HomeMy WebLinkAbout2023-09 NewsletterSeptember 2023 Town of Danby, New York
Danby Town News
Summer Market
September 15
Sue Beeners Pavilion
outside theDanby fire station on 96B
Local crafts and art items for sale
Live music and food
Drawings of Danby’s old barns that is.
As Town Historian and as an artist I am working on
a project of capturing images of Danby’s old barns in
pencil. They are an important slice of the Town’s
history and capturing them in pencil “portraits” is a
way to show one aspect of Danby’s agricultural
Town Board Vacancy Filled
We interviewed two interested and
qualified candidates. Paul Hansen has been
appointed to the remaining 4 months of the
vacant town board position. Paul had
previously served as the Danby code
enforcement officer for 4 years. He comes to
the town board with a lot of experience in town
operations and effective interactions with town
residents. Welcome Paul and thank you for
your willingness to serve the town.
Welcome Paul!!
Bonanza Of Barns . . . .
Town Historian - Mary Ann Barr
Drawings of Danby’s old barns that is.
As Town Historian and as an artist, I am working
on a project of capturing images of Danby’s old
barns in pencil. They are an important slice of the
Town’s history, and capturing them in pencil
“portraits” is a way to show one aspect of Danby’s
agricultural heritage.
The drawings will be on display in the meeting
room of Town Hall through September.
September 2023 Town of Danby, New York
Notes from the Town Board
Study of Wastewater Options Nears Completion
A preliminary engineering report (PER) has been conveyed to the Town Board by Hunt Engineers and an
overview of it was given by Tim Steed at the August 16 Board meeting. Hunt was instrumental in helping
the town get the grant from the Environmental Facilities Corporation (a state agency) to study the
options for enabling hamlet development and redevelopment at traditional densities and on small lots.
Figuring out how to do that is critical to implementing the Comprehensive Plan goal of focusing
development in the town’s hamlets. The report is broad in scope, looking at options ranging from
conventional sewering of both Central Danby and West Danby hamlets (either broadly of just including
the core areas of each) to less conventional engineered systems that could service one or a few lots. We
now need to talk about what we are willing as a town to select as a preferred course of action. The
engineers have recommended sewering the hamlet core areas of both hamlets – a multi-million dollar
undertaking that would indeed open up a lot of possibilities for the town centers in the future. Grant
funding could be sought to make the cost more attainable. There is more infrastructure funding
available now than there has been in a very long time, but even in this environment the funds tend to go
to areas where the need is greatest. There is much to consider here, and an important public
conversation to be conducted about it. Expect to hear much more about this in the coming months.
Event on South Danby Road
Early in August, the town board learned of an advertised multi-day public, commercial event (the BBQ
VII with multiple bands, food vendors and on-site camping) scheduled for the end of August on South
Danby Rd. The event was advertised online with details including ticket prices. Initial attempts to
explain to the operator why this event was not allowed under the town zoning laws were unsuccessful.
Then the town board authorized our lawyer to draft a letter to the event operator explicitly citing the
violations. The letter was sent and it was received by the operator. To mitigate unsafe road conditions
in case the event were held, the town board and the highway department agreed that No Parking signs
be posted on adjacent roads. The event was held. With legal assistance, the town will now look into
how to handle this violation and how to prevent such violations in the future. Note: Other towns require
a special events permit that allows events to be held when the safety, security and concerns of the town
(including the neighbors) are addressed.
Progress on housing rehabs
The first two houses to be rehabilitated with Community Development Block Grant money were
approved by the Town Board in August. Three more are set to be reviewed and approved at the first
meeting in September. This grant benefits the residents who qualify for rehabilitation funds and the
town as a whole. The town board wants to thank David West for his efforts to find and to apply for this
grant successfully and his efforts to begin its implementation.
September 2023 Town of Danby, New York
Planner Reception
We had a nice gathering to thank departing Town Planner, David West, and welcome our new planner,
Greg Hutnik, before the August 16 Town Board meeting.
We presented David with a framed certificate of appreciation for his outstanding service to the town,
which prompted words from David expressing gratitude for his time in Danby and saying that Danby
would always have a special place in his heart. He will be missed, for sure!
Greg has big shoes to fill. While he will be occupying the same position, he brings some of the same and
some different strengths to it. I expect great things from him. We have been blessed with a succession of
first-rate planners.
Notes from the NEW Planner's Desk Greg Hutnik
Greetings! My name is Greg Hutnik and I am excited to be the new Danby
Town Planner. I look forward to working with residents and business owners
of Danby to achieve the vision and goals it has set for itself in its
Comprehensive Plan.
A bit about me… I grew up in the Town of Ithaca, having gone to school at
Caroline Elementary, DeWitt Middle School, and graduated from Ithaca High
School shortly after the new millennium. I hold a bachelor of arts degree in
environmental planning and management and a master’s degree in urban
and regional planning. After spending nearly a decade living away from the
area, I moved back to Ithaca four years ago. My wife and I, along with our
nearly one year-old daughter currently live in Enfield.
If you have any questions about planning or zoning related issues in Danby, please contact me at
planner@danby.ny.gov or 607-592-0417. My office hours are by appointment Monday through Friday
at the Town Hall.
Toast to David West
David and his certificate of appreciation
September 2023 Town of Danby, New York
Tompkins County Legislature News Dan Klein
I have written before about how one of my least favorite things that the County Legislature does is
to bring up resolutions that tell other governments what they should do. They often take up a lot of our
time without accomplishing anything, and I think they are probably mostly ignored.
Last month, we took up one of these resolutions again, this one calling for the landfill in Seneca
County to be closed next year. The idea behind the resolution was that if we start closing landfills, this
will cause us to finally come to grips with the problem of too much garbage.
Some of you reading this are thinking, “That sounds great.” Others are thinking… other thoughts. I
am one of those thinking other thoughts. Closing one landfill will only cause us to ship garbage farther
away and at a greater cost. To me, that creates more problems, and solves none.
The resolution passed 8 to 6. I voted against it. I don’t think this resolution will result in even one
ounce less of garbage being produced.
Besides my usual arguments against these kinds of symbolic resolutions, I would add that on such a
split vote as this, we are sending the wrong message. The message being sent is that we are divided
about this subject. What we could have done instead was to craft a resolution that urges NY State to
implement programs to reduce waste while also making landfills use the best technology available, in
order to do the least harm. I believe that resolution would have passed unanimously.
That would have been a strong resolution because Tompkins County is a leader in implementing
programs to reduce waste. We would be asking the state to do what we are already doing here in
Tompkins County.
At the very same meeting where some voted to symbolically close a landfill, we also heard a report
about the new Tompkins County 10-year plan for reducing waste. It sets out a goal to reduce waste
generated from the current 2.7 pounds per person per day average in Tompkins County, down to 1.3
pounds per day in 10 years. I believe that this is possible, and you should look at the plan if you want to
learn more. It’s called “Rethinking Solid Waste in Tompkins County: Fostering a Local Circular
Economy”, and is available on the County’s website.
Even under this optimistic scenario, this small county alone will still be producing over 50 million
pounds of garbage a year. This is why I could not vote in favor of closing a landfill.
In another waste-related piece of news, the County is recalculating what we charge the colleges for
their annual solid waste fee. It will be based on student enrollment, and will result in more revenue for
our recycling program, at no cost to taxpayers.
Did You Know?
For those who like to hunt and those who like to walk in the woods free of hunters, details about all
the different hunting seasons (including maps) are available at any time on the DEC website
(dec.ny.gov). Note: For those who hunt, hunting permits can be purchased at the Danby Town Hall.
September 2023 Town of Danby, New York
Conservation Advisory Committee (CAC) Margaret Corbit
The Danby Conservation Advisory Council (CAC) met at Town Hall on the Tuesdays of July 7 and August
8 over the summer. Here are the highlights:
CAC member, Renee Owens has crafted her first natural history article on bears. Look for it on our web
site at https://danby.ny.gov/docs/black-bears-in-danby/.
Ann Klingensmith and Ronda Roaring joined for the Privilege of the Floor. Ronda made the interesting
suggestion that the Town consider naming the highest peaks in the town and also the minor creeks that
abound. What do you think? Ann talked about her efforts to control a noxious weed, Trapa nutans, in
Jennings Pond. She has alerted the park. So far, so good.
Betsy Keokosky asked for members to recruit financial sponsors for the New York State Association of
Conservation Commissions in Ithaca this September. Look for details to be posted at
CAC has committed to developing guidelines for tax abatement as our next priority.
Our next meeting is on September 12 at 7 pm in the Town Hall. Community members are welcome to
attend in hybrid fashion or in person and a link for Zoom will be posted on the Calendar.
West Danby Water District Ben Coakley
The County highway, grant-funded project to replace two culverts on Station Road on either side of its
intersection with Brown Road should have been completed by the time you are reading this. For those
who didn’t know, the county relocated sections of water mains from on top the culverts to under the
creek. This will in turn make it easier to replace the culverts. We recognize there were several
communication problems with water service shutoff timing that caused quite a bit of inconvenience.
Hopefully any issues are now resolved and the potential for flooding in the West Danby Creek will be
greatly lessened in the future as a result of the work. Thank you for being patient with the process.
Sad News from the Danby highway department
Brian Barry was a valued crew member of the Danby highway department for eight years. He had been
out on disability for the past few months and lost his battle with cancer Friday, August 18th. He will be
missed. Our deepest sympathy goes out to his family and friends.
September 2023 Town of Danby, New York
Danby Seniors Margie VanDeMark
The next meeting of the Danby Seniors will be on September 7th, 12 noon, at the Danby Community
Church for a dish-to- share luncheon. All Danby seniors are welcomed! Then in October it's the 5th,
and in November its the 2nd. On December 7 we will be at LaTourelle for our Holiday Luncheon
complete with John Simon Music.
A full bus of happy seniors enjoyed the August 9th trip to Alex Bay, complete with lunch, boat tour,
and ice cream on the way back.
A Mystery Trip is planned for September 26th that includes lunch, tour guide, and goes from 8:30
am- 7 pm, leaving from the church. Contact Pat Sawyer 607-227-2378 or Pat Phelps 607-539-6477
for more info. They say “it'll be fun and you'll be well-fed.”
White Hawk Ecovillage - Equinox Celebration
White Hawk Ecovillage is happy to once again be hosting our annual Equinox celebration on
September 23rd, from 5pm-9pm. All are invited to come by, see how much we have grown, and
enjoy a nice fall evening filled with food, friends, neighbors, and music! Music by local artist Travis
Knapp and possibly others TBA!
BYOB and bring a dish to share if you can. Please indicate with a label on any food you bring to
share if it is vegetarian, vegan, gluten-free, or if it contains nuts. Please also bring your own plates,
cups, and utensils.
Danby Youth Commission Jamie Sorrentino
Next Danby Youth Grant application deadline is September 15th
As parents begin to consider Fall activities for their children, consider getting some extra financial
support for those activities. The Danby Youth Commission offers $100 grants for youth to
participate in recreational activities of their choosing. There are still grants remaining for the rest of
the year. The deadline for the next round of grants is September 15th, 2023. A link to the application
and eligibility criteria can be found on the Town of Danby website. It only takes a few minutes to
complete the online application.
Cooking onigiri filling -
Cook Stuff! program
Hi there sweetie !!
Twilight Alpacas
Farm, Spencer
September 2023 Town of Danby, New York
Youth Programs Heidi Doggett (hd289@cornell.edu)
Now that summer programs have wrapped up,
we’ll be switching back to after school
programs this September. Danby youth
programs are open to youth grades 4-8. You can
register for programs at bit.ly/41jUwDO. Feel
free to email program educator with questions
at hd289@cornell.edu or call at (925)240-3572.
Haunted Snacks and Costume Workshop
(grades 6-8)
Boynton Middle School 3:30-5:30
Mondays 9/18, *NO PROGRAM 9/25*, 10/2,
10/16, 10/23, 10/30
(grades 4-5)
South Hill Elementary School 2:00-5:30
(location tentative)
Thursdays 9/21, 9/28, 10/5, 10/12, 10/19,
For both grade level s, there is an option for an
extended program 10/9 from 9:00am-2:00pm,
location TBA
Do you have amazing plans for your Halloween
costume this year? Are you looking for
inspiration? Would you like some help, or just a
group to hang out with and have fun while you
work? This is the right program for you! We can’t
count on making every single piece of the
costume at the program, but we’ll be providing
some materials and workshopping elements
such as cloaks, light-up resin gems, and more as
youth interest dictates. We’ll also be making
some Halloween-themed snacks.
Dungeons & Dragons, Magic: the Gathering,
board games (grades 6-8)
Boynton Middle School 3:30-5:30
Wednesdays 9/20, 9/27, 10/4, 10/11, 10/18,
10/25, 11/1, 11/8, 11/15, *NO PROGRAM 11/22*,
11/29, 12/6, 12/13, 12/20
Do you dream of epic quests? Whether you are a
beginner or an experienced player, you can join
this program to hone your D&D/Magic: the
Gathering skills, as well as having time to play
Gaga ball outside and try out other games
(maybe try out a new table top role playing
game?) This program runs all the way through
December, but it will be broken up into multiple
short D&D campaigns where we rotate to give
all youth the change to get maximum quality
playing time in a small group. Once a campaign
begins, new players will need to form their own
campaign or wait until the next one begins. We
will provide kits to help youth run their own mini
one-shots (short campaigns) and experiment
with games to level up core playing skills like
creativity, teamwork, improvisation, and others
as dictated by program participants.
Snack Scavengers (grades 4-5)
Danby Town Hall/Dotson Park 2:30-5:30
Tuesdays 9/19, 9/26, 10/3, 10/10, 10/17, 10/24
Snack time, but you have to find it first! Search
for ingredients to make simple snacks using
written clues, a treasure map, and who knows
what else. We’ll try something different every
week, and if youth would like to, they can take
turns making the snack hunts themselves.
September 2023 Town of Danby, New York
Danby Community Groups
Danby Community Library
Contact: Cindy Parlett
Open Tue 1-3pm,
Thur & Sat 10am-12pm
Danby Food Pantry
Danby Community Church
Contact: Joan Barber
Open: 3rd Thur 4-6 pm
Danby Food Scraps Pickup
every Sat 9am – noon
behind Town Hall
Danby Community Parks
Association (DCPA)
Website: dotsonpark.org
Danby Rural Cemetery
Contact: Sharon Boda
Danby Seniors
Contact: Pat Phelps
patriciaphelps2.0@ gmail,com
Luncheons: 1st Thur at noon
Danby Community Council
President: Pamela Goddard
Website: danbycc.org
Meeting: 1st Thur 7pm
Danby Tosspots (Open
Alcoholics Anonymous
Wed 7pm virtual
West Danby Community
Association (WDCA)
Contact: Pat Curran
Danby Library News Cindy Parlett
Fall is here and what better way to spend a crisp fall day than sitting curled up with a book?
Adult Books-
Forgotten Stories of the Finger Lakes-
A.Glenn Rogers
Jack-M. Robinson
Candy House-J. Egan
The Lying Life of Adults-E. Ferrante
Crying in H Mart-M. Zauner
Ocean State-S. O'Nan
Heat & Light-J. Haigh
Children's Books-
Claudia and the New Girl-A. Martin
Crack! (Slide-and-See)-B. Gimnez de Ory
The Gruffalo-J. Donaldson
The Dinosaur-A. Milbourne
20 Picture Books have also arrived from TCPL
Anyone a fan of Colleen Hoover? We have the "It Ends With Us" series along with a few other of her
stand alone novels.
September 2023 Town of Danby, New York
Monthly Meeting Schedule At-A-Glance
Group Day Date Time Call-in by Phone Meeting ID
Town Board* Tues 9/5 6:00pm 1-929-205-6099 980 8515 9868 754633
WDWD Wed 9/6 5:00pm In person - West Danby fire station
CAC* Tue 9/12 7:00pm 1-929-205-6099 972 1566 0090 423584
FD Tue 9/12 7:00pm I n person at the Danby Fire Station
DYC Thurs 9/14 7:00pm Online - contact jsorrentino@danby.ny.gov
PB*Tue 9/19 7:00pm 1-646-876-9923 958 0817 5336 245871
Town Board* Wed 9/20 6:00pm 1-929-205-6099 971 0723 2988 535713
BZA* Thurs 9/28 7:00pm TBD
FD Tue 9/26 7:00pm In person at the Danby Fire Station
See the Danby calendar for the final, most up-to-date details.
(Acronyms in the above schedule are identified below.)
*These meetings are hybrid (i.e. both online and in-person at the Town Hall)
Boards & Committees
Planning Board (PB)
Chair: Jody Scriber
Meets: 3rd Tuesday at 7pm
Board of Zoning Appeals (BZA)
Chair: Earl Hicks
Meets: 4th Thursday, as needed
Conservation Advisory Council (CAC)
Chair: Margaret Corbit
Meets: 2nd Tuesday at 7pm
Danby Youth Commission (DYC)
Chair: Jamie Sorrentino
Meets: 2nd Thursday at 7pm
Fire District (FD)
Secretary: Sharon Gaden,
Danby Volunteer Fire Company (DVFC)
Chief: John Gaden,
West Danby Fire Department (WDFD)
Chief: Robert McCray
West Danby Water DIstrict (WDWD)
Contact: Scott Wendt,
Meets: 1st Wednesday at 5pm
September 2023 Town of Danby, New York
Town Officials
Main Phone: +1-607-277-4788
Town Supervisor Joel Gagnon, x1010
Town Board
Meets 1st Tue
and 3rd Wed
Leslie Connors
Paul Hansen
H Katharine Hunter
Pat Woodworth
Town Clerk
Deputy Town Clerk
Hours: Mon–Fri
Janice Adelman
Cindy Katz
Deputy Highway
Hours: Mon–Thu
Keith Shipman, x8009
Jack Shawley, x1012
Town Justices
Court Clerk
Hours: Mon-Wed
Garry Huddle
Theresa Klinger
Diane Gair
Town Planner
Hours: Mon–Fri
by appointment
Greg Hutnik, x1007
Code Enforcement
Hours: Mon-Fri
by appointment
Steve Cortright, x1006
Documents /
Mary Ann Barr, x1008
Bookkeeper Laura Shawley, x1011
New York
1830 Danby Road
Ithaca, NY 14850
U.S. Postage Paid
Permit No.428
Ithaca, NY 14850
Phone: +1-607-277-4788
Welcome to the
Danby Town News!
Questions? Email us at