HomeMy WebLinkAbout2024-05-06 Town Board Agenda
The Town of Danby
1830 Danby Road
Ithaca, NY 14850
Town Board Regular Meeting
Monday May 6, 2024 at 6:00PM Mary Ann Barr 2021
(Tentative Until Start of Meeting)
Venues: Town Hall (1830 Danby Road) +
Video (
1. Call to Order
2. Additions/Deletions to Agenda
2.1. Authorize Codification
2.2. Consider Making Nomination to County Legislature for Danby EMC Rep
2.3. Approval of Lifeguard Pay Rate for Pond Swimming Program
3. Privilege of the Floor
4. Correspondence
5. Interview of Peter McDonald as Possible Danby EMC Rep
6. Announcements
6.1. Update on Migration to Office 365
7. Reports & Presentations
7.1. Town Clerk
7.2. Code Enforcement Officer
7.3. Town Planner
8. Meeting Minutes
8.1. April 15th Meeting Minutes
8.2. April 25th Special Town Board Meeting Minutes
9. Warrant Abstract No 08 of 2024
9.1. General Fund Vouchers 126-147 for $13,658.51
9.2. Highway Fund Vouchers 68-78 for $58,081.92
9.3. Water Fund Vouchers 7- 10 for 825.48
10. Business
10.1. Authorize Signing of Agreement with Danby Fire District for Shared Use of the
Emergency Generator at the West Danby Fire Hall by the Water District
10.2. Plus One ADU Program Support Letter - Delia Yarrow
10.3. Presentation By Water District Personnel Re Space Needs
10.4. Further Consideration of Community Park Agreement
10.5. Authorize Signing Agreement with NYS Parks for Jennings Pond Program
10.6. Authorize Signing Contract for Park and Trail Grant from Tompkins County for
Trail Easement Acquisition
10.7. Consideration of Free-Standing Sign Zoning Amendment
10.8. Housing Affordability Grant Resolution
10.9. Consideration of Change of Meeting Days for Town Board Meetings
10.10. Further Consideration of ARPA Money Use
11. Discussion of Next Meeting Agenda
12. Adjourn
The public has a right to attend and observe all public meetings. This right does not include
the right to comment, except at public hearings. It is, however, the policy of the Town Board
to allow for participation by the public at all Town Board meetings, primarily during time set
aside for it, called privilege of the floor. Each speaker may be limited to 3 minutes.
Comments may be allowed at other times during the meeting, but only if a person wishing to
speak is recognized by the chair.