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October 14 , 1968
The reguikar meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Danby
was held at the Danby Town Hail , Mdnday , October 14 , 1968 at 8 : 00 P . M .
Board Members Present : Supervisor James H . Cortright
Councilman Donald C . Makie at 9 : 15 P . M .
Councilman Ralph Wilbur
Town Justice Floyd Dorn
, Town Justice . A . Francis Wright
Others Present : Zoning Officer Hatfield , Attorney Richard
Thaler , Donald Carroll , . Brayton Paul , Mr . and
Mrs . Harry Evelien , Charlotte Hautala , Dorothy 411
Everhart , Mr . and Mrs . James Epp , Robert Farrell ,
Moses Peter , John Myers , Alfred Schoneman ,
Douglas Gillogiy , Mrs . Irvina Post , Mr . and Mrs .
Doyle Webber , Gould Colman , George Clarkson .
Supervisor Cortright called the meeting to order . Minutes
of the August 12th meeting were approved as submitted . •
1 .. . Planning Board Meeting of September 10 , 1968 minutes read .
. 2 . Planning Board Meeting of October 9 , 1968 minutes read .
3 . From New York State Department of Transportation regarding
Highway Projects for 1969 .
4 . Written request from Mr . and Mrs . Clifford DeMayo that the
State Highway Department be contacted and request that a traffic
counter be placed on Miller Road , East , section from Coddington
50 From the Tompkins County Health . .Department . regarding Refuse
Disposal Areas in the State. of . New York and . to : insist on
complete compliance with Part 19 of the State SanitaryCode ,
a copy attached .
6 . . From the Ithaca City School District regarding " School Zone
7 . Certificate of Insurance for Permits on State Highways . File .
8 . From State of New York Department pf Health : regarding Waste
Water Utility Management Guide to assist public officials in
the development of inter municipal sewerage service contract .
9 . From the State Board of Equalization and Assessment billing
of taxes for statea®wned land subject to taxation and tran-
sitiOn assessments on the assessment roll com pleted in 1968 .
10 . Memo on clerit reporting of delinquent dog owners
None from the Board .
Mr . Henry Theisen , an attorney , representing Robert Maycumber ,
requesting if Brown Road off Route 96B is a private road or a town
road . Supervisor Cortright answered , " to the best of my knowledge , 411
it is a private road , not under the highway system . " , Mr . Theisen
asked if the Town Board has any control over the use of that road ,
• which Supervisor answered , " certainly not " .
Mrs . Marge Epp asked if anything can be done about lack of
zoning enforcement . Supervisor Cortright answered that we are
in the process of revising the present zoning ordinance . and would
assume that steps can be taken to improve the enforcement of
zoning . First , the matter would have to be thoroughly discussed
between the Planning Board , Town Board. and the Zoning Officer .
Mr . Peter suggested adopting a county zoning ordinance together •
with a county planning board--this to be proposed to the Board of
Supervisors .
Supervisor Cortright will schedule a meeting . between the
Town Board , ' Planning Board , Zoning Officer and Attorney Thaler .
Mr . John Myers asked if possible to have the preliminary
budget for 1969 published in the Danby Area News . Supervisor
. answered , " yes " .
Town Board Minutes
October 14 , 1968
Mrs . Ruth Evelien asked if anyone would be allowed to put a
trailer park on Brown Road without a permit . Attorney Thaler
stated , " as far as a permit is concerned , the permit gi ►es permission
from the zoning officer to make sure that it complies with the use .
If it is a commercial zone ; any use that fits into the definition
of commercial is going to be permitted . This area is zoned commercial .
Mr . Evelien said the owner had been refused to sell any more lots
because of poor drainage . Thaler said not to confuse two different
jurisdictions --one is the zoning office and the other is the Health
Department . . Mrs . Evelien asked if these two would not work together--
to get permission from the Board of Health to put a trailer park in .
Zoning Officer said there is Board of Health approval for . three
hailers . Mrs . Evelien said they could not get approval for one
411 house on same property . Mrs . Evelien asked about any protection
at all from a trailer park put on the end of this road ( Brown Road
which is dead end ) only 24 feet wide , not taken care of by the town
and in the spring is knee -deep in mud and a large trailer has gone
up through which went into their ditch up on lawn and damaged flowers .
Attorney Thaler asked if Evelien ' s property has a right ® of=way to
their property . It sov they do have a legal civil right as to what
use is made ' of Brown Road . Under the law an easement may be only
used reasonably and if one feels that it is being unreasonably used
and a detriment to the right one has , you may get an injunction ,
and enjoin them from using the road . The Town Board cannot do any-
thing , since they have no jurisdiction over the road and the use of
its Aa Cans land around it is concerned , since it is part of the .
Town of Danby., the zoning ordinance does control - it .
Supervisor Cortright advised the Eveliens to get their own
attorney to research the problems they have .
Highway - Reported by Councilman Wilbur - The highway Superintendent
has the new 4-wheel drive pickup... Arrangements have been
made for a stone crusher to crush gravel .. to . complete the
Erwin Roads . . The County Highway Department. . is._ .go.ing to
• rent a large stone crusher for the month of November but
do not have use for it for the whole month so have made
an agreeement to use it for one week . The rent will be
prosrated . Chaffee has hopes of completing both jobs .
Zoning - Chairman of Zoning committee absent .
• Fire - Reported by Ralph Wilbur - The opening orb the bids for the
new Fire House will be October 15 at 8 : 00 P . M . at the Fire
House .
Cemeteries on Reported by Justice Dorn - no report .
Youth - Chairman of Youth committee absent .
Insurance - Reported by Councilman Wilbur - Budget for 1969 shows
a sposoo raise . on Liability Insurance ,
Refuse Collection and Disposal - Reported by Councilman Wilbur
' no Report . Supervisor Cortright introduced Brayton
Paul who lives in West Danby and attended the meeting
in Oneida on Sanitary Landfill with. Don Makie. and Jack
Cortright . Mr . Paul gave a report on this meeting .
Highway Superintendent absent ® no highway report .
Zoning Officer reported that zoning had been discussed adequately
under Privilege of Floor .
. 7
Planning Board - Mrs . Epp suggested waiting until special meeting .
Appeals Board ® Chairman absent .
Assessors - Supervisor Cortright had a call from Chairman Thayer who
is working on assessor ' s work , therefore not in attendance .
West Denby' Water District m Supervisor Cortright reported that most
of the pipe is in the ground , poured
the . footings . for the . tank , have to
jack: and . bore . : through .under:. the . highway
and a few . places for services .. and to
connect the mains . It . . appears that
water will . be in . the . pipes . the middle
or last of November .
Recreation. -Land _ —Supervisor . Cortright . reported . that . -negotiations
are proceeding on Locke . property .
Gas ® Supervisor reported someone will beat the November meeting
from New York State Electric & Gas Corporation .
Zoning Ordinance = Awaiting special meeting .
Public Hearing on Preliminary Budget o Town Justice Wright . moved
to schedule the public
• hearing on the . preliminary
budget . fer61969Tit . for
November 7 , 1968 at 8 : 00P . M .
in the Town Hall . Seconded
by Councilman Wilbur .
4 ayes , 0 noes , carried .
absent , Makie
Review of the Financial. Condition of the .General Fund - Supervisor
Each board member was given copies tabulating . :the . present
figures . in the General,.. .Fund_. .budgeta,.. _ as of September . 30 , 1968 .
Supervisor Cortright . . stated. . at . this moment we do not have
money enough to meet all of our obligations but we do have the
potential income before the end of the year . Also pointed
out the contributing factors mainly are : For.. . the .. .year 1968 ,
it was anticipated a $ 6 , 000 . 00 unexpended balance in the
General Fund but turned out at the end of 1967 , the unexpend-
ed balance to go into the year 1968 was $ 925 . 45 . The appar®
ent need early in the year for a new furnace in the Town Hall
at a cost of $ 1 ,185 . 00 dented us . Jennings Pond was another
factor which went - quite ` a bit over the budget .
Supervisor reviewed the tabulations regarding the General
Fund Receipts as of September 30 , 1968 and the Expenditures as
of September 30 , 1968 . -
Cortright stated that we are not able to borrow any more
money based on our budget requirements . The attorney checked
this out with the Department of Audit and Control . The
following is a breakdown where the town stands as far as
receipts are concerned®® itmes where we still have money coming
in :
Per Capita ® $4 , 171 . 59
Interest & Penalty on Taxes - will not receive , time
has gone. . by .
Mortgage Tax ® . $1 , 711 . 60
Dog Licenses ® will not receive . any . money
Fees of the Town Clerk = assured of : $2.7 . :75 . and may
assume the next two months
bringing $ 100 - . $ 150 . 410
Youth Project m will probably not receive the $982 . 54
. this year mentioned because we do not
finish the youth project this year .
Unexpended Balance of $ 5 , 074 . 55 definitely will not
receive .
Operation of the Denby School is - discontinued - as of now as
far as the Town Board is concerned . The General Fund Bills
. - will be paid before the end of the year .
Highway Fund Bills ® Justice Dorn moved to pay the Highway Fund
Bills # 96 through #104 as listed on Warrant
#10 totalling $4 , 374 . 88 . Seconded by
Councilman Wilbur . . 5 ayes _, 0 noes ,,. . carried
Town Board Minutes October 14 , 1968
Supervisor :read the Water District Bills - Councilman Wilbur
moved that- the° foYlowing-°water..,_d.tstrict=" bi1,1fle. paid- : . .
Cayuga- Press- 53 :64
• DorothrRobertsi. -Postage -6 . 00
- , . Securtty- Banknote-.. Company. 214 . 00
Standard° Eng -neering-- • . . . _ - • 30927 . 58 .
StandardEngineering 816 . 87
Standard Engineettrjg - 632 . 47
Compagni Construction. . - 38 , 499 . 30
• Seconded.° ,.by. . . Justice• Dorn. - •
Makie asked°= tf- these bills•-werrbudgeted-. .fori.n- the Water •
District . Cortrgght . ,,saithacc-ord-ing .- to -the ti Information. °. he,.Y. has ,
• • •• these are all ' things ° that have been -ordered to: be- cdone . concerning
the Water District ®call reasonable , acceptable Water District
expenses-. -
5 . .ayes-, 0- ° noes ', . canted
Supervisors Reports ® Wilbur moved to accept the Supervisor ' s
Reports ,. . Seconded° by ° 'Wright . 4 ayes , noes , carried .
Meeting adjourned at 9 : 45 P . M .
Respectfully submitted ,
Dorothy Roberts , Clerk