HomeMy WebLinkAbout2022-08-23 Fire District Meeting Minutes (draft)PRELIMINARY MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING August 23, 2022 Commissioner Westmiller called the regular meeting to order at 7:53 p.m. ATTENDANCE: COMMISSIONERS: OFFICERS: Katherine Anderson Kevin Faehndrich (absent) Joe Freedman Charlotte Griggs (absent) Wayne Westmiller Bonnie Hart, Treasurer Sharon Gaden, Secretary, Deputy Treasurer John Gaden, Danby Fire Chief Scott Wendt, West Danby Fire Chief (absent) PUBLIC: None Minutes: Preliminary Minutes for August 9, 2022 regular meeting were forwarded to the Town Clerk on August 22, 2022 for posting to Town’s website. Commissioner Freedman moved to approve the minutes of the August 9, 2022 regular meeting. Motion seconded by Commissioner Anderson. Motion carried 3 yes 0 no. Treasurer’s Report: • Received CD rates from Trust Company – 3 Month 1.15% -6 month 1.25% - 9 Month 1.30% - 12 months 1.5% • CD Rates for Chemung Canal Trust Company "New Money 11 Months 1.1% 24 Months 1.65% 36 Months 1.75% - brief discussion followed • Holding check for Ward Apparatus (waiting on invoice for confirmation of delivery.) o Ward Apparatus 12/22/21 $4,883.60 o Received invoice for 8/16/22 $1,719.10 o Still waiting on parts to finish repair $3,164.50 Remaining – brief discussion followed Abstract 8 Claims C Total $ Outstanding: Ward Apparatus 12/13/21 $4,883.60 Est 234 Repair 1401 – Holding check. Check to be voided Commissioner Anderson moved to accept the Treasurer’s Report. Motion seconded by Commissioner Westmiller. Motion carried 3 yes 0 no. APPROVAL OF BILLS: Commissioner Westmiller moved to pay the vouchers as audited and approved on Operating Account Abstract 8 Claims C 195-207 in the total amount of $10,792.73. Motion seconded by Commissioner Freedman. Motion carried 3 yes 0 no. Communications: • PERMA email August courses • Email from P. Kresock regarding Danby Down & Dirty trail race being held September 24, 2022 • PERMA email re: Fire/EMS Behavioral Health: The Price We Pay • AFDSNY email Last Commissioner Training Webinar schedule for 2022 • Central Region Fire Districts reminder for next meeting • PERMA Safe & Sound Week 08/15 – 08/21 • PERMA Core PESH training 08/18/22 (2) • Communication with E. Morano of the Tompkins County Board of Elections • Verizon – book a meeting to boost your security • Pinsky Law Group notification of Mini-Law School for Emergency Service Leaders • Cornerstone Services, Inc. complete mailing services flyer • AFDSNY Fire District Affairs for August 2022-September 2022 • Responded to community member’s email regarding painting of the station • NYS Volunteer Ambulance & Rescue Association postcard • AFDSNY secretary webinars (Secretary Gaden has signed up) • PERMA 2022 Annual Member Survey (Com. Freedman) • Email from Town of Danby bookkeeper regarding solar credit Privilege of the Floor: CHIEF’S REPORTS: WDFC: NONE DVFC: (Chief Gaden) • May have 5 members would like to enroll in BEFO in Tompkins County, $40.00 each • 443 will be going to Maguires for inspection soon Commissioner Westmiller moved to accept training request for G. Mandl, I. Ross, G. Giovanni, M. Jarman and J. Cummings to enroll in BEFO class to be held in Tompkins County beginning 09/06/22. Motion seconded by Commissioner Anderson. Motion carried 3 yes 0 no. Commissioner Westmiller moved to approve Maguires performing State inspection on 443, anticipated cost to be $21.00. Motion seconded by Commissioner Freedman. Motion carried 3 yes 0 no. COMMITTEES: PURCHASING: NONE BUILDING/GROUNDS: • Com. Westmiller reported he has been in touch with the Architect on the West Danby station renovation • Com. Westmiller will follow up on the floor contracts for the stripping and waxing • Com. Freedman will follow up with the contract hired to replace the roof on the Danby shed. GRANTS: • Com. Anderson reported still waiting to hear on the AFG grant INSURANCE: • Chief Wendt needs to follow up with Cayuga Signs for insurance binder TECH: • Secretary Gaden reported website is still being worked on TRUCKS: NONE TOWN BOARD: • Com. Freedman reported still working with the Town Bookkeeper to obtain solar credits RECORDS: • Secretary Gaden reported one LENS report received on a member, forwarded to appropriate chief and commissioner • Secretary Gaden requested driver lists from both chiefs • Secretary Gaden working on scheduling Shred-it POLICY: • Email from Attorney Butler regarding Fit for Duty Policy – discussion held and decision to stay with the policies we currently have as advised by our attorney. MEMBERSHIP/TRAINING: NONE LONG RANGE PLAN: • Committee will meet towards the end of October, Chiefs, Treasurer and Secretary to attend the workshop as well. AUDIT: NONE BUDGET: • Workshop held prior to this meeting OLD BUSINESS: • Com. Anderson will submit articles to DAN and Town News as she can. NEW BUSINESS: NONE Next Meeting date and time: • 09/13/22 @ 7:00 regular meeting Meeting adjourned at 8:26 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Sharon Gaden Secretary