HomeMy WebLinkAbout2023-02-07 Town Board Agenda
Town Board Regular Meeting
Tuesday 7 February 2023 at 6:00PM
The Town of Danby
1830 Danby Road
Ithaca, NY 14850
Mary Ann Barr 2021
(Tentative Until Start of Meeting)
Venue: Videoconferencing
1. Public Hearing: Firefighter Tax Exemption Local Law
2. Call to Order
3. Additions/Deletions to Agenda
3.1. Considerations in Loader Replacement
3.2. Possible Letter of Support for NYS Council on the Arts Grant Application to
Create a Webpage Celebrating Danby's Rural Character
3.3. Schedule Special Meeting With Potential IT Services Vendor
4. Privilege of the Floor
5. Correspondence
5.1. Town of Newfield Notice of Land Use Regulation to Danby
5.1.1. Draft Moratorium
5.2. NY Department of Ag & Markets Inspection Report for Dog Control
5.3. NY Department of Ag & Markets Inspection Report for Municipal Shelter
6. Announcements
7. Reports & Presentations
7.1. Town Clerk
7.1.1. November 2022 Monies Collected
7.1.2. December 2022 Monies Collected
7.1.3. January 2023 Monies Collected
7.2. Code Enforcement Officer
7.3. Town Planner
7.4. Meeting Minutes
7.5. Warrants
7.5.1. General Fund Abstract 3 Vouchers 30–58 for $65,395.78
7.5.2. Highway Fund Abstract 3 Vouchers 11–22 for $31,706.45
7.5.3. Water Fund Abstract 3 Vouchers 3–6 for $5609.23
8. Business
8.1. Consider Authorizing Chamber of Commerce Use of Town Hall February 28
8.2. Possible Action to Replace Pickup Truck Lost in Crash
8.3. Possible Action on Firefighter Tax Exemption Local Law
8.4. Discussion of Zoning Law as it Relates to Housing Rentals
9. Discussion of Next Meeting Agenda
10. Adjourn
The public has a right to attend and observe all public meetings. This right does not
include the right to comment, except at public hearings. It is, however, the policy of the
Town Board to allow for participation by the public at all Town Board meetings, primarily
during time set aside for it, called privilege of the floor. Each speaker may be limited to 3
minutes. Comments may be allowed at other times during the meeting, but only if a
person wishing to speak is recognized by the chair.