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November 11 , 1968
The regular meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Danby was
held at the Danby Town Hall , Monday , November 11 , 1968 at 8 : 00 F . M .
Board Members Present : " Supervisor James H . Cortright
Councilman Ralph Wilbur
Town Justice Floyd Dorn
Town Justice A . Francis Wright ,
Absent : Councilman Donald C . Makie
Others Present : Zoning Officer Harry Hatfield , Chairman of Assessors
Fred Thayer , Mrs . Charlotte Hautala , Mrs . Sue
Hautala , Douglas Gillogly , Mr . and Mrs . Willard
Daetsch , John Myers William Hollenbeck , Mr . and
Mrs . Clifford DeMayo , Mrs . Nan Webber , Mrs . Dorothy
Everhart , Mrs . Marge Epp .
Supervisor Cortright called the meeting to order and declared
a recess so that the Town Board and Fire Commissioners could discuss
the transfer of the deed for the old Danby School Property from the
Town of Danby to the Fire Commissioners .
Fire Commissioners Present : Chairman Jim Epp , Paul Hoover , Royv
Casterline , George Clarkson , Bob
Farrell and Secretary -Treasurer Lucretia
Bowles .
Supervisor Cortright stated that the Town Board was open for
suggestions on this transfer and method of payment .
Chairman Jimm,Epp suggested making a nominal payment now and
spread the balance out over a three year period in staggered amounts
at no set dates but the last payment t & be made three years from
this date ( approximately ) .
After the payment of $ 1 . 00 , the deed is to be given to Chairman
Jim Epp when he comes to the Town Clerk ' s office .
A . check for $ 1 . 00 was written by the Secretary of the Fire
Commissioners made out to the Supervisor for the transfer of the •
deed to the old Danby School property and a receipt for same was
issued by the Supervisor .
This will require a resolution by the Fire Commissioners and
- by the • Town Board which should be exactly the same regarding method
of payment . It is assumed that for the year 1968 , the property is
turned over to the Fire Commissioners for the `y1 . 00 payment . In
1969 , no payment , unless there is an agreement on the old fire house .
In 1970 a nd 1971 , if there is no agreement on the old fire house
reached , equal payments are to be made by the Fire Commissioners .
At 8 : 25 F . M . Supervisor Cortright called the Town Board
meet"i"ng back to order . Minutes of the October meeting were •
approved as submitted .
There were no Planning Board Minutes .
1 . From the Association of Towns enclosing bill due for 1969 .
2 . Approved Erwin Road Projects for 1969 .
3 . From the Ithaca City School District to Supervisor written
byDonald Burdick , Principal of Danby School .
4 . From the State Department of Transportation regarding state aid
at completion of Erwin Project ;#29010 .
5 . Resolution from Tompkins County Board of Supervisors regarding
mortgage tax of $-' 1 , 711 . 60 Danby will receive for period cover -
ing 4 /1 /68 - 9 / 30 /68 .
6 . Petition from Robert Lieberman applying to the Town. of Danby
to lay out highway continuing from the Olsefski farm to new
home construction of R . H . Lieberman and thence to DePutron
Town Board Minutes - November 11 , 1968 - continued
Hollow Road .
7 . From the Ithaca City School District requesting the use of our
voting machine for the special school referendum , December 17 , 1968 .
8 . Request for information on Danby . REFERRED TO TOWN HISTORIAN .
• Town Justice Floyd Dorn said he had been presented with 12
cases for next: Thursday .
John Myers objected to the way the Preliminary Budget was handled
in that persons in attendance should have had an opportunity to ask
questions as most do not know the mechanics of the budget or how the
town operates .
Supervisor answered that standard procedure at budget hearings
is not a question and answer session . The presentation is made and
then the Board listens to the comments from the people , however , in
the past we have deviated from this , but very little has been accom
plished . In the past , it resulted in the use of the public hearing
for political purposes , discussions to no real point between individ -
uals . Each person had , through the Danby Area News , the information
presented to hem and the preliminary budget was on file in the Town
Clerk ' s office as required by law and anyone could review the budget .
Mr . Cortright said he would be glad , prior to the public hearing on
the budget , explain all or any part of the budget to those interested ,
but again stated very little is accomplished through dialogue at the
public hearing , so conducted the hearing in the normal manner .
Comments were put on tape so that the Town Board could replay it and
give due consideration to each request . In answer to the question of
having a public information meeting prior to the public hearing ,
Supervisor Cortright did not believe any member of the Board would
object to this . Does think it would be in bad taste for the Town
Board to conduct this type of meeting in that some comments be made
that the Town Board was trying to sell the people something .
- Community Council might promote this type of meeting .
Mr . Thayer stated that if the Town advertises holding a public
hearing on the budget , that people should have a right to ask and
be answered . Cortright restated that a public hearing is definitely
not a question and answer session .
Mrs . Sue Hautala asked about the original map of the Peter Road
Cemetery being used when the cemetery was refurbished as there are
headstones missing and was the work inspected .
Justice Dorn said he was there with Mr . Dobson and found some
of the bases that stone set in but no markers . A map was prepared
• by Hemo Huttunen before he bulldozed it all two or three years ago ,
of the stones as they existed at that time , but does not know of an
original map .
• Mrs . Ester Eckert ' s mother , Mrs . Byron ' Nelson has the original
map . Supervisor Cortright stated that the town would like to have a
copy of the map made and then compared with the map which Mr . Huttunen
made so that things may be put in order .
Highway - Councilman Wilbur talked with Highway Superintendent Chaffee
w4c ' expects to finish the Erwin Projects - -needs about two or
three weeks of good weather . Consideration of pay increases
for highway employees - - other towns negotiating in the area of
. 25 ¢ . Wilbur thinks this should be considered . QUESTION OF
" School Zone ? signs are erected and the letter referred - to
Mr . Wilbur from Mr . DeMayo - - contacted and talked with DeMayo .
Highway Superintendent is preparing an inventory .
Zoning - Chairman Donald Makie absent .
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Town Board Minutes - November 11 , 1968 - continued
Fire - Councilman Wilbur reported ground was broken today for the
new Fire House and arrangements made for the transfer of
the deed to the property . ,
Cemeteries - Dorn stated nothing to report .
Youth - Chairman Donald Makie absent . Mrs . Webber had nothing to
report .
Insurance - Wilbur stated nothing to report .
Refuse Collection and Disposal = no report .
Highway Superintendent ' s Report - Chaffee . absent .
Zoning Of'ficer ' s Report - Hatfield reported he gets junk cars moved
one place and more move in another place . A rentor moved
out of town last week and left about a month ' s garbage in the
front yard and old cars in the back year . Mr . . Hatfield went
to Newfield to see this person who promished to come back
and clean up just as soon as the Welfare Department gets him
another car- -his is broken down . Technically , the owner of
the property is responsible for it .
Planning Board - Chairman absent . Mrs . Epp reported the lost map
. „ outlining light industrial area: is in Makie ' s
possession .
Appeals Board - Chairman absent .
Assessors - Chairman Thayer stated there is no report .
West Danby Water District - Supervisor Cortright reported that all
mains laid . Jack and Borings under the railroad and high-
way are completed . Curb stops are in . Pump house is completed .
Work to begin in about a week on well . Electricians are
working . Storage tank will not be ready until middle of
December . Expect to be in operation by end of December .
Grant - in aid check anticipated within few days .
Do anticipate picking up additional $ 75 , 000 . 00 bit bond , how-
ever , may use a bond anticipation note until the bond market
appears to be more favorable .
Recreation Lan ( Locke ) Board in agreement to remove from agenda .
Gas - Supervisor Cortright reported he talked with Mr . Lap y of the
New York State Electric and Gas this afternoon , who promished
someone would be here to discuss a franchise with the Town Board .
Mr . Lacy did point out that their plans in Van Etten and
Spencer have not worked out according to schedule and they
have not completed their franchise work there . Therefore ,
have not had a chance to prepare the franchise for us , but
expect to have to have this done by the December town board
meeting . Also , it would be well to go ahead with the fran-
chise and get all the paper work done so that construction
could possibly be started by May in order that those wo
desire may change their furnaces over during the summer .
Zoning Ordinance - Supervisor said thisihad been discussed briefly
and nothing further at this point .
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Town Board Md nutes - November 11 , 1968 - continued
L,.. +Annual Budget - - Discussion and Adoption
ustice Wright asked if a raise for the highway employees was
provided in the highway superintendent ' s budget .
Supervisor Cortright said Chaffee ( who was not present ) did
present the - Board with what he estimated his needs to be as far as
funds are concerned for the year. r1969 , and must have thought of
increasing the employee ' s wages , if not he should have . Mr . Wilbur ' s
reaction is that this has been on Mr . Chaffee ' s mind prior to budget
• time , therefore , feels it is budgeted . In looking over the highway
superintendent ' s budget , aortright feels that Chaffee has taken
into consideration an increase for the highway employees .
Supervisor Cortright asked , that taking into consideration the
only change which is ' an increase of $ 750 . 00 in Parks and Playgrounds
and Youth Programs bringing it up to $ 4 , 000 . 00 , for a motion to
adopt the budget as amended . Total budget - $ 79 , 547 . 56 .
Justice Wright moved to adopt the preliminary budget as amended
as the Annual Budget for 1969 and added that all items will be kept
within the budget . Seconded by Justice Dorn . 4 ayes , 0 noes ,
1 absent ( Makie ) , carried .
Mr . Burftick ' s letter regarding funds paid for custodial services at
the Danby Elementary School -
Supervisor Cortright stated that the figures quoted of $ 1269 . 00
as expenditures for custodial services at the Danby School up to
September 39 , 1968 was not the case but a cross - entry as far as coding
was concerned and $ 64. 8 . 00 that was charged to this item was actually
bus service used for the youth program and should have been charged
to that category . Since then the figures have been adjusted and
the Supervisor ' s records now show $ 621 . 00 expended for Danby School
through September 30 , 1968 . $. 648 . 00 was put over into Youth ( other
expenses ) . We also have the bills and the warrant to prove this .
Wilbur asked that thee clerk write a letter to Mr . Burdick stating
the above explanation and statement . Unanimously agreed .
Voting Machine for Sdho.ol Election - Councilman Wilbur moved to let
the Ithaca City School District use the voting machine for the
December 17 , 1968 special school referendum and to accept all
expense involved moving and custodial . Seconded by Wright .
4 ayes , 0 noes , 1 absent ( Makie ) , carried .
General Fund Bills - Supervisor prepared a statement of the financial
condition - -receipts and disbursements as of
October 31 , 1968 .
Wright moved that the election inspectors and custodians" of L
the voting machines for registration , primary and election day be
paid . Seconded by Dorn . 4• ayes , 0 noes , carried , 1 absent ( Makie ) .
All the General Fund Bills that have not been paid will be
consolidated in the December warrant .
Highway Fund Bills - Justice Dorn moved to pay Highway Bills ,#105
through #110 as listed on Warrant 11 totalling
$ 1 , 856 . 19 . Seconded by Wilbur . 4 ayes , 0 noes ,
1 absent , carried .
Councilman Wilbur moved to take $ 3 , 000 . 00 from Item LA and put
it in Item 4 and to take the balance which is $ 8 , 915 . 17 and put in
Item 3 . Seconded by Wright . 4 ayes , 0 noes , carried , 1 absent .
Supervisor ' s Reports - Supervisor pointed out there will be an addition-
al monthly report for the West Danby Water District .
Wright moved to accept the Supervisor ' s Reports . Seconded by
Dorn . 3 ayes , 0 noes , 1 absent , carried .
Water District Bills - Wright moved to pay the following Water District
Bills : Compagni Construction $ 84 , 336 . 79
Standard Engineering 2 , j306 . 50
Seconded by Dorn . 4 ayes , 0 noes , 1 absent , carried .
Meeting adjourned at 9. : 40 P . M .
Respect ully submitted
Dorothy Roberts , Clerk
• • ,