable to work due to a bona fide need
for leave to care for a chile whose school or child care provider is closed or unavailable for reasons
related to the public health emergency. This provision may be modified if an employee is able to
effec vely work remotely and the need exists for them to do so.
Addi onal provisions may be enacted based upon need and the guidance and requirements in place by
federal and state employment laws, FMLA, execu ve orders, and other poten al sources.
Contractors, either independent or affiliated with a contracted firm, are not classified as employees of
the Town of Danby, and as such are not provided with paid leave me by the Town of Danby, unless
required by law.
Documentation of Work Hours and Locations
In a public health emergency, it may be necessary to document work hours and loca ons of each
employee and contractor to support contact tracing efforts. Iden fica on of loca ons shall include on-
site work, off-site visits. This informa on may be used by the Town of Danby to support contact tracing
within the organiza on and may be shared with local public health officials.
Hour tracking and work loca ons will be paper based and will be done by each Department head for his
or her Department and submi ed to the Emergency Management Coordinator on a weekly basis via
email report, or as requested by the Code Enforcement Officer/ Emergency Management Coordinator
should the need arise for immediate contract tracing informa on.
Housing for Essential Employees
There are circumstances within a public health emergency when it may be prudent to have essen al
employees lodged in such a manner which will help prevent the spread of the subject communicable
disease to protect these employees from poten al exposures, thus helping to ensure their health and
safety and the con nuity of the Town of Danby essen al opera ons.
If such a need arises, hotel rooms are expected to be the most viable op on. If hotel rooms are for some
reason deemed not prac cal or ideal, or if there are no hotel rooms available, the Town of Danby will
coordinate with the Tompkins County emergency management office, and or Tompkins County Health
Department to help iden fy and arrange for these housing needs. The Town Highway Department
Administra on will be responsible for coordina ng this.
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